Xamarin - Physical device deploy Color not correct - iphone

I'm currently using Visual Studio Community on Windows (connected to Mac) with Xamarin.IOS (the same version installed on MAC).
After updating Visual Studio to the version 16.11.4 and deploying the xamarin forms app to my physical device (Iphone X) i can notice that:
Shell.BackgroundColor is not blue and also the hamburgher icon menu not appear.
if i deploy the same app to the android emulator everything is working correctly.
I attach this image to explain
What do you think ?

According to my query, it seems that uikit has been updated in ios15. The default color is transparent.
I added in the FinishedLaunching method of xxx.IOS->Appdelegate.cs:
UINavigationBar.Appearance.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue;


Widget appears wrong using Mac OS Safari and suddenly changes

A Flutter WebApp behaves using MacOS Chrome just fine. Using Safari on MacOS, the UI changes at certain points randomly. MacOS and Safari are the most recent releases with any applicable patch installed.
As far as I understand, MacOS Safari is a first class platform to run Flutter apps.
Could someone explain, what I may have missed?
The Widget should appear as in the right image.
Actually, it appears as the one in the left image.
As soon as I move the mouse pointer over the second button, it changes from Urlau to ....
The String Urlau appears somewhere in the Flutter app, but very far away from the respective widget. Fully unrelated.
I compiled like so: flutter build web --web-renderer html
Using Safari on MacOS appears like so:
Using Chrome on MacOS appears just fine:
Try rendering with canvas kit using this command
flutter build web --web-renderer canvaskit

how can i existing android flutter project in ios? do i need to do any changes in code in vs?

created flutter project and running in android easily but how can we run in mac and
< what code we need to change and implement?>
You need a Mac device to run on iOS. By selecting a simulator, you can easily run from vscode/android studio/xcode. Also you don't need to change any code but if you want to show different style in different platform, you need to change those code accordingly.

Run Simulators docked in VSCode

Is it possible to run iOS or Android simulator docked inside VSCode (or is there a feature request or extension to do so)? ideally as one of the tabs in the panel, where the Terminal is.
the best workaround solution I could come up with is dragging the ios simulator on a native macos space, as seen in picture. this is not doable on windows or linux afaik

Why don't layouts automatically resize to fit the window in a Xamarin Forms UWP app?

When a user enlarges a window hosting a xamarin.forms UWP app the layout/page does not resize, and the window controls disappear. If you make the window smaller everything reposition as expected. How do you get this to behave properly? I thought it was supposed to scale automatically.
I have downloaded and tested the project you provided on GitHub and it works normally and resizes as expected. I suspect the problem in your case may be that the UI thread was frozen or you Visual Studio Debugger froze the app. I would suggest restarting your PC and then doing Clean solution from Visual Studio and rebuild again. After these steps it should work normally. If not, perform repair of Visual Studio.

PC keyboard not working in Android emulator [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20
(13 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm unable to use my PC keyboard to input characters into the app running on AVD emulator even though I had chosen 'Enable keyboard input' when creating the AVD. Can anyone help?
Below is my config.ini.
File directory can be accessed from AVD Manager:
-> click the down arrow on the Actions column
-> Show on Disk.
For GNU/Linux users, with default Android Studio configuration, the
file is found under directory
avd.ini.displayname=Nexus 5 API 21
hw.device.name=Nexus 5
skin.path=/Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/plugins/android/lib/device-art-resources/nexus_5
More info:
I'm using Mac OS X 10.10.4 (Yosemite).
Android Studio 1.3
I had this issue despite having the correct configuration, and realized that the actual problem was that the focus was on the emulator control buttons windows, as reported in this issue.
To check if this is your problem, see if pressing space actually presses one of those buttons, and if pressing tab moves the highlight focus square between elements in the emulator controls. If that is the problem, then you should be able to work around it as follows:
Select the extended controls (The "..." button in the emulator controls)
Change to any item in the extended controls window by clicking
Close the extended controls window
The focus should now return to the main Android emulator window, not the emulator controls, and key presses should go to Android apps.
try to change following.
hw.keyboard = yes
hw.keyboard.lid = no
hw.keyboard.charmap = qwerty2