How do I pass the job name into a github action's input? - github

name: "My Name"
- name: Slack Notification
uses: my-action
slack-msg: ${{ jobs.${{ env.GITHUB_JOB }}.name }}
I want that slack-msg to evaluate to "My Name". I'm using my-action in multiple jobs, and I always want to pass in the job name, but I don't know how to do that. When I tried the above, the job literally didn't run and I don't know how to troubleshoot why: the github workflow log for my-name literally doesn't exist.
How do I pass job-name into an input parameter?

As nested expression are not supported you can use a trick like below to obtaint the matrix job name.
# to expose matrix job name to steps, which is not possible with expansions
JOB_NAME: ${{ || format('{0} ({1})', matrix.tox-target, matrix.os) }}
name: ${{ || format('{0} ({1})', matrix.tox-target, matrix.os) }}
Note that you cannot really access the matrix name, but you can ensure you save the same name into an environment variable and use that.


Sum expression in github action run-name

I am trying to set dynamic name to workflow run that has a number. The number should be calculated using an expression.
run-name: Perform Operation with ID [SOME_GITHUB_VAR + 1]
Is there a way to perform the above sum operation?
The run-name can include some expressions and can reference only the github and inputs contexts:
run-name: Deploy to ${{ inputs.deploy_target }} by #${{ }}
Unfortunately, GitHub Actions don't support math operations inside expressions. So, it's impossible to perform such a calculation for the value of the run-name option.
It's possible for the name value for a job step. You can add up these two numbers in a script and then set it as an environment variable.
name: 'Sum expression'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: run number with offset
NUM: ${{ github.run_number }}
run: |
- name: 'Perform Operation with ID ${{ env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER_WITH_OFFSET }}'
run: echo "Success!"
For more details, read the Setting an environment variable article.
Reference: How to add two numbers.

Passing object as a variable to Github action

How can I pass an additional object type variable?
When I try to do this in the yaml file a get an error:
Invalid type found: one of string , number , boolean were expected but an array was found
on: pull_request_review
name: Label approved pull requests
name: Label when approved
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Label when approved
uses: ***
- value: "1"
ADD_LABEL: "approved"
REMOVE_LABEL: "awaiting%20review"
The env: section allows you to pass Environment Variables to the actions. The environment variables are key - value. You cannot pass objects.
From GitHub docs:
A map of environment variables
In some cases you can "stringify" a whole object and pass it as an environment variable using toJSON(), but the action itself should "know" how to handle it (e.g to parse the object from the string)
Example how to pass all secrets to an actions:
SECRETS: '${{ toJSON(secrets) }}'
Note: There can be env in different levels in the workflows - you can have them on "global", on a job, or on step (in your case it is a step)
This is a bit of an old question and you've probably found some sort of workaround, but here is an option for you. This is what we do when we need to pass an object into a string input:
- value: "1"
The | converts the next block into a multi-line string. Everything until the next outdentation is a string.
What this means is that your action *** must then use a yaml parser to convert from the string to an object.

Fill runtime azure pipeline parameters from external source

We looking to create a pipeline to update our multi-tenant azure environment. We need to perform some actions during the update per tenant. To accomplish this, we would like to create a job per tenant, so we can process tenants in parallel. To accomplish this, I want to use a runtime parameter to pass the tenants to update to my pipeline as follows:
- name: tenants
type: object
the value of the tenants parameter might look like something like this:
- Name: "customer1"
Someotherproperty: "some value"
- Name: "customer2"
Someotherproperty: "some other value"
to generate the jobs, we do something like this:
- stage:
- job: Update_Tenant
${{ each tenant in parameters.Tenants }}:
${{ tenant.tenantName }}:
name: ${{ tenant.tenantName }}
someproperty: ${{ tenant.otherProperty }}
maxParallel: 2
- checkout: none
- script: echo $(name).$(someproperty)
Now what we need, is some way to fill this tenants parameter. Now I tried a few solutions:
Ideally I would like to put a build stage before the Update_Tenants stage to call a REST api to get the tenants, and expand the tenants parameter when the Update_Tenants stage starts, but this is not supported AFAIK, since parameter expansion is done when the pipeline starts.
A less ideal but still workable option would have been to create a variable group yaml file containing the tenants, and include this variable group in my pipeline, and use the ${{ variables.Tenants }} syntax to reference them. However, for some reason, variables can only be strings.
The only solution I can currently think of, is to create a pipeline that calls a REST api to get the tenants to update, and then uses the azure devops api to queue the actual update process with the correct parameter value. But this feels like a bit of a clunky workaround to accomplish this.
Now my question is, are there any (better?) alternatives to accomplish what I want to do?
Maybe this can help. I was able to use external source (.txt file) to fill array variable in azure pipelines.
Working example
# Create a variable
- bash: |
for images in `cat my_images.txt`;do
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=list_images]$arrVar"
# Use the variable
# "$(list_images)" is replaced by the contents of the `list_images` variable by Azure Pipelines
# before handing the body of the script to the shell.
- bash: |
echo my pipeline variable is $(list_images)
Sources (there is also example for matrix)
Other sources
To accomplish this, we would like to create a job per tenant, so we
can process tenants in parallel.
Apart from rolling deployment strategy, you can also check Strategies and Matrix.
You can try something like this unless you have to use Runtime parameters:
- job: Update
Someotherproperty1: '1.1'
Someotherproperty2: '1.2'
Someotherproperty1: '2.1'
Someotherproperty2: '2.2'
Someotherproperty1: '3.1'
Someotherproperty2: '3.2'
maxParallel: 3
- checkout: none
- script: echo $(Someotherproperty1).$(Someotherproperty2)
displayName: 'Echo something'

Is it possible to Update the Build Definition name using YAML in Azure Pipelines

I am trying to update Build definition name based on the YAML runtime parameters. I am able to achieve this like below
name: ${{ parameters.source }} to ${{ }} $(Date:yyyyMMdd).$(Rev:r)
But I want to update the build name by providing conditional expressions.
Please let me know if this can be achieved.
You can do something like this
${{ if eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'master') }}:
stageName: prod
Follow this link for full list of expressions you can use.
You can reference the documentation that describes how to set the run (build) number.
If defining your own variable, My.Variable, reference it the run number as:

How can I invoke a YAML pipeline that has both variables and runtime parameters?

I have a scenario where I need to have both:
runtime parameters, so that the pipeline can be triggered manually from the UI, where users triggering it can choose from a predefined set of options (defined in YAML)
variables, so that the pipeline can be invoked via REST APIs
Regarding runtime parameters, I was able to create the following sample pipeline:
- name: image
displayName: Pool Image
type: string
default: ubuntu-latest
- windows-latest
- ubuntu-latest
trigger: none
- stage: A
- job: A
- pwsh: |
echo "This should be triggering against image: $MY_IMAGE_NAME"
MY_IMAGE_NAME: ${{ parameters.image }}
When I run it, I can see the dropdown list where I can choose the image name and it is reflected in the output message of the PowerShell script.
Regarding variables, I have defined one called "image" here (notice the value is empty):
The idea now is to invoke the pipeline from REST APIs and have the image name replaced by the value coming from the variable:
"definition": {
"id": 1
"sourceBranch": "master",
"parameters": "{\"image\": \"windows-latest\" }"
In order to make the step print the value I'm passing here, I need to correct the environment variable in some way. I thought it would be sufficient to write something like:
MY_IMAGE_NAME: ${{ coalesce(variables.image, parameters.image) }}
That's because I want to give the priority to the variables, then to parameters, so that in case none is specified, I always have a default value the pipeline can use.
However, this approach doesn't work, probably because we're dealing with different expansion times for variables, but I don't really know what I should be writing instead (if there is a viable option, of course).
What I also tried is:
MY_IMAGE_NAME: ${{ coalesce($(image), parameters.image) }}
MY_IMAGE_NAME: ${{ coalesce('$(image)', parameters.image) }}
MY_IMAGE_NAME: $[ coalesce(variables.image, parameters.image) ]
MY_IMAGE_NAME: $[ coalesce($(image), parameters.image) ]
None of those are working, so I suspect this may not be feasible at all.
There is a workaround that I'm currently thinking of, which is to create two different pipelines so that those can be invoked independently, but while this is quite easy for me to accomplish, given I'm using a lot of templates, I don't find it the right way to proceed, so I'm open to any suggestion.
I tested and found you might need to define a variable and assign the parameter's value to it (eg. Mimage: ${{parameters.image}}). And define another variable(eg. Vimage) and assign $[coalesce(variables.image, variables.Vimage)] to it. Then refer to $(Vimage) in the env field of powershell task. Please check out below yaml.
- name: image
displayName: Pool Image
type: string
default: ubuntu-latest
- windows-latest
- ubuntu-latest
trigger: none
- stage: A
- job: A
Mimage: ${{parameters.image}}
Vimage: $[coalesce(variables.image, variables.Mimage)]
- pwsh: |
echo "This should be triggering against image: $env:MY_IMAGE_NAME"
MY_IMAGE_NAME: $(Vimage)
Env field of powershell task is usually for mapping secret variables. You can directly refer to $(Vimage) in the powershell script: echo "This should be triggering against image: $(Vimage).
Note: To queue a build via REST API with provided parameters, you need to check Let users override this value when running this pipeline to make the varilabe to be settable at queue time.
You can try passing the variables to the parameters of the template to make the parameters for template dynamic. Please check below simple yaml.
- template: template.yaml
MTimage: ${{parameters.image}}
VTimage: $(Vimage)
- job: buildjob
- powershell: |
echo "${{parameters.VTimage}}"
echo "${{parameters.MTimage}}"