How to solve the following problem on MATLAB - matlab

a(x) here is a type of equation used in signal
y(x) = x^3 + x^2 + x + 1
a(x) is inputed by the user so for example if user inputs
a(x) = D2 + D + 6
y(x)*a(x) = D2(x^3 + x^2 + x + 1) + D(x^3 + x^2 + x + 1) + 6(x^3 + x^2 + x + 1)
here D2(x^3 + x^2 + x + 1) = 6x + 2 and D(x^3 + x^2 + x + 1) = 3x^2 + 2x + 1
So D is differentiation and D2 is double differential
So i want to know how i would do something like this on MATLAB

Use Matlab symbolic computation toolbox
Evaluate exact analytical solutions for definite or indefinite integral,
calculate derivatives of symbolic expressions or functions,
and approximate functions using series expansions.


How to make the response of the solve function symbolic?

I am solving a fourth order equation in matlab using the solve function.My script looks like this:
syms m M I L Bp Bc g x
m = 0.127
M = 1.206
I = 0.001
L = 0.178
Bc = 5.4
Bp = 0.002
g = 9.8
eqn = ((m + M)*(I + m*L^2) - m^2*L^2)*x^4 + ((m + M)*Bp + (I + m*L^2)*Bc)*x^3 + ((m + M)*m*g*L + Bc*Bp)*x^2 + m*g*L*Bc*x == 0
S = solve(eqn, x)
In the answer, I should get 4 roots, but instead I get such strange expressions:
S =
root(z^3 + (34351166180215288*z^2)/7131724328013535 + (352922208800606144*z)/7131724328013535 + 1379250971773894912/7131724328013535, z, 1)
root(z^3 + (34351166180215288*z^2)/7131724328013535 + (352922208800606144*z)/7131724328013535 + 1379250971773894912/7131724328013535, z, 2)
root(z^3 + (34351166180215288*z^2)/7131724328013535 + (352922208800606144*z)/7131724328013535 + 1379250971773894912/7131724328013535, z, 3)
The first root, which is 0, is displayed clearly. Is it possible to make the other three roots appear as numbers as well? I looked for something about this in the documentation for the solve function, but did not find it.

Extract specific parts of a matlab/ octave symbolic expression?

How does one extract specific parts of an expression in Matlab/ Octave symbolic package? In XCAS, one can use indexing expressions, but I can't find anything similar in Octave/ Matlab.
For instance, with X = C*L*s**2 + C*R*s + 1, is there a way to get C*R*s by X(2) or the like?
It would be nice to do this with factors too. X = (alpha + s)*(beta**2 + s**2)*(C*R*s + 1), and have X(2) give (beta**2 + s**2).
children (MATLAB doc, Octave doc) does this but the order in which you write the expressions will not necessarily be the same. The order is also different in MATLAB and Octave.
Expanded Expression:
syms R L C s;
X1 = C*L*s^2 + C*R*s + 1;
partsX1 = children(X1);
>> X1
X1 =
C*L*s^2 + C*R*s + 1
>> partsX1
partsX1 =
[ C*R*s, C*L*s^2, 1]
In Octave:
octave:1> X1
X1 = (sym)
C⋅L⋅s + C⋅R⋅s + 1
octave:2> partsX1
partsX1 = (sym 1×3 matrix)
⎡ 2 ⎤
⎣1 C⋅L⋅s C⋅R⋅s⎦
Factorised Expression:
syms R C a beta s; %alpha is also a MATLAB function so don't shadow it with your variable
X2 = (a + s) * (beta^2 + s^2) * (C*R*s + 1);
partsX2 = children(X2);
>> X2
X2 =
(a + s)*(C*R*s + 1)*(beta^2 + s^2)
>> partsX2
partsX2 =
[ a + s, C*R*s + 1, beta^2 + s^2]
In Octave:
octave:3> X2
X2 = (sym)
⎛ 2 2⎞
(a + s)⋅⎝β + s ⎠⋅(C⋅R⋅s + 1)
octave:4> partsX2
partsX2 = (sym 1×3 matrix)
⎡ 2 2⎤
⎣C⋅R⋅s + 1 a + s β + s ⎦

Express an expression in terms of other expressions in MATLAB

Is there any way to express an expression in terms of other expressions in MATLAB?
For example, the following expressions have been written as sum (X + Y) and product (XY)
1/X + 1/Y = (X + Y)/XY
1/X^2 + 1/Y^2 + 2/(XY) = (X + Y)^2/(XY)
2*X/Y + 2*Y/X = 2*((X + Y)^2 - 2*X*Y)/(XY)
I know about the rewrite() function but I couldn't find how it can be used to do what I want?
There are a few different functions you can try to change the format of your symbolic expression:
collect: collects coefficients (can specify an expression to collect powers of):
>> collect(1/X + 1/Y)
ans =
(X + Y)/(Y*X)
simplify: perform algebraic simplification:
>> simplify(1/X^2 + 1/Y^2 + 2/(X*Y))
ans =
(X + Y)^2/(X^2*Y^2)
numden: convert to a rational form, with a numerator and denominator:
>> [n, d] = numden(2*X/Y + 2*Y/X)
n =
2*X^2 + 2*Y^2
d =
>> n/d
ans =
(2*X^2 + 2*Y^2)/(X*Y)

How can I get MATLAB to numerically solve a particularly nasty system of equations?

I have four parameters, t1,t2, theta1, and theta2. I want to find a solution (there can potentially be infinitely many) to the following system of equations:
t1*cos(theta1) + t2*cos(theta2) + 2*t1*t2*sin(theta1 + theta2) = t1*sin(theta1) + t2*sin(theta2) + 2*t1*t2*cos(theta1 + theta2) + 1
t1*cos(theta1) + t2*cos(theta2) + t1*sin(theta1) + t2*sin(theta2) = 2*t1*t2*sin(theta1 + theta2) + 2*t1*t2*cos(theta1 + theta2) + 1
2*t1^2*t2^2 + sin(theta1)*t1*t2^2 + sin(theta1 + theta2)*t1*t2 + 1 = sin(theta2)*t1^2*t2 + t1^2 + sin(theta1)*t1 + t2^2
Since there are more parameters than equations, we have to impose further restrictions to identify a specific solution to this system. Right now I don't really care which solution is picked, as long as it isn't trivial (like all the variables equaling zero).
My current method is to set the third equation to 0.5, solving for t1 and t2 in terms of theta1 and theta2, and substituting these expressions into the first two equations to solve for theta1 and theta2. However, MATLAB is trying to do this symbolically, which is extremely time-consuming. Is there a way I can get some approximate solutions to this system? I can't exactly plot the surfaces represented by these equations and look at their intersection, because each side of the equations involves more than two parameters, which means it can't be visualized in three dimensions.
You can use fsolve to do this.
First, you need to create anonymous functions for the residuals of the three equations. I'm going to create a vector x where x = [t1; t2; theta1; theta2]. That makes the residuals:
r1 = #(x) x(1)*cos(x(3)) + x(2)*cos(x(4)) + 2*x(1)*x(2)*sin(x(3) + x(4)) - (x(1)*sin(x(3)) + x(2)*sin(x(4)) + 2*x(1)*x(2)*cos(x(3) + x(4)) + 1);
r2 = #(x) x(1)*cos(x(3)) + x(2)*cos(x(4)) + x(1)*sin(x(3)) + x(2)*sin(x(4)) - (2*x(1)*x(2)*sin(x(3) + x(4)) + 2*x(1)*x(2)*cos(x(3) + x(4)) + 1);
r3 = #(x) 2*x(1)^2*x(2)^2 + sin(x(3))*x(1)*x(2)^2 + sin(x(3) + x(4))*x(1)*x(2) + 1 - (sin(x(4))*x(1)^2*x(2) + x(1)^2 + sin(x(3))*x(1) + x(2)^2);
Then, we need to make a single function that is a vector of those three residuals, since fsolve tries to get this vector to be zero:
r = #(x) [r1(x); r2(x); r3(x)]
Now, we call fsolve. I picked an arbitrary starting point:
>> [x, fval, exitflag] = fsolve(r, [0.5,0.5,pi/4,pi/4])
Warning: Trust-region-dogleg algorithm of FSOLVE cannot handle non-square systems; using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm instead.
> In fsolve at 287
Equation solved.
fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero
as measured by the default value of the function tolerance, and
the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
<stopping criteria details>
x =
0.9654 0.5182 0.7363 0.7344
fval =
1.0e-10 *
exitflag =
You can ignore the warning. x is the four values you were looking for. fval is the value of the residuals. exitFlag == 1 means we found a root.

limitations of non linear multivariant equation solvers in matlab

I have a system of non-linear multivariate equations. I am only interested in the roots of the system in an interval of each variable.
For example,
F = #(x,y,z) [...
sin((x*y)/100 + (y*z)/5)/10 + sin((y*z)/10)/10 + (y*cos((y*z)/10)*(x/10 + z))/100 + (y*cos((x*y)/100 + (y*z)/5)*(x/5 + z))/50 = 0
(z*cos((y*z)/10)*(x/10 + z))/100 + (cos((x*y)/100 + (y*z)/5)*(x/5 + z)*(x/100 + z/5))/10 = 0
sin((x*y)/100 + (y*z)/5)/50 + sin((y*z)/10)/100 + (y*cos((x*y)/100 + (y*z)/5)*(x/5 + z))/1000 = 0
and I am only interested in the interval of x in [0 10] and y in [-10 10] and z in [-5, 10].
My question is:
is there any method that can find 'all' the roots in these interval?
is there any solution that can tell me only number of roots in these intervals ?
If there is no general solution for question 1 and 2 (which I think there is not), then under what condition I can find all the roots (e.x. linear equations or polynomial are clearly solvable, but I want something more general such as Trigonometric equations).