Design REST endpoint with sublist as query param - rest

I have a get request that will give me a winner based on a list of inputs.
eg). [{rabbit:3, tiger:2}, {rabbit:1, donkey:3}, {bird:2}]. // the winner is {rabbit:1, donkey:3}
I would like to design a get end point that will take a list.
One way I could think of is like this:
A request param map would like like key:{rabbit,3?tiger,2}: value=[]
alternatively, I could do:
but I don't need the id information at all.
While this serves the purpose for what I need, I am wondering what would be the best way to represent query param with sub-object?

There really isn't a great answer here.
As far as HTTP is concerned, any spelling that is consistent with the production rules described by RFC 3986 is fine.
If you have a representation that is easily described by a URI Template, then you (and your clients) can take advantage of the general purpose template libraries.
BUT... templates are not so flexible that they can be used to describe arbitrary message schemas. We've got support for strings, and lists (of strings) and associative arrays (of strings), and... that's pretty much it.
On the web, we might handle an arbitrary case using a form with a textarea control that accepts a string representation of the message; the browser would then create a key value pair, where the value is an encoded representation of the information in the text area.
So, for example, you could copy a string representation of a JSON document into the form, submit the form, and the browser would compose the matching query-part. On the server, you would reverse the process to get at the JSON document.
There's nothing particularly magic about using a key value pair, of course. Another possibility would be to ignore the key of the key value, and just use the properly encoded value as the query. Again, the server just reverses the process.
Another somewhat common attempt is to use key value pairs, treating the keys as "paths" - which is to say each key identifies a location in the original document, and the value indicates the information available at that location.
In this example, the schema of the keys is based on JSON Pointer (RFC 6901), which is possible way to flatten hierarchical data into key value pairs. Which may not be "best", but is at least leaning in the direction of readily standardizable. (A standardized form would be an improvement, but I wasn't able to identify one).

The most obvious seems:
GET /winner?rabbit=3&tiger=2&rabbit=1&donkey=3


REST Protocol for searching and filtering

The standard REST verb for returning a value GET can take different parameters to select what to "get". Often there is one that takes an id to get a single value, and often some sort of search criteria to get a list.
Is there a standard way to specify the filtering and sorting of the data that is being searched for? For example, if I have an invoice record I'd like to write a GET query that says "give me all invoices for customer 123, with total > $345 and return in descending order of date".
If I were writing this myself I'd have something like:
(Note I didn't urlencode the url for clarity, though obviously that is required in practice, but I hope you get what I mean.)
I can certainly write something for this, but I am wondering if there is a standardized way to do this?
Is there a standard way to specify the filtering and sorting of the data that is being searched for?
Not that I'm aware of.
Note that HTTP doesn't really have queries (yet); HTTP has resource identifiers.
We've got a standard for resource identifiers (RFC 3986) and a standard for URI templates (RFC 6570) that describes how to produce a range of identifiers via variable expansion.
But as far as I can tell there is no published "standard" that automatically transforms a URI into a SQL query.
It's possible that one of the "convention over configuration" frameworks (ex: Rails) might have something useful here, but I haven't found it.

How to construct REST API endpoints with both composite keys and arrays?

Although there are tons of similar questions regarding the REST API design, I am asking a very specific question that I could not found answers in other similar questions.
Suppose that I am trying to GET a list of devices in the database with Building_Type and Room_Type filters. I would like to pass an array of filters, and each filter contains two field as a composite key. I've found standard practice to pass parameter arrays, but I could not find a good way for composite keys in the array.
GET /api/v1/devices?building_type=Educational&room_type=Office
This GETs all rooms with Educational building type and Office room type. However, I am trying to get a list of rooms for multiple composite combinations of {building_type, room_type}.
I am thinking of something like the following:
GET /api/v1/devices?location[]={building_type=Educational,room_type=Office}&location[]={building_type=Commercial,room_type=Office}&location[]={building_type=Educational,room_type=Classroom}
However this doesn't look like standard practice. I am asking for a better way to design this endpoint. I also don't want POST because this query does not change the state
on the server.
Please note that the following is incorrect, because I need to filter by an array of composite attributes of {building_type, room_type}.
GET /api/v1/devices?building_type[]=Educational&building_type[]=Commercial&room_type[]=Office&room_type=Classroom
It depends on what your backend can handle, but I would try an array of objects, like:
GET /api/v1/devices?location[][building_type]=Educational&location[][room_type]=Office&location[][building_type]=Commercial&location[][room_type]=ClassRoom
Rails 6 parses this like I expect:
"location"=>[{"building_type"=>"Education", "room_type"=>"Office"}, {"building_type"=>"Commercial", "room_type"=>"ClassRoom"}]
But, as this article goes into, libraries don't handle complex object serialization/deserialization into query params consistently. If your backend doesn't like the above, numerically indexing the array should work (though it's more work to construct from your client code):
GET /api/v1/devices?location[0][building_type]=Educational&location[0][room_type]=Office&location[1][building_type]=Commercial&location[1][room_type]=ClassRoom
If you want something that won't be implementation-dependent, you could also consider URL-encoding a JSON string that represents your search query:
GET /api/v1/devices?query=%7B%22locations%22%3A%20%5B%7B%22building_type%22%3A%20%22Educational%22%2C%20%22room_type%22%3A%20%22Office%22%7D%2C%20%7B%20%22building_type%22%3A%20%22Commercial%22%2C%20%22room_type%22%3A%20%22Office%22%7D%5D%7D
Not pretty, but possibly less frustrating.

Naming the RESTful API route. Naming of an action on a resource. What is the approach?

I have the following route with cars as a collection resource.
Now I want to introduce a "Price per car", but this price is dependent on the input, not fixed. So when the user calls the pricing endpoint, it should send some data ex. color, enginse size etc. which then would determine the price for a car X.
My question now is, how this route should look like?
Does one of those make sense, what is the general approach one should take in such cases:
So when the user calls the pricing endpoint, it should send some data ex. color, engines size etc. which then would determine the price for a car X.
Sounds like submitting a web form; on the web, you would end up with the data appearing as encoded key value pairs in the URI.
GET /2c5d1cd4-0259-4c2b-9ca3-6215426732b8?color=red&transmission=automatic
Aside from the fact that browsers already know how to encode form values into a query string, there's no particular advantage to using a query; you could do path segments instead if you wanted to
GET /2c5d1cd4-0259-4c2b-9ca3-6215426732b8/color/red/transmission/automatic
Clients that understand how URI templates work can handle just about any layout of information you are interested in. HTML processing on the web isn't quite sophisticated enough to handle arbitrary uri templates; encoded key value pairs is a nice answer if you care about those use cases.
These are all "fine"; consumer code really doesn't care. A key idea to keep in mind is that a URI is an identifier; which is to say it is the name of the document (resource) that it fetches. If you have a clear understanding of your domain, it should be relatively straight forward to work out what the name of the document is, and choose an identifier spelling that makes understanding/remembering/guessing easier for human beings.

REST strategy for overloading GET verb

Consider a need to create a GET endpoint for fetching Member details using either of 4 options (It's common in legacy application with RPC calls)
Get member by ID
Get member by SSN
Get member by a combination of Phone and LastName (both must be passed)
What's a recommended strategy to live the REST spirit and yet provide this flexibility?
Some options I could think of are:
Parameters Based
Separate Endpoints
RPC for custom
REST doesn't care what spelling you use for your identifiers.
For example, think about how you would do this on the web. You would provide forms, one for each set of search criteria. The consumer would choose which form to use, and submit the form, without ever knowing what the URI is.
In the case of HTML forms, there are specific processing rules for describing how the form information will be copied into the URI. The form takes on the aspect of a URI Template.
A URI Template provides both a structural description of a URI space and, when variable values are provided, machine-readable instructions on how to construct a URI corresponding to those values.
But there aren't any rules saying that restrict the server from providing a URI template that directs the client to copy the variable values into path segments rather than into the query string.
In other words, in REST, the server retains control of its own URI space.
You might sometimes prefer to use path segments because of their hierarchical nature, which may be convenient if you want the client to use relative resolution of relative references in your representations.
REST ≠ pretty URLs. The two are orthogonal.
Your question is about the latter, I feel.
Whilst the other answers have been good, if you want your API to work with HTML forms, go with query parameters on the collection /user resource for all fields, even for ID (assuming a human is typing these in based on information they are getting from sheets of paper on their desk, etc.)
If your server is able to produce links to each record, always produce canonical links such as /users/{id}, don't duplicate data under different URLs.

RESTful URI for Filtering Nested Collections

I'm looking for a good way to form a URI for a resource that filters on a collection of values contained within records. For example, say you have a recipe database and you want to search for recipes that contain "cherry" (obviously most recipes would contain multiple ingredients).
If I just want to filter on single values, I could do something similar to the following:
But what about filtering on multiple values? I was considering something like the following:
Any thoughts on this? Is there a "standard" for a filter of this kind?
Update: One problem I have with my idea is the way it gets handled on the backend (in my case Rails). When querying the server with this particular format, Rails generates a Ruby hash that could get ugly like the following:
Your URI
First of all, in contrast to other answers I'll start from a REST perspective and then find appropriate additions to it. I am not strong in Ruby so bear with no-code on the backend.
Recipies are the entities you wanna present
your users find them at /recipies
HTTP has QUERYS for filtering
wanna have sorted those recipies by date? use /recipies/?sortby=date&sort=asc
Only recipies with cherries goes similarly: /recipies/?ingredients=cherry
So that's the REST way of structuring your basic URL.
For multiple matches there is no official way to do it, but i'd follow user1758003. This is an intuitive construction of the url and easily to parse on the backend, so we have /recipies/?ingredients=cherry,chocolate
Don't forget /recipies/search is not restful because it mirrors recipies and does not represent an independent entity. However it is a great place to host a searchform for visitors to your site.
Now there are some additional questions packed into the first, let me address them one by one:
I have a website consuming this api, how should the search form look like?
Give your visitors a /recipie/search page or a quick filtering possibility on /recipies.
Just set the <form action="/recipies" type="GET">. The browser will add all parameters as an Query string after /recipies.
Advanced functionality
A request to /recipies should list all. If you add a query every parameter of the query must be respected. so /recipies/?ingredients=cheese MUST only return cheesy recipies.
For multiply query parameter values there is no fixed standard but I'd like a service to be intuitive.
I read GET /recipies/?ingredients=cherry,chocolate as Get me the recipies which have ingredients of cherry and chocolate. To get a list of recipies containing either cherry or chocolate I'd want to write the URI like /recipies/?ingredients=cherry|chocolate which makes it visually very different from a comma and has a predefined meaning (OR) in programming contexts.
I'm not familiar with the specifics of ruby hashes but I'm guessing the hash is created to uniquely identified the query both at the http and data access levels?
Regardless, you want to be careful about URL encoding if you wish to use json in a query parameter. Another thing to keep in mind is the term "search" could be considered repetitive. If your server is being accessed using a GET method and you have criteria then hopefully you're not modifying any state in the back end. Not your question but just thought I'd mention it.
HTTP doesn't define commas as a query string separator so your framework should be able to parse 2 query string parameters:
ingredients: "cherry,cheese"
which you should be able to easily covert to an an array using split or whichever equivalent function ruby provides.
type: "cake" (extra query term added to illustrate a point and because cherry cheese cake is awesome and cake is not an ingredient)
If I understand your example correctly you would end up with:
Is this what you where looking for?
Most of the REST webservice using JSON data only.So use JSON format which will return single string value only. From this JSON format you can send the array value also.
For array value means you to convert that array into the JSON format like this
from php:
$ingredients = array('contains'=>array('fruits'=>'cherry,apple','vitamins'=>'a,d,e,k'));
$ingredients_json = json_encode($ingredients);
echo $ingredients_json;
it will return json format like this:
and you can use this JSON string in the url
in the server side we have the option to decode this JSON format value to the array.