Decoding two different JSON responses with one struct? [duplicate] - swift

This question already has answers here:
Decoding two different JSON responses with one struct using Codable
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm receiving the same json structure from two endpoints, the only thing different are the keys in the json. On response #1 I get
"id": 45,
"chapter__book__name": "Alonso",
"chapter__book__id": 70,
"chapter__chapter": 2,
"verse": "",
"verse_number": 5,
"chapter": 97
And on response #2 I get:
"id": 962,
"book_name": "Title here",
"book_id": 70,
"chapter_number": 32,
"verse": "xxx",
"verse_number": 24,
"chapter": 127
Can one struct decode both of these? Currently my struct looks like this:
struct Verse: Decodable, Identifiable {
let id: Int
let book_name: String
let book_id: Int
let verse: String
let verse_number: Int
let chapter: Int // chapter Id in database
let chapter_number: Int
Which matches response #2, but not response #1.

#lorem ipsum's method should work I didn't try it myself with swiftUI, however it feels a bit convoluted to deal with 2 different types of object. Eventhough they share a common protocol, since it's the same object that will be decoded, it seems natural to keep track of one single type.
As stated by #Larme it can be done with a custom init(from decoder: Decoder) method.
import UIKit
let jsonA = """
"id": 45,
"chapter__book__name": "Alonso",
"chapter__book__id": 70,
"chapter__chapter": 2,
"verse": "",
"verse_number": 5,
"chapter": 97
let jsonB = """
"id": 962,
"book_name": "Title here",
"book_id": 70,
"chapter_number": 32,
"verse": "xxx",
"verse_number": 24,
"chapter": 127
protocol VerseCodingKey: CodingKey {
static var id: Self { get }
static var book_name: Self { get }
static var book_id: Self { get }
static var verse: Self { get }
static var verse_number: Self { get }
static var chapter: Self { get }
static var chapter_number: Self { get }
struct Verse: Decodable {
var id: Int
var book_name: String
var book_id: Int
var verse: String
var verse_number: Int
var chapter: Int
var chapter_number: Int
enum CodingKeysA: String, VerseCodingKey {
case id
case book_name
case book_id
case verse
case verse_number
case chapter
case chapter_number
enum CodingKeysB: String, VerseCodingKey {
case id
case book_name = "chapter__book__name"
case book_id = "chapter__book__id"
case verse
case verse_number
case chapter = "chapter__chapter"
case chapter_number = "chapter"
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
do {
try self.init(from: decoder, verseCodingKey: CodingKeysA.self)
} catch { }
do {
try self.init(from: decoder, verseCodingKey: CodingKeysB.self)
} catch { }
throw CustomError.unmatchedCodingKeys
init<T: VerseCodingKey>(from decoder: Decoder, verseCodingKey: T.Type) throws {
do {
let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: T.self)
id = try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .id)
book_name = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .book_name)
book_id = try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .book_id)
verse = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .verse)
verse_number = try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .verse_number)
chapter = try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .chapter)
chapter_number = try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .chapter_number)
} catch {
throw CustomError.missingCodingKey
enum CustomError: Error {
case missingCodingKey
case unmatchedCodingKeys
let dataA = .utf8)!
let dataB = .utf8)!
let verseA = try? JSONDecoder().decode([Verse].self, from: dataA)
let verseB = try? JSONDecoder().decode([Verse].self, from: dataB)
This code works on playground
The whole point is to juggle with two different CodingKeys.
since this evolution it is now feasible to make an enum conform to protocols, which I didn't now of before diving into your issue. This makes the code more straightforward and reusable.
There may be a better way to handle the do catch mechanism but it's acceptable at this point. as stated by #Cristik in comment, you should enhance the error handling mechanism because you don't want to let all the error going through. see his comment below
This is how far I could get with this little experiment, I reckon someone will be able to do better. It still seem more reliable to use a single concrete class instead of two plus a protocol, but again, I'm not pretending to be an expert.


How to declare a multidimensional String in Realm?

This bounty has ended. Answers to this question are eligible for a +50 reputation bounty. Bounty grace period ends in 13 hours.
Dipesh Pokhrel wants to draw more attention to this question:
I have gone throught the documentation no where its specifically mentioned. how to deal with the multidimensional string objects
I have a realm class which contains the a multi dimensional string, realm in Decodable is throwing an error to while parsing, created class to support realm.
class Categories : Object,Decodable {
// var assetSum : [[String]]? // In swift originally
let assetSum = RealmSwift.List<String>() // modified to support list
#objc var id : String?
#objc var dn : String?
How to fix this , to be more Generalise how to store var assetSum : [[String]]? this kind of value in realm?
I have gone through the documentation of realm but could not find something related to this
Realm supports basic types like Int, String, Date etc. and several collections types like List (Array), Map (Dictionary) from the box. For the other your custom types you can use json serialization which works pretty quick.
It can be implemented with two variables where persistent private one is for storing data and public one is for accessing e.g:
import RealmSwift
class Categories: Object {
#Persisted private var assetSum: Data?
var assetSumValue: [[String]]? {
get {
guard let value = assetSum else {
return nil
return try? JSONDecoder().decode(([[String]]?).self, from: value)
set {
assetSum = try? JSONEncoder().encode(newValue)
Now you can easy set/get values with assetSumValue:
// Create and save
let categories = Categories()
try realm.write {
categories.assetSumValue = [["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "6"]]
// Get first element from DB
if let categories = realm.objects(Categories.self).first,
let value = categories.assetSumValue
print(value) // Prints: [["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "6"]]
In case of encoding/decoding your custom Realm types with complex properties you should implement a custom decoder:
class Categories: Object, Codable {
#Persisted var id: String?
#Persisted var dn: String?
#Persisted private var assetSum: Data?
var assetSumValue: [[String]]? {
get {
guard let value = assetSum else {
return nil
return try? JSONDecoder().decode(([[String]]?).self, from: value)
set {
assetSum = try? JSONEncoder().encode(newValue)
override init() {
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
id = try values.decode((String?).self, forKey: .id)
dn = try values.decode((String?).self, forKey: .dn)
assetSumValue = try values.decode(([[String]]?).self, forKey: .assetSum)
How to decode:
let json = """
"id": "100",
"dn": "200",
"assetSum": [
["one", "two", "three"],
["four", "five", "six"]
let categories = try JSONDecoder().decode(Categories.self, from: .utf8)!)
if let value = categories.assetSumValue {
print(value) // Prints [["one", "two", "three"], ["four", "five", "six"]]

Parse decodable struct property as any data type

The two structs that I am using are Scoreboard and ResultSet
struct ResultSet: Codable {
var name: String
var headers: [String]
//var rowSet: [String]
struct Scoreboard: Codable {
var resultSets: [ResultSet]
The issue comes with the rowSet property of ResultSet, as this is an array of any type and length, so
"resource": "resource A",
"rowSet": [
["A", 1, "test1"],
["B", 2, "test2"]
"resource": "resource B",
"rowSet": [
["2/28/2022", 1, 4, "loss"],
["3/28/2022", 2, 3, "win"]
Parsing it as a string results in a parsing error. Setting the type to [AnyObject] doesn't build as it doesn't conform to Decodable
How should this be parsed?
Since the "resource" key determine what the data in the "rowSet" key mean, I would model this as a enum with associated values.
First, create models for the two kinds of resources. Add decoding initialisers that allows them to be decoded from JSON arrays.
// I only implemented the Decodable side.
// The Encodable side should be trivial to do once you understand the idea
struct ResourceA: Decodable {
// not sure what these properties mean...
let property1: String
let property2: Int
let property3: String
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
var container = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()
property1 = try container.decode(String.self)
property2 = try container.decode(Int.self)
property3 = try container.decode(String.self)
struct ResourceB: Decodable {
let dateString: String
let score1: Int
let score2: Int
let result: String
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
var container = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()
dateString = try container.decode(String.self) // I'm a bit lazy - you can parse this to a Date on your own :)
score1 = try container.decode(Int.self)
score2 = try container.decode(Int.self)
result = try container.decode(String.self)
Then change ResultSet to an enum with cases corresponding to the types of resources. In the decoding initialiser, you first decode the "resource" key, and switch on that to decide which kind of resource to decode for the "rowSet" key.
enum ResultSet: Decodable {
// if the headers can be computed from the resource type,
// you don't need it as an associated value - just add it as a computed property instead
case resourceA([ResourceA], headers: [String])
case resourceB([ResourceB], headers: [String])
enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case resource
case headers
case rowSet
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
let resourceName = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .resource)
let headers = try container.decode([String].self, forKey: .headers)
switch resourceName {
case "resource A":
self = .resourceA(try container.decode([ResourceA].self, forKey: .rowSet), headers: headers)
case "resource B":
self = .resourceB(try container.decode([ResourceB].self, forKey: .rowSet), headers: headers)
throw DecodingError.dataCorrupted(.init(codingPath: container.codingPath, debugDescription: "Unknown resource name \(resourceName)"))
Example usage:
let json = """
"resource": "resource A",
"headers": [],
"rowSet": [
["A", 1, "test1"],
["B", 2, "test2"]
"resource": "resource B",
"headers": [],
"rowSet": [
["2/28/2022", 1, 4, "loss"],
["3/28/2022", 2, 3, "win"]
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoded = try JSONDecoder().decode([ResultSet].self, from: json)

Codable decode property with multiple object types BASED on another value

It's not about decoding a property value with multiple types (int, string)..
I have an object called data it can return multiple types, What could be done at this point may look something like this :
enum MyData: Codable {
case ObjOne(groupObject)
case ObjTwo(imageObject)
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let value = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
if let v = try? value.decode(groupObject.self) {
self = .ObjOne(v)
} else if let v = try? value.decode(imageObject.self) {
self = .ObjTwo(v)
throw Rating.ParseError.notRecognizedType(value)
enum ParseError: Error {
case notRecognizedType(Any)
The issue here is that i try to make MyData decode the object based on another value that was used in the previous decoding process, in short words, i want to pass a value to MyData so it can determine which to decode
I have this
enum ContentType: String, Codable {
case linear
case grid
case slider
And i want MyData to know about this ContentType value so MyData can determine how the flow will go,
So where did ContentType come from ? it's in the same list of properties in the previous main object, coming from something that looks like this
struct Catalog: Codable {
var dataType: ContentType?
var data: MyData?
What i want to achieve in more simple words ?
struct Catalog: Codable {
var dataType: ContentType?
var data: MyData<dataType>? <--// i know this is not possible,
// -- but i want MyData to know about the dataType value that will be decoded
--------- JSON i want to parse
"data_type": "group",
"data": {
"group_id": 127 // this refers to object : groupObject
"data_type": "image",
"data": {
"image": "" // this is referring : imageObject
You see the point above, is that "data" can return different objects, based on the value of data_type
Rather than using generics I created an empty protocol that conforms to Decodable and used that as the type for data. Then the content structs needs to conform to this protocol.
protocol MyData: Decodable {}
struct Group: MyData {
let groupId: Int
struct Image: MyData {
let image: String
struct Catalog: Decodable {
var dataType: String
var data: MyData
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case dataType, data
enum ParseError: Error {
case notRecognizedType(Any)
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
dataType = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .dataType)
switch dataType {
case "group":
data = try container.decode(Group.self, forKey: .data)
case "image":
data = try container.decode(Image.self, forKey: .data)
throw ParseError.notRecognizedType(dataType)
Note that I didn't use the enum ContentType in the init because it didn't match the sample json data but that should be easily fixed.
Standard code for using this solution
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let result = try decoder.decode([Catalog].self, from: data)
} catch {

JSONDecoder using Protocol

I'm using a protocol to create several structs which I use to decode using JSONDecoder. Here's a code sample of what I'm trying to achieve.
protocol Animal: Codable
var name: String { get }
var age: Int { get }
struct Dog: Animal
let name: String
let age: Int
let type: String
struct Cat: Animal
let name: String
let age: Int
let color: String
Here are the seperate JSON payloads of dog and cat:
"name": "fleabag",
"age": 3,
"type": "big"
"name": "felix",
"age": 2,
"color": "black"
So when I decode the JSON, I'm not sure what JSON I'll have, dog or cat. I tried doing this:
let data = Data(contentsOf: url)
let value = JSONDecoder().decode(Animal.self, from: data)
But end up with this error:
In argument type 'Animal.Protocol', 'Animal' does not conform to expected type 'Decodable'
Any ideas as to the best approach to parse either dog or cat returning an instance of Animal?
You're not going to be able to use this:
let animal = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Animal.self, from: data)
To decode a Dog or a Cat. It's always going to be an Animal.
If you want to decode both those JSON objects to Animal, then define Animal like this:
struct Animal: Codable {
var name: String
var age: Int
Of course, you'll lose the distinctive elements that make them a Dog (type) or Cat (color).
Your opening a somewhat ugly can of worms here. I understand what you try to do, but unfortunately it fails in a number of ways. You can get somewhat close to what you want with the following Playground:
import Cocoa
let dogData = """
"name": "fleabag",
"age": 3,
"type": "big"
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let catData = """
"name": "felix",
"age": 2,
"color": "black"
""".data(using: .utf8)!
protocol Animal: Codable
var name: String { get }
var age: Int { get }
struct Dog: Animal
let name: String
let age: Int
let type: String
struct Cat: Animal
let name: String
let age: Int
let color: String
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let dog = try decoder.decode(Dog.self, from: dogData)
let cat = try decoder.decode(Cat.self, from: catData)
extension Animal {
static func make(fromJSON data: Data) -> Animal? {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
let dog = try decoder.decode(Dog.self, from: data)
return dog
} catch {
do {
let cat = try decoder.decode(Cat.self, from: data)
return cat
} catch {
return nil
if let animal = Dog.make(fromJSON: dogData) {
if let animal2 = Dog.make(fromJSON: catData) {
However you will notice that there are some changes that do have a reason. As a matter of fact you cannot implement the Decodable method init(from: Decoder) throws since it is supposed to chain to the init method which ... does not really work out for a protocol. I chose instead to implement your favourite dispatcher in the Animal.make method, but this ended up as a half baked solution as well. Since protocols are metatypes (probably for a good reason as well) you are not able to call their static methods on the metatype and have to use a concrete one. As the line Dog.make(fromJSON: catData) shows this looks weird to say the least. It would be better to bake this into a top level function such as
func parseAnimal(from data:Data) {
but still this looks unsatisfactory in another way since it pollutes the global namespace. Probably still the best we can do with the means available.
Given the ugliness of the dispatcher it seems like a bad idea to have JSON with no direct indication of the type since it makes parsing really hard. However, I do not see a nice way to communicate a subtype in JSON in a way that really makes it easy to parse. Have not done any research on this, but it might be your next try.
A better approach would be to use a class instead of a protocol and use classes instead of structs. Your Dog and Cat classes will be subclasses of Animal
class Animal: Codable {
let name: String
let age: Int
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case name
case age
class Dog: Animal {
let type: String
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case type
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
self.type = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .type)
try super.init(from: decoder)
class Cat: Animal {
let color: String
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case color
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
self.color = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .color)
try super.init(from: decoder)
let data = Data(contentsOf: url)
let animal = JSONDecoder().decode(Animal.self, from: data)

How could I silently ignore objects not being decoded in a list using Swift 4's Codable protocol? [duplicate]

While using Swift4 and Codable protocols I got the following problem - it looks like there is no way to allow JSONDecoder to skip elements in an array.
For example, I have the following JSON:
"name": "Banana",
"points": 200,
"description": "A banana grown in Ecuador."
"name": "Orange"
And a Codable struct:
struct GroceryProduct: Codable {
var name: String
var points: Int
var description: String?
When decoding this json
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let products = try decoder.decode([GroceryProduct].self, from: json)
Resulting products is empty. Which is to be expected, due to the fact that the second object in JSON has no "points" key, while points is not optional in GroceryProduct struct.
Question is how can I allow JSONDecoder to "skip" invalid object?
One option is to use a wrapper type that attempts to decode a given value; storing nil if unsuccessful:
struct FailableDecodable<Base : Decodable> : Decodable {
let base: Base?
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
self.base = try? container.decode(Base.self)
We can then decode an array of these, with your GroceryProduct filling in the Base placeholder:
import Foundation
let json = """
"name": "Banana",
"points": 200,
"description": "A banana grown in Ecuador."
"name": "Orange"
""".data(using: .utf8)!
struct GroceryProduct : Codable {
var name: String
var points: Int
var description: String?
let products = try JSONDecoder()
.decode([FailableDecodable<GroceryProduct>].self, from: json)
.compactMap { $0.base } // .flatMap in Swift 4.0
// [
// GroceryProduct(
// name: "Banana", points: 200,
// description: Optional("A banana grown in Ecuador.")
// )
// ]
We're then using .compactMap { $0.base } to filter out nil elements (those that threw an error on decoding).
This will create an intermediate array of [FailableDecodable<GroceryProduct>], which shouldn't be an issue; however if you wish to avoid it, you could always create another wrapper type that decodes and unwraps each element from an unkeyed container:
struct FailableCodableArray<Element : Codable> : Codable {
var elements: [Element]
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
var container = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()
var elements = [Element]()
if let count = container.count {
while !container.isAtEnd {
if let element = try container
.decode(FailableDecodable<Element>.self).base {
self.elements = elements
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(elements)
You would then decode as:
let products = try JSONDecoder()
.decode(FailableCodableArray<GroceryProduct>.self, from: json)
// [
// GroceryProduct(
// name: "Banana", points: 200,
// description: Optional("A banana grown in Ecuador.")
// )
// ]
I would create a new type Throwable, which can wrap any type conforming to Decodable:
enum Throwable<T: Decodable>: Decodable {
case success(T)
case failure(Error)
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
do {
let decoded = try T(from: decoder)
self = .success(decoded)
} catch let error {
self = .failure(error)
For decoding an array of GroceryProduct (or any other Collection):
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let throwables = try decoder.decode([Throwable<GroceryProduct>].self, from: json)
let products = throwables.compactMap { $0.value }
where value is a computed property introduced in an extension on Throwable:
extension Throwable {
var value: T? {
switch self {
case .failure(_):
return nil
case .success(let value):
return value
I would opt for using a enum wrapper type (over a Struct) because it may be useful to keep track of the errors that are thrown as well as their indices.
Swift 5
For Swift 5 Consider using the Result enum e.g.
struct Throwable<T: Decodable>: Decodable {
let result: Result<T, Error>
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
result = Result(catching: { try T(from: decoder) })
To unwrap the decoded value use the get() method on the result property:
let products = throwables.compactMap { try? $0.result.get() }
The problem is that when iterating over a container, the container.currentIndex isn’t incremented so you can try to decode again with a different type.
Because the currentIndex is read only, a solution is to increment it yourself successfully decoding a dummy. I took #Hamish solution, and wrote a wrapper with a custom init.
This problem is a current Swift bug:
The solution posted here is a workaround in one of the comments.
I like this option because I’m parsing a bunch of models the same way on a network client, and I wanted the solution to be local to one of the objects. That is, I still want the others to be discarded.
I explain better in my github
import Foundation
let json = """
"name": "Banana",
"points": 200,
"description": "A banana grown in Ecuador."
"name": "Orange"
""".data(using: .utf8)!
private struct DummyCodable: Codable {}
struct Groceries: Codable
var groceries: [GroceryProduct]
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
var groceries = [GroceryProduct]()
var container = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()
while !container.isAtEnd {
if let route = try? container.decode(GroceryProduct.self) {
} else {
_ = try? container.decode(DummyCodable.self) // <-- TRICK
self.groceries = groceries
struct GroceryProduct: Codable {
var name: String
var points: Int
var description: String?
let products = try JSONDecoder().decode(Groceries.self, from: json)
There are two options:
Declare all members of the struct as optional whose keys can be missing
struct GroceryProduct: Codable {
var name: String
var points : Int?
var description: String?
Write a custom initializer to assign default values in the nil case.
struct GroceryProduct: Codable {
var name: String
var points : Int
var description: String
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
name = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .name)
points = try values.decodeIfPresent(Int.self, forKey: .points) ?? 0
description = try values.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .description) ?? ""
A solution made possible by Swift 5.1, using the property wrapper:
struct IgnoreFailure<Value: Decodable>: Decodable {
var wrappedValue: [Value] = []
private struct _None: Decodable {}
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
var container = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()
while !container.isAtEnd {
if let decoded = try? container.decode(Value.self) {
else {
// item is silently ignored.
try? container.decode(_None.self)
And then the usage:
let json = """
"products": [
"name": "Banana",
"points": 200,
"description": "A banana grown in Ecuador."
"name": "Orange"
""".data(using: .utf8)!
struct GroceryProduct: Decodable {
var name: String
var points: Int
var description: String?
struct ProductResponse: Decodable {
var products: [GroceryProduct]
let response = try! JSONDecoder().decode(ProductResponse.self, from: json)
print(response.products) // Only contains banana.
Note: The property wrapper things will only works if the response can be wrapped in a struct (i.e: not a top level array).
In that case, you can still wrap it manually (with a typealias for better readability):
typealias ArrayIgnoringFailure<Value: Decodable> = IgnoreFailure<Value>
let response = try! JSONDecoder().decode(ArrayIgnoringFailure<GroceryProduct>.self, from: json)
print(response.wrappedValue) // Only contains banana.
Ive put #sophy-swicz solution, with some modifications, into an easy to use extension
fileprivate struct DummyCodable: Codable {}
extension UnkeyedDecodingContainer {
public mutating func decodeArray<T>(_ type: T.Type) throws -> [T] where T : Decodable {
var array = [T]()
while !self.isAtEnd {
do {
let item = try self.decode(T.self)
} catch let error {
print("error: \(error)")
// hack to increment currentIndex
_ = try self.decode(DummyCodable.self)
return array
extension KeyedDecodingContainerProtocol {
public func decodeArray<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey key: Self.Key) throws -> [T] where T : Decodable {
var unkeyedContainer = try self.nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: key)
return try unkeyedContainer.decodeArray(type)
Just call it like this
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
self.items = try container.decodeArray(ItemType.self, forKey: . items)
For the example above:
let json = """
"name": "Banana",
"points": 200,
"description": "A banana grown in Ecuador."
"name": "Orange"
""".data(using: .utf8)!
struct Groceries: Codable
var groceries: [GroceryProduct]
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
var container = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()
groceries = try container.decodeArray(GroceryProduct.self)
struct GroceryProduct: Codable {
var name: String
var points: Int
var description: String?
let products = try JSONDecoder().decode(Groceries.self, from: json)
Instead, You can also do like this:
struct GroceryProduct: Decodable {
var name: String
var points: Int
var description: String?
and then in while getting it:
'let groceryList = try JSONDecoder().decode(Array<GroceryProduct>.self, from: responseData)'
Unfortunately Swift 4 API doesn't have failable initializer for init(from: Decoder).
Only one solution that I see is implementing custom decoding, giving default value for optional fields and possible filter with needed data:
struct GroceryProduct: Codable {
let name: String
let points: Int?
let description: String
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case name, points, description
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
name = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .name)
points = try? container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .points)
description = (try? container.decode(String.self, forKey: .description)) ?? "No description"
// for test
let dict = [["name": "Banana", "points": 100], ["name": "Nut", "description": "Woof"]]
if let data = try? dict, options: []) {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let result = try? decoder.decode([GroceryProduct].self, from: data)
print("rawResult: \(result)")
let clearedResult = result?.filter { $0.points != nil }
print("clearedResult: \(clearedResult)")
I improved on #Hamish's for the case, that you want this behaviour for all arrays:
private struct OptionalContainer<Base: Codable>: Codable {
let base: Base?
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
base = try? container.decode(Base.self)
private struct OptionalArray<Base: Codable>: Codable {
let result: [Base]
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
let tmp = try container.decode([OptionalContainer<Base>].self)
result = tmp.compactMap { $0.base }
extension Array where Element: Codable {
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let optionalArray = try OptionalArray<Element>(from: decoder)
self = optionalArray.result
Swift 5
Inspired with previous answers I decode inside Result enum extension.
What do you think about it?
extension Result: Decodable where Success: Decodable, Failure == DecodingError {
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container: SingleValueDecodingContainer = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
do {
self = .success(try container.decode(Success.self))
} catch {
if let decodingError = error as? DecodingError {
self = .failure(decodingError)
} else {
self = .failure(DecodingError.dataCorrupted(.init(codingPath: [], debugDescription: error.localizedDescription)))
let listResult = try? JSONDecoder().decode([Result<SomeObject, DecodingError>].self, from: ##YOUR DATA##)
let list: [SomeObject] = listResult.compactMap {try? $0.get()}
#Hamish's answer is great. However, you can reduce FailableCodableArray to:
struct FailableCodableArray<Element : Codable> : Codable {
var elements: [Element]
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
let elements = try container.decode([FailableDecodable<Element>].self)
self.elements = elements.compactMap { $0.wrapped }
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(elements)
I had a similar issue recently, but slightly different.
struct Person: Codable {
var name: String
var age: Int
var description: String?
var friendnamesArray:[String]?
In this case, if one of the element in friendnamesArray is nil, the whole object is nil while decoding.
And the right way to handle this edge case is to declare the string array[String] as array of optional strings[String?] as below,
struct Person: Codable {
var name: String
var age: Int
var description: String?
var friendnamesArray:[String?]?
You made the description optional, you should also make the points field optional if there is a chance it could be nil, such as this:
struct GroceryProduct: Codable {
var name: String
var points: Int?
var description: String?
Just make sure you safe-unwrap it however you see fit for it's use. I'm guessing nil points == 0 in the actual use case so an example could be:
let products = try JSONDecoder().decode([GroceryProduct].self, from: json)
for product in products {
let name =
let points = product.points ?? 0
let description = product.description ?? ""
ProductView(name, points, description)
or in-line:
let products = try JSONDecoder().decode([GroceryProduct].self, from: json)
for product in products {
ProductView(, product.points ?? 0, product.description ?? "")
I come up with this KeyedDecodingContainer.safelyDecodeArray that provides a simple interface:
extension KeyedDecodingContainer {
/// The sole purpose of this `EmptyDecodable` is allowing decoder to skip an element that cannot be decoded.
private struct EmptyDecodable: Decodable {}
/// Return successfully decoded elements even if some of the element fails to decode.
func safelyDecodeArray<T: Decodable>(of type: T.Type, forKey key: KeyedDecodingContainer.Key) -> [T] {
guard var container = try? nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: key) else {
return []
var elements = [T]()
elements.reserveCapacity(container.count ?? 0)
while !container.isAtEnd {
When decoding an element fails, the decoder does not move on the next element upon failure, so that we can retry the same element again
by other means. However, this behavior potentially keeps `while !container.isAtEnd` looping forever, and Apple does not offer a `.skipFailable`
decoder option yet. As a result, `catch` needs to manually skip the failed element by decoding it into an `EmptyDecodable` that always succeed.
See the Swift ticket
do {
elements.append(try container.decode(T.self))
} catch {
if let decodingError = error as? DecodingError {
Logger.error("\(#function): skipping one element: \(decodingError)")
} else {
Logger.error("\(#function): skipping one element: \(error)")
_ = try? container.decode(EmptyDecodable.self) // skip the current element by decoding it into an empty `Decodable`
return elements
The potentially infinite loop while !container.isAtEnd is a concern, and it's addressed by using EmptyDecodable.
A much simpler attempt:
Why don't you declare points as optional or make the array contain optional elements
let products = [GroceryProduct?]
Simple use. One line in Decodable instance: let array: CompactDecodableArray<Int>
Is decoded with standard mapping mechanism: JSONDecoder().decode(Model.self, from: data)
skips incorrect elements (returns array with only successful mapped elements)
Xcode 12.1 (12A7403)
Swift 5.3
class CompactDecodableArray<Element>: Decodable where Element: Decodable {
private(set) var elements = [Element]()
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
guard var unkeyedContainer = try? decoder.unkeyedContainer() else { return }
while !unkeyedContainer.isAtEnd {
if let value = try? unkeyedContainer.decode(Element.self) {
} else {
struct Empty: Decodable { }
extension UnkeyedDecodingContainer {
mutating func skip() { _ = try? decode(Empty.self) }
struct Model2: Decodable {
let num: Int
let str: String
struct Model: Decodable {
let num: Int
let str: String
let array1: CompactDecodableArray<Int>
let array2: CompactDecodableArray<Int>?
let array4: CompactDecodableArray<Model2>
let dictionary: [String : Any] = ["num": 1, "str": "blablabla",
"array1": [1,2,3],
"array3": [1,nil,3],
"array4": [["num": 1, "str": "a"], ["num": 2]]
let data = try! dictionary)
let object = try JSONDecoder().decode(Model.self, from: data)
print("1. \(object.array1.elements)")
print("2. \(object.array2?.elements)")
print("3. \(object.array4.elements)")
1. [1, 2, 3]
2. nil
3. [__lldb_expr_25.Model2(num: 1, str: "a")]