Confusion with Null safety - flutter

I'm pretty new to flutter and because of the null safety feature I've been getting a lot of errors from a code that will run perfectly fine in Java or other langs. For example this-
int ? i;
var icecreamFlavours = ['chocolate', 'vanilla', 'orange'];
icecreamFlavours.forEach((item) {
i++; //This is where I get the error
print('We have the $item flavour');
My Error Message
Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'int?' because it is potentially null.
Error: A value of type 'num' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int?'.

You can't do either i++ or i+=1 on a nullable variable, because the reason is simple, null variable can have null values which will make increment no sense.
In addition to this, you can't even do i!++ or i!+=1 even if you are sure that i is not null. There is an open issue for this
So for now you can do this i = i! + 1
For i = i! + 1 to work you need to be sure about i not being null. So it's better to initialise/assign i with some value before using it.


flutter null safety from prefs.setStringList -> error : the argument list<String?> can't be assigned to the parameter type List <String>

Hello I try to make null safety migration, but have a probleme with
the error is : the argument list<String?> can't be assigned to the parameter type List
RegExp regExp = new RegExp(r'(...)');
var save_list= regExp.allMatches(decrypted).map((z) =>;
if(regExp.allMatches(decrypted)==null ){
} else {
I add .toString() from save_list= regExp.allMatches(decrypted).map((z) =>;
the error is removed but I don't know if it's the good solution
When you call the group method could return null if there was no group with the given index (0 in this case). so dart thinks you might have some null values on your list of strings.
The reality is that you shouldn't get any null values because you are passing a 0. So to tell dart that the method isn't returning null, use the ! operator:
.map((z) =>!)
If, by some chance, you happened to have any null values, this code will not work (as I said, I believe you won't but what do I know? I've never used regexes with dart)
If that's the case, you first need to filter the null values and then use the !:
.map((z) =>
.where((v) => v != null) // filter out null values
.map((v) => v!); // let dart know you don't have any null values.
Hopefully that's enough to fix the problem

The parameter can't have a value of 'null' because of its type 'String', but the implicit default value is 'null'

I know there many answers to this question but I feel like I'm missing something that the other answers can't answer. I'm teaching myself Dart through their website. One of the examples they have is the following
String say(String from, String msg, [String? device]) {
var result = '$from says $msg';
if (device != null) {
result = '$result with a $device';
return result;
Here’s an example of calling this function without the optional parameter:
assert(say('Bob', 'Howdy') == 'Bob says Howdy');
And here’s an example of calling this function with the third parameter:
assert(say('Bob', 'Howdy', 'smoke signal') ==
'Bob says Howdy with a smoke signal');
I'm trying out something similar in Dartpad
void main() {
print(testFunction('James', 'end', 'of it all'));
String testFunction(String start, String end, [String insert]){
var result = '$start and this is the $end';
if(insert != null) {
result = '$result testing stuff $insert';
return result;
This ends up in the following error
The parameter 'insert' can't have a value of 'null' because of its type 'String', but the implicit default value is 'null'.
I'm struggling to understand why that error is popping up considering I've added the third parameter in testFunction. Making the insert parameter optional solves the problem but why is it working for the Dart example and not my test?
You're missing [String? insert] in the function arguments. The Dart example has this as well in [String? device].
Conceptually, the square brackets indicate that the parameter is optional, but "?" is still needed to indicate that the variable can be a null value

Flutter Null check operator used on a null value

_stores is giving me issue where if value.stores is null, I get the below null error. how to resolve this issue ? null-safety enabled as this project is 2.12.2 plus.
dynamic _stores = useProvider( => value.stores));
Code also tried :
dynamic _stores = useProvider(storeViewModelProvider
.select((StoreViewModel? value) => value!.stores));
Error: Null check operator used on a null value
Can someone let me know what is wrong here ?
the attribute receiving useProvider has to be nullable.
after try this:
dynamic _stores = useProvider(
storeViewModelProvider?.select((value) => value?.stores));

I have a query that returns '[ ]'. I want it to be shown on a widget as not having any value, how do I do this?

I have a query in my flutter app that should return empty if 'archived' 'isNull' is set to true. I accomplished that, but the issue I'm having now is the fact that the query returns empty (i.e [ ]). And on the widget, I want this to be shown as not having any value but instead, an empty pair of brackets '()' keep showing up.
I have tried checking for when query data equals null, something like this:
if ( == null){
// The idea is for it not to just return '()' as the value
value = null;
value =;
And also:
if ( == []){
value = null;
value =;
How do I go about this? Thanks in advance.
If "data" is a list why not try data.isEmpty() ? And also if you only need to avoid the brackets (dirty fix alert ⚠️) whatever you did it's returning a string value '()' then you check that
if(yourResults == '()' )value == null;
And please add more details for a better answer .

Why does my ternary operator give a different result to an if else?

The problem I am having is I am trying to use ternary operators over if else for smaller code but when using it in my case it is returning a different result than if I use an if else.
The problem code is below;
If Else
pm.ItemLeftArm = null;
pm.ItemLeftArm = jn["LARM"];
pm.ItemLeftArm = string.IsNullOrEmpty(jn["LARM"].Value) ? null : jn["LARM"];
The jn["LARM"] is a json node from simpleJSON and it is either a number e.g. "0" or nothing e.g. "".
It returns null form the if else but it returns the jn object which transforms from "" into 0.
Im not sure why Im getting this issue.
The code is ok, the problem must be in the JSON. Have you tried logging the jn["LARM"].Value just before the terniary operator in order to be sure that the value is null/empty or not?
BTW, why are you using simpleJSON instead of the new Unity integrated JsonUtility?