Google Form and Sheets - forms

I have created a Google Form that is being used daily by multiple people. The data that is being collected goes into google sheets automatically. Is there a way to set up a formula so that the data that is received daily automatedly hides the rows once the day is over? For example I have 10 rows of data that came in on 10/29. Tomorrow 10/30 there will be another 10 entries of different information. I would like the 10/29 data to hide those rows automatically and keep 10/30 date until the next day.. I hope that makes sense.


Is it possible to schedule refresh different parts of a dataset?

I have a report on PowerBI that has many pages/tabs and each one also has alot of data being displayed. As I didn't design this, I'm going through the report to eliminate as much as I can and possibly splitting the report as alot of the data only requries refreshing once a week.
This is where my query comes in, I have information on one page that requires a refresh every two hours over a 12 hour duration, one field of data that requires a daily refresh and two more fields only require refreshing when required.
Is it possible to segment scheduled refreshes throughout a single part of the report, or does scheduled refresh only allow the entire report to be refreshed? (I.E. Sales status is hourly, Outbound status is daily, and sales summary is weekly)
I'd rather avoid having to split reports, as it is very handy to have them on one page; rather than having to open two and view them on multiple monitors.
I am just starting out on PowerBI reports, having been shown enough to get what I need done; but plan to delve further in, this being my first port of call if it is possible.
Thanks for any reponses in advance.
No. It's Not Possible.
PowerBI Internal working like Tabular Model.
In Import mode we can not do incremental refresh also.
So other option is you can create Reporting layer and define denormilized with calucaluated columns Reporting tables.( Sales ,summary )
and use Direct query or Refresh and Do ETL for This table.
So you can schedule ETL for specific Tables i.e.Sales or summary.

Autofill various columns in different Google Sheets as new rows are submitted through Google Forms

I sing in a gospel choir in Barcelona and I have been assigned the task of managing the "IT related" issues of the choir.
One of the things we need is to ask the singers wether or not they will attend to the programmed concerts or not. We use Google Forms for that.
The difficulty is that we have various forms opened simultaneously and all the answers go to the same Google Sheets document, but each form to its own sheet. We need it like this to keep it simple and organised, by year in the first sheet.
And the real problem is that we need to expand the formulas from (usually) 3 columns to all the existing rows evey time an answer is provided (or from some to some more, to say so) and also that the columns are not always in the same columns. Here are the examples:
The explanation is this:
Sheet "Resum Concerts Cantaires" contains the summary of all the answer sheet
Each "yyyy-mm-dd whateverplace" is the destination of each different form
Some concerts have 2 answers (first image: email address and "will you attend the concert?") and some have 3 answers (second image: same previous two plus "will you come with our bus?")
Therefore, the columns needed to be copied down sometimes are D,E,F and sometimes are E,F,G.
Can anybody help me with this, please? I have tried the "CopyDown" plug-in, but it's not what I need (it prevents the second row to be sorted and I need it to be).
Thank you very much in advance for the help.

Tableau performance

I've a problem with the dashboard in Tableau. In the dashboard there are many worksheets, and all the columns that are in the report are calculable. The problem is that dashboard is being formed for a very long time. The report contains approximately 2 million rows. And it is generated about 5 minutes.
Tell me, what are the solutions in this case?
Maybe I can somehow adjust the page display and not all the records at once?
To reduce the calculation time, try to exclude data you don't need with a data source filter in tableau. You can also hide or delete unused calculated fields. Other things you can do is reduce sheets that are not used.
Here's a link:
Steps to follow to reduce calculation time:
Extract the data and use Extract data and also keep option as extract instead of live.Also replace the data source using extract data.
Use "User Filter" to reduce calculation time so that tableau will display of particular user data only.
I hope this will work to solve your problems.
I have one more idea to resolve this issue.
1)when you loan first time your dashboard put into Dashboard Action Filter
First Time load dashboard data exclude in your sheet.
Dashboard Menu->Action->add action->select sheet and exclude option.
2) Live to Extract data source and select radio button extract.
3)use user filter.
I am following the other answers (use extract, dashboard action filter...) and I want to add one point:
Drag every field used by any tablesheet on the dashboard on "Detail" of every tablesheet you are using on the Dashboard. Now Tableau loads all needed data while loading the first tablesheet and can use this data for the other sheets.
i.e. A dashboard contains three tablesheets (A, B, C) now you drag every field used by A on "Deatil" of B and C, every field used by B on "Deatil" of A and C, every field used by C on "Deatil" of B and A.
We are also having a similar issue with 150 million rows but I want to check if you are doing following steps. This may help you. This goes back to fundamentals of Tableau reporting.
1/ Try to make sure your data set is in star schema format. This will help a lot in report.
2/ Try to have tables and views in DB in such a way that same columns are used in Tableau. Any extra columns in tables adds to the performance issue.
3/Make sure indexing is done properly for all the fields that are joined.
4/ In my experience Dashboard adds extra performance lag. So make sure you try to get as much performance tuning on sheets as possible before even going to dashboard.
5/ If required try to use materialized views.
hope this helps.
Try to capture performance metrics using performance recorder option in Tableau.
Check for the underlying DB tables and joins present on the data source layer.
Try using optimized sets and parameters as required and get rid of less relevant filters.
Try using data extracts with scheduled refresh with data source filter for limited business years data.

Data Blending Tableau

I am creating a data blend and combining 2 excel files. I have volume
data dummy as primary data source & lifecycle dummy as secondary.
The common key is Ticket Id. Have created a calculated field to find the ticket
time which is Ticket Time =
DATEDIFF('day',ATTR([LifeCycle Dummy].[Assigned]),ATTR([LifeCycle Dummy].[Closed]))
Now i am not able to figure out how to show average ticket time per month or
at various other dimensions available such as priority, status etc. If i
remove the ticket id and only keep ticket time then the blend does not work. Do
advice if this can be achieved. Attached picture for reference.
If you want to show average ticket time per month, or any data based calculation, you'll need to join the data sources on Date also - looking at your screenshot they don;t appear to be linked yet. To enable them to be linked both fields must have exactly the same name, then you can click the paperclip icon next to the field to link it.

Speed up fetch of EKEvents

in my app I'm displaying a list of EKEvents and I would like to display all events of a month in a UITableView, each section containing the respective days. Well, this works and I get all the data, I need, but the fetch is very slow.
The problem consists in events, which spread across multiple days.
Let's say I'm going on vacation from 10th of November until 17th of November.
My search predicate has a startDate with 1st of November and an endDate with 30th of November.
I do an enumerateEventsMatchingPredicate or eventsMatchingPredicate, whatever, both are slow.
I get an array in return with all events taking place in November, as well as my vacation.
But my vacation is just one EKEvent object. So if I want to display a monthly list view of events it would only appear once, on 10th of November, but for reasons of clarity I would to show it on every day it takes place, 10th, 11th, ... 17th.
So what I do is, iterate over each day in a month and do a fetch :-/ This way I get the correct amount of events that take place on a specific day, but ... it feels so complicated.
I already put the fetch into a dispatch_async, so the fetch doesn't block the UI and after the fetch is finished the tableView gets reloaded and cells redrawn. But it still takes time. No userfriendly time.
How do you perform those searches? Do you have any tips on how to speed up the search, maybe a little code snippet or can point me in the right direction!?
Is my question clear? :-/
Fetches are slow especially if there is a lot of recurring events. What I did in my app, is to fetch only once, and parse whole-day-multiple-spanning-day-events to chunks. I abstracted events: I create "date" class, which has NSString properties usable as section titles in table view, and one of its ivars is array with matching "events". "events" are not EKEvents, but my class, to which I copy needed properties from EKEvents. From multiple day spanning single whole day EKEvent I create corresponding "events". Parsing is quite quick - the slowdown is when getting properties from fetched recurring EKEvents.