I tried doing this with just a normal CTE (no EXECUTE ... FORMAT) and I was able to do it.
I basically have a table that has some 5 columns and some data in each column that I wanted to concatenate and such to manifest/generate some data in a new column.
I can do something like this and it works:
WITH cte AS (SELECT *, case
when var1 = '' then ''
when var2 = '' then ''
else '' end, 'adding_dummy_text_column'
FROM some_other_table sot
WHERE sot.type = 'java')
INSERT INTO my_new_table
SELECT *, 'This is the new column I want to make with some data from my CTE' || c.type
FROM cte c;
So this works as I said. I'll end up getting a new table that has an extra column which a hardcoded, concatenated string This is the new column I want to make with some data from my CTE Java
Of course, whatever is in the c.type column for the corresponding row in the CTE as it loads the SELECT is what gets concatenated to that string.
The problem is, as soon as I start using the EXECUTE...FORMAT to make it cleaner and have more power to concatenate/combined different data pieces from my different columns (I have data kind of scattered around in bad formats and I'm populating a fresh new table), it's as if the FORMAT arguments or the variables cannot detect the CTE table.
This is how I'm doing it
when var1 = %L then %L
when var2 = '' '' then '' ''
else '' '' end, ''adding_dummy_text_column''
FROM some_other_table sot
WHERE sot.type = ''java'')
INSERT INTO my_new_table
SELECT *, ''This is the new column I want to make with some data from my CTE %I''
FROM cte c', 'word1', 'word2', c.type
OK, so I know I used the empty string '' '' in this example and the %L but i just wanted to show I had no issues with any of that. Its when I try to reference my CTE columns, so you can see I'm trying to do the same concatenation but by leveraging the EXECUTE...FORMAT and using the %I identifiers. So, the first 2 args are just fine, its the c.type that just no matter what column I try, doesn't work. Also, I removed the c alias and didn't get any better luck. It's 100% anytime I reference the columns on the CTE though, as I have removed all that code and it runs just fine without that.
But yeah, is there any work around? I really want to transform some data and now have to do the || for concatenation.
This should do it:
WHEN var1 = %L THEN %L
WHEN var2 = ' ' THEN ' '
ELSE ' ' END, 'adding_dummy_text_column'
FROM some_other_table sot
WHERE sot.type = 'java')
INSERT INTO my_new_table
SELECT *, format('This is the new column I want to make with some data from my CTE %%I', c.type)
FROM cte c$f$
, 'word1', 'word2');
There are two levels. You need a second format() that's executed by the dynamic SQL string that's been concatenated by the first format().
I simplified with dollar-quoting. See:
Insert text with single quotes in PostgreSQL
The nested % character must be escaped by doubling it up: %%I. See:
What does %% in PL/pgSQL mean?
Generates and executes this SQL statement:
WHEN var1 = 'word1' THEN 'word2'
WHEN var2 = ' ' THEN ' '
ELSE ' ' END, 'adding_dummy_text_column'
FROM some_other_table sot
WHERE sot.type = 'java')
INSERT INTO my_new_table
SELECT *, format('This is the new column I want to make with some data from my CTE %I', c.type)
FROM cte c
Which could be simplified and improved to this equivalent:
INSERT INTO my_new_table(co1, col2, ...) -- provide target column list!
, CASE WHEN var1 = 'word1' THEN 'word2'
WHEN var2 = ' ' THEN ' '
, 'adding_dummy_text_column'
, format('This is the new column I want to make with some data from my CTE %I', sot.type)
FROM some_other_table sot
WHERE sot.type = 'java'
About the missing target column list:
Cannot create stored procedure to insert data: type mismatch for serial column
You can one command, create and insert into new table!
create table my_new_table as
select *
, CASE WHEN var1 = 'hello' THEN 'word2'
WHEN var2 = ' ' THEN 'var2 is empty'
ELSE ' ' END adding_dummy_text_column
, format(
'This is the new column I want to make with some data from my CTE %I', sot.type)
from some_other_table sot
where sot.type ='java';
I have a table with standard columns where I want to perform regular INSERTs.
But one of the columns is of type varchar with special semantics. It's a string that's supposed to behave as a set of strings, where the elements of the set are separated by commas.
Eg. if one row has in that varchar column the value fish,sheep,dove, and I insert the string ,fish,eagle, I want the result to be fish,sheep,dove,eagle (ie. eagle gets added to the set, but fish doesn't because it's already in the set).
I have here this Postgres code that does the "set concatenation" that I want:
SELECT string_agg(unnest, ',') AS x FROM (SELECT DISTINCT unnest(string_to_array('fish,sheep,dove' || ',fish,eagle', ','))) AS x;
But I can't figure out how to apply this logic to insertions.
What I want is something like:
userid int8 PRIMARY KEY,
a int8,
b varchar);
INSERT INTO t00 (userid,a,b) VALUES (0,1,'fish,sheep,dove');
INSERT INTO t00 (userid,a,b) VALUES (0,1,',fish,eagle')
ON CONFLICT (userid)
b = SELECT string_agg(unnest, ',') AS x FROM (SELECT DISTINCT unnest(string_to_array(t00.b || EXCLUDED.b, ','))) AS x;
How can I achieve something like that?
Storing comma separated values is a huge mistake to begin with. But if you really want to make your life harder than it needs to be, you might want to create a function that merges two comma separated lists:
create function merge_lists(p_one text, p_two text)
returns text
select string_agg(item, ',')
from (
select e.item
from unnest(string_to_array(p_one, ',')) as e(item)
where e.item <> '' --< necessary because of the leading , in your data
select t.item
from unnest(string_to_array(p_two, ',')) t(item)
where t.item <> ''
) t;
language sql;
If you are using Postgres 14 or later, unnest(string_to_array(..., ',')) can be replace with string_to_table(..., ',')
Then your INSERT statement gets a bit simpler:
INSERT INTO t00 (userid,a,b) VALUES (0,1,',fish,eagle')
ON CONFLICT (userid)
b = merge_lists(excluded.b, t00.b);
I think I was only missing parentheses around the SELECT statement:
INSERT INTO t00 (userid,a,b) VALUES (0,1,',fish,eagle')
ON CONFLICT (userid)
b = (SELECT string_agg(unnest, ',') AS x FROM (SELECT DISTINCT unnest(string_to_array(t00.b || EXCLUDED.b, ','))) AS x);
I'm currently doing a data conversion project and need to strip all alphabetical characters from a string. Unfortunately I can't create or use a function as we don't own the source machine making the methods I've found from searching for previous posts unusable.
What would be the best way to do this in a select statement? Speed isn't too much of an issue as this will only be running over 30,000 records or so and is a once off statement.
You can do this in a single statement. You're not really creating a statement with 200+ REPLACEs are you?!
update tbl
set S = U.clean
from tbl
cross apply
select Substring(tbl.S,v.number,1)
-- this table will cater for strings up to length 2047
from master..spt_values v
where v.type='P' and v.number between 1 and len(tbl.S)
and Substring(tbl.S,v.number,1) like '[0-9]'
order by v.number
for xml path ('')
) U(clean)
Working SQL Fiddle showing this query with sample data
Replicated below for posterity:
create table tbl (ID int identity, S varchar(500))
insert tbl select 'asdlfj;390312hr9fasd9uhf012 3or h239ur ' + char(13) + 'asdfasf'
insert tbl select '123'
insert tbl select ''
insert tbl select null
insert tbl select '123 a 124'
1 390312990123239
2 123
3 (null)
4 (null)
5 123124
CTE comes for HELP here.
[ProductNumber] AS OrigProductNumber
,CAST([ProductNumber] AS VARCHAR(100)) AS [ProductNumber]
FROM [AdventureWorks].[Production].[Product]
SELECT OrigProductNumber
,CAST(STUFF([ProductNumber], PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', [ProductNumber]), 1, '') AS VARCHAR(100) ) AS [ProductNumber]
FROM CTE WHERE PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', [ProductNumber]) > 0
WHERE PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', [ProductNumber]) = 0
OrigProductNumber ProductNumber
WB-H098 098
VE-C304-S 304
VE-C304-M 304
VE-C304-L 304
TT-T092 092
RichardTheKiwi's script in a function for use in selects without cross apply,
also added dot because in my case I use it for double and money values within a varchar field
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ReplaceNonNumericChars (#string VARCHAR(5000))
SET #string = REPLACE(#string, ',', '.')
SET #string = (SELECT SUBSTRING(#string, v.number, 1)
FROM master..spt_values v
WHERE v.type = 'P'
AND v.number BETWEEN 1 AND LEN(#string)
AND (SUBSTRING(#string, v.number, 1) LIKE '[0-9]'
OR SUBSTRING(#string, v.number, 1) LIKE '[.]')
ORDER BY v.number
RETURN #string
Thanks RichardTheKiwi +1
Well if you really can't use a function, I suppose you could do something like this:
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(LOWER(col),'a',''),'b',''),'c','')
FROM dbo.table...
Obviously it would be a lot uglier than that, since I only handled the first three letters, but it should give the idea.
I have a database with several tables and I need to search every varchar column across the database, for columns that simultaneously contain lower and upper case characters.
To clarify:
If one column contains helLo the name of the column should be returned by the query, but if the column values only contain either hello or HELLO then the name of the column is not returned.
Let's exclude all UPPER and all LOWER, the rest will be MIXED.
SELECT someColumn
FROM someTable
WHERE someColumn <> UPPER(someColumn) AND someColumn <> LOWER(someColumn)
As suggested in comments and described in detail here I need to specify a case-sensitive collation.
SELECT someColumn
FROM someTable
WHERE someColumn <> UPPER(someColumn) AND
someColumn <> LOWER(someColumn)
Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
It sounds like you are after a case sensitive search, so you'd need to use a case sensitive collation for there WHERE clause.
e.g. if your collation is currently SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS which is case insensitive, you can write a case sensitive query using:
SELECT SomeColumn
FROM dbo.SomeTable
WHERE SomeField LIKE '%helLo%' COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
Here, COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS tells it to use a case sensitive collation to perform the filtering.
I think I understand that you want to find any varchar column with mixed case data within it?
If so, you can achieve this with a cursor looking at your column types, which then executes some dynamic SQL on the varchar columns it finds to check the data for mixed case values.
I thoroughly recommend doing this on a non-production server using a copy of your database, not least because you need to create a table to deposit your findings into:
create table VarcharColumns (TableName nvarchar(max), ColumnName nvarchar(max))
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
declare my_cursor cursor local static read_only forward_only
select 'insert into VarcharColumns select t,c from(select ''' + s.name + '.' + tb.name + ''' t, ''' + c.name + ''' c from ' + s.name + '.' + tb.name + ' where ' + c.name + ' like ''%[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]%'' COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS and ' + c.name + ' like ''%[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]%'' COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS having count(1) > 0) a' as s
from sys.columns c
inner join sys.types t
on(c.system_type_id = t.system_type_id
and t.name = 'varchar'
inner join sys.tables tb
on(c.object_id = tb.object_id)
inner join sys.schemas s
on(tb.schema_id = s.schema_id)
open my_cursor
fetch next from my_cursor into #sql
while ##fetch_status = 0
print #sql
fetch next from my_cursor into #sql
close my_cursor
deallocate my_cursor
select * from VarcharColumns
You can check the hash compared to its upper and lower values... here is a simple test:
declare #test varchar(256)
set #test = 'MIX' -- Try changing this to a mix case, and then all lower case
select case
when hashbytes('SHA1',#test) <> hashbytes('SHA1',upper(#test)) and hashbytes('SHA1',#test) <> hashbytes('SHA1',lower(#test))
then 'MixedCase'
else 'Not Mixed Case'
So using this in a table... you can do something like this
create table #tempT (SomeColumn varchar(256))
insert into #tempT (SomeColumn) values ('some thing lower'),('SOME THING UPPER'),('Some Thing Mixed')
SELECT SomeColumn
FROM #tempT
WHERE 1 = case
when hashbytes('SHA1',SomeColumn) <> hashbytes('SHA1',upper(SomeColumn)) and hashbytes('SHA1',SomeColumn) <> hashbytes('SHA1',lower(SomeColumn)) then 1
else 0
I would like to write a stored procedure using a statement to iterate through a result-set of records provided by another statement, and union the end results into one single result-set. Can anyone advise on an approach for this?
For example, a generic set of records to iterate through:
SELECT sys.schemas.name + '.' + sys.objects.name as [schm_obj]
FROM sys.objects
INNER JOIN sys.schemas
ON sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id
AND sys.schemas.name IN ('dbo')
Generic query to be executed on each record:
SELECT DISTINCT referenced_schema_name + '.' + referenced_entity_name
FROM sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities(#schm_obj,'OBJECT')
The parameter #schm_obj to be replaced by a single field value returned in each row of the first query; eventually, I would like to union all results. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You need to do dyanmic sql to do this. I am confused as you are stating a procedure then showing a table function. Table Functions unless something changed in 2012 cannot do dynamic sql. If you want to basically create a programmable object you can use to get data that YOU SUPPLY the schema or meta detail to get to it I would use a dynamic procedure that would label what you got and then give you the value of it. Then you could insert this into a table variable and iterate or insert into it till your heart's content.
create proc dbo.Dynaminizer
#ObjName nvarchar(64)
declare #SQL nvarchar(1024)
Select #SQL = 'Select ''' + #ObjName + ''' as Name, ' + #ObjName + ' from sys.tables'
EXECUTE sp_executesql #SQL
declare #temp table ( name varchar(32), value varchar(128))
insert into #Temp
exec Dynaminizer 'name'
insert into #Temp
exec Dynaminizer 'object_id'
select *
from #Temp
If you just want to take values from one table or set and then perform operations in a function that takes a schema and a name combo then there is another method to do that. I would use a cte to make a custom column and then do a cross apply to perform that dataset in a function for how many rows that are in the set. This will evaluate your function like it was executing it for each value and then posting the results. There is no need to union unless you are more specific for what you are wanting to do. You can take it even further and if you want the dependencies inline(as opposed to seperate rows) you can relate the dataset back to itself and then do an xml type to cast out the dependencies into a comma seperated list.
Example usage of both:
-- multi row example to show referencing relationships
with procs as
schema_name(schema_id) + '.' + name as Name
from sys.procedures p
, referenced_schema_name + '.' + referenced_entity_name as Ref
from procs p
cross apply sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities(p.Name,'OBJECT')
-- take it a step further and put relationships inside a single column
with procs as
schema_name(schema_id) + '.' + name as Name
from sys.procedures p
, setup as
, referenced_schema_name + '.' + referenced_entity_name as Ref
from procs p
cross apply sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities(p.Name,'OBJECT')
Select distinct
, stuff(
', ' + Ref
from setup x
where x.Name = m.Name
for xml path('')
, 1, 2, '') as Dependencies
from setup m
This question already has answers here:
How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string in SQL Server
(47 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
If I issue SELECT username FROM Users I get this result:
but what I really need is one row with all the values separated by comma, like this:
Paul, John, Mary
How do I do this?
select ',' + u.username
from users u
where u.username = username
order by u.username
for xml path('')
),1,1,'') as userlist
from users
group by username
had a typo before, the above works
This should work for you. Tested all the way back to SQL 2000.
create table #user (username varchar(25))
insert into #user (username) values ('Paul')
insert into #user (username) values ('John')
insert into #user (username) values ('Mary')
declare #tmp varchar(250)
SET #tmp = ''
select #tmp = #tmp + username + ', ' from #user
select SUBSTRING(#tmp, 0, LEN(#tmp))
good review of several approaches:
Article copy -
Coalesce is not the answer to string concatentation in T-SQL I've seen many posts over the years about using the COALESCE function to get string concatenation working in T-SQL. This is one of the examples here (borrowed from Readifarian Marc Ridey).
DECLARE #categories varchar(200)
SET #categories = NULL
SELECT #categories = COALESCE(#categories + ',','') + Name
FROM Production.ProductCategory
SELECT #categories
This query can be quite effective, but care needs to be taken, and the use of COALESCE should be properly understood. COALESCE is the version of ISNULL which can take more than two parameters. It returns the first thing in the list of parameters which is not null. So really it has nothing to do with concatenation, and the following piece of code is exactly the same - without using COALESCE:
DECLARE #categories varchar(200)
SET #categories = ''
SELECT #categories = #categories + ',' + Name
FROM Production.ProductCategory
SELECT #categories
But the unordered nature of databases makes this unreliable. The whole reason why T-SQL doesn't (yet) have a concatenate function is that this is an aggregate for which the order of elements is important. Using this variable-assignment method of string concatenation, you may actually find that the answer that gets returned doesn't have all the values in it, particularly if you want the substrings put in a particular order. Consider the following, which on my machine only returns ',Accessories', when I wanted it to return ',Bikes,Clothing,Components,Accessories':
DECLARE #categories varchar(200)
SET #categories = NULL
SELECT #categories = COALESCE(#categories + ',','') + Name
FROM Production.ProductCategory
SELECT #categories
Far better is to use a method which does take order into consideration, and which has been included in SQL2005 specifically for the purpose of string concatenation - FOR XML PATH('')
SELECT ',' + Name
FROM Production.ProductCategory
In the post I made recently comparing GROUP BY and DISTINCT when using subqueries, I demonstrated the use of FOR XML PATH(''). Have a look at this and you'll see how it works in a subquery. The 'STUFF' function is only there to remove the leading comma.
USE tempdb;
INSERT t1 values (1,'Jamie');
INSERT t1 values (1,'Joe');
INSERT t1 values (1,'John');
INSERT t1 values (2,'Sai');
INSERT t1 values (2,'Sam');
select ',' + t.[name]
from t1 t
where t.id = t1.id
order by t.[name]
for xml path('')
),1,1,'') as name_csv
from t1
group by id
FOR XML PATH is one of the only situations in which you can use ORDER BY in a subquery. The other is TOP. And when you use an unnamed column and FOR XML PATH(''), you will get a straight concatenation, with no XML tags. This does mean that the strings will be HTML Encoded, so if you're concatenating strings which may have the < character (etc), then you should maybe fix that up afterwards, but either way, this is still the best way of concatenating strings in SQL Server 2005.
building on mwigdahls answer. if you also need to do grouping here is how to get it to look like
group, csv
'group1', 'paul, john'
'group2', 'mary'
--drop table #user
create table #user (groupName varchar(25), username varchar(25))
insert into #user (groupname, username) values ('apostles', 'Paul')
insert into #user (groupname, username) values ('apostles', 'John')
insert into #user (groupname, username) values ('family','Mary')
, stuff((
select ', ' + g.username
from #user g
where g.groupName = g1.groupname
order by g.username
for xml path('')
),1,2,'') as name_csv
from #user g1
group by g1.groupname
You can use this query to do the above task:
SELECT #test = COALESCE(#test + ',', '') + field2 FROM #test
SELECT field2 = #test
For detail and step by step explanation visit the following link
DECLARE #EmployeeList varchar(100)
SELECT #EmployeeList = COALESCE(#EmployeeList + ', ', '') +
CAST(Emp_UniqueID AS varchar(5))
FROM SalesCallsEmployees
WHERE SalCal_UniqueID = 1
SELECT #EmployeeList
In SQLite this is simpler. I think there are similar implementations for MySQL, MSSql and Orable
CREATE TABLE Beatles (id integer, name string );
INSERT INTO Beatles VALUES (1, "Paul");
INSERT INTO Beatles VALUES (2, "John");
INSERT INTO Beatles VALUES (3, "Ringo");
INSERT INTO Beatles VALUES (4, "George");
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(name, ',') FROM Beatles;
you can use stuff() to convert rows as comma separated values
SELECT ',' + FPProjectMaster.GroupName
FPProjectMaster ON t.ProjectID = FPProjectMaster.ProjectID
WHERE (t.EmployeeID = FPProjectInfo.EmployeeID)
And t.STatusID = 1
ORDER BY t.ProjectID
for xml path('')
),1,1,'') as name_csv
from FPProjectInfo
group by EmployeeID;
Thanks #AlexKuznetsov for the reference to get this answer.
A clean and flexible solution in MS SQL Server 2005/2008 is to create a CLR Agregate function.
You'll find quite a few articles (with code) on google.
It looks like this article walks you through the whole process using C#.
If you're executing this through PHP, what about this?
$hQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users");
while($hRow = mysql_fetch_array($hQuery)) {
$hOut .= $hRow['username'] . ", ";
$hOut = substr($hOut, 0, strlen($hOut) - 1);
echo $hOut;