Verify Data INSERT INTO QUERY - postgresql

Using postgresql-14 with pgadmin4
The task is vague but requests that I insert the data into a new table and then verify the data. I want to believe there is some "standard" or process to verify that the data was moved correctly and is intact, is there such a thing? I'm not sure how to "show" that the data is verified as correct in the new table.
For this insert:
INSERT INTO car_detail(id, make, model, price, year)
manufacturers.make AS make,
models.model_name AS model,
price_sheet.price AS price,
model_years.year AS year,
FROM dealership_stock
INNER JOIN.... etc.
TIA - it seems like a simple and logical task, but I am baffled on how to execute and prove it.

Dai and Bjarni were correct - verification isn't required in the code. The requirement was implying that the dataset would be viewed and confirmed that the data was present in the new table. And here I had hoped to learn of some fancy new command to verify data and instead am taking Belayer's comment to heart that I need to keep asking questions until I understand the requirements! Thanks everyone!


is there any way of simulating an autocommit in functions in postgres

I know you can't control transactions in functions or procedures, but I'm wondering if there's something like that or some alternative.
The problem: I have a function that's very expensive that turns things like a customer id into a nice html report. Trouble is - it takes seconds... so I've put into the function something that basically looks at a cache to see if a pre-rendered one exists, returning it if it does - and if it doesn't - it adds to the cache afterwards - so it will only ever render things once.
Now - given most things will never change - I sort of want to do it across everything - but given the time - it will probably take about 1 year to run - which is ok actually - this system has to run for ten. Trouble is - I don't want it to lock anything on the database, so I sort of want it trickle along, doing 1 at a time and committing immediately.
I investigated pg_cron, because that seemed an option, but the version of aurora I am using doesn't support it. Any ideas how I'd do this inside the database?
By all means, don't code that as a function running inside the database. It is fine to do the calculations in the database, but generating a report and iterating over customers belong into client code. That way, committing each report is not a problem.
Add a text column to the customer table to hold the html report.
Put trigger(s) on table(s) whose content influences the html report that refreshes the report column.
This gives you instant retrieval and only (re)calculates it when needed.
Or if data is stable:
create table customer_report (
customer_id int not null primary key,
report text not null
insert into customer_report
select id, my_report_proc(id)
from customer;


Good day,
I run many databases under interbase XE7 and 2017 now.
Lately, I got a strange behavior on one of the db:
A table with a primary key was found hosting many rows with similar values, like image below.
We can see that SCRIPTTYPE is a primary key column and it contains many times MATRIX, no space or strange characters ( I checked).
I was able to backup / restore without issues.
I am puzzled by this and I am wondering if anybody did encountered something similar?
And how it was done?
enter image description here
Run this query to be sure:
select SCRIPTTYPE, count(*)
from yourtable
order by 2 desc
If you get a count>1, then I'd argue it's simple a bug and you should contact support. For them to assist you they'll almost certainly need your database, so you should be prepared to provide that. Based on your description, you should be able to drop all tables except the one, and drop all fields except your key, then backup and restore to get the simplest test case.

Determining Table to Paste to On The Fly

How do I tell Filemaker what table to paste a value into based on the value? Is there a way to somehow have Filemaker paste a value into a table without hard coding the table name?
Using imported transaction data, I determine which ledger (table) the transaction should be posted to. But I can't seem to get the script to then post it into the right table based on the value.
Screenshot of Script
Thanks for the thoughtful suggestions!
I found a way to do what I was thinking, #AndreasT your suggestion helped.
Case (
Imported_Transactions::Debit_To = "Expenses_All"; "Expenses_All::Description";
Imported_Transactions::Debit_To = "Liability_CrCard_BofA"; Liability_CrCard_BofA::Description;
Imported_Transactions::Debit_To = "Liability_CrCard_CitiBusiness"; Liability_CrCard_CitiBusiness::Description;
Using the Case function, I was able to get Filemaker to put the data in the right table. It took some doing, but by putting the tablename::field in quotes, it worked.
Ultimately, though, I found it easier to just use one table and field descriptors to store my data. Simplicity makes it easier to produce reports.
You could use the conditional If script step to determine what table to insert data into based on your input.
Set field by name[ tablename::fieldname ; value ]

SSRS - Data Driven Subscription -

What I'm trying to do:
I have a report already created that looks for something existing in one database and not in another. 99% of the time the report comes up empty. We do not need to know when there are no results to show. I only want to know when the query returns a result.
What I've done so far:
I have a the Data Source created and a table (view) created to where I can query for Subscriber information.
What I hope can be answered:
Is it all possible to have this report run and email my selected Subscribers only when there is data in the output?
I see you've already looked into Data-Driven subscriptions. You should be able to write your query in the data-driven subscription to test if the report should return results, and if not, send it to a dummy address, and only send it to your subscriber list if there will be data in it.
If you put the dummy address in your table with an IsDummy flag column, you could do something like this:
SELECT [EmailTo]
FROM SubscriptionTable
WHERE IsDummy=0
AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SomeTable)>0 --report should have results
SELECT [EmailTo]
FROM SubscriptionTable
WHERE IsDummy=1
AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SomeTable)=0 --report should not have results
And that's only one way, there are probably lots of other ways that might suit your needs as well or better.

Microsoft Access ADP UPDATE Query does NOT update

I have a (very simple and standard) UPDATE statement which works fine either directly in Query Analyser, or executed as a stored procedure in Query Analyser.
A.field1 = B.col1
, A.field2 = B.col2
ON A.pk1 = B.pk1 AND A.pk2 = B.pk2
Problem is when i execute the same stored proc via microsoft ADP (by double-clicking on the sproc name or using the Run option), it says "query ran successfully but did not return records" AND does NOT update the records when i inspect the tables directly.
Before anyone even says "syntax of MS-Access is different than SQLServer T-SQL", remember that with ADP everything happens on the server and one is actually passing thru to T-SQL.
Any bright ideas from any ADP gurus out there?
Gotcha. Responding to my own question for the benefit of anyone else.
Tools / Options / Advanced / Client-Server Settings / Default max records is set at 10,000 (presumably this is the default). Change this to 0 for unlimited.
My table had 100,000+ rows and whatever set of 10,000 it was updating was difficult to find ( among a sea of 90,000+ un-updated rows ). Hence the update did not work fully as expected.
Try and see whether the query gets executed on the SQL Server using SQL profiler.
Also, I think you might need to close the linked table & re-open it to see the updated records.
Does that work?
Run the query with SQL PRofiler running. Before you start the trace add in all the error events. This will give you any errors that the SQL Server is generating that the Access ADP might not be showing correctly (or at all).
Feel free to post them here.
Just as a reference, here's a paper I wrote on Update Queries that discusses some of the issues associated with when the fail.
I seem to remember that I always got the "didn't return any rows" message and had to simply turn off the messaging. It's because it isn't returning any rows!
as for the other - sometimes there's a primary key issue. Does the table being updated have a primary key in SQLServer? If so, check the view of the table in Access - sometimes that link doesn't come through. It's been a while, so I could be wrong, but I think you may need to look at the design view of the table while in access and add the primary key there.
EDIT: Additional thought:
in your debugging, try throwing in print statements to see what the values of your inputs are. Is it actually picking up the data from the table as you expect when you execute from access?