Getting the first item for a tuple for each row in a list in Scala - scala

I am looking to do this in Scala, but nothing works. In pyspark it works obviously.
from operator import itemgetter
rdd = sc.parallelize([(0, [(0,'a'), (1,'b'), (2,'c')]), (1, [(3,'x'), (5,'y'), (6,'z')])])
mapped = rdd.mapValues(lambda v: map(itemgetter(0), v))
[(0, [0, 1, 2]), (1, [3, 5, 6])]

val rdd = sparkContext.parallelize(List(
(0, Array((0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c"))),
(1, Array((3, "x"), (5, "y"), (6, "z")))
.mapValues(v =>
.foreach(v=>println(v._1+"; "+v._2.toSeq.mkString(",") ))
0; 0,1,2
1; 3,5,6


spark rdd filter after groupbykey

//create RDD
val rdd = sc.makeRDD(List(("a", (1, "m")), ("b", (1, "m")),
("a", (1, "n")), ("b", (2, "n")), ("c", (1, "m")),
("c", (5, "m")), ("d", (1, "m")), ("d", (1, "n"))))
val groupRDD = rdd.groupByKey()
after groupByKey i want to filter the second element is not equal 1 and get
("b", (1, "m")),("b", (2, "n")), ("c", (1, "m")), ("c", (5, "m"))
groupByKey() is must necessary, could help me, thanks a lot.
but if the second element type is string,filter the second element All of them equal x ,like
("a",("x","m")), ("a",("x","n")), ("b",("x","m")), ("b",("y","n")), ("c",("x","m")), ("c",("z","m")), ("d",("x","m")), ("d",("x","n"))
and also get the same result ("b",("x","m")), ("b",("y","n")), ("c",("x","m")), ("c",("z","m"))
You could do:
val groupRDD = rdd
.filter(value => => tuple._1).sum != value._2.size)
.flatMapValues(list => list) // to get the result as you like, because right now, they are, e.g. (b, Seq((1, m), (1, n)))
What this does, is that we are first grouping keys through groupByKey, then we are filtering through filter by summing the keys from your grouped entries, and checking whether the sum is as much as the grouped entries size. For example:
(a, Seq((1, m), (1, n)) -> grouped by key
(a, Seq((1, m), (1, n), 2 (the sum of 1 + 1), 2 (size of sequence))
2 = 2, filter this row out
The final result:
Good luck!
Under the assumption that key from tuple can be any string; assuming rdd is your data that contains:
Then we can construct uniqueCount as:
val uniqueCount = rdd
// we swap places, we want to check for combination of (a, 1), (b, a), (b, b), (c, a), etc.
.map(entry => ((entry._1, entry._2._1), entry._2._2))
// we count keys, meaning that (a, 1) gives us 2, (b, a) gives us 1, (b, b) gives us 1, etc.
// we filter out > 2, because they are duplicates
.filter(a => a._2 == 1)
// we get the very keys, so we can filter below
.map(a => a._1._1)
Then this:
val filteredRDD = rdd.filter(a => uniqueCount.contains(a._1))
Gives this output:

How to store each element to dictionary and count dictionary value with pyspark?

I want to count elements value of dictionary. I try with this code:
def f_items(data, steps=0):
items = defaultdict(int)
for element in data:
if element in data:
items[element] += 1
items[element] = 1
return items.items()
data = [[1, 2, 3, 'E'], [1, 2, 3, 'E'], [5, 2, 7, 112, 'A'] ]
rdd = sc.parallelize(data)
items = rdd.flatMap(lambda data: [y for y in f_items(data)], True)
print (items.collect())
The output of this code is shown below:
[(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), ('E', 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), ('E', 1), (5, 1), (2, 1), (7, 1), (112, 1), ('A', 1)]
But, it should show the result following:
[(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 3), ('E', 2), (5, 1), (7, 1), (112, 1), ('A', 1)]
How to achieve this?
Your last step should be a reduceByKey function call on the items rdd.
final_items = items.reduceByKey(lambda x,y: x+y)
print (final_items.collect())
You can look into this link to see some examples of reduceByKey in scala, java and python.

Pyspark - after groupByKey and count distinct value according to the key?

I would like to find how many distinct values according to the key, for example, suppose I have
x = sc.parallelize([("a", 1), ("b", 1), ("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("a", 2)])
And I have done using groupByKey
sorted(x.groupByKey().map(lambda x : (x[0], list(x[1]))).collect())
the output will by like,
[('a', [1, 1, 2]), ('b', [1, 2])]
[('a', 3), ('b', 2)]
However, I want to find distinct values in the list, the output should be like,
[('a', [1, 2]), ('b', [1, 2])]
[('a', 2), ('b', 2)]
I am very new to spark and try to apply the distinct() function somewhere, but all failed :-(
Thanks a lot in advance!
you can use set instead of list -
sorted(x.groupByKey().map(lambda x : (x[0], set(x[1]))).collect())
You can try number of approaches for same. I solved it using below approach:-
from operator import add
x = sc.parallelize([("a", 1), ("b", 1), ("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("a", 2)])
x = n:((n[0],n[1]), 1))
x.groupByKey().map(lambda n:(n[0][0],1)).reduceByKey(add).collect()
[('b', 2), ('a', 2)]
Hope This will help you.

How to add the value of arraybuffer

For e.g.:
val xs = List((1,ArrayBuffer(900.0, 400.0))
(2,ArrayBuffer(2000.0, 800.0))
(3,ArrayBuffer(1500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 1100.0)))
ArrayBuffer is growable.
How to add the values of ArrayBuffer?
Output should be look like:
List((1, 1300.0)
(2, 2800.0)
(3, 3900.0))
How to write script in scala?
(1, ArrayBuffer(900.0, 400.0)),
(2, ArrayBuffer(2000.0, 800.0)),
(3, ArrayBuffer(1500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 1100.0))
).map({ case (i, xs) => (i, xs.sum) })
// res0: List[(Int, Double)] = List((1,1300.0), (2,2800.0), (3,3900.0))

sort two lists by their first element and zip them in scala

val descrList = {
case values => (values.ifIndex , values.ifName , values.ifType)
val ipAddressList = cursorReal.interfaceIpAndIndex.filter(x=> (!x.ifIpAddress.equalsIgnoreCase("0"))).map {
case values => (values.ifIndex,values.ifIpAddress)
For instance,
val descrList =
List((12,"VoIP-Null0",1), (8,"FastEthernet6",6), (19,"Vlan11",53),
(4,"FastEthernet2",6), (15,"Vlan1",53), (11,"GigabitEthernet0",6),
(9,"FastEthernet7",6), (22,"Vlan20",53), (13,"Wlan-GigabitEthernet0",6),
(16,"Async1",1), (5,"FastEthernet3",6), (10,"FastEthernet8",6),
(21,"Vlan12",53), (6,"FastEthernet4",6), (1,"wlan-ap0",24),
(17,"Virtual-Template1",131), (14,"Null0",1), (20,"Vlan10",53),
(2,"FastEthernet0",6), (18,"NVI0",1), (7,"FastEthernet5",6),
(29,"Virtual-Access7",131), (3,"FastEthernet1",6), (28,"Virtual-Access6",131))
val ipAddressList = List((21,""), (19,""),
(11,""), (20,""),
In both the lists first element is index and i have to merge these two list index wise . It means
(21,"") this ipAddress should merge with (21,"Vlan12",53) and form new list like below (21,"Vlan12",53,"").
scala> descrList map {case (index, v1, v2) =>
(index, v1, v2, ipAddressList.toMap.getOrElse(index, "empty"))}
res0: List[(Int, String, Int, String)] = List(
(12,VoIP-Null0,1,empty), (8,FastEthernet6,6,empty), (19,Vlan11,53,,
(4,FastEthernet2,6,empty), (15,Vlan1,53,empty), (11,GigabitEthernet0,6,,
(9,FastEthernet7,6,empty), (22,Vlan20,53,, (13,Wlan-GigabitEthernet0,6,empty),
(16,Async1,1,empty), (5,FastEthernet3,6,empty), (10,FastEthernet8,6,empty),
(21,Vlan12,53,, (6,FastEthernet4,6,empty), (1,wlan-ap0,24,empty), (17,Virtual-
Template1,131,empty), (14,Null0,1,empty), (20,Vlan10,53,, (2,FastEthernet0,6,empty),
(18,NVI0,1,empty), (7,FastEthernet5,6,empty), (29,Virtual-Access7,131,empty),
(3,FastEthernet1,6,empty), (28,Virtual-Access6,131,empty))
First, I would suggest you produce a Map instead of a List. A Map by nature has an indexer, and in your case this would be the ifIndex value.
Once you have Maps in place, you can use something like this (sample from this other SO Best way to merge two maps and sum the values of same key?)
From Rex Kerr:
map1 ++{ case (k,v) => k -> (v + map1.getOrElse(k,0)) }
Or like this from Matthew Farwell:
(map1.keySet ++ map2.keySet).map (i=> (i,map1.getOrElse(i,0) + map2.getOrElse(i,0))}.toMap
If you cannot use Maps for whatever reason, then look into your existing project libraries. If you have Scalaz, then you have some tools already available.
If you have Slick, you also have some nice tools to directly use.
Consider first converting decrList to a Map, like this,
val a = (for ( (k,v1,v2) <- descrList) yield k -> (v1,v2)).toMap
Then we can look up keys for ipAddressList and agglomerate elements into a new tuple, as follows,
for ( (k,ip) <- ipAddressList ; v = a.getOrElse(k,("none","none")) ) yield (k,v._1,v._2,ip)
Hence, for ipAddressList,
res: List((21,Vlan12,53,, (19,Vlan11,53,,
(11,GigabitEthernet0,6,, (20,Vlan10,53,,
Given the data:
val descrList =
List((12, "VoIP-Null0", 1), (8, "FastEthernet6", 6), (19, "Vlan11", 53),
(4, "FastEthernet2", 6), (15, "Vlan1", 53), (11, "GigabitEthernet0", 6),
(9, "FastEthernet7", 6), (22, "Vlan20", 53), (13, "Wlan-GigabitEthernet0", 6),
(16, "Async1", 1), (5, "FastEthernet3", 6), (10, "FastEthernet8", 6),
(21, "Vlan12", 53), (6, "FastEthernet4", 6), (1, "wlan-ap0", 24),
(17, "Virtual-Template1", 131), (14, "Null0", 1), (20, "Vlan10", 53),
(2, "FastEthernet0", 6), (18, "NVI0", 1), (7, "FastEthernet5", 6),
(29, "Virtual-Access7", 131), (3, "FastEthernet1", 6), (28, "Virtual-Access6", 131))
val ipAddressList = List((21, ""), (19, ""),
(11, ""), (20, ""),
(22, ""))
Merge and sort:
val addrMap = ipAddressList.toMap
val output = descrList
.filter(x => addrMap.contains(x._1))
.map(x => x match { case (i, a, b) => (i, a, b, addrMap(i)) })
output foreach println