Substring comparison with a variable in batch [duplicate] - powershell

My batch script gets a url passed into it with a number of query params, one of which will be browser=chrome, browser=firefox etc.
I'm trying to do a substring comparison to check if it has browser=chrome in the url:
if not "x%url:browser=chrome=%"=="x%url%" (
start chrome
This doesn't seem to work, I think because of how batch reads = signs, any ideas how I can do this? I can't just check for "chrome" as this could occer elsewhere in the query params.


Postgres - PreparedStatement.setString sending incorrect data

I'm trying to use select pg_catalog.hashtext(?) via JDBC PreparedStatement, and running into a weird behavior.
For most strings it works fine, e.g. the following randomly generated string:
"Fm_:VW:<jBGOl$K "
and I get the correct hash back: 641495800
But for some of the strings, it spits back a hash that doesn't match the value when I query directly the DB via psql or some other tool such as DataGrip.
For instance, this works fine:
"}F:d(2 dS8xt9KP0$~tYw;R(V"!2[7&Xs2Wj#5 k|F[}%.ZQ^93~
Cuk&93d!t8b|{4F&{1j{.;C},1s/b&wYZ Ckc5vqy|e+5&5EW%RQ6F0>R4#h.6$iU>{=kl!{e(CTH^DvN/<eG9 bjHx#9=&& G$W_Y =! j\q3T;[>S5j8eI.gWQmg. C!WpWK0z>f?^^LLMO:3R';!4eVxU2)~1F6Zs!p0 F'1b*G:xBO5cN{O'1P~
fj5g%IcT}]w ;;DlD Q~D=wT qN7zON]/J9Heh3qwJ #n qMTG\M7#h,8JUP3Sl}L:wb7#bRc&eIWp\z>HuwZI2Ej5;v7M _8DU.d?mvD| !rS!XS;8QQYh6D=BMJ5m2$>cR ob#'{dCOr#NzDk c!JtQbzCg&#dG:qtHy)O4 ohWQ`ed
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gHKAo`WIb"HF\LrpKKDsW -e##v%RS+,-61lze bd|tyl);A0h":O40O71b(0cDM57gTFL~[7ksp
But this doesn't:
3E&fJZP*yC#6 ii7^D%Nj3Qn(]:&ykP3(%9 Ww}| ZOmcZ:(w<d= On/m\)vfAEu)s:Yy<17:l9GImT!BgH,FG(:DanwL|3'#XS
a_+nwbqPYBu[DWW`VbBKzF%CnaYpH "
Now, I tried using Statement instead of PreparedStatement along with a String concatenated query, and that works fine, as long as I escape single-quote characters (') with two-single quotes ('') before executing the query. So it appears that somehow PreparedStatement.setString is doing something weird with the String that I pass to it.
Note: The reason I'm testing this with random strings is because my code needs to be able to work with any UTF-8 string that's thrown at it. This test only uses ASCII, and it's already failing in some cases. I don't want to use Statement as that opens up a whole different discussion.

How to take a substring with the endpoint being a carriage return and/or line feed?

How do I take a substring where I don't know the length of the thing I want, but I know that the end of it is a CR/LF?
I'm communicating with a server trying to extract some information. The start point of the substring is well defined, but the end point can be variable. In other scripting languages, I'd expect there to be a find() command, but I haven't found one in PowerShell yet. Most articles and SE questions refer to Get-Content, substring, and Select-String, with the intent to replace a CRLF rather than just find it.
The device I am communicating with has a telnet-like command structure. It starts out with it's model as a prompt. You can give it commands and it responds. I'm trying to grab the hostname from it. This is what a prompt, command, and response look like in a terminal:
Host Name: ThisIsMyHostname
I want to extract the hostname. I came across IndexOf(), which seems to work like the find command I am looking for. ":" is a good start point, and then I want to truncate it to the next CRLF.
NOTE: I have made my code work to my satisfaction, but in the interest of not receiving anymore downvotes (3 at the time of this writing) or getting banned again, I will not post the solution, nor delete the question. Those are taboo here. Taking into account the requests for more info from the comments has only earned me downvotes, so I think I'm just stuck in the SO-Catch-22.
You could probably have found the first 20 examples in c# outlining this exact same approach, but here goes with PowerShell examples
If you want to find the index at which CR/LF occurs, use String.IndexOf():
PS C:\> " `r`n".IndexOf("`r`n")
Use it to calculate the length parameter argument for String.Substring():
$String = " This phrase starts at index 4 ends at some point`r`nand then there's more"
# Define the start index
$Offset = 4
# Find the index of the end marker
$CRLFIndex = $string.IndexOf("`r`n")
# Check that the end marker was actually found
if($CRLFIndex -eq -1){
throw "CRLF not found in string"
# Calculate length based on end marker index - start index
$Length = $CRLFIndex - $Offset
# Generate substring
$Substring = $String.Substring($Offset,$Length)

PowerShell Error The command line is too long

I am working on PowerShell script that requires me to pass string as param. The string is a comma seperated list of user names. I get the error when i have 100+ user names. But i get no error if the string has less then 100 users. See below. I have tried to pass this value using array with no luck. What is the character limitation for this param and how can i solve this. I am using this in ServiceNow Run PowerShell script. That value of the parameter is passed by ServiceNow using a comma seperated value.
[string]$itil_users_a = "A.Syafiq,Aaron.Brown,Aaron.Reynnie,Abd.Jalil,Abdu.Hijazi,Abdul.Onny,Abdullah.Ammar,Abel.Muataco"
You may be running into the maximum length for command lines - 8191 chars. See this KB article on max command line length.
You can use pipe to get around this.
I can insert a million rows to sqlite3.exe using pipe.
Rather than sqlite.exe .\ex1.db $sql which will return error. You can use this: $sql | sqlite.exe .\ex1.db
The $sql variable can have more than a million rows (so it's more than 8191 characters).

How to print variable inside function

I'm using RRDs::Simple function and it needs bunch of parameters.
I have placed these parameters in a special variable (parsing, sorting and calculating data from a file) with all quotes, commas and other stuff.
Of course
RRDs::create ($variable);
doesn't work.
I've glanced through all perl special variables and have found nothing.
How to substitute name of variable for the data that contained in that variable?
At least could you tell me with what kind of tools(maybe another special variables) it can be done?
Assuming I'm understanding what you're asking:
You've build the 'create' data in $variable, and are now trying to use RRDs::create to actually do it?
First step is:
print $variable,"\n"; - to see what is actually there. You should be able to use this from the command line, with rrdtool create. (Which needs a filename, timestep, and some valid DS and RRA parameters)
usually, I'll use an array to pass into RRDs::create:
RRDs::create ( "test.rrd", "-s 300",
"DS:name:GAUGE:600:U:U", )
If $variable contains this information already, then that should be ok. The way to tell what went wrong is:
if ( RRDs::error ) { print RRDs::error,"\n"; }
It's possible that creating the file is the problem, or that your RRD definitions are invalid for some reason. rrdtool create on command line will tell you, as will RRDs::error;

Powershell script problem (Get-content vs assigning to variable)

I'm attempting to write a Twitter Powershell script that will use community created interfaces PoshTwitter with the Twitter API to attempt and find a list of followers who are potential spammers.
I have a feeling that my problem lies not with the particular cmdlet I'm calling (Get-TwitterFollowers), but rather with the difference between assigning a variable:
If I try this:
$rawFol = get-twitterfollowers -page $page -raw 1
$rawFol is different than if I do this:
get-twitterfollowers -page $page -raw 1 > .\page$page.txt
$rawFol = gc .\page$page.txt
The Get-TwitterFollowers cmdlet returns an XML file converted to string.
What things can I try to determine the differences between these two assignments? They look like they'd result with same content.
The difference you're seeing is how powershell handles new lines in strings. When calling the get-twitterfollowers CmdLet, it is either returning a single string or an array of strings. My guess by your description is that it returns a string. So the $rawFol variable will have a single string value. Any new lines are simply embedded into the string value.
The second command you write the return to a file. Now all of the newlines in the string are represented as lines in the file. Later when you call gc on that file, each line will be returned as a separate string. So the $rawFol variable will now have an array of strings.