Removing a hastable from an arraylist - powershell

Well i do get a simple (?) issue : i do not manage to remove a given hashtable from an ArrayList :
$testarraylist = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
i can remove simple "list" element, but i fail at removing the hashtable one
the only way i found i by using
Which work, but aren't there an easier way ?
I searched quit a bit and i found lots of exemple but strangely none on this specific case.
Well maybe not strange as it may be super easy so that's why no one ever had to ask this question ?
or my google skill are failling me ... ?
thanks in advance.

This all comes from how the ArrayList will look for the object you want to remove. If you have a look at the .NET specification again, numbers like System.Int32 are a value types, but collections like System.Collections.Hashtable are reference types.
Basically, what it means, value types are always passed "by value", but for reference types, only a "reference" to that instance is passed.
You can try that out, so 1 -eq 1, because both have the same value, but #{1=1} -ne #{1=1}, because they are two separate instances, and thus two different references.
So, what you would have to do, is store the reference to the original instance in a variable first:
$h = #{1=1}
Because this is such a basic and important concept in .NET, and basically all programming languages, I recommend you to take a few minutes and read more about it.


Strong typing dictionary contents

As part of a refactor of a large PowerShell program from PS2.0, functions and scripting quick practices to PS5.0, classes and programming best practices, I have been moving to strong typing everywhere and finding some places where that brings up questions. The latest one being hash tables.
With both [Array] and [Hashtable] you can have a mix of content, which then makes enumerating that collection impossible to strongly type. For Arrays you have options like [String[]] or moving to Generic Lists with [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]. But Dictionaries seem to pose a problem. I can't find a way to create a dictionary and limit it's values to a particular type. Something like [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary[Int32,Int32]] fails.
So, IS there a way to make Dictionaries and OrderedDictionaries with strong typing of the index, the value or both? And if there isn't a way, is this considered a bit of a problem that must be overcome, or not a problem and if so why is it not a problem?
You can create generic dictionaries, but as per Create new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary object fails in PowerShell you have to use a backtick to escape the comma in the list of generic type parameters:
PS> $dict = new-object System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[int`,string]
Note that PowerShell will still do its best to coerce types, so it will only throw an exception if it can't convert the type:
PS> $dict.Add("1", "aaa") # equivalent to $dict.Add(1, "aaa")
And I don't believe there is a generic OrderedDictionary out-of-the-box, which is probably why that fails :-)
PS> new-object System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary[Int32`,Int32]
New-Object: Cannot find type [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary[Int32,Int32]]: verify that the assembly containing this type is loaded.

ArrayList .Add vs .AddRange vis-a-vis the Pipeline

Given a properly defined variable
$test = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
.Add pollutes the pipeline with the count of items in the array, while .AddRange does not.
$test.Add('Single') will dump the count to the console. $test.AddRange(#('Single2')) will be clean with no extra effort. Why the different behavior? Is it just an oversight, or is there some intentional behavior I am not understanding?
Given that .AddRange requires coercing to an array when not using a variable (that is already an array) I am tending towards using [void]$variable.Add('String') when I know I need to only add one item, and [void]$test.AddRange($variable) when I am adding an array to an array, even when $variable only contains, or could only contain, a single item. The [void] here isn't required, but I wonder if it's just best practice to have it, depending of course on the answer above. Or am I missing something there too?
Why the different behavior? Is it just an oversight, or is there some intentional behavior I am not understanding?
Because many years ago, someone decided that's how ArrayList should behave!
Add() returns the index at which the argument was inserted into the list, which may indeed be useful and makes sense.
With AddRange() on the other hand, it's not immediately clear why it should return anything, and if yes, what? The index of the first item in the input arguments? The last? Or should it return a variable-sized array with all the insert indices? That would be awkward! So whoever implemented ArrayList decided not to return anything at all.
In C# or VB.NET, for which ArrayList was initially designed, "polluting the pipeline" doesn't really exist as a concept, the runtime would simply omit copying the return value back to the caller if someone invokes .Add() without assigning to a variable.
The [void] here isn't required, but I wonder if it's just best practice to have it, depending of course on the answer above. Or am I missing something there too?
No, it's completely unnecessary. AddRange() is not magically one day gonna change to output anything.
If you don't ever need to know the insert index, use a [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]] instead:
$list = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()
# this won't return anything, no need for `[void]`
If for some reason you must use an ArrayList, you can "silence" it by overriding the Add() method:
function New-SilentArrayList {
# Create a new ArrayList
$newList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
# Create a new `Add()` method, then return the list
$newAdd = #{
InputObject = $newList
MemberType = 'ScriptMethod'
Name = 'Add'
Value = {param($obj) $this.AddRange(#($obj))}
Write-Output $(
Add-Member #newAdd -Force -PassThru
) -NoEnumerate
Now your ArrayList's Add() will never make a peep again!
PS C:\> $list = New-SilentArrayList
PS C:\> $list.Add(123)
PS C:\> $list
Apparently I didn't quiet understand where you where heading to.
"Add pollutes the pipeline", at a second thought is a correct statement but .Net methods like $variable.Add('String') do not use the PowerShell pipeline by itself (until the moment you output the array using the Write-Output command which is the default command if you do not assign it to a variable).
The Write-Output cmdlet is typically used in scripts to display
strings and other objects on the console. However, because the default
behavior is to display the objects at the end of a pipeline, it is
generally not necessary to use the cmdlet.
The point is that Add method of ArrayList returns a [Int32] "The ArrayList index at which the value has been added" and the AddRange doesn't return anything. Meaning if you don't assign the results to something else (which includes $Null = $test.Add('Single')) it will indeed be output to the PowerShell Pipeline.
Instead you might also consider to use the Add method of the List class which also doesn't return anything, see also: ArrayList vs List<> in C#.
But in general, I recommend to use native PowerShell commands that do use the Pipeline
(I can't give you a good example as it is not clear what output you expect but I noticed another question you removed and from that question, I presume that this Why should I avoid using the increase assignment operator (+=) to create a collection answer might help you further)

How to force array type?

When I run Get-ChildItem in a directory with only one file, I get a single DirectoryInfo object:
PS H:\> (ls).GetType().Name
As soon as I add a second file, the output becomes an array:
PS H:\> (ls).GetType().Name
How should I deal with this dichotomy in a function? Ideally, I'd like to force it to return an Array even when there's only one element, preferably without having to put in conditional logic based on the result of GetType() or Length or whatever.
Use array operator #(): $Array=#(ls). That operator guaranteed that you will have an array even if pipeline return zero or one object.
Expanding on PetSerAl's answer, you could also cast the type you need more explicitly:
[array](ls) will get you a System.Array object with a single member, so you could use this in a place where you want to avoid creating a new variable but need a specific type
You can also specify arrays that contain only specific types by casting: [int[]]$integersOnly = 1,2,3 will give you a System.Array object that can only hold objects of type [int]
Keep in mind you can use .Net classes - what if you want an array you can modify easily? [System.Collections.ArrayList](ls) does that, enjoy using the Remove() method
A few other hints, while I'm at it:
Want to see what you can do with an object of a specific type? Pipe it to Get-Member, the single most useful command I can think of; it'll show you everything you can do with the object
Curious about a class and what it can do, or looking for details like the different constructors that are available? Just enter [<class_name_here>] and if the assembly is loaded it'll show you everything you want to know

List of Tuple<int,string> in PowerShell

I want to create a List<Tuple<int,string>> in PowerShell, but
New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.Generic.Tuple[int,string]]
does not work. What am I missing?
Lee's answer is the correct way to create a List of Tuples (although you can make the statement much shorter by omitting the System namespace). However, the better questions to ask in while programming in PowerShell are:
Why should I return a strongly typed object?
Do I really want to output a list?
The first one has its pros and cons. Strongly typed objects are useful to return if they have methods or events that will be useful for the next step in the pipeline. If, on the other hand, you just want to return a bunch of items with a name an int, I'd use something like:
This will create a property bag (what most devs know as a Tuple) containing the data you need, with more descriptive names than a .NET tuple will give you on the object. It's also pretty fast. If, on the other hand, the data is meant for an API, then by all means created the strongly typed object it expects.
The second question is a little bit harder to understand but has a much clearer answer. In many cases, you'll want to accept input for another function from the output of one function. In this, for many reasons, a strongly typed list is not your best friend. Strongly typed lists do not always clearly convert into arrays (this is especially true for generics), and, as arguments to a function, severely limit the different types of data you can put into the function. They also end up providing a little bit of a misleading and harder to use output (especially when piping in objects and producing multiple results), since the whole list will be displayed as one outputted item, instead of displaying each item on its own. Most annoyingly, strongly typed lists behave differently than arrays in PowerShell when you "over-index" (i.e. ask for item 10000 in a list of 5 items) Arrays will quietly return null. Lists will barf loudly. More practically, accumulating items into a list and then outputting the list will "hold" the pipeline until all items are in. This may be what you want, but in most cases it's nice to see output coming out of a function as it runs. Finally, lists add to the memory overhead of the function, as you need to accumulate a set of objects in the function's stack.
What I generally do is simply emit multiple objects. That is, I avoid using the return keyword and I take advantage of PowerShell's ability to return objects that are not captured into a variable. If I assign the result into a variable, the items will be accumulated within an arraylist and returned to you as an array. This quick little demonstration function shows you how.
function Get-RandomData {
param($count = 10)
foreach ($n in 1..$count){
It's worth noting that specialized collections are still quite useful. I very often use Queues and Stacks when the need arises. However, I very rarely find myself using generics or lists unless I am working with a part of .NET that specifically requires generics or lists. This is pretty personally ironic, since I was the person who tested support for generics in PowerShell V2. It's absolutely required when you want to work with a piece of .NET that can only take a list of tuples. It's slightly to severely counterproductive in all other cases.
You can create it with:
New-Object 'Collections.Generic.List[Tuple[int,string]]'
You are spelling Generic wrongly, and the Tuple types are in the System namespace, not System.Collections.Generic.
This is what worked for me. I am also providing sample code to insert into the list:
$myList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
#add range
[Tuple]::Create(1,"string 1"),
[Tuple]::Create(2,"string 2"),
[Tuple]::Create(3,"string 3")
#add single item
$myList.Add([Tuple]::Create(4,"string 4"))
#create variable and add to list
$myTuple = [Tuple]::Create(5,"string 5")
$myList.Add( $myTuple)
Write-Host $myList
Using and Understanding Tuples in PowerShell
You can create a tuple with up to 7 elements like this:
$tuple = [tuple]::Create(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
and you can get the value of an element by naming its item (starting with item1):
If you have 8 or more elements then use another tuple for the 8th element:
$tuple = [tuple]::Create(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,[tuple]::create(8,9))
internally, the 8th element is called "rest". You can get the values like this:
If you need to specify a type for each element then do it in front of each value:
$tuple = [tuple]::create([string]"a", [int]1, [byte]255)
Finally, adding a tuple to a list works like this:
$list = New-Object 'Collections.ArrayList'
$tuple = [tuple]::create([string]"a", [int]1, [byte]255)
There is no need to specify the tuple-details for creating the list.
Keep in mind, that you cannot change a value of a tuple later and the default sort-method sorts ascendig in the order of items1, item2 etc. (or you need a custom IComparer), but using them is super fast (way faster than working with large lists of PsObject or PSCustomObject and also faster than an import-Csv)!

A gotcha of using .NET collections (ArrayList, List,..) in PowerShell

I just realized this and I've learned it the hard way, so I want to share. Consider you have the following list of strings:
>$list = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
Now if you want to get the number of items in the list, you would access the .Count property, and it gives you "3" as expected.
However, sometimes you would make mistake by accessing .Length instead of .Count. In other languages, like Python or C#, you would get an error saying this property is not available. But in PowerShell, it turns out that, if it's not found on that object, it iterates through the contained objects and access the property on them. So you end up having a list of Lengthes! Surprise!!
You can even invoke methods!
Note that, as I've tried, this "feature" also works for System.Collections.ArrayList. But it does not work for PowerShell's builtin array type.
What is this "feature" called? And why is it designed such way? It's very surprising and error-prone.
Keith Hill mentioned in the comment that this is a new feature called Member Enumeration in V3.
Refer to "New V3 Language Features" on
