Keycloak Account management api update password does not work - keycloak

I am trying to update my password via keycloak account management using postman and I get this error:
"error": "RESTEASY003650: No resource method found for POST, return 405 with Allow header"
My endpoint: http://keycloak_url/auth/realms/{realm name}/account//credentials/password/
I have done a post request

Password reset functionality via API is removed from keycloak(12+) as it was unsafe. You can refer this thread from github. You won't find /credentials/password/ api if you are using keycloak 12 or above.
Alternative that I can suggest is that use Application Initiated Action (AIA) or use Admin Rest API
You can see further these got removed from keycloak here.
References :

I am under keycloak 17+, I also had troubles to make it work,
The correct url to use should be like:
You absolutely need the /auth/admin/realms keywords (some other endpoints only use /auth/realms) !
You will also need an access token from either a keycloak user or a keycloak client in the Authorization header. Check somewhere else to see how to generate and use an access token.
The body should be like:
"type": "password",
"temporary": true,
"value": "myNew-password1"
Check documentation:


How to verify jwt access token has required scope

Is there a built in way in .net core 3.1 to Verify that the JWT token present in the request has a Required Scope.
A sample of jwt data I already have from our Identity Server:
"user_id": "12345",
"scope": "test1"
I have already seen the article:
But this is specific for azure-ad and it requires that the Scope claim is named "scp" instead of "scope".
Yes, you configure the authorization handler by defining various policies to control the access to your API based on the data provided in the access token.
See for more details.

GCP IAM REST API Service account key issue

I have been struggling with this particular issue in GCP. I am trying to generate service account keys using Rest API calls outside of GCP. Below is screenshot of the service account along with the roles.
The as far as i can tell the Service account "Service account admin key" is the parent to create, list, etc child permissions.
So when invoking the Rest API call to generate key using this documentation:2
I get the below error
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "Permission iam.serviceAccountKeys.create is required to perform this operation on service account projects/XXXYYYZZZZZZ/serviceAccounts/",
What am I missing?!
Updated: Adding additional screenshots of how i setup authorization and testing of Rest API call.
Following your steps, I was able to replicate it without any errors. As an alternative you can generate an access token instead as authentication.
Add an Auth Header. Generate a Bearer Token by using the command below:
gcloud auth application-default print-access-token
Remove the API Key to your URL. This sample URL retrieves:
Add keyTypes
Add access token from the gcloud results above.
See sample screenshots below:
You can also refer to this if you want to generate service account keys, just make sure you update your URL, add a JSON body with keyAlgorithm, and use POST instead of GET. For more info, follow this guide.

Passing Bearer token from kong to keycloak to be authenticated and then procceds to api call

I have set up keycloak-oidc on kong, and I have a protected API behind kong. I am able to call keycloak through kong because I added a filter /auth/*. Below is my oidc configuration for keycloak.
I configured my REALM and CLIENT_ID on keycloak as follows:
When I call the protected API with Bearer token acquired from keycloak, I am unable to reach the protcted API as Keycloak returns
{ "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "Missing parameter: username" }
I have turned off the Standard Flow, yet I am unable to get authenticated by keyclaok and be passed on to the protected API.
Please what am I doing wrong?
First of all, I had to upgrade my kong-oidc from kong-oidc 1.0.1 to kong-oidc 1.1.0, then I simply just updated my introspection endpoint in the oidc plugin configuration as shown below, in the images I shared in the question above, the introspection endpoint field was not present and hence could not be set until after the upgrade

Keycloak REST API 401 when using custom client with service account

we want to access the Keycloak (Version 10) REST API from one of our backend services. To authenticate, we have setup the followings:
new clients within our realm
enabled service account for that client
assigned all [1] roles of “realm-management” to the services account
Accessing the API, e.g. fetching a selected user always results in a 401 response.
Steps to make the requests are:
Retrieve access_token from using grant_type=client_credentials + Client ID + Client Secret
Fetch user from
using the Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN with the Token from step 1.
My Question: Is it even possible to use a custom client or do we have to stick to login via admin-cli? How would we need to configure the custom client, to grant access to the REST API.
[1] Simply setting all roles for the sake of testing, regardless that we only want to read data in the end.

How to get Keycloak user information via REST without admin role

I'm using keycloak as authorization server. The users send own username/password to MyWebApp and MyWebApp with grant_type: password get the token and then response token to the user. Now I want to my users be able to get their information, change their password and everything related to themselves RESTFUL. When I send a rest request to /{realm}/users/{id} to get user information, The keycloak get 403 error response. How can I get user information without admin access from keyclaok?
Note: I've seen this question, But I want to give the user edit profile too.
I think you are using Oauth with Grant type=password. If the token you mentioned is generate by Keycloak. You can request user information to Keycloak using /userinfo endpoint.
This is example of endpoint:
This is how to send the parameters:
GET /userinfo HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer Gp7b5hiURKpWzEXgMJP38EnYimgxlBC1PpS2zGXUqe
As far as i know in new versions of Keycloak, Account application (~/auth/realms/{realm}/account) will be implemented as REST backend so your users will be able to work with their profile data in RESTful way (check out keycloak blog).
If you can't wait too long for such feature, you could implement your own REST backend for user profile operations. It mean that you have to implement REST endpoint Service Provider, and integrate to that API your custom set of Keycloak Roles (Your also may to implement endpoint without checks for any roles, so only bearer authentication required). Check Keycloak development docs, also you could use Keycloak sources, especially package as implementation example.
PS. For viewing user info, consider using User Info OIDC endpoint (See Hlex answer). It also could be customized via OIDC mappers (Clients -> {client Id} -> Mappers tab)