How to build http server in flutter mobile app as a background service? - flutter

Is it possible to build a http server in flutter mobile app but like Android service, a background process to work constantly?
I found a solution to add a http server to flutter app 1 but it is not as a background process.


I have integrated google dialog flow with my flutter project it is responding when running it as desktop app, but not responding as mob app (apk file)

I am developing a chat bot app in which i have used google dialog flow platform and integrated it to my flutter project, it is working and responding normally when running it on desktop but when i m creating it apk file and running it on mobile device then bot is not responding any question.
as I am getting responses here while running on desktop but it is not answering and question when running its apk file on mobile

Build a Flutter Web App and run the same web app in Flutter Desktop programs

I am new to flutter programming. I want to create a flutter web app which can be run in web view in a Flutter desktop application for all desktop platforms (Linux, Windows and MacOS). The web-app will be running on the main thread. And desktop specific tasks will be run on an isolate. The web app will be the UI and would mainly be using cloud firestore and mostly be listening to document or collection changes and communicate the changed data back to the isolate.
Is the web-app on a Flutter Desktop application possible to do ? And will I be needing to "hosting" the web page to used in a web_view ?
And will I be able to communicate with the web-app from the isolate with the usual Isolate communications ?
I want to create a flutter web app which can be run in web view in a Flutter desktop application for all desktop platforms
Currently Flutter doesn't have desktop support for platform views, which means you can't have an inline webview. You could use a full-window webview with no Flutter UI, but then it's not clear what value you would get from having the desktop host be a Flutter application.
And will I be able to communicate with the web-app from the isolate with the usual Isolate communications ?
If you are expecting to be able to communicate directly between the isolate of the Flutter desktop host and the Flutter web application, no. You would be subject to all of the standard limitations of using a webview, which means any communication in or out would have to go through JavaScript. The fact that the host app is a Flutter app would be essentially invisible to the web app, and similarly in the other direction, because you would be running two completely unrelated instances of the Flutter engine and Dart VM (one compiled to native code and one compiled to JS).

How to resolve HTTP status 403 error when Flutter app connects to a https resource and VPN is active on the device?

I have a Flutter app that connects to a https resource (https mydomain dot com/loginFrm) to process some data.
When the VPN on the device is up and running, the Flutter app cannot connect to the https resource and gives an HTTP status error [403]. The error occurs when the Flutter app is run both on actual Android phone and iPhone.
I am using DIO package v4.0.4 and the app is developed using Flutter v3.0.5 and Dart v2.17.6.
Any idea on how to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Your server or government is most likely blocking the request based on location or a spam filter, there is nothing Flutter or Dart can do to fix your VPN.

Running Flutter App on to the Server without having access to internet

I am using Flutter Technology and running projects on Server but whenever i start running Flutter web Applications on to the Server, it doesn't load the Application and stucked there and giving a white screen output.
Is there any Solution how to execute flutter web App on to the Server without accessing internet.

Mobile Safari/Chrome - flutter web - failing to load - blank

My Flutter app has successfully been deployed via Firebase. I can access to any laptop browsers
On Mobile Browsers, it is failing and not able to see any error messages.
What could be root cause of a flutter web not functioning on Mobiles web browser?