Eliminate numbers from a mix of numbers and letters from a list of strings - python-3.7

I'm pretty new to programming and I need help.
list = ["defew21", "dldapl43, "vdvc3232"]
I need to eliminate all the numbers from the above list to return a list like this
list1 = ["defew", "dldapl", "vdvc"]
I have tried several ideas but of no avail.


Check for list of substrings inside string column in PySpark

For checking if a single string is contained in rows of one column. (for example, "abc" is contained in "abcdef"), the following code is useful:
df_filtered = df.filter(df.columnName.contains('abc'))
The result would be for example "_wordabc","thisabce","2abc1".
How can I check for multiple strings (for example ['ab1','cd2','ef3']) at the same time?
I'm ideally searching for something like this:
df_filtered = df.filter(df.columnName.contains(['word1','word2','word3']))
The result would be for example "x_ab1","_cd2_","abef3".
Please, post scalable solutions (no for loops, for example) because the aim is to check a big list around 1000 elements.
All you need is isin
df_filtered = df.filter(df['columnName'].isin('word1','word2','word3')
You need rlike function to achieve your result

How can I find a match in 2 separate python lists? [duplicate]

I tried using cmp(list1, list2) to learn it's no longer supported in Python 3.3. I've tried many other complex approaches, but none have worked.
I have two lists of which both contain just words and I want it to check to see how many words feature in both and return the number for how many.
You can find the length of the set intersection using & like this:
len(set(list1) & set(list2))
>>>len(set(['cat','dog','pup']) & set(['rat','cat','wolf']))
>>>set(['cat','dog','pup']) & set(['rat','cat','wolf'])
Alternatively, if you don't want to use sets for some reason, you can always use collections.Counter, which supports most multiset operations:
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> print(list((Counter(['cat','dog','wolf']) & Counter(['pig','fish','cat'])).elements()))
If you just want the count of how many words are common
common = sum(1 for i in list1 if i in list2)
If you actually want to get a list of the shared words
common_words = set(list1).intersection(list2)

How to find most frequent string in List of strings

I have a list of strings (List[String]) and I want to obtain the most frequent string from this list:
val list1 = List('a','a','0','b','b','a')
The answer should be:
freq_list1 = a
I was thinking to use list1.sliding(2).count... in order to get the count of unique string, but I don't know how to wrap it into finding the most frequent string.
EDIT: See comment below, can be made shorter by using maxBy(_._2.size) without mapping beforehand, thanks #kawty

Defaultdict() the correct choice?

EDIT: mistake fixed
The idea is to read text from a file, clean it, and pair consecutive words (not permuations):
file = f.read()
words = [word.strip(string.punctuation).lower() for word in file.split()]
pairs = [(words[i]+" " + words[i+1]).split() for i in range(len(words)-1)]
Then, for each pair, create a list of all the possible individual words that can follow that pair throughout the text. The dict will look like
Thus, referencing the dictionary for a given pair will return all of the words that can follow that pair. E.g.
wordsThatFollow[('she', 'was')]
>> ['alone', 'happy', 'not']
My algorithm to achieve this involves a defaultdict(list)...
wordsThatFollow = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(len(words)-1):
# pairs overlap, want second word of next pair
# wordsThatFollow[tuple(pairs[i])] = pairs[i+1][1]
EDIT: wordsThatFollow[tuple(pairs[i])].update(pairs[i+1][1][0]
except Exception:
I'm not so worried about the value error I have to circumvent with the 'try-except' (unless I should be). The problem is that the algorithm only successfully returns one of the followers:
wordsThatFollow[('she', 'was')]
>> ['not']
Sorry if this post is bad for the community I'm figuring things out as I go ^^
Your problem is that you are always overwriting the value, when you really want to extend it:
# Instead of this
wordsThatFollow[tuple(pairs[i])] = pairs[i+1][1]
# Do this

combing colls together - MaxMSP

I work on a project with MaxMSP where I have multiple colls. I want to combine all the lists in there in one single coll. Is there a way to do that directly without unpacking and repacking everything?
In order to be more clear, let’s say I have two colls, with the first one being:
0, 2
1, 4
2, 4
99, 9
while the second one is:
100, 8
101, 4
199, 7
I would like the final coll to be one list from 0-199.
Please keep in mind I don’t want to unpack everything ( with uzi for instance) cause my lists are very long and I find that it is problematic for the cpu to use colls with such long lists.That’s why I broke my huge list into sublists/subcolls in the first place
Hope that’s clear enough.
If the two colls do not have overlapping indices, then you can just dump one into the other, like this:
mzed's answer works, as stated if the lists have no overlapping indices which they shouldn't based on the design you specify.
If you are treating your 'huge list' as multiple lists, or vice versa, that might help come up with an answer. One question some may ask is "why are you merging it again?"
you consider your program to have one large list
that large list is really an interface that handles how you interact with several sub-lists for efficiency sake
the interface to your data persistence (the lists) for storing and retrieval then acts like one large list but works with several under-the-hood
an insertion and retrieval mechanism for handling the multiple lists as one list should exist for your interface then
save and reload the sublists individually as well
If you wrap this into a poly~, the voice acts as the sublist, so when I say voice I basically mean sublist:
You could use a universal send/receive in and out of a poly~ abstraction that contains your sublist's unique coll, the voice# from poly~ can append uniquely to your sublist filename that is reading/saving to for that voice's [coll].
With that set up, you could specify the number of sublists (voices) and master list length you want in the poly~ arguments like:
[poly~ sublist_manager.maxpat 10 1000] // 10 sublists emulating a 1000-length list
The math for index lookup is:
//main variables for master list creation/usage
master_list_length = 1000
sublist_count = 10
sublist_length = master_list_length/sublist_count;
//variables created when inserting/looking up an index
sublist_number = (desired_index/sublist_count); //integer divide to get the base sublist you'll be performing the lookup in
sublist_index = (desired_index%sublist_length); //actual index within your sublist to access
If the above ^ is closer to what you're looking for I can work on a patch for that. cheers