I am trying to cast videos from my app to chrome-cast devices - flutter

Hi I am trying to cast videos from my flutter app to chromecast devices using this plugin called flutter_video_cast from pub.dev
But the issue is while I am trying to setup these plugin for android. The instruction given by the developers in not clear due to these I am able to use it in my app.
The section which I need clarification is this part
I am not able to get what it meant by initialize cast context by extending flutter fragement activity.
Any sort of answers will be helpful for me.


Creating an audio visualizer in Flutter for web

I'm currently trying to create an audioplayer in Flutter Web, which is also able to visualize the bytefrequencydata. I already built this app in Angular but i just don't know how to access the data via audiocontext like in js.
I searched many libraries but none seems to provide the option to create an analyser node,
There is the standard dart:web_audio lib, but I can't use that in Flutter.
I am getting really desperate since there is also not a single tutorial to find which shows how to build such an app for flutter web, or at least I can't seem to find one.
The app only needs to run for flutter web.
A little help to get me on the right tracks would be much appreciated.

Local Notifications

I'm building my first app in Flutter and want to include local notifications for Android and iOS. I've searched quite extensively for how to implement these, but every search result on Medium, Youtube, or random website uses flutter_local_notifications on pub.dev (I can't find anything on api.flutter.dev except for icons). I'm sure it's a great resource, but I've been trying to code everything from scratch rather than use these plugins so I can understand the foundational mechanics better.Anyone know of a resource to guide me?
As Notifications are pretty platform-specific, there is no direct approach of calling notifications from flutter itself. You rather have to write your own native code for both ios and android in order to send notifications. For android, you can either use Java or Kotlin as a native language, and for iOS, you use Swift.
You can follow this tutorial in order to get your hands on a native method for calling notifications on android.

How to cast screen from flutter application?

I am working on flutter app where I playing live videos. Now I want to cast my device screen using Roku, FireTv, Chromecast and Airplay. I want to know is it possible cast screen using these technologies? I used cast dart package to discover and connect with chromecast devices but not able to scan any device. Please help me how it working with flutter?
Thanks Advance.
i dont know whether it is working or not. just catch this url from internet. try this
and another example i got. i didn't check this also
We were able to make it work on Chromecast, see my answer posted here:
How to play YouTube videos in google chromecast from Flutter application?
As for Airplay, if you use updated Apple libraries, Airplay will be integrated natively into your app. We were able to cast our app to Airplay without having to add extra code.
FireTV uses airplay so that should work.
We have not found a Roku solution yet.

Making Apps using flutter

Is it possible to build a fully functioning application for iOS and Android using AndroidStudio + Flutter and FireBase alone? This is my first time trying to make a fully functioning mobile application which I want to use as I am constrained with my finances at the moment. I would appreciate the clarification.
Yes, it is possible to make both Android and IOS app using flutter and dart.
Flutter has many benefits. here some example :
Flutter hot reload helps you to build your app very fast.
User fluent. Can use app with excellent user interface design.
It's easy to use function like other OOP languages.
Update everyday with new features.
Flutter user community is increasing day by day .
Check the flutter docs for more info
Yes, Flutter can produce a fully functioning application for both iOS and Android platforms.
there are some apps built with Flutter. check them here
I am a native Android developer and I did some iOS as well. I started learning Flutter a couple of days ago and it seems promising.

Flutter - Is there a way to mute a phone with an app?

I've started with Flutter and I´m currently working on a project which allows the application to mute the phone if you´re at a specified position. I´ve implemented Google Maps etc. Everything works except that the marker isn´t visible but that´s another question. My question is how I can mute the phone with an app. I didn´t find a solution anywhere.
I really doubt that Flutter provides such a fuctionality out of the box. I suggest searching 3rd party packages for it. If that fails you can implement this feature nativly on each platform using Platform Channels.
HERE you can find how to achieve this on Android, and HERE how to do it on IOS.