Can I prevent Github Actions from updating status checks? - github

I have recently started creating Github actions workflows to automate some processes, however one issue I've noticed is that each of the actions creates a new status check on the PRs. This is an issue because I have a few checks I use to limit what PRs should be merged to master (these are tests run through Jenkins that then update the check through the Github API) and these actions checks add clutter and may prevent a PR from advancing if they fail for some reason. I would like the ability to force Github Actions to run quietly and not update the PR's checks, but I haven't been able to find anything. Is there some hidden way to do this?


github actions main repository secret not picked up from pull request build

I'm building out one of my company project through Github actions, in which we are running the workflow from latest pull request raised. I have notice one thing, whenever it tries to execute the secret from main the repository, its gives error as bad credentials.
Same stage when I tried to run from main repository it works fine. Do We have given some permissions to pull request to call secret from main repository.
Any suggestions will help.
By default, pull-request builds don't get access to the secrets to prevent people from using the pull requests to exfiltrate your secrets through a change that reads the environment and sends the data somewhere else.
Due to the dangers inherent to automatic processing of PRs, GitHub’s standard pull_request workflow trigger by default prevents write permissions and secrets access to the target repository. However, in some scenarios such access is needed to properly process the PR. To this end the pull_request_target workflow trigger was introduced.
See here for additional details:

Pull-Request auto-complete doesn't automatically complete when all requirements are met - Azure DevOps

To keep it short, I'm using a script in Azure DevOps that generates a pull request automatically every time a new branch is pushed to the repository.
Said script enables the pull request "auto-complete" funcionality, which lets me merge code using GIT after I complete all the branch policies. I have only one branch policy enabled, which compiles my code and checks whether it should complete the pull request or not, based on the pipeline compilation results.
Everything was working fine before one week ago, people pushed their branches normally and ADO automatically created the PR, build checked, merged and auto-completed the PR, as my only branch policy had always been met.
Now even all branch policies are met, the PR is stuck and won't auto-complete for some reason, even after the build compilation turns out as success and there are no merge conflicts.
If I click on approve, it then begins to complete automatically as it should. However, this manual step was never necessary for the PR to finish, nor I have a branch policy that demands an approval to complete the PR.
This is affecting all the projects in my ADO organization, so it may not be a configuration problem.
Maybe anyone has stumbled across the same problem?
Edit: Microsoft is looking at the issue:
Based on the link provided in the question, this issue apepears to have been fixed on Jul 28, 2022
"Microsoft Solution - Feedback Bot
Closed - Fixed
We have released a fix for this issue! Thank you for providing valuable feedback to help improve the product."
You could check if the user account has the permission: Bypass policies when completing pull requests.

How to set up a github pull request build in a Jenkinsfile?

So, I've been using Jenkins for quite a while. I have set up numerous projects with the Github Pull Request Builder plugin to run tests whenever someone opens a pull request, and then trigger some other job (build, push, deploy, etc) whenever the pull request actually gets merged to master.
So, is there any way to set this up with a Jenkinsfile, or the organization folders, or the multibranch build deal?
The github-organization-folder plugin in combination with the multi-branch plugin plugin offers exactly this awesome feature: It scans a whole organization (optionally restricted to certain patterns in repo/branch names) for Jenkinsfiles and automatically adds jobs. This also happens for Pull Requests.
Once the PR is closed, it automatically removes the job.
To avoid arbitrary code execution, an organization member has to trigger building the job (same as for the GPRB plugin). The phrase can be configured in the Jenkins System settings.
EDIT: Under the Advanced section in Jenkins, you find options about what types of PR you want to build. If you build fork PRs, then there's afaik no way to prevent running code without prior inspecting it.
An example, how this looks like:

How to auto merge pull request on github?

Is it possible to merge pull request automaticaly to master branch on github after success of travis test webhook?
You can use Mergify to do this.
It allows to configure rules and define criteria for your pull request to be automatically merged. In your case, setting something like "Travis check is OK and one reviewer approved the PR" would allow the PR to be automatically merged.
(Disclosure: I'm part of the Mergify team.)
You can most probably add an after_success action to your .travis.yml that would merge the PR using GitHub API. I do not know of any ready to use script for this, but there is no reason for it to be hard. Special care needed for authentication ...
GitHub recently shipped this auto-merge feature in beta. To use this, you can enable it in the repo settings. Just keep in mind you will need to add branch protection rules as well.
See the documentation for more info.
I work on a project that requires pull requests to be up to date with the target branch, and also to have passed all the checks before merging.
This means we can often be waiting for checks to finish, only to find a new commit has been made to the target branch, which requires the pull request to be synchronised and the checks to run all over again. I wanted a simple app to merge the PR automatically once the checks are successful, so I created one.
Mergery is:
Free, including for private repositories.
Fast. It's event-driven, it doesn't run on a schedule.
Simple. No configuration required. Just label your PRs with automerge.

How to stop TeamCity from building a pull request when it is viewed or commented?

Currently, my team is using TeamCity to automatically build pull requests from GitHub.
We have a configuration to build all the pull requests. In the version control settings of the config, our branch specification is
In the "Build Triggers" configuration setting, we have only one trigger with the following trigger rule:
+:root=Pull Requests on our Repository:\***/*\*
"Pull Requests on our Repository" is our VCS root name.
The issues:
When someone views a pull request on GitHub website without doing anything else, a build would be triggered in the TeamCity build agent. This is quite annoying, because from time to time, we have multiple build agents building the same pull requests (when multiple people view it).
When someone comments on a pull request, a build would also be triggered.
From my perspective, the only time I want TeamCity to start a build is when new commits are pushed to the pull requests.
Is there a way to do it?
Github's refs/pull/*/merge branches are updated every time mergeability of the branch is recalculated, i.e. on every commit to destination (most likely master) branch. They are also updated when pull request is closed and then reopened. Github's support says these branches are not intended for end users use. The only workaround at the moment is to run builds on refs/pull/*/head branches automatically and on refs/pull/*/merge branches manually.
Do you have TeamCity configured as per this blog post? I then activate the TeamCity service hook in GitHub which takes care of triggering a build in TeamCity whenever there is a push. This seems to do the right thing for me. Or am I missing something?
I know this is old but I wanted to post what we've found as alternatives:
Stop using VCS roots altogether as a mechanism for triggering pull requests. Instead, configure a GitHub webhook to notify a web app of yours whenever there is an update to a PR and only then trigger a build via the TeamCity REST API.
In your build config, add a step that checks what changed in the PR. If nothing changed (i.e. no new commits were added), or if the PR is closed, cancel the build. The problem with this is that the build queue will still be populated with builds that will then be cancelled. Also, you'd have to store somewhere the last commit that was built in order to do the check.
According to their TeamCity's issue tracker, the issue of the TeamCity.GitHub plugin causing an infinite loop of builds was fixed in v9.0