Keycloak Hardcoded Group Mapper - keycloak

So I have been adding a specific group to just one set of federated users in Keycloak with the hardcoded ldap group mapper. This happens on user registration and successfully adds them to the group in KC. However, I also need this same group to map back to the federated ldap and this is not happening due I am presuming to this line of code in the mapper (which I am looking at on keycloak github):
#Override public void onRegisterUserToLDAP(LDAPObject ldapUser, UserModel localUser, RealmModel realm)
My issue is that I cannot find this file anywhere on my Keycloak server ( to try commenting it out and am also presuming (lots of that going on right now!!) that it is renamed or hidden in some other jar file or something...
Would appreciate any help on this or another method to be able to add users to a group for just one of my three federated clients that will also allow it to sync back to the ldap server.


Keycloak: mapping user information from external IDP. How do I know attribute names?

I have 2 Keycloak instances:
KC1 which is the main Keycloak for my app
KC2 which acts as an IDP (linked to KC1 via SAML protocol)
I'm trying to retrieve users info (email, name and roles, mainly) in KC1 whenever a SSO user (from KC2) connects to my app. As far as I understand this should be done via IDP mappers.
I tried creating multiple ones with the "Attribute Importer" type with no success. The main problem is that attribute name fields are just textboxes. I don't know where to look to get the correct value I should enter here. For instance for email I tried multiple things like "email", "emailAddress", "mail", etc.. (with all possible cases, i.e. all uppercase, all lowercase, camelcase, etc.) but this is just guess work.
Is there a table somewhere telling what we should enter here? Or at least some way to see what is being sent in the claims (everything is very auto-magic so it's hard to know what's going on under the hood).
The documentation ( ) mentions that you can put the log level to debug to see the claims. Couldn't see them personally, so not sure about that.
Edit : found the problem for basic info (I had to create client scopes with the correct protocol, in my case SAML, and then bind it in the client on the KC2 side. Then use the SAML attribute name defined in the client scope mapper).
However, I still struggle for the roles. Do I have to create them on the KC1 side as well?
Edit 2 : Solved. For future reference, the roles can be found in the access token (not the ID token like basic user info), but they have to be mapped in KC1 to be visible there.
However, I still struggle for the roles. Do I have to create them on
the KC1 side as well?
You can't simply import the roles from KC2 directly to KC1. Instead, you have to create the roles that you want in KC1, and in the appropriate IDP configuration section (of KC1) create a External Role to Role Mapper:
Where you map the role that the user has on the external IDP (i.e., KC2) to the one that the user should have in the KC1. Do that for every role that you want to map.
For SAML IdP integrations you can try the same idea but using the Advance Attribute to Role mapper:

JBPM 7: How to get login user information

I would like to get login user (username, roles ...) when start new process via KieSession.
Any one can help?
UserGroupCallback is the kie API entrypoint that it is responsible for verifying whether a user or group exists and for collecting groups for a specific user.
Notice that default UserGroupCallback is based on the security context, therefore it can only retrieve information about authenticated user.
You can see different custom implementations here:
And this is the property for configuring a custom one:

Include groups (along with roles) in Keycloak token?

Is there a way to include the list of groups a user is a member of inside a Keycloak access token, along with the roles they are in? I've created several groups and mapped them to roles. However, I may have more than 1 group that maps to a particular role. I'd like to be able to make fine-grained authorization decisions so I know that User A is in Role A but also Group B. Is that possible?
Found the answer to this right here. All I had to do was add an additional mapper to my Client. Worked like a charm.

Keycloak Admin REST-API Synchronize federation mapper

I am using Keycloak 9.0.3 with a LDAP-user federation, with edit mode = WRITABLE and Import Users = on.
I am developing a spring boot application that should call the Keycloak REST API to create, update, delete users and groups in LDAP. I also created "group-ldap-mapper" in my user federation to map LDAP-Groups to Keycloak-Groups and vise-versa.
My requirement is to create and delete Keycloak-groups via the REST API and they get mapped to groups in LDAP using the mapper above. When my application calls POST /{realm}/groups Keycloak just creates the group in Keycloak-DB and does not synchronise to LDAP unless the group gets assigned to some user. This is actually not a big problem.
The real problem is when my application deletes the group via DELETE /{realm}/groups/{id}. The groups gets deleted from the Keycloak-DB but not from LDAP.
An acceptable workaround would be to call POST /{realm}/user-storage/{parentId}/mappers/{id}/sync which synchronises the Groups and does the job.
The problem in this workaround, that there is no way to get the federation mapper id ({id}) other than hardcoding it in the spring application. There is no REST-Call to retrieve this id programatically.
Any idea how to solve this?
I figured out how to find the ids of the federation and the group-ldap-mapper programatically to use them in the call POST /{realm}/user-storage/{parentId}/mappers/{id}/sync.
One can call GET /{realm}/components. This returns among other things federation and mappers. In my case I could find the federation id from the UserRepresentation and then I used it to filter the components (parent={federation id}). According to documentation there is also a type Query, but I could not figure out the right value.

Extend user access token in Keycloak with external data

We use the Keycloak service as SSO solution and provide the resulting JWT to different microservices and that works very well.
But now we have the problem that the JWT must be extended with data from an external resource when the user tries to login.
More tangible, a user has access to different markets with an unique ID as identifier, but we didn't see the management which user have access to which market inside the Keycloak service.
What could be the best solution for this problem?
After reading the docs an custom User Storage SPI is an answer, but I think that is a little bit to much..
As information we use Keycloak 3.1.0 as a standalone service with an postgres DB
The way you add extra data/information to your keycloak JWT token payloads, comes by means of adding "client-scopes" configured with the proper protocol mappers within them, that allows you to add any amount of custom extra information to your Id-token and access-token.
One example of this, would be having extra variables in your users, and then in the protocol mappers within the (newly-created) "client-scope", you can add a protocol-mappers of type "User-Attribute", so that your specific user variable will appear in your token the way you configured on your "protocol-mapper". There are many types of "protocol mappers" that'll allow you to map diverse type information to your tokens (is not just for mapping user variables).
This was addressed on this question before:
Keycloak User Storage SPI Implementation
I'm copying here the part which is relevant to you:
Origianl question was:
[How to]"Retrieve some attributes from external datasource, map it to keycloak's id and access token. Need to retrieve users unique id and add it as subject id in the jwt. That's the id, rest of the services can use to retrieve the id, when this token is passed to other services."
For this, the best you can do is:
Add those user's unique data as users attributes (see them on the Admin console)
Create a "Client scope" on Keycloak, with a corresponding mapper of type "user property" to map each of those values you'd like to add (from your user data) to your Id-token and access-token. You also need to tie your client with your just created "client scope". This may sound a little bit confusing, but this video is great material and I bilieve it'll help you alot: (arround min 6:30 you'll see how to add extra user info to your tokens)