Zoom in plots simultaneously in Dymola - modelica

I tried to plot a few variables in Dymola, but when I want to zoom in on these plots, I need to zoom in on each of them manually, how could I zoom in on these plots simultaneously?

The case that makes most sense is to zoom on the x-axis which usually represents time in Dymola. You should be able to zoom all plot simultaneously by holding down the shift-key while doing a zooming-gesture mainly moving your mouse horizontally.
The result should look like the gif below (for the coupled-clutches demo from the MSL at Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Examples.CoupledClutches with the trajectories moved to separated subplots to show the effect).
A similar thing can be done by moving the mouse mainly vertically. This is useful in case you don't want to change the time-scale of the plot.
One addition:
Another neat feature that is actually not known very well thing, using the Alt-key in a similar way as described above. This will result in synched zooming for time AND adjusting the amplitude in all subplots, an example:


Getting a cross-section from power-spectrum

I am currently trying to use spectral-methods to analyse topographic landscapes.
When i FFT the landscape and plot the power-spectrum. From the power-spectrum an orientation of the structures in the landscape can be found.
2D power-spectrum:-
In this power-spectrum, i would like to make a cross-section.
This is easy when the peak amplitude orientation is along the x or y-axis.
But for this area (and others), this is not the case.
Cross-section from another area - orientated along the y-axis:-
My problem is i want to make a cross-section along the peaks in 1, and i just cant seem to figure it out how.
If anyone could point me towards some solution for this. Been stuck here for a couple of days now.
Edit 1
I would like the cross-section, to be a line along the peak orientation.
Edit 2
Improved the first image to show where i want my cross-section
My solution was, as GameOfThrows suggested:
Pick 2 (or more) points on the orientation i want
used Least squares on the points to create the line
Setup a meshgrid for the interpolation.
Use the interp2 function on the new line.
define a proper axis for the section
In my final cross section i ended up having multiple lines in it, that way i was sure to hit the max amplitudes.
i was a little with the answer to my question, but i have been busy :)
You can use ginput built-in matlab function to store 2 (x,y) coordinates of your power spectrum and then use this values to delimit a profile to be interpolated.

how to change axes limits in a 3D matlab plot

I have a 3-D plot which I want to cut somehow to show the most interested part and avoid the flat parts (as shown in the picture the blue and orange parts to be the least). I think that it can be done using change of the axis limits in x but different for x_{back} and x_{front} which means I want to change the limits of x front axis to (-20,20) and x back to (-80,-40). How can I do this?
I think krisdestruction is right, it would be such an infrequently-used feature that it's probably not worth the development time or added complexity for TMW to implement.
But you could kludge it. If you were to rotate your data so that the feature aligns with the axes then you could crop the plot to the region of interest as desired. Then hide the grid and draw a new one yourself.
If you're careful you can arrange it so that you can still use the axis labels at the front, which will save you some time, but if not you can always use text to draw new ones on.
I would rotate the data using a rotational transform matrix, which will be pretty quick, and you might be able to pull the gridlines out of the gca object and apply the rotation matrix to those too, which would save you from having to compute them all explicitly.
If you expect to do this more than once or twice then you could encapsulate it all in a nice function that works out the rotation angle from a given pair of 'front' and 'back' axis limits.
Then you can post it to the file exchange : )

How to neatly cut off an extreme value in a plot that compresses the rest of a plot?

So basically, the graph labeled "Thermal Wind" has an extreme value that compresses the y-values for all the other plots, making it much harder to see any of the individual variations in the other plots. Is there a way to neatly cut off this extreme value? I could just rescale the y limit to a maximum of 40, but then this looks ugly.
As for the alternative I've tried - it's here:
I would recommend trying to plot it on a log scale. The function you'll want to consider using is semilogx, though for completeness I recommend also reading the help file on loglog.
Alternately, you could use subplot to generate multiple plots, one of which is zoomed into a region of interest.
Are the outlier points errors in the data, or do they represent extreme cases?
If they are not valid data, just manually exclude them from the data, plot the graph, and include a text clarification when describing the graph. If they are valid data, then trimming them would misrepresent the data, which isn't a good thing.
Graphs of data aren't art: their main goal isn't to be pretty; it's to provide a useful visualization of data. There are some minimum requirements on appearance, however: the axes have to be labeled, the units have to be meaningful, the different curves have to be visually distinct, etc. As long as your graph has these things, you shouldn't expect to lose marks for presentation.
There are two approaches that I use:
One approach would be transform the data so it will fill the plot nicely. Make the transform so that it wouldn't touch the range - say -10 to +10. In your case you could choose it so that 100 transforms to +15 and -100 to -15.
For clarity you need to then also set and label the y ticks appropriately. And for nice style make sure the line changes slope when it goes over the border.
I plot the data as is. But set the axis limits say from -10 to +10. Where points lay outside I place upwards and downwards triangles along the border to mark in which direction the "outliers" would be. Obviously this is only good when there aren't too many.

CorePlot polar plot

It became apparent that I needed to attempt to modify CorePlot code to allow me to plot Polar/Radar plots, due to heavy memory usage trying to plot circles/spokes as ScatterPlots.
I realised I could continue to use CPTScatterPlot for the actual polar data, however somehow I needed to modify the drawGridLinesInContext, such that instead of straight lines at each location, CPTXCoordinate would draw the circular line, CPTYCoordinate would be ignored, and CPTZCoordinate would draw the spokes.
I had to create new classes based on their XY siblings viz CPTPolarGraph, CPTPolarPlotSpace, CPTPolarAxisSet, CPTPolarAxis. The new code continues to use X and Y axis to plot those axes, however a Z axis was introduced to manage the spokes.
Now I seem to have cracked this, however if I scroll up and down, the circles continue to pass through the X and Y axis ticks, as they should do, but when I scroll left and right, the circles get redrawn and no longer sit on the ticks.
I obviously got some more debugging to do here, but was hoping for some pointers from the CorePlot crew, as to what might be happening
I can zip my modified version of CorePlot_1.1, including a example polar scatter plot, and forward if needs be.
The positioning of the centreViewPoint tracks precisely, as the spokes are always generated from the same point, wherever the centre is in the plotArea. The rings are also always generated from the same centre.
It seems to me that somehow, the diameters of the rings when I scroll left right get changed from the first plot presentation, yet when I scrolled Up-down they don't. Notice that when the plot is scrolled to left edge or right edge the major rings are line up on the major ticks again, as are the minor.
I tried reversing the code such that only the CPTCoordinateY get plotted, and I see the same effect, except scrolling up-down exhibits the changing in ring diameter size.
Now perhaps CGPoint startViewPoint = [thePlotSpace plotAreaViewPointForPlotPoint:startPlotPoint]; which establishes the diameter of a ring from its x-coordinate, is not returning correctly. Although perhaps also the locations set are changing, but why should they if no zooming has been done.
I'm kind of struggling here, as when I walk through the code the locations don't appear to change.
This is likely a pixel alignment issue. The tick drawing code aligns the tick marks with the pixel grid but the new axis drawing does not. Look at CPTAlignRectToUserSpace() and the other alignment functions in CPTUtilities.h.
You also may need a custom setter method for the zRange in the plot space. Make it similar to the xRange and yRange setters. The notifications fired by these methods are important—they force other parts of the graph to redraw when the plot space changes.

how to always display "labels" on axis X

If I zoom several time graph all labels from axis X disapear (go away) and there are no visible axis X labels so it is not possible to understand the part of graph where am I.
How can I force matlab to always display labels on axis X and to update them automatically while zooming and to display enough digits so "neighboor" labels must be different.
it depends, are you manually setting the tick marks yourself ('XTick' and 'XTickLabel' axis properties)?
Try this simple example
plot(sin(1:10), 'o-')
without changing anything, you can zoom as much as you want, and the tick labels will always be visible
The root cause of the problem is the same as the one raised in your other question, datetick function will manually set the tick labels, thus disabling automatic update on zoom/pan.
The good news is there are already submissions on FEX that tries to solve this exact problem with DATETICK
I run into the same problem even on the new version of MATLAB (r2014). MATLAB does not display sufficient x-axis tick labels as you zoom-in. After several experiments I found the following workaround. Following is a plot before implementing the solution. MATLAB displays only three XTick labels on the x-axis even though there is sufficient space for more (there are often even less labels as you zoom in more).
Suspecting that MATLAB thinks that it does not have sufficient space to display more labels, a workaround can be to rotate the labels. To do that, after you issue the plot commands, e.g.
hold on;
add the following command
Now MATLAB plots with more labels
I am going to report this as a bug to the MATLAB guys.