Sendgrid not updating Dynamic templates - sendgrid

Send grid is not letting me update old dynamic template and also if i
create new Dynamic template, i am still facing this error
This is the error i am facing:
Your dynamic template version could not be updated.

If you open up the console in Developer Tools (F12 if you're using Google Chrome), try to see if it's a 401 Unauthorized error code. If this is the case, it just means that you need to reauthorize by logging in again.
To do this without losing the work on your template, just open a new tab in the same window, login again, and go back to the tab with your template id. If you click save, it should now allow you to save.


How can I update dropdown in CloudFlare App, based on js object?

I have a form-builder application, and now I want to create app in CloudFlare, where user can select needed form in dropdown, and "inject" in own website
So, I need to make ajax-request to my API server, it's not a problem.
But next, when I will have object {form-id: form-name} I need in some way to add this as option to dropdown in sidebar (in CF App)
I've tried to get content of dropdown by document.getElementsByTagName("dropdownName"), but there is an empty NodeList.
This is part of install.json with this dropdown:
I think, there is easy way to do this, because I seen this functionality in other CF Applications.
Answer was found in Hooks page in video: Hooks page
When CF App sent hook request to your server, you can modify incoming object, and respond to CF App with this modified object.

How can I call a cstudio action from a webpage in Crafter

I've created a webpage in Crafter CMS (version 2.5.2) whose purpose is to help edit a Crafter Component. I'm doing this in my page instead of in the CStudio Panel because I want to search/filter for specific components (I have 1000s). I'm editing the components using Crafter's In Context Editing capabilities, but I want to be able to call actions such as Create New, Delete, Approve & Publish, History, etc on a selected component. Is there any way I can do that from my web page along with the UI (e.g. Create New pops up normal Create New modal dialog, History pops up history dialog, etc.).
Crafter CMS uses a message pump between the preview pane and the studio application to inform the application of actions taken "in-context." within the preview pane. Messages (operations with metadata) are pumped by the system automatically between the two contexts (the studio application and the preview pane.)
"Edit" is currently a valid message/op.
"Delete" is currently a valid message/op.
However in 2.5.2 there is no "New" message/op.
In order to fire a New Op message you would need to register the message and build the handler (all Javascript) that fires the appropriate javascript APIs for the app. To fire a New operation you only NEED a path to where the content will be created in the message as metadata. The App already has code to look up permissions and check if which content types are available at that path.
Javascript files of interest:
Fire the message
Handle the message
Declare the valid messages

Finding root cause of redirect with Chrome Developer Tools

I am trying to debug a webpage with chrome developer tools and the page redirects to a pdf file after it loads. I checked JavaScript files and there is not any place that we redirect the page. I cannot find any related message in developer tool console or network tab.
I activated event Listener Breakpoints -> beforeunload but it stops at an external js file (Placeholders.js) which is not related to redirecting.
Also, preserving Logs in network tab does not help me on finding root cause of redirect.
I am wondering how can I find the source of this redirect?
UPDATE: There is not any "refresh" meta tag in the html code.
There are a couple of things you can do. You can use the Event Listener Breakpoint -> Load - unload and then when it breaks in the 3rd party library, right click and select Blackbox Script. The next time you play through the code, it should only break in your own code (assuming there are no other 3rd party libraries to blackbox).
Another option is to go to the Network tab and check the Preserve Log checkbox. This will persist all requests between page loads/navigation, so that you will be able to find the network request that returned the PDF response.

X-Cart checkout is empty

I have problem with my x-cart website. When I click on "Buy Now" button on one product, and after that I click on "My Cart" which is the checkout section, it returns that my cart is empty although I already click to buy product.
Here is my website:
How can I fix it?
The store you're referring to is of version 4.1.6, that's an old version where there were no adding to cart without redirect (with ajax). The behaviour in question is still there, thus the feature is added as a custom mode.
If JS is enabled in the browser, and if the store considers that it's enabled, the JS script is supposed to send some data to script minicart_content.php, and the php script is to process the received data further. However it doesn't happen, and there are no JS errors, which makes me believe that the problem is in the code of minicart_content.php, with this file is very likely being modified too.
If JS is disabled in the browser ( and if you click the corresponding button in the store in the pink side menu block - "If Javascript is disabled in your browser click here"), this custom scenario is not applied, so the store uses the default functionality which allows to add the products to cart with out problems.
Thus, the possible solution is:
roll back the custom changes you implemented, and use default functionality (adding products to cart with a redirect to cart page)
check the minicart_content.php script and find out, why it doesn't want to properly process the data sent by JS script
If you're not sure how to achieve this, consider contacting X-Cart support team for further investigation. Not sure if I can give a link to X-Cart support here, but I'm sure you'll easily find it, if only try to search=)

settings > auth dialog shows blank

The new Settings > auth dialog page is blank for one of my apps. In other words I am unable to setup/config the new auth dialog for that app.
Yes, I have set Settings > Advanced > Enhanced Auth Dialog: Enabled but that is not actually relevant because that setting is to show the new dialog - not config it. Also, it is not enabled in my other apps and they all load the auth dialog config page correctly.
So, I can't setup nor config the new auth dialog - any ideas appreciated.
I had this issue and it seemed to resolve itself when I setup previews for my aggregations and actually previewed them. My auth page returned. Not sure if that was coincidence or if it will get it back for you. This is currently a known bug in the system and I'm sure they're working on getting it fixed without this kind of work around.
As Dustin Nielson said, worked for me, although I didn't get it at first. So in more detail: in developer, go to apps, to your app (you might already be there), pick 'Open Graph' and then work yourself through the 'wizzard'. Leave it as is for now and try again to go to the Auth Dialog settings page.