Exporting the results of an Anylogic experiment - simulation

I have built my model and run the experiment. I cannot seem to find where the data is stored.
I now need to conduct several runs and compare the results, I am using normally distributed repair times so the results should vary between runs without modifying parameters.
How can I keep the results of each run and then present them all in the same data set?

There are two main options for getting data out of your simulation
Using the internal AnyLogic database
Using external files like Excel or txt
Step 1: Setup your objects
Internal Database
Create an empty table with the columns you require
External object
Setup either an Excel or text file using the objects provided by AnyLogic in the Connectivity palette
Step 2: Saving your data
For both cases you need to write your data to the object of your choosing, either as the data gets generated or at the end of the simulation model
using Internal DB
The best option is to write data using the following command
This will just insert a new line into a database table that you created, you can save multiple values to multiple columns by adding comma-separated entries into the parameters for columns and values.
.columns(scenario_name, time, temperature)
.values("sceanrio1", 10,5, 102);
External files
2.1) Using Excel
filename.setCellValue(value, sheetName, row, column);
or even better you can write out an entire dataset
excelFile.writeDataSet(dataset, sheetName, row, column);
2.2) Using a text file
fileName.println("value" + "\t" + " value 2");
You can use whatever separator you want "\t" for tab separated or "," for comma and so on
Step 3: Finish and export data
Internal Database
At the end of a simulation run, you can simply export the data
See help here https://anylogic.help/anylogic/connectivity/export-excel.html#exporting-data-to-ms-excel-workbook
P.S. It is possible to automate this with some effort
External file
On Excel you need to call .writeFile() to finish.
On both objects, you need to call .close() for them to be closed and saved to memory.
Excel has the option to save on termination.
Read more on using Excel here - https://anylogic.help/anylogic/connectivity/excel-file.html#writing-to-excel-file
And on text file here
There is also an example model


Best Practice to Store Simulation Results

Dear Anylogic Community,
I am struggling with finding the right approach for storing my simulation results. I have datasets created that keep track of every value I am interested in. They live in Main (see below)
My aim is to do a parameter variation experiment. In every run, I change the value for p_nDrones (see below)
After the experiment, I would like to store all the datasets in one excel sheet.
However, when I do the parameter variation experiment and afterwards check the log of the dataset (datasets_log), the changed values do not even show up (2 is the value I did set up in the normal simulation).
Now my question. Do I need to create another type of dataset if I want to track the values that are produced in the experiments? Why are they not stored after executing the experiment?
I really would appreciate if someone could share the best way to set up this export of experiment results. I would like to store the whole time series for every dataset.
Thank you!
Best option would be to write the outputs to some external file at the end of each model run.
If you want to use Excel, which I personally would not advise, even though it has a nice excelFile.writeDataSet() function, you can.
I would rather write the data to a text file as you will have much for control over the writing, the file itself, it is thread-safe, and useable in many many more platforms than Microsoft Excel.
See my example below:
Setup parameters in your model that you will write the data to at the end of the model of type TextFile. Here I used the model on destroy code to write out the data from the data sets.
Here you can immediately see the benefit of using the text file! You can add the number of drones we are simulating (or scenario name or any other parameter) in a column, whereas with Excel this would be a pain...
Now you can pass your specific text file to the model to use by adding it to the parameter variation page, providing it to the model through the parameters.
You will see that I also set up some headers for the text file in the Initial Experiment setup part, and then at the very end of the experiment, I close the text files in the After experiment section so that the text files can be used.
Here is the result if you simply right-click on the text files and open them in Excel. (Excel will always have a purpose, even if it is just to open text files ;-) )

Data from multiple sources and deciding destination based on the Lookup SQL data

I am trying to solve the below problem where I am getting data from different sources and trying to copy that data at single destination based on the metadata stored in SQL table. below are the steps i followed-
I have 3 REST API call and the output of those calls going as input to lookup activity.
The lookup activity is queried on SQL DB which has 3 records and pulling 2 columns only, file_name and table_name.
Then for each activity is iterating on the lookup array output and from each item, I am getting the item().file_name.
Now for each item I am trying to use Switch case to decide based on the file name what should be the destination of the data.
I am not sure how I can use the file_name coming in step 3 to use as a case in of switch activity. Can anyone please guide me on that?
You need to create a variable and save the value of file_name. Then you can use that variable in of switch activity. If you do this, please make sure your Sequential setting of For Each activity is checked.

How do I use cloud dataprep to convert my excel file to target formet regularly?

I'd like to convert my excel to proper format using Google Cloud Dataprep. How do I save my convert flow and use it as a template? For example, if there were two excel files named A and B and I create a flow to merge these two, next time there are two other files named C.xlsx and D.xlsx, how can I use the flow I created to merge C and D?
You can copy and reuse recipes (using the right-click or ... context menus and selecting Make a copy > Without inputs), or you can swap the input dataset for the original recipe and select your new file without having to recreate the recipe.
If your goal is automation, this is a bit more difficult when your source is an Excel file (as these are only an allowed format when using the uploader).
If you're able to have the data output in a CSV and uploaded to Cloud Storage, it opens up additional opportunities to schedule and parameterize your process.

Using Talend Open Studio DI to extract extract value from unique 1st row before continuing to process columns

I have a number of excel files where there is a line of text (and blank row) above the header row for the table.
What would be the best way to process the file so I can extract the text from that row AND include it as a column when appending multiple files? Is it possible without having to process each file twice?
This file was created on machine A on 01/02/2013
0102|4550|6 per minute
0103|4004|5 per minute
And end up with the data from multiple similar files
0102|4550|6 per minute|machine A|01/02/2013
0103|4004|5 per minute|machine A|01/02/2013
0467|1264|2 per minute|machine D|02/02/2013
I put together a small, crude sample of how it can be done. I call it crude because a. it is not dynamic, you can add more files to process but you need to know how many files in advance of building your job, and b. it shows the basic concept, but would require more work to suite your needs. For example, in my test files I simply have "MachineA" or "MachineB" in the first line. You will need to parse that data out to obtain the machine name and the date.
But here is how may sample works. Each Excel is setup as two inputs. For the header the tFileInput_Excel is configured to read only the first line while the body tFileInput_Excel is configured to start reading at line 4.
In the tMap they are combined (not joined) into the output schema. This is done for the Machine A Excel and Machine B excels, then those tMaps are combined with a tUnite for the final output.
As you can see in the log row the data is combined and includes the header info.

How to increment a number from a csv and write over it

I'm wondering how to increment a number "extracted" from a field in a csv, and then rewrite the file with the number incremented.
I need this counter in a tMap.
Is the design below a good way to do it ?
EDIT: im trying a new method. see the design of my subjob below, but i have an error when i link the tjavarow to my main tmap in the main job
Exception in component tMap_1
at mod_file_02.file_02_0_1.FILE_02.tFileList_1Process(FILE_02.java:9157)
at mod_file_02.file_02_0_1.FILE_02.tRowGenerator_5Process(FILE_02.java:8226)
at mod_file_02.file_02_0_1.FILE_02.tFileInputDelimited_2Process(FILE_02.java:7340)
at mod_file_02.file_02_0_1.FILE_02.runJobInTOS(FILE_02.java:12170)
at mod_file_02.file_02_0_1.FILE_02.main(FILE_02.java:11954)
2014-08-07 12:43:35|bm9aSI|bm9aSI|bm9aSI|MOD_FILE_02|FILE_02|Default|6|Java
[statistics] disconnected
enter image description here
You should be able to do this mid flow in a tMap or a tJavaRow.
Simply read the number in as an integer (or other numeric data type) and then add your increment to it.
A really simple example might look like this:
Here we have a tFixedFlowInput that has some hard coded values for the job:
And we run it through a tMap where we add 1 to the age column:
And finally, we output it to the console in a table:
As Gabriele B has pointed out, this doesn't exactly work when reading and writing to the same flat file as Talend claims an exclusive read-write lock on the file when reading and keeps it open throughout the job.
Instead you would have to write the incremented data to some other place such as a temporary file, a database or even just to the buffer and then read that data in to a separate job which would then output the file you want and clean up anything temporary.
The problem with that is you can't do the output in the same process. I've just tried testing reading in the file in one child job, passing the data back to a parent job using a tBufferOutput and then passing that data to another child job as a context variable and then trying to output to the file. Unfortunately the file lock remains on it so you can't do this all in one self contain job (even using a parent job and several child jobs).
If this sounds horrible to you (it is) and you absolutely need this to happen (I'd suggest a database table sounds like a better match for this functionality than a flat file) then you could raise a feature request on the Talend Jira for the tFileInputDelimited to not hold the file open or to not insist on an exclusive read-write lock on the file.
Once again, I strongly recommend that you move to using a database table for this because even without the file lock issue, this is definitely not the right use of a flat file and this use case perfectly fits a database, even something as lightweight as an embedded H2 database.