running Common Lisp application on Kubernetes cluster - kubernetes

I have deployed on prod 10+ java/js microservices in GKE, all is good, none use external volumes, its a simple process in pipeline of generating new image, pushing to container registry and when upgrading the app to new version, just deploy new deployment with the new image and pods using rolling update are upgraded.
My question is how would it look like with Common Lisp application ? The main benefit of the language is that the code can be changed in runtime. Should the config .lisp files be attached as ConfigMap? (update to ConfigMap still requires recreation of pods for the new ConfigMap changes to be applied) Or maybe as some volume? (but what about there being 10x pods of the same deployment? all read from the same volume? what if there are 50 pods or more (wont there be some problems?)) And should the deploy of new version of the application look like v1 and v2 (new pods) or do we use somehow the benefits of runtime changes (with solutions I mentioned above), and the pods version stays the same, while the new code is added via some external solution

I would probably generate an image with the compiled code, and possibly a post-dump image, then rely on Kubernetes to restart pods in your Deployment or StatefulSet in a sensible way. If necessary (and web-based), use Readiness checks to gate what pods will be receiving requests.
As an aside, the projected contents of a ConfigMap should show up in side the container, unless you have specified the filename(s) of the projected keys from the ConfigMap, so it should be possible to keep the source that way, then have either the code itself check for updates or have another mechanism to signal "time for a reload". But, unless you pair that with compilation, you would probably end up with interpreted code.


How to distribute n different configs to exactly n pods

I have a containerized daemon that I need to run one instance of for every thing. Each thing has a unique set of configs associated with it, but the container image is the same. The configs can be set simply as environment variables. I have a list of the configs, and I need to define the desired state as having exactly 1 pod running for each thing. What is the appropriate way to construct this in Kubernetes with or without Helm?
My understanding is that ReplicaSets and Deployments work on identical containers, in other words they would all be spun up with the same environment variables? I understand that StatefulSet may be able to represent this, but the deamons do not need to hold state really, they do not need persistent storage, they can be killed at will, so long as another with the same configs comes up soon afterwards.
One clue I was given by somebody was to use Helmfile or Helm partials. That is the extent of what they told me. I have not yet investigated whether those are appropriate or not.
You are correct saying that Deployment and ReplicaSets are running on identical containers, so the way I see it you have 2 options:
Deploy multiple deployments with different configs defined in the values file:
You can see an example here, where multiple configs are set in the values file and using {{ range }} to iterate and create multiple deployments
Iterate over you configurations names/files using scripting language of your choice and create separate release for each of your configuration via the command line for example: --set configName=
Personally, I would go with the 2nd option since multiple helm releases can harness the helm cli to better understand what is running and it's state. also, any CRUD action you would like to do would be less dangerous since the deployments are decoupled

Is it possible to add/modify kubernetes container spec based on clusterwide setting

I have a kubernetes-based application that uses an operator to build and deploy containers in pods. Sometimes I'd like to run containers in privileged mode to enable performance tracing, but since I'm not deploying the pod/containers directly from a manifest, I cannot simply add privileged mode and the debugfs filesystem mount.
That leaves me to fork the operator code, change where it builds the container spec, and redeploy with the modified operator. Doable, but awkward.
So my question is, is it possible to impose additional attributes to be added to container specs based on some clusterwide setting, either before pods are deployed by the operator? Or to modify the container spec after deployment? I tried that with kubectl edit pod mypod, but that didn't work.
This is on a physical cluster installed with kubespray.
There are three things to consider:
Your operator can create a controller (e.g. Deployment) instead of Pod, which allows modifications in the Pod Spec area, thus triggering Deployment's rollout (see rolling update strategy).
Use MutatingAdmissionWebhook
so before creating the Pod, its manifest would be modified/overwritten on the fly.
More info regarding MutatingAdmissionWebhook can be found here and here.
A workaround solution in a form of modifying the supply spec -> swapping the pod-a.
More about this was discussed here.
Please let me know if any of the above helped.

Persistence of Configmap in kubernetes

I have a Kubernetes pod (let's call it POD-A) and I want it to use a certain config file to perform some actions using k8s API. The config file will be a YAML or JSON which will be parsed by the application inside the pod.
The config file is hosted by an application server on cloud and the latest version of it can be pulled based on a trigger. The config file contains configuration details of all the deployments in the k8s cluster and will be used to update deployments using k8s API in POD-A.
Now what I am thinking is to save this config file in a config-map and every time a new config file is pulled a new config-map is created by the pod which is using the k8s API.
What I want to do is to update the previous config map with a certain flag (a key and a value) which will basically help the application to know which is the current version of deployment. So let's say I have a running k8s cluster with multiple pods in it, a config-map is there which has all the configuration details against those pods (image version, namespace, etc.) and a flag notifying that this the current deployment and the application inside POD-A will know that by loading the config-map. Now when a new config-file is pulled a new config-map is created and the flag for current deployment is set to false for the previous config map and is set to true for the latest created config map. Then that config map is used to update all the pods in the cluster.
I know there are a lot of details but I had to explain them to ask the following questions:
1) Can configmaps be used for this purpose?
2) Can I update configmaps or do I have to rewrite them completely? I am thinking of writing a file in the configmap because that would be much simpler.
3) I know configmaps are stored in etcd but are they persisted on disk or are kept in memory?
4) Let's say POD-A goes down will it have any effect on the configmaps? Are they in any way associated with the life cycle of a pod?
5) If the k8s cluster itself goes down what happens to the `configmaps? Since they are in etcd and if they are persisted then will they be available again?
Note: There is also a limit on the size of configmaps so I have to keep that in mind. Although I am guessing 1MB is a fair enough size to save a config file since it would usually be in a few bytes.
1) I think you should not use it in this way.
2) ConfigMaps are kubernetes resources. You can update them.
3) If etcd backups to disk are enabled.
4) No. A pod's lifecycle should not affect configmaps, unless pod mutates(deletes) the configmap.
5) If the cluster itself goes down. Assuming etcd is also running on the same cluster, etcd will not be available till the cluster comes back up again. ETCD has an option to persist backups to disk. If this is enabled, when the etcd comes back up, it will have restored the values that were on the backup. So it should be available once the cluster & etcd is up.
There are multiple ways to mount configMap in a pod like env variables, file etc.
If you change a config map, Values won't be updated on configMaps as files. Only values for configMaps as env variables are update dynamically. And now the process running in the pod should detect env variable has been updated and take some action.
So I think the system will be too complex.
Instead trigger a deployment that kills the old pods and brings up a new pod which uses the updated configMaps.

Kubernetes rolling update vs set image

After some intense google and SO search i couldn't find any document that mentions both rolling update and set image, and can stress the difference between the two.
Can anyone shed light? When would I rather use either of those?
EDIT: It's worth mentioning that i'm already working with deployments (rather than replication controller directly) and that I'm using yaml configuration files. It would also be nice to know if there's a way to perform any of those using configuration files rather than direct commands.
In older k8s versions the ReplicationController was the only resource to manage a group of replicated pods. To update the pods of a ReplicationController you use kubectl rolling-update.
Later, k8s introduced the Deployment which manages ReplicaSet resources. The Deployment could be updated via kubectl set image.
Working with Deployment resources (as you already do) is the preferred way. I guess the ReplicationController and its rolling-update command are mainly still there for backward compatibility.
UPDATE: As mentioned in the comments:
To update a Deployment I used kubectl patch as it could also change things like adding new env vars whereas kubectl set image is rather limited and can only change the image version. Also note, that patch can be applied to all k8s resources and is not restricted to be used with a Deployment.
Later, I shifted my deployment processes to use helm - a really neat and k8s native package management tool. Can highly recommend to have a look at it.

Is there a way to make kubectl apply restart deployments whose image tag has not changed?

I've got a local deployment system that is mirroring our production system. Both are deployed by calling kubectl apply -f deployments-and-services.yaml
I'm tagging all builds with the current git hash, which means that for clean deploys to GKE, all the services have a new docker image tag which means that apply will restart them, but locally to minikube the tag is often not changing which means that new code is not run. Before I was working around this by calling kubectl delete and then kubectl create for deploying to minikube, but as the number of services I'm deploying has increased, that is starting to stretch the dev cycle too far.
Ideally, I'd like a better way to tell kubectl apply to restart a deployment rather than just depending on the tag?
I'm curious how people have been approaching this problem.
Additionally, I'm building everything with bazel which means that I have to be pretty explicit about setting up my build commands. I'm thinking maybe I should switch to just delete/creating the one service I'm working on and leave the others running.
But in that case, maybe I should just look at telepresence and run the service I'm dev'ing on outside of minikube all together? What are best practices here?
I'm not entirely sure I understood your question but that may very well be my reading comprehension :)
In any case here's a few thoughts that popped up while reading this (again not sure what you're trying to accomplish)
Option 1: maybe what you're looking for is to scale down and back up, i.e. scale your deployment to say 0 and then back up, given you're using configmap and maybe you only want to update that, the command would be kubectl scale --replicas=0 -f foo.yaml and then back to whatever
Option 2: if you want to apply the deployment and not kill any pods for example, you would use the cascade=false (google it)
Option 3: lookup the rollout option to manage deployments, not sure if it works on services though
Finally, and that's only me talking, share some more details like which version of k8s are you using? maybe provide an actual use case example to better describe the issue.
Kubernetes, only triggers a deployment when something has changed, if you have image pull policy to always you can delete your pods to get the new image, if you want kube to handle the deployment you can update the kubernetes yaml file to container a constantly changing metadata field (I use seconds since epoch) which will trigger a change. Ideally you should be tagging your images with unique tags from your CI/CD pipeline with the commit reference they have been built from. this gets around this issue and allows you to take full advantage of the kubernetes rollback feature.