I have a Pie Chart that is showing incorrect data but I do not know how to correct it. It is showing Orders that have been shipped either Late or On Time. The problem is I have 1 order where part of it was shipped on time and the other part was late, therefore it is appearing in both groups as you can see in the image. I just want it to appear once like the first table in the image but I cannot do this in a Pie Chart as I need to group it by ActualOnTime field, but when it does that it duplicates it.
What can I do to resolve this issue?
I am using eclipse brit plugin to generate a line chart. Basically i want to create a report to present a mobile battery usage in given time range. Here is sample data where observationtime is dynamic based on user selected range:
I want to draw a line chart of per device but unable to find any configuration to draw different charts per device on same report page. Can someone help me on this ?
------------------------Update configuration and result-----------------
------------ after using list -----------
I the "Select Data" tab of your chart, select the time for the Category (X) Axis, The battery usage for the Value (Y) Axis an the device name for "Optional Y Series Grouping" (on the right side of the chart).
I found a solution basically we need to add a table and then add grouping inside tablet on desired field and then in footer need to add a chart and it should get the values from container rather than directly from Data set.
I've got a workbook I'm building using public data https://public.tableau.com/profile/alee4645#!/vizhome/JSAClaimantsWardtimeseries/Dashboard1
The basics are working as I want, you see the map, you click on one of the coloured areas and a time series chart appears below the map showing the change over time for that area.
I want to add a couple of comparisons to this data, for example I want the time series chart to show a line for the whole coloured area (Somerset) so people can see how one part of it compares to the overall average.
I have the figures as separate rows in the data but of course when the action filter is triggered they get filtered out along with everything else.
If I edit the action filter in the filter shelf for sheet 2, it has the condition tab and I was hoping I could add [ward code] = "E10000027" (the comparison data I want to use) to the formula box so it would also keep the relevant rows of data, but that stops the chart working altogether.
I could achieve it by getting people to choose an area from a parameter drop down but I'd rather let them click on the map so they don't need to know the name of the area they are interested in.
Can this be done?
I'm using Crystal Report
I wanted to add more column 'Total" for each month to the chart the blow:
I've tried both Running Total field and the Cross-tab. but it's lead me to nowhere as it's not my expectation.
As Running total field, it's increase the quality by the time, not separate for each month.
As the Cross-tab, it's generated another chart, instead of adding to the existed one.
I'm completely new with this so there may have some trick that i haven't know.
Please help me on this.
High appreciate if any input.
Please take a look on the Running total of mine: Running Total Configuration I added the summary to the footer before. You can see it in the brown highlighted: Expected chart
As i wanted to add this total column to the chart, but when using Running Total time, it's increase continuously. And the matter is i didn't know how to add more column to the existed chart.
Thanks for your time,
Running total should work but if you are unable to use the running total... Post what have you took in Evaluate and Reset so that we can see if anythig wrong you have done.
You can follow one more appraoch which is very simple and gives you sum.
Group the report with month
Place the remaining data in details
Now take the summary in group footer by Right Click field --> insert summary --> take sum to group footer
Let me know if you face any issue
Public workbook here. Source is Excel file.
I was able to create ordered bar chart based on (1) Location (2) Product
When I drag Above Three into Color, the graph is incorrect, how to troubleshoot?
I made change such that Calculation computers based on Product, Above Three for each Location, at level Product.
However, Morton's still shows error.
The order in Mortons should descend, based on number of records, i.e.
Dark Chocolate
Rest of the Locations are correct, but only Mortons gives out-of-order products
Calculated Field Calculation3 = Index()
And I filter Calculation3 for 1 to 3, to display top 3 products
If I remove Calculation3 from filter, it gives correct order but it give ALL products, not the top three popular products (per Location).
I updated workbook to illustrate this. Please advise.
I don't know the purpose of the Index() field but that is creating your issue. Remove it from rows and the color appears to work the way you want it.
I hope this is what you are looking for
I have also published the file at the below address. You can take a view on that.
Tableau Wokbook
I achieved it by the following methods.
I changed the Calculation 3 field from Index() to RANK(SUM(NUMBER OF RECORDS)).
The calculation 3 was kept in between Location and period then edited the table calculation of calculation 3 by keeping the Addressing of the edit table calculation, having only the location and product as shown below and then Set the restarting every to Product.
You can check the workbook for more information
I'm using Crystal Reports for VS2010 and am creating a pie chart report. I can get the chart to format OK, however I'm having two difficulties:
I'm showing the values and the percentages in the legend, however the values are being shown with a currency symbol, which I don't want. I've checked all the chart properties and none of the formats are set to currency.
I'd like to display the legend in descending order of percentage. Presently it's being shown in label order.
Any help appreciated!
Ideas for #1:
Try right click chart | Chart Options... | Legend | Show Values - not sure this will work
Create a formula that converts currency into a number, use this formula in chart instead of currency field
Ideas for #2:
Select Report | Group Sort Expert... | All | Descending (works in CR v11)
CR isn't THAT horrible. Well, maybe... ;-)
Anyway, I ran across this in the CR Designer when a user called in a panic about a report that someone else had developed. The only format choices the designer could get were % or $ - neither were what was specified: just straight count.
I took couple of runs at formatting the legend, right-click chart options, etc. and got nowhere...
In CR Designer, tho', there is Chart Expert, with a tab Options. In the left-hand side of Options, midway, there is a section called "Data points". In Data points, you can select wx to have labels for each slice, or values, or both.
If you Check Values, you can then select the format for the value. This will change the format of the legend, also.
Afterwards, you can UN-CHECK Show Value, the legend keeps the format.
I know this post is old, but i found it while trying to find a solution(unsuccessful) But did some tinkering and found that if you edit the series occurrences and then show values and then turn values back off for the series it takes away the currency value.
Similar to what was suggested prior with "Data points" just i guess the new way to find it.