Is there a way to make a scrollbar for plots in the matlab app designer? - matlab

I am building an app with the App Designer. The figure includes multiple plots that are synced. I would like to make something to scroll through the plots so that I can show a set amount of time at any given time. As it is now, it includes the ability to pan and zoom with just mouse controls. I cannot find a way to make such a scroll bar.
I was thinking of using the slider tool to keep re-plotting the plot based on where the slider begins, but that solution is very messy. And it could lead to some data never appearing.
Even if I could just make some way for me to set the plot to just show a given x interval (say 100 units of time) and use a key press to go to the next x interval without skipping anything.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Vertical zoom on individual series or Y-axis in Echarts

Is it possible to zoom on individual series in Echarts? By that I mean selecting a series and then applying vertical zoom on that series while the other series remain unchanged.
I have looked at the examples and documentation, but can´t find it.
Yes! It is possible and supported. The way I did it was by setting zoomOnMouseWheel on idividual series through setOption.
Selecting a series by clicking on it seems a little brittle though. The selections don´t always seem to go through. I used the selectchanged event.

Area measurement of fluorescent powder from finger contacts - batch processing

I have 120 photos like the one below showing the amount of fluorescent powder deposited onto a surface when it is touched by fingers. The photo is taken under UV light. You can see 5 finger prints and the reflection from the light source.
I'd like to know if there is an automated way of estimating the area of the fluorescent finger prints in batch mode. We have been using image J to manually select a particular print and estimate the area. Is it possible to automatically recognise the fingerprint in imageJ and measure it for all 5 prints on each of the 120 photos?
Note: Clearly you can see the print on the right is quite well defined but the one of the left is quite diffuse.
First, the data is useless without a scale, and the photos will be hard to process without a fixed set-up. I'd spend time to make a photo set up that minimizes glare and doesn't change scale, then try approaching the problem using the Threshold tool to find the prints, make selections using the resulting mask, then measuring the area. I'd then create a macro to batch process them.

is it possible to change overlay iocn size when zoom osm droid map

I spent many hours on it but not getting any fruitful response.I am trying to increasing the size of overlay icon when map is zoom but its not work, I am new on this please help on this
Yes it is, however you have to do the work. Basically, you need to create an MapView.onChangeListener and register it. When the zoom level changes, you need to iterate though your overlays and replace the icon with one of a different size.
At some point in your travels, you'll probably figure out that there will be concurrency/inconsistency issues with over zealous zoomers and panners. To handle this, you can wait until after the user stops scrolling or zooming after a period of time, then do the work.

iPhone CorePlot: Candle Stick , how to set more distance between every stick when zoom in and zoom out?

CorePlot: Candle Stick ,
how to set more distance between every stick when zoom in and zoom out?
When i try to zoom out, it looks really terrible.
How can i fix it?
You have several options:
Make the bars narrower using the barWidth property.
Filter your data to show fewer bars. Call -reloadData on the plot to load the filtered data.
Make the whole graph wider (probably not an option on iPhone, but may be practical in an iPad or Mac app).

Gestures and usability

I'm currently drawing some mockups of my future iPhone app.
One of the app's functionalities is to display a bar graph showing the evolution of a value over time. Users can perform few gestures on the graph :
swipe/drag to move through time;
pinch to zoom in or zoom out (and therefore display a longer or shorter period of time);
double tap to add a cursor to the graph (i.e. a vertical line with a label on top).
What I'm afraid of is users not noticing these gestures. Of course, I would provide buttons for doing the same tasks, but if users ended up only using those, the interface's usability would not be very great...
Therefore, I am wondering if there is any way to show some visual clues to indicate the presence of gestures on the interface. Do you know any app that does something similar?
I think if you animate mentioned graph behavior it would be a great clue for user to perform this actions by fingers. For example if he(she) choose another date you should move you graph through time smoothly with easyInOut animation. Or if user changed scale you should gradually zoom from scale 1 to scale 2.