I cant't connect appium-server desktop and appium inspector with my smartphone while i can see my device is well connected in my terminal on windows - appium-android

I just used Appium-desktop to see logs during the connection with my smartphone and Appium-inspector to inspect the DOM too, I'm new in this exercise and I search a lot without any result for the moment. I can see my smartphone is well connected and the server seems to work.
I created a Android folder in C:\Users<USERNAME>\AppData\Local, in it I have installed cmdline-tools, platform-tools and run the command :
sdkmanager "build-tools;28.0.3" to install others packages in the Android folder
My environment:
OS : Windows 10
Appium version : 1.22.0
Node : v14.17.6
Npm : 6.14.15
Sdkmanager : 4.0.1
I show you in pictures the state of Appium-desktop at the starting and during the processus
My host is, port: 4723
Disared capabilities: platformName: Android
deviceName: HUAWEI VNS-L31
udid: FUH7N16607025752
plateformVersion: 7.0
And unfortunately it doesn't work when I start session
I have this error message:
Failed to create session. The requested resource could not be found, or a request was received using an HTTP method that is not supported by the mapped resource"
Does anyone have an idea please?

I had the same problem.
Try the following:
Go to Appium Server GUI -> Advanced
Server address: localhost
Port: 4723
Allow CORP: yes
Go to Appium Inspector
Remote host: localhost
Port: 4723
Path: /wd/hub
Allow Unauthorized Certificates
Select your capabilities
Start server

Just write in remote path:

Adding /wd/hub worked charm i also used appium 1.22.0

I had the same problem so I have set the remote path in appium inspector it got resolved
To set the remote path follow below steps
Open Appium inspector
Under appium server, set the Remote Port : 4723 and Remote path : /wd/hub
once it's done, re-start the appium inspector, this will resolve your issue.

Appium Server: allow cors
Appium inspector: desired capabilities as per your app


Minikube Error - Error starting host: Temporary Error: Error configuring auth on host: OS type not recognized

I'm trying to setup a Kubernetes cluster in local machine using minikube in Windows environment and I'm getting this error
Any idea why I get this error?
Please enable VT-x on your computer BIOS.
For reference:
Enable VT-x in your BIOS security settings (refer to documentation for your computer)

Netbeans IDE8 Glassfish 4, GlassFish Server: Administrator port is occupied by null

I just downloaded Netbeans IDE7 with the Glassfish 4.
I just made a project to test it out and see how it goes, and I got this error right from the start:
Could not start GlassFish Server: DAS port is occupied while server is not running
[location]: Deployment error: Could not start GlassFish Server: DAS port is occupied while server is not running
See the server log for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)
I have reinstalled it three times, with the Glassfish and without and then later add it to Netbeans, i changed the domain.xml name="admin-listener" port="4848" to something different
i did this cmd code netstat -aon | find ":80" | find "LISTENING" and closed the programm.
i ran as administrator i think i did almost everyting but it wont simply run, and it keeps returning to the same error
usually i would have given up but this software is required for a school project.
i will try everything.
i hope someone can help me.
Thx in advance
You have to find the process that has taken the port you need. You can try finding it by running the terminal with the command:
netstat -aon | find ":80" | find "LISTENING"
Find the information you need and than kill the process with specific PID in Task Manager.
I hope you find this useful,
A few points:
Why not download NetBeans 8 that also includes GlassFish 4?
Assuming that you have successfully figured out that no other process is listening on port 4848, then Which version of the JDK are you using? Can you try JDK 7 if you are using JDK 8?
Looks like you are not alone - see NetBeans bug 237477.
Note that this isn't the only problem. I run on a Mac and can use the asadmin start command successfully on the remote server. IF I try to start it from NetBeans, it gives me this message.
One hint might be that the domain.xml file is set so that the listening port is 9090, the properties screen for the remote server, which I entered 9090 for, tells me the HTTP port is 23043. I can't edit it. Everytime I try to create that remote server it sets it to this value. The server will run fine if I start it by hand on the remote server, but NetBeans doesn't think it is running.
This occurs because I had to select domain2 because NetBeans says domain1 is already registered on my local machine. I wanted to have a local domain1 and a remote domain1 that are identical so I can test locally, and then deploy remotely.
This error message could be misleading, because it is the same when IP adress of glassfish server in netbeans settings is wrong (not port).
By my experience with this over win 8.1 + Netbeans 8.0 + Glassfish 4.0
The problem resides in permission of folder in windows that block the server execution
I solve the problem changing the permission of the glassfish/domain/domain1 folder for xxxx/user to totalcontrol
If this not solve your problem, try launch the server over console:
asadmin start-domain --verbose
And read the exceptions to try solve the problem.
Reading other post to try help:
like this: Glassfish server started failed in netbeans 6.9
Or check your firewall:
allow >> C:\Program
In my case when using the command
netstat -aon | find ":4848" | find "LISTENING"
I noticed that one process was occupying this port. When checked what it was I noticed it was VMWare NAT controller, because I previously had configured a network adapter to listen to this port.
Just stopped all VMWare related services (in my case I didn't need them for development purposes), and solved the problem.
Go to Task Manager -> Services -> Stop Process whose PID IS 3136,2268,2468 ,23.... and near Range in PID. All processes near to the web server's PID.
It works for me on Windows 8.1 pro & Windows 7.
I had the same error message.
Turned out it was caused because my firewall blocked port 4848
May be late but I solved this issue by deleting the app server from the Netbeans and by adding it again. In my case Netbeans 8.2 and Payara 4.1 instead of Glassfish.
If you changed the host of Glassfish server then set it to localhost it should work.

How to connect iphone emulator to selgrid 2?

I have done all the steps listed here to setup a webdriver backed iphone emulator.
I am also able to run my scripts of the emulator when running them locally using the below code while creating my driver instance.
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote, :url => "http://localhost:3001/wd/hub", :desired_capabilities => :iphone
What I intend to do is connect this emulator to sel grid 2, which has the hub running remotely on a windows machine.
Can some one please share the command to start the selenium webdriver node on the mac machine(coincidentally my local machine).
Some thing like
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.21.0.jar -role webdriver -hubHost remotewindowmachine.com -hubPort 4444 -hub http://remotewindowmachine.com:4444/grid/register -host iphoneIP/hub -port 3001 -browser browserName=iphone
which throws an error
Exception in thread "main" java.net.BindException: Selenium is already running on port 3001.
Which seems kind of obvious, but i am confused as to whats to be done about it.
So can someone help me out?
You dont have to run the node registration command to register it in a grid.
The reason for your error
In iPhone(and emulator) when you start iWebDriverApp it starts in port 3001 as remote control. So when you try to start another node in the same machine on same port(3001) its going to throw this error.
The solution
I have not tried it in an emulator, but in the actual device. After installing the iWebDriverApp in your device, you need to set the hub details for the app. This can be done by going to Settings->iWebDriverApp. you will find textboxes to specify Hub URL and the port. Then restart the iWebDriverApp again. Your iphone will be in the grid.

Eclipse C/C++ Remote Debugging connection failed

i tried to apply a remote debugging session with Eclipse to a Windows XP remote pc. So i configured a Windows-Connection in "Debug Configuration" for a "C/C++ Remote Application". But it gives me the following Error message:
"Daemon failed to launch server on IP_ADDRESS using port 0.
Connection refused. Make sure that the DataStore daemon is running on
What is the probleme here? Why is a "DataStore" needed, where to get it if it's necessary!?
To connect, a RSE Server has to run on windows box. This invokes the necessary daemon which eclipse wants to connect to.
This was helpful: http://www.eclipse.org/tm/
Along with this guide: http://help.eclipse.org/helios/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.rse.doc.user/tasks/tbeginwindows.html

java.net.ConnectException - Connection Refused Android Emulator

I have an android emulator I'm running from eclipse and just trying to connect to a simple socket server I wrote in .NET (c#).
The server is running on the same machine on port 4505. I am able to telnet (through PuTTy) to the server and it works just fine, but when I try to connect to the server with the android emulator I get a: java.net.ConnectException - localhost/ - Connection refused at org.apache.harmony.luni.net error.
I'm assuming this is because the emulator is on a different subnet or something? If that were the case though I would think I would be getting a different error that would be caught in the UnknownHostException catch block...
According to Emulator Networking IP should be used instead of localhost/
I got this figured out. If I use the internal ip it works fine (192.168.1.%) address.
Sorry for the wasted space here but maybe someone else will be able to use this.
the is for the device (emulator) itself.
instead of 'localhost' put your address (192.168.1.%)