to_char function hexadecimal formats error in Postgresql - postgresql

I want to use to_char function in Postgresql but take an error when execute the script.
Oracle version is ok;
result : 66592002042458F4
But I could not find Postgresql version and take an error like this;
ERROR: function to_char(text, unknown) does not exist

If you look at the table of formatting codes for numbers, you will see that X is not supported, and indeed there is no way to get hexadecimal output with to_char.
But you can use to_hex:
SELECT to_hex(7374961057827412212);
(1 row)
The error message you see is because you entered the first argument in single quotes, so it is a string (data type text), but there is no to_char function to format strings as strings (they are already strings).


Postgres encode() function doesn't work with a function as an argument

I'm trying to use Postgresql encode() function and put some other functions as it's arguments. I get errors, and I can't understand why.
I am using Postgres 9.6.14 on Windows.
This works fine and returns 698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668
select md5('111');
This also works fine and returns some value
select encode('698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668', 'base64');
But this one, which combines the first 2, doesn't work and returns "ERROR: function encode(text, unknown) does not exist"
select encode(md5('111'), 'base64');
This also doesn't work and returns the same error
select encode(concat('1', '11'), 'base64');
I thought that there is a rule which prevents to use one function inside another, but the following one works fine and returns the same value as the first request here, as expected.
select md5(concat('1', '11'))
So what's the issue with requests number 3 and 4 and encode() function overall?
Look at the definition of encode:
\df encode
List of functions
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type
pg_catalog | encode | text | bytea, text | func
(1 row)
The first argument has to be bytea, that is a binary byte string.
Your first two queries work because string literals are of type unknown, which can be cast to bytea implicitly.
In the queries that do not work, you are using the functions md5 and concat, which both have text as a result type. Now there is no implicit cast between text and bytea, hence the error message.
To make that work, you have to introduce an explicit type cast:
select encode(CAST(md5('111') AS bytea), 'base64');

How to convert bit type to bytea type in Postgresql

I want to convert bit type into bytea in postgresql.
Like this.
select (b'1010110011001100' & b'1011000011110000')::bytea;
However, error occured
ERROR: cannot cast type bit to bytea
LINE 1: select (b'1010110011001100' & b'1011000011110000')::bytea;
I just wanted to do an operation on bit strings and convert to bytea type.
Convert the bit value to hex and use decode():
select decode(to_hex((b'1010110011001100' & b'1011000011110000')::int), 'hex')
(1 row)
select decode((b'1010110011001100' & b'1011000011110000')::text,'escape')
select ((b'1010110011001100' & b'1011000011110000')::text)::bytea

Convert all hex in a string to its char value in Redshift

In Redshift, I'm trying to convert strings like this:
To look like this:
Basically I need to convert all of the hex in a string to its char value. The only way I can think of is to use a regex function. I tried to do it in two different ways and received error messages for both:
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(hex_string, '%([[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]])', CHR(x'\\1'::int))
ERROR: 22P02: "\" is not a valid hexadecimal digit
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(hex_string, '%([[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]])',CHR(STRTOL('0x'||'\\1', 16)::int))
ERROR: 22023: The input 0x\1 is not valid to be converted to base 16
The CHR and STRTOL functions works by itself. For example:
SELECT CHR(x'3A'::int)
SELECT CHR(STRTOL('0x3A', 16)::int)
both returns
And if I run the same pattern using a different function (other than CHR and STRTOL), it works:
REGEXP_REPLACE(hex_string, '%([[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]])', LOWER('{H}'||'\\1'||'{/H}'))
But for some reason those functions won't recognize the regex matching group.
Any tips on how I can do this?
I guess the other solution is to use nested REPLACE() functions for all of the special hex characters, but that's probably a very last resort.
What you want to do is called "URL decode".
Currently there is no built-in function for doing this, but you can create a custom User-Defined Function (make sure you have the required privileges):
RETURNS varchar
import urllib
return urllib.unquote(url).decode('utf8') # or 'latin-1', depending on how the text is encoded
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
Example query:
SELECT urldecode('');
I tried #hiddenbit's answer in REDSHIFT, but Python 3 isn't supported. The following Py2 code did work for me, however:
DROP FUNCTION urldecode(varchar);
RETURNS varchar
import urllib
return urllib.unquote(url)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;

In PostgreSQL, how can I unwrap a json string to text?

Suppose I have a value of type json, say y. One may obtain such a value through, for example, obj->'key', or any function that returns values of type json.
This value, when cast to text, includes quotation marks i.e. "y" instead of y. In cases where using json types is unavoidable, this poses a problem, especially when we wish to compare the value with literal strings e.g.
select foo(x)='bar';
The API Brainstorm page suggests a from_json function that will intelligently unwrap JSON strings, but I doubt that is available yet. In the meantime, how can one convert JSON strings to text without the quotation marks?
To extract a value as text, use #>>:
SELECT to_json('foo'::text) #>> '{}';
From: Postgres: How to convert a json string to text?
PostgreSQL doc page:
So it addresses your question specifically, but it doesn't work with any other types, like integer or float for example. The #> operator will not work for other types either.
Because JSON only has one numeric type, "number", and has no concept of int or float, there's no obvious way to cast a JSON type to a "correct" numeric type. It's best to know the schema of your JSON, extract the text and then cast to the correct type:
SELECT (('{"a":2.01}'::json)->'a'#>>'{}')::float
PostgreSQL does however have support for "arbitrary precision numbers" ("up to 131072 digits before the decimal point; up to 16383 digits after the decimal point") with its "numeric" type. JSON also supports 'e' notation for large numbers.
Try this to test them both out:
SELECT (('{"a":2e99999}'::json)->'a'#>>'{}')::numeric
The ->> operator unwraps quotation marks correctly. In order to take advantage of that operator, we wrap up our value inside an array, and then convert that to json.
RETURN to_json(ARRAY[from_json])->>0;
END; $$
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
For completeness, we provide a CAST that makes use of the function above.
CREATE CAST (json AS text) WITH json2text(json) AS ASSIGNMENT;

bytea type & nulls, Postgres

I'm using a bytea type in PostgreSQL, which, to my understanding, contains just a series of bytes. However, I can't get it to play well with nulls. For example:
=# select length(E'aa\x00aa'::bytea);
(1 row)
I was expecting 5. Also:
=# select md5(E'aa\x00aa'::bytea);
(1 row)
That's the MD5 of "aa", not "aa\x00aa". Clearly, I'm Doing It Wrong, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm also on an older version of Postgres (8.1.11) for reasons outside of my control. (I'll see if this behaves the same on the latest Postgres as soon as I get home...)
Try this:
# select length(E'aa\\000aa'::bytea);
Updated: Why the original didn't work? First, understand the difference between one slash and two:
pg=# select E'aa\055aa', length(E'aa\055aa') ;
?column? | length
aa-aa | 5
(1 row)
pg=# select E'aa\\055aa', length(E'aa\\055aa') ;
?column? | length
aa\055aa | 8
In the first case, I'm writing a literal string, 4 characters unescaped('a') and one escaped. The slash is consumed by the parser in a first pass, which converts the full \055
to a single char ('-' in this case).
In the second case, the first slash just escapes the second, the pair \\ is translated by the parser to a single \ and the 055 is seen as three characters.
Now, when converting a text to a bytea, escape characters (in a already parsed or produced text) are parsed/interpreted again! (Yes, this is confusing).
So, when I write
select E'aa\000aa'::bytea;
in the first parsing, the literal E'aa\000aa' is converted to an internal text with a null character in the third position (and depending on your postgresql version, the null character is interpreted as an EOS, and the text is assumed to be of length two - or in other versions an illegal string error is thrown).
Instead, when I write
select E'aa\\000aa'::bytea;
in the first parsing, the literal string "aa\000aa" (eight characters) is seen, and is asigned to a text; then in the casting to bytea, it is parsed again, and the sequence of characters '\000' is interpreted as a null byte.
IMO postgresql kind of sucks here.
You can use regular strings or dollar-quoted strings instead of escaped strings:
# select length('aa\000aa'::bytea);
(1 row)
# select length($$aa\000aa$$::bytea);
(1 row)
I think that dollar-quoted strings are a better option because, if the configuration parameter standard_conforming_strings is off, then PostgreSQL recognizes backslash escapes in both regular and escape string constants. However, as of PostgreSQL 9.1, the default is on, meaning that backslash escapes are recognized only in escape string constants.