ARkit - go inside house (3D walkthru) - swift

I'm trying to use ARkit to create a simple demo where I would need to scan an image and display a 3D model of the house at the exact location defined by the image. This means that the picture would be the starting point 0 for me, and from this point I would show the house to which I could go in augmented reality. Is there any way to do this?
I came up with the method using image tracking, but I can't fix the position of the scanned image, the model always disappears when the mobile phone does not see the image.
My question is.
Is it possible to fix the position of the object after scanning the image, even if the phone will no longer point at it and can I walk 20 meters further?
Thanks for any help, I'm new to ARkit features.

I have a similar issue.
I recommend you use the method of cloning an object to the same location with 'Instantiate' after image tracking.
Or, I think it would be okay to utilize AnchorContent(position, prefab) by Anchor Manager.
Anchor Content Method
Then, Even if you don't see the image, the model won't disappear
My model doesn't disappear after image tracking, but when I walk 20 meters more,
The problem is that the position of the object changes slightly.
After solving your current problem, I would appreciate it if you could let me know if the position of the object is fixed well.


How to make Holograms move relative to user's head in Hololens 2?

I am creating a simple App on Hololens2 using Unity. I create two game objects and want them to move based on the user's head movement i.e. they do not stay still at a place in space but move relative to the user's head. However, I am not sure on how to enable this setting. Can someone please help?
The Orbital Solver provided in MRTK can implement this idea without even writing any code. It can lock the object to a specified position and offset it from the player. It is recommend to refer to the SolverExamples.unity which is located at /MRTK/Examples/Demos/Solvers/Scenes to get stated Solver components.
If I understand you correctly, you want to have a object at a specific distance from the HoloLens 2 at any given time.
So that (for example) a cube is always in the upper right corner of the users view.
If that is the case you can position the desired object as a child to the Main Camera (located under the MixedRealityPlayspace) in the hierarchy view.

Unity AR Foundation object anchor problem

I am new on unity ar foundation and I am trying to create simple screen that when camera looks to the target image, my object will be visible at that point and some other objects will be visible according to first object position (referans point).
When camera looks the target image, my object becomes visible but when I move camera, object also moves with camera direction as well like that; check here to see video
What can I do to keep object always at the same point even camera moves (even it can be render once -no update-).. any advise ? Thanks
Which AR platform do you working on? (ARKit & ARCore) You don't need an anchor if you use the tracked image. Because it is already an anchor. Update your game object transform if only if tracked image anchor tracking state is tracking & limited. Also the image you provided has few trackable features. You should test your code with an image that has more features than the current image. Also setting the image's physical size correctly greatly improves tracking.

How to fix objects in the indoor environment with ArCore?

I need to insert some virtual objects in an indoor environment, but I need the position of these objects to be fixed. I have already tried using markers with the vuforia but it is complicated, it takes time to recognize. I'm thinking of using Google's ArCore. Does anyone know if this is possible and, if so, do they know how to do it?
I'm using Unity to do this. Can someone help me?
ARCore places the camera relative to the detected plane, so you will need a plane at some point so the application can locate the camera into the game.
HelloAR shows how this works, you may test into the unity editor and see how the camera moves arround the points and the detected plane.
One solution for your problem may be the image detection of ARCore + Plane detection, you place the image on the floor and when the image is detected you will have your objects in place while you move arround, but you will need to have a plane to move, not only the image detection, because if you don't, you will lose the objects once the camera loses the image.

How to get the distance from daydream controller to a pointed game object in unity?

Following the google-vr sample I manage to add a camera and controller to my scene.
The next thing I need is to get the distance between my controller to any pointed game object in the scene.
After searching for a while, I cannot find any tutorial nor information on how to get the distance.
So, is there any newest working tutorial on how to do this? (Many tutorial on the internet is outdated since google updates its API so frequently)
Or it is actually a simple task i.e. I can get the value from GvrPointerInputModule.Pointer / GvrLaserPointer / some other GVR class?
Thanks in advance~
You need to do raycasts from the controller and measure the difference between the hit location and the origin of the Ray cast. I think unity raycasts can return this distance built-in.
Just as I suspected, GvrLaserPointer is the answer.
If its CurrentRaycastResult.gameObject is not null, then the laser is intersecting with something. Then, we can get the intersection point from CurrentRaycastResult.worldPosition.
Using this point, we can easily calculate the distance.
Note: Just in case anyone failing with this method, like I did before. Check your ray casting group. Make sure that your Raycaster Event Mask in GVRPointerPhysicsRaycaster only include the desired layers. And if you have any canvas in screen space, check its Blocking Mask in Graphic Raycaster. It's Everything by default and your pointer may keep intersecting with the canvas, resulting in "weird" intersection point. This the cause of my problem, and to fix it, I select Nothing for Blocking Mask, and voila.

How I fix my character into center of camera with unity 3d

I need a solution for my problem, please.
I make a character in unity 3d base on AR, the problem is when I build the project in my android phone I can found the character or I should to turn a camera for search where is he.
I need to make this object into the center of my camera how can I do this, please ...
The question isn't the clearest, but I suggest attaching the camera to the gameobject you want to see in the editor.
This link is to a unity tutorial.
Just re-read your question, AR skimed over that at first ... so you dont want to move the camera rather you want to move the object.
To find the middle of the screen in world space is what you asking for.
Camera.current.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.5f,0.5f, 100));
Use your camera to find a point in the world that is in the middle of your view. You have several options, ViewportToWorldPoint for example as shown above. ViewPort calls 0.5,0.5 the middle of the screen, Z is the distance from the Camera origin point.
You could alternativly cast a ray from your camera center screen and find a point on the ground to put your character at ... would need to know more about your wourld set up to help further.
My old answer is how to move a camera ... I will leave it case its useful to you.
[Edit Old Answer]
The other answer will work and is nice and light but has its limitations as your project advances.
I recomend Cinemachine for camera work, in this case a simple Cinemachine virtual camera setting its 'Look At' and optionaly its 'Follow' is what you want.
Cinemachine tutorail above. in short, Cinemachine works with the concept of 'virtual cameras' these are just light easy to use behvaiours that discribe how to 'frame' a shot e.g. what to look at, how to move, etc.
You real camera will get a Cinemachine 'brain' which simply listens to these virtual cameras and sorts out what to do to the real camera to make it happen. Getting to terms with this system will greatly improve your camera work and masivly simplify it.
Things like simply attaching the camera to the player object and similar work but have big limitations that end up biting you in the backside eventually.
Alternativly you can write a script to transform the camera based on your own custom logic the draw back here is the 'ball of code' problem ... that is at first the logic is simple but as you want more and more specific shots framed up it gets to being a spegettie monster quickly.