upload file in flutter web by file_picker - flutter

i use file_picker: ^4.2.0 show package for my application.
when i get web release as html, get some Error.
error: path always null in web release
my code to get file:
Future getFile() async {
FilePickerResult? result = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles(
withReadStream: true,
type: FileType.custom,
allowedExtensions: ['png', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'pdf'],
if (result != null) {
PlatformFile file = result.files.single;
setState(() {
_file = File(file.path.toString());
_filePath = file.path;
} else {
// file not choose

i use https://pub.dev/packages/file_picker but in flutter web path not suppor;
you should to use bytes;
i save file bytes in var _fileBytes and use in request;
var request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', Uri.parse('https://.....com'));
await ConvertFileToCast(_fileBytes),
filename: fileName,
contentType: MediaType('*', '*')
var response = await request.send();
function ConvertFileToCast:
List<int> list = data.cast();
return list;
it`s work for me :)


How to get file stream value from "file_picker" flutter web?

I need to pick an image from gallery and also have an another field for drag image.
For drag and drop field I used flutter_dropzone.
and used getFileStream(event) data to upload data into server.But file_picker: ^5.2.4 is used to pick image from gallery.So how to get filestream data from this package.
I got bytes but that is not working I needed filestream value
Code using file_picker
void chooseImage() async {
pickedFile = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles(
type: FileType.custom,
withReadStream: true,
allowedExtensions: [
if (pickedFile != null) {
try {
base64 = pickedFile!.files.first.bytes;
String mime = pickedFile!.files.first.extension.toString();
getS3url("image/$mime" ,base64String.value,from: "cameraIcon");
} catch (err) {
} else {
Copied from https://github.com/miguelpruivo/flutter_file_picker/wiki/FAQ
import 'package:file_picker/file_picker.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
import 'package:mime/mime.dart';
void main() async {
final result = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles(
type: FileType.custom,
allowedExtensions: [
withData: false,
withReadStream: true,
if (result == null || result.files.isEmpty) {
throw Exception('No files picked or file picker was canceled');
final file = result.files.first;
final filePath = file.path;
final mimeType = filePath != null ? lookupMimeType(filePath) : null;
final contentType = mimeType != null ? MediaType.parse(mimeType) : null;
final fileReadStream = file.readStream;
if (fileReadStream == null) {
throw Exception('Cannot read file from null stream');
final stream = http.ByteStream(fileReadStream);
final uri = Uri.https('siasky.net', '/skynet/skyfile');
final request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', uri);
final multipartFile = http.MultipartFile(
filename: file.name,
contentType: contentType,
final httpClient = http.Client();
final response = await httpClient.send(request);
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
throw Exception('HTTP ${response.statusCode}');
final body = await response.stream.transform(utf8.decoder).join();

I am using the Flutter Plugin Image_picker to choose images so that I want to upload image after selected the image

this is my code
Future<File> _imageFile;
void _onImageButtonPressed(ImageSource source) async {
setState(() {
_imageFile = ImagePicker.pickImage(source: source);
I find this code in flutter documentation but its not work
var uri = Uri.parse("http://pub.dartlang.org/packages/create");
var request = new http.MultipartRequest("POST", url);
request.fields['user'] = 'nweiz#google.com';
request.files.add(new http.MultipartFile.fromFile(
new File('build/package.tar.gz'),
contentType: new MediaType('application', 'x-tar'));
request.send().then((response) {
if (response.statusCode == 200) print("Uploaded!");
I used file_picker library to pick files. you can use this for pick images as well.
Future getPdfAndUpload(int position) async {
File file = await FilePicker.getFile(
type: FileType.custom,
allowedExtensions: ['pdf','docx'], //here you can add any of extention what you need to pick
if(file != null) {
setState(() {
file1 = file; //file1 is a global variable which i created

flutter dio upload files [pdf/ docs]

I am trying to upload files using dio package in my flutter application. I am sending my files through formdata. Here is my implementation:
Future<FormData> formData1() async {
return FormData.fromMap({
"title": "from app2",
"description": "app upload test",
"files": [
for (var i = 0; i < pathNames.length; i++)
await MultipartFile.fromFile(pathNames[i],
filename: fileNames[i])
Here is how I am sending my files.
_sendToServer() async {
Dio dio = Dio(
contentType: 'multipart/form-data',
headers: {
"Authorization": "$token",
LogInterceptor(requestBody: true, request: true, responseBody: true));
FormData formData = await formData1();
try {
var response = await dio.post("http://url/api/upload",
data: formData, onSendProgress: (int send, int total) {
print((send / total) * 100);
} on DioError catch (e) {
if (e.response != null) {
} else {
The other fields in formdata are sent to the server but not the multipartfile. When I try and do the same from postman form-data, it uploads correctly. Am I doing something wrong here?
If you want to upload the file you can convert multipart array before calling API function because even if you put await in form data dio response will not wait for formdata object or you can use MultipartFile.fromFileSync() to get rid of await.
Let me show you in a simple way using my example. try to understand.
Multipart conversion
List multipartArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < pathNames.length; i++){
multipartArray.add(MultipartFile.fromFileSync(pathNames[i], filename:
Api side
static Future<Response> createPostApi(multipartArray) async {
var uri = Uri.parse('http://your_base_url/post');
return await Dio()
data: FormData.fromMap({
"title": "from app2",
"description": "app upload test",
"files": multipartArray
.catchError((e) {
Here is my code where I used file_picker flutter library and MediaType('application', 'pdf') to ensure that the content passed to the API was indeed a .pdf file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
static Future<dynamic> uploadfile(int userid, File file, String token) async {
var fileName = file.path.split('/').last;
var formData = FormData.fromMap({
'title': 'Upload Dokumen',
'uploaded_file': await MultipartFile.fromFile(file.path,
filename: fileName, contentType: MediaType('application', 'pdf')),
"type": "application/pdf"
var response = await Dio().post('${urlapi}request/',
options: Options(
contentType: 'multipart/form-data',
headers: {HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: 'Token $token'}),
data: formData);
return response;
The file picker:
FilePickerResult? result = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles();
if (result != null) {
File file = File(result.files.single.path ??'file.pdf');
.uploadFile(statelogin.user.id, file,
Change formdata with following rest is fine
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathManager;
import 'package:mime/mime.dart' as mimeManager;
FormData formdata = FormData();
[UploadFileInfo(img, pathManager.basename(img.path),
// here attachmentFile is File instance, which is set by File Picker
Map<String, dynamic> _documentFormData = {};
if (attachmentFile != null) {
_documentFormData['document_file'] = MultipartFile.fromFileSync(attachmentFile.path);
FormData formData = FormData.fromMap(_documentFormData);
try {
var response = await dio.post("http://url/api/upload",
data: formData, onSendProgress: (int send, int total) {
print((send / total) * 100);
} on DioError catch (e) {
if (e.response != null) {
} else {
Here you can use MultipartRequest class without using any of library to upload any kind of files using restAPI.
void uploadFile(File file) async {
// string to uri
var uri = Uri.parse("enter here upload URL");
// create multipart request
var request = new http.MultipartRequest("POST", uri);
// if you need more parameters to parse, add those like this. i added "user_id". here this "user_id" is a key of the API request
request.fields["user_id"] = "text";
// multipart that takes file.. here this "idDocumentOne_1" is a key of the API request
MultipartFile multipartFile = await http.MultipartFile.fromPath(
// add file to multipart
// send request to upload file
await request.send().then((response) async {
// listen for response
response.stream.transform(utf8.decoder).listen((value) {
}).catchError((e) {
I used file picker to pick file. Here is the codes for pick file.
Future getPdfAndUpload(int position) async {
File file = await FilePicker.getFile(
type: FileType.custom,
allowedExtensions: ['pdf','docx'],
if(file != null) {
setState(() {
file1 = file; //file1 is a global variable which i created
here file_picker flutter library.

How can i post image with dio in flutter

i want to send image to server by jpg format by dio package ,
how can i do this ?
choose image method :
void _chooseImageCamera() async {
file = await ImagePicker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.camera,imageQuality: 50);
setState(() {
file = file;
upload image method :
void _upload() async {
if (file == null) return;
String fileName = file.path.split('/').last;
Map<String, dynamic> formData = {
"image": await MultipartFile.fromFile(file.path,filename: fileName),
await serverRequest().getRequest("/Information", formData).then((onValue) {
Anyone help me ?
Please try this
Future<dynamic> _upload() async {
if (file == null) return;
String fileName = file.path.split('/').last;
Map<String, dynamic> formData = {
"image": await MultipartFile.fromFile(file.path,filename: fileName),
return await Dio()
then((dynamic result){
You can also use http for this purpose
Future<String> uploadImage(Asset asset,String orderId) async {
// String to uri
Uri uri = Uri.parse('Your URL');
// create multipart request
http.MultipartRequest request = http.MultipartRequest("POST", uri);
ByteData byteData = await asset.getByteData();
List<int> imageData = byteData.buffer.asUint8List();
http.MultipartFile multipartFile = http.MultipartFile.fromBytes(
filename: '${DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch}.jpg',
contentType: MediaType("image", "jpg"),
// Add field to your request
request.fields['FieldName'] = fieldValue;
// add file to multipart
// send
var response = await request.send();
// Decode response
final respStr = await response.stream.bytesToString();
return respStr;

How to upload image to server API with Flutter [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Upload image with http.post and registration form in Flutter?
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am new to Flutter development. My problem is that I try to upload the image but I keep getting failed request.
This piece of code is where I connect it with a server API which will receive the image file from Flutter. String attachment which consist of the image path that is passed from createIncident function located at another page.
Future<IncidentCreateResponse> createIncident( String requesterName, String requesterEmail,
String requesterMobile, String attachment, String title,
String tags, String body, String teamId,
String address ) async {
IncidentCreateResponse incidentCreateResponse;
var token = Auth().loginSession.accessToken;
var postBody = new Map<String, dynamic>();
postBody["requester_name"] = requesterName;
postBody["requester_email"] = requesterEmail;
postBody["requester_mobile_no"] = requesterMobile;
postBody["attachment"] = attachment;
postBody["title"] = title;
postBody["tags"] = tags;
postBody["body"] = body;
postBody["teamId"] = teamId;
postBody["address"] = address;
// Await the http get response, then decode the json-formatted responce.
var response = await http.post(
body: postBody,
headers: {
'X-APP-ID': GlobalConfig.APP_ID,
"Accept": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
// "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: 'Bearer $token',
if ((response.statusCode == 200) || (response.statusCode == 201)) {
var data = json.decode(response.body);
incidentCreateResponse = IncidentCreateResponse.fromJson(data['data']);
} else {
print("createIncident failed with status: ${response.statusCode}.");
incidentCreateResponse = null;
return incidentCreateResponse;
This is the code snippet where I get the image path from the selected image from the gallery
Future getImageFromGallery(BuildContext context) async {
var picture = await ImagePicker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);
_imageFile = picture;
attachment = basename(_imageFile.path);
This is the code where I passed the attachment string to the HTTP Response
).then((IncidentCreateResponse res) {
if (res != null) {
print('Ticket Id: ' + res.id);
// Navigator.pop(context);
} else {
You can upload image using multipart or base64 Encode.
For uploading image using multipart Visit the Official documentation
For uploading image using base64 Encode you can checkout the Tutorial Here
I suggest using multipart image upload as it is even reliable when your image or files are larger in size.
Hope this could help you,
create a function to upload your image after picking or clicking an image like,
Future<ResponseModel> uploadPhoto(
String _token,
File _image,
String _path,
) async {
Dio dio = new Dio();
FormData _formdata = new FormData();
_formdata.add("photo", new UploadFileInfo(_image, _path));
final response = await dio.post(
baseUrl + '/image/upload',
data: _formdata,
options: Options(
method: 'POST',
headers: {
authTokenHeader: _token,
responseType: ResponseType.json,
if (response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 500) {
return ResponseModel.fromJson(json.decode(response.toString()));
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to upload!');
then you can use use uploadImage,
uploadImage(_token, _image,_image.uri.toFilePath()).then((ResponseModel response) {
//do something with the response
I have used Dio for the task, you can find more detail about dio here
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
dio: ^3.0.5
Then import it in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
To upload image using multipart API use this code ie
Add this library dio in your project in pubspec.yaml file
dio: ^3.0.5
and import this in your class
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
Declare this variable in your class like State<CustomClass>
static var uri = "BASE_URL_HERE";
static BaseOptions options = BaseOptions(
baseUrl: uri,
responseType: ResponseType.plain,
connectTimeout: 30000,
receiveTimeout: 30000,
validateStatus: (code) {
if (code >= 200) {
return true;
static Dio dio = Dio(options);
then use this method to upload file
Future<dynamic> _uploadFile() async {
try {
Options options = Options(
//contentType: ContentType.parse('application/json'), // only for json type api
var directory = await getExternalStorageDirectory(); // directory path
final path = await directory.path; // path of the directory
Response response = await dio.post('/update_profile',
data: FormData.from({
"param_key": "value",
"param2_key": "value",
"param3_key": "value",
"profile_pic_param_key": UploadFileInfo(File("$path/pic.jpg"), "pic.jpg"),
options: options);
setState(() {
isLoading = false;
if (response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 201) {
var responseJson = json.decode(response.data);
return responseJson;
} else if (response.statusCode == 401) {
print(' response code 401');
throw Exception("Incorrect Email/Password");
} else
throw Exception('Authentication Error');
} on DioError catch (exception) {
if (exception == null ||
exception.toString().contains('SocketException')) {
throw Exception("Network Error");
} else if (exception.type == DioErrorType.RECEIVE_TIMEOUT ||
exception.type == DioErrorType.CONNECT_TIMEOUT) {
throw Exception(
"Could'nt connect, please ensure you have a stable network.");
} else {
return null;