Psql output csv file formatting - postgresql

Trying to make batch file that will get query from script file and put results into csv.
Batch file code:
psql -h host -d test -U test -p 5432 -a -q -f C:\Users\test\Documents\my_query.sql TO STDOUT WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER ';' > C:\Users\test\Documents\res.csv
In result file I'm getting result like this:
select *
from public.test
limit 3
id | name | count_01
11021555 | a | 1 |
39534568 | b | 2 |
11695210 | c | 3 |
(3 rows)
How to get only script results without rows count and symbols like '|' or '+' and using ';' delimetres as in the usual csv file?
Working script:
psql -h host -d test -U test -p 5432 -q --quiet --no-align --field-separator=';' --file=C:\Users\test\Documents\my_query.sql --output=C:\Users\test\Documents\res.csv

From PostgreSQL v12 on, you can use the CSV output format of psql:
psql --quiet --csv --file=my_query.sql --output=res.csv
--quiet suppresses the psql welcome message.

Should work with
psql -h host -d dbname -U user -p port -a -q -f my_query.sql -o res.csv --record-separator=',' --csv


Psql output to file with column alias starting with number

I am running psql from command line and sending output to a file. It is a simple select statement on a view, but I am getting a syntax error when I have a column alias that starts with a number.
I ran the query in PgAdmin and it works (which makes me believe that this is some sort of issue with psql). I also tried adding a '_' to the beginning of the alias and that allows it to go through.
works: 'abc as "_1abc"'
doesn't work: 'abc as "1abc"'
psql -u <username> -h <host> -p <port> -d <DB> -o <outputfile> -A -c
"SELECT abc as "1abc" From example.view
This is the error I get:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "1"
It is a problem with nested double quotes. You need to escape the inner ones.
psql -u <username> -h <host> -p <port> -d <DB> -o <outputfile> -A -c "SELECT abc as \"1abc\" From example.view"

How to in insert into a specific schema in postgres using psql pipe command

I have using psql pipe command to copy a table from one database to another in Postgres. It is working fine. But I need to copy the table to a specific schema in the new database. I have gone through the documentation (used -n option for specifying schema name) but it is not working.
pg_dump -U postgres -h localhost -p 1212 -d dbname -t tablename -Ft | pg_restore -U postgres -h localhost -p 1213 -d dbname -n schemaname
you can't do it with pg_dump|pg_restore sequence. you need to alter table t set schema s; in restored db
I do it that this way:
pg_dump -U postgres -h localhost -p 1212 -d dbname -t tablename | sed "sed/oldschemaname/newschemaname/" | psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 1213 -d dbname -n schemaname
With the corresponding regular expression

Postgres 9 \COPY FROM Command - Reserved Keyword

I am having an issue trying to run \copy command where my column name is desc
I've tried the following:
psql -U user -p 1234 -h hostname -c "\copy schema.table (desc) from /my/file.txt WITH DELIMITER '|' HEADER CSV " db
psql -U user -p 1234 -h hostname -c "\copy schema.table ('desc') from /my/file.txt WITH DELIMITER '|' HEADER CSV " db
psql -U user -p 1234 -h hostname -c "\copy schema.table ("desc") from /my/file.txt WITH DELIMITER '|' HEADER CSV db
I get the same error everytime:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "desc"
I can't seem to get around it. Is there something that I am missing?
just escape double quotes, like here:
vao#vao-X102BA:~$ psql -c "copy s1(\"desc\") from stdin;"
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
>> b
>> \.
vao#vao-X102BA:~$ psql
psql (9.6.3)
Type "help" for help.
vao=# select * from s1;
i | desc
| a
| b
(2 rows)

How to export result of sql statement with psql as compressed file?

How can I export the following statment into a compressed file, eg gzip, instead of csv?:
psql -h database -U username - d database -A -F"," -f myfile.sql -o targetfile.csv
Pipe the output to gzip:
psql -h database -U username - d database -A -F"," -f myfile.sql | gzip > targetfile.csv.gz

How to return a value from psql to bash and use it?

Suppose I created a sequence in postgresql:
I store the below line in an sql file get_seq.sql
SELECT last_value FROM my_seq;
$SUDO psql -q -d database_bame -f get_seq.sql
How do I get the int number returned by SELECT into bash and use it?
You can capture the result of a command using the VAR=$(command) syntax:
VALUE=$(psql -qtAX -d database_name -f get_seq.sql)
echo $VALUE
The required psql options mean:
-t only tuple
-A output not unaligned
-q quiet
-X Don't run .psqlrc file
LAST_VALUE=`echo "SELECT last_value FROM my_seq;" | psql -qAt -d database_name`