Why scala cannot resolve the T parameter - scala

When I try to call the following function:
def sortBy[T, R](seq: Seq[T], by: T => R)(implicit ordering: Ordering[R]): Seq[T] = {
with this:
case class MyClass(f1: Int, f2: Int)
val o1 = MyClass(1, 2)
val o2 = MyClass(3, 4)
sortBy(Seq(o1, o2), x => x.f1)
I get compilation error "cannot resolve symbol f1"
However when I call it with explicit types it works:
My question is why scala cannot infer these types automatically?

As one of the ways to solve
def sortBy[T, R](seq: Seq[T], by: T => R)(implicit ordering: Ordering[R]): Seq[T] = ???
case class MyClass(f1: Int, f2: Int)
val o1 = MyClass(1, 2)
val o2 = MyClass(3, 4)
def orderFunc(a: MyClass): Int = a.f1
sortBy(Seq(o1, o2), orderFunc)


Lifting a function which takes implicit parameter using functor (Scalaz7)

Just started learning Scalaz. Here is my code
trait Monoid[A] {
def mappend(a1: A, a2: A): A
def mzero: A
object Monoid {
implicit val IntMonoid: Monoid[Int] = new Monoid[Int] {
def mappend(a1: Int, a2: Int): Int = a1 + a2
def mzero: Int = 0
implicit val StringMonoid: Monoid[String] = new Monoid[String] {
def mappend(a1: String, a2: String): String = a1 + a2
def mzero: String = ""
trait MonoidOp[A] {
val F: Monoid[A]
val value: A
def |+|(a2: A): A = F.mappend(value, a2)
object MonoidOp{
implicit def toMonoidOp[A: Monoid](a: A): MonoidOp[A] = new MonoidOp[A]{
val F = implicitly[Monoid[A]]
val value = a
I have defined a function (just for the sake of it)
def addXY[A: Monoid](x: A, y: A): A = x |+| y
I want to lift it so that it could be used using Containers like Option, List, etc. But when I do this
def addXYOptioned = Functor[Option].lift(addXY)
It says error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type scalaz.Monoid[A]
def addOptioned = Functor[Option].lift(addXY)
How to lift such functions?
Your method addXY needs a Monoid[A] but there is no Monoid[A] in scope when used in addXYOptioned, so you also need to add the Monoid constraint to addXYOptioned.
The next problem is that Functor.lift only lifts a function A => B, but we can use Apply.lift2 to lift a function (A, B) => C.
Using the Monoid from Scalaz itself :
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
def addXY[A: Monoid](x: A, y: A): A = x |+| y
def addXYOptioned[A: Monoid] = Apply[Option].lift2(addXY[A] _)
We could generalize addXYOptioned to make it possible to lift addXY into any type constructor with an Apply instance :
def addXYApply[F[_]: Apply, A: Monoid] = Apply[F].lift2(addXY[A] _)
addXYApply[List, Int].apply(List(1,2), List(3,4))
// List[Int] = List(4, 5, 5, 6)
addXYApply[Option, Int].apply(1.some, 2.some)
// Option[Int] = Some(3)

Pulling out shapeless polymorphic functions that have dependencies

New to shapeless and I have a question on using polymorphic functions that need some dependencies. I basically have this code and want to pull somePoly object out of the run method:
import shapeless._
object SomeObject {
type SomeType = Int :+: String :+: (String, Int) :+: CNil
def run( someList: List[SomeType], someInt:Int, someWord:String ) = {
object somePoly extends Poly1 {
implicit def doIt = at[Int]( i => i + someInt + someWord.length)
implicit def doIt2 = at[String]( i => i.length + someWord.length)
implicit def doIt3 = at[(String, Int)]( i => i._1.length + someWord.length)
someList.map( _.map(somePoly) )
One way I thought of doing it was like this, but it seems messy:
object TypeContainer {
type SomeType = Int :+: String :+: (String, Int) :+: CNil
case class SomePolyWrapper( someList: List[TypeContainer.SomeType], someInt:Int, someWord:String ){
object somePoly extends Poly1 {
implicit def doIt = at[Int]( i => i + someInt + someWord.length)
implicit def doIt2 = at[String]( i => i.length + someWord.length)
implicit def doIt3 = at[(String, Int)]( i => i._1.length + someWord.length)
object SomeObject {
def run( someList: List[TypeContainer.SomeType], someInt:Int, someWord:String ) = {
val somePolyWrapper = SomePolyWrapper(someList, someInt, someWord)
someList.map( _.map(somePolyWrapper.somePoly) )
Anyone have any advice?
The limitations of Scala's implicit resolution system mean the Poly definition needs to be a stable identifier, which makes this kind of thing more painful than it should be. As I mentioned on Gitter, there are a couple of workarounds that I know of (there may be others).
One approach would be to make the Poly1 a PolyN, where the extra arguments are for the someInt and someWord values. If you were mapping over an HList, you'd then use mapConst and zip to make the input HList have the right shape. I've never done this for a coproduct, but something similar is likely to work.
Another approach is to use a custom type class. In your case that might look something like this:
import shapeless._
trait IntFolder[C <: Coproduct] {
def apply(i: Int, w: String)(c: C): Int
object IntFolder {
implicit val cnilIntFolder: IntFolder[CNil] = new IntFolder[CNil] {
def apply(i: Int, w: String)(c: CNil): Int = sys.error("Impossible")
def instance[H, T <: Coproduct](f: (H, Int, String) => Int)(implicit
tif: IntFolder[T]
): IntFolder[H :+: T] = new IntFolder[H :+: T] {
def apply(i: Int, w: String)(c: H :+: T): Int = c match {
case Inl(h) => f(h, i, w)
case Inr(t) => tif(i, w)(t)
implicit def iif[T <: Coproduct: IntFolder]: IntFolder[Int :+: T] =
instance((h, i, w) => h + i + w.length)
implicit def sif[T <: Coproduct: IntFolder]: IntFolder[String :+: T] =
instance((h, i, w) => h.length + i + w.length)
implicit def pif[T <: Coproduct: IntFolder]: IntFolder[(String, Int) :+: T] =
instance((h, i, w) => h._1.length + i + w.length)
And then you could write a more generic version of your run:
def run[C <: Coproduct](
someList: List[C],
someInt: Int,
someWord: String
)(implicit cif: IntFolder[C]): List[Int] = someList.map(cif(someInt, someWord))
And use it like this:
scala> run(List(Coproduct[SomeType](1)), 10, "foo")
res0: List[Int] = List(14)
scala> run(List(Coproduct[SomeType](("bar", 1))), 10, "foo")
res1: List[Int] = List(16)
The specificity of the operation makes this approach look a little weird, but if I really needed to do something like this for different coproducts, this is probably the solution I'd choose.

Converting a List to a Case Class

As an exercise, I am trying to see if I can take a List[Any] and "cast" it into a case class using shapeless.
A very basic example of what I am trying to achieve:
case class Foo(i: Int, j: String)
val foo: Option[Foo] = fromListToCaseClass[Foo]( List(1:Any, "hi":Any) )
Here is how I am shaping my solution (this can be quite off):
def fromListToCaseClass[CC <: Product](a: List[Any]): Option[CC] = a.toHList[???].map( x => Generic[CC].from(x) )
Here is my reasoning:
I know that you can go from a case class to an HList[T] (CC -> HList[T]); where T is the type of the HList. I also know that you can create an HList from a list (list -> Option[HList]) as long as you know the type of the HList. Finally I know that you can go from an HList to a case class (HList -> CC).
CC -> HList[T]
list -> Option[HList[T]] -> Option[CC]
I am wondering if this makes sense or if I am way off here. Can we make this work? Any other suggestions? Thanks!
This can be done very straightforwardly using shapeless's Generic and FromTraversable type classes,
import scala.collection.GenTraversable
import shapeless._, ops.traversable.FromTraversable
class FromListToCaseClass[T] {
def apply[R <: HList](l: GenTraversable[_])
(implicit gen: Generic.Aux[T, R], tl: FromTraversable[R]): Option[T] =
def fromListToCaseClass[T] = new FromListToCaseClass[T]
(There's some accidental complexity here due to Scala's awkwardness when it comes to mixing explicit and inferred type parameters: we want to specify T explicitly, but have R inferred for us).
Sample REPL session ...
scala> case class Foo(i: Int, j: String)
defined class Foo
scala> fromListToCaseClass[Foo](List(23, "foo"))
res0: Option[Foo] = Some(Foo(23,foo))
scala> fromListToCaseClass[Foo](List(23, false))
res1: Option[Foo] = None
You can do it with shapeless the following way:
import shapeless._
trait Creator[A] { def apply(list:List[Any]): Option[A] }
object Creator {
def as[A](list: List[Any])(implicit c: Creator[A]): Option[A] = c(list)
def instance[A](parse: List[Any] => Option[A]): Creator[A] = new Creator[A] {
def apply(list:List[Any]): Option[A] = parse(list)
def arbitraryCreate[A] = instance(list => list.headOption.map(_.asInstanceOf[A]))
implicit val stringCreate = arbitraryCreate[String]
implicit val intCreate = arbitraryCreate[Int]
implicit val hnilCreate = instance(s => if (s.isEmpty) Some(HNil) else None)
implicit def hconsCreate[H: Creator, T <: HList: Creator]: Creator[H :: T] =
instance {
case Nil => None
case list => for {
h <- as[H](list)
t <- as[T](list.tail)
} yield h :: t
implicit def caseClassCreate[C, R <: HList](
implicit gen: Generic.Aux[C, R],
rc: Creator[R]): Creator[C] =
instance(s => rc(s).map(gen.from))
val foo:Option[Foo] = Creator.as[Foo](List(1, "hi"))

Implicit conversions for defs/lambdas in Scala?

I just ran into a strange disparity between functions and objects (scala 2.10):
implicit def conv(c: Int => String) : (PrintStream => Int => Unit) = p => v => p.println(c(v))
def f(h: PrintStream => Int => Unit) : Unit = h(System.out)(1)
def a(x: Int) = x.toString
val b = (x: Int) => x.toString
// def main(args: Array[String]) = f(a) // fail
// def main(args: Array[String]) = f((x: Int) => x.toString) // fail
def main(args: Array[String]) = f(b) // ok
Why is there a difference between defs/lambda literals and lambda vals?
Update: apparently, the Problem does not occur for binary functions: Implicit conversion of a function to a second-order-function only works if the function to convert has at least two parameters
I checked this, and indeed the following code works:
implicit def conv(c: (Int,Unit) => String) : (PrintStream => Int => Unit) = p => v => p.println(c(v,()))
def f(h: PrintStream => Int => Unit) : Unit = h(System.out)(1)
def a(x: Int, y : Unit) = x.toString
val b = (x: Int, y : Unit) => x.toString
def main(args: Array[String]) = f(a) // ok
def main(args: Array[String]) = f((x: Int, y: Unit) => x.toString) // ok
def main(args: Array[String]) = f(b) // ok
Likewise, Nullary functions don't pose a problem, either:
implicit def conv(c: () => String) : (PrintStream => Int => Unit) = p => v => p.println(c())
def f(h: PrintStream => Int => Unit) : Unit = h(System.out)(1)
def a() = "1"
val b = () => "1"
def main(args: Array[String]) = f(a) // ok
def main(args: Array[String]) = f(() => "1") // ok
def main(args: Array[String]) = f(b) // ok
So, rephrasing the question: why does this not work for UNARY methods and functions?
Update: the problem also seems to be related to the target type (the type of f's argument h). The following also works (this time, in favour of "eta-expansion counts as hop", because we need to create a method value from a using _)
implicit def conv(c: Int => String) : Unit = ()
def f(h: Unit) : Unit = System.out.print("?")
def a(x: Int) = x.toString
val b = (x: Int) => x.toString
def main(args: Array[String]) = f(a _) // ok
def main(args: Array[String]) = f((x: Int) => x.toString) // ok
def main(args: Array[String]) = f(b) // ok
In scala defs are methods and are diffrent from functions.
scala> def a( x: Int, y: Int ): Int = x + y
a: (x: Int, y:Int)Int
scala> (x: Int, y: Int) => x + y
res0: (Int, Int) => Int = <function2>
You can convert a method to function by partially applying it.
scala> b _
res1: (Int, Int) => Int = <function2>
So.. you can do,
implicit def conv(c: Int => String) : (PrintStream => Int => Unit) = p => v => p.println(c(v))
def f(h: PrintStream => Int => Unit) : Unit = h(System.out)(1)
def a(x: Int) = x.toString
val af = a _
def main( args: Array[ String ] ) = f( af )
Alse, as #srgfed01 mentioned in his comment... for the second case the problem is that... they types are not explicitly specified, if you specify the type correctly... the second case will work.
scala> f( ( a => a.toString ): (Int => String) )
scala> f( ( _.toString ): (Int => String) )
Now, about differences between methods and functions...
You can call a method taking no arguments without parenthesis ()... but you can not call a function without ().
scala> def g() = 5
g: ()Int
scala> g
res15: Int = 5
scala> () => 5
res13: () => Int = <function0>
scala> res13
res14: () => Int = <function0>
scala> res13()
res15: 5
One of the most important reasons for methods being different from functions is because creators of Scala wanted seamless inter-interoperability with Java without being stuck with Java's limitations.
So methods (def) are very much similar to Java methods and keeping functions different from methods enabled them with limitless freedom to create Scala, the way they wanted.
Also... Another major difference is that methods can accept Type-classes where as functions can not. Basically you can have generic methods like
scala> :paste
trait Behave {
def behave
class A( elem: String ) extends Behave {
def behave() {
println( elem )
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
defined trait Behave
defined class A
Now you can define a generic method,
scala> def check[ T <: Behave ]( t: T ): Unit = t.behave()
check: [T <: Behave](t: T)Unit
But you can not define a function like this,
scala> ( t: T ) => t.behave()
<console>:8: error: not found: type T
( t: T ) => t.behave()
or like this
scala> ( t: (T <: Behave) ) => t.behave()
<console>:1: error: ')' expected but '<:' found.
( t: (T <: A) ) => t.behave()

Using implicit def with composed types

Forgive me if this question is a duplicate; I'm having trouble finding anything because I don't know the right words to search. So, with implicit def, I can do things like this:
type CharsetMap = Map[Charset, Byte]
implicit def seqtup2CharsetMap(input: Seq[(String, Int)]): CharsetMap = {
Map.empty // placeholder
def somef(a: Int, b:Int, p: CharsetMap) = p
somef(1, 3, Seq(("hey", 2), ("there", 9)))
which lets me call somef with a Seq[(String, Int)] object as a parameter. The problem is that I have something like this...
def somef2(p: (CharsetMap) => Int) = p
and this does not work:
val p = (a: Seq[(String, Int)]) => 19
How can I do this without doing an implicit def specifically for (Seq[(String, Int)]) => Int?
It looks like you want to implicitly convert some function A => B to a function that goes from C => B. You can do that with this generic implicit:
implicit def f2InputConverter[A, B, C](f: A => B)(implicit i: C => A): C => B = (c: C) => f(i(c))
Once you have that in scope, in your particular case, you'll need an implicit function which is the inverse of the one that you've defined in the question:
implicit def charsetMap2Seqtup(input: CharsetMap): Seq[(String, Int)] = {
Nil // placeholder
and then you should be able to call somef2 with p