How to call the Values function in aws-sdk-go-v2? - aws-sdk-go

I am writing a program that uses aws-sdk-go-v2 and receives a string input from the user that determines what storage class to use when storing an object in S3. I have to validate that the input is an allowed value, and if it is not, I give a list of allowed values.
In v1 of aws-sdk-go, you could call s3.StorageClass_Values() to enumerate the allowed StorageClass values.
func StorageClass_Values() []string
// v1.go
package main
import (
func main() {
$ go run v1.go
But in aws-sdk-go-v2, types were introduced for StorageClass and the function that enumerates the values requires a type to be called.
From the docs:
func (StorageClass) Values() []StorageClass
This seems to require an initialized variable to call? Why is this the case? What's the idiomatic way to call this function?
I've managed to get it to work in two different ways, and both seem wrong.
// v2.go
package main
import (
s3Types ""
func main() {
// Create uninitialized StorageClass variable and call .Values()
var sc s3Types.StorageClass
// One-liner that uses one of the types directly:
$ go run v2.go
The one-liner is better because it is more concise, but I have to reference one of the storage classes, which doesn't have a particular meaning, so it feels wrong.
Which one should I use and why?
I wish they had simply kept the calling convention from v1. The Values() function in v2 doesn't use the type sent to it.

I totally agree with you that this is an odd api design. The (StorageClass) Values() is not using the receiver. This is the sdk-code:
func (StorageClass) Values() []StorageClass {
return []StorageClass{
I assume this is due to the fact that the code is generated and based on some common representation that is used to create SDKs for various languages,
In my opinion, the one-liner is the way to go, because it avoids introducing an unused variable:
Introducing a new variable would however highlight the fact that there is no meaning to the value which is used when invoking the Values() method.


Alternative to Global Variable or Singleton

I have read in various places that Global variables are at best a code smell, and best avoided. At the moment I am working on refactoring a big function based PS script to classes, and thought to use a Singleton. The use case being a large data structure that will need to be referenced from a lot of different classes and modules.
Then I found this, which seems to suggest that Singletons are a bad idea too.
So, what IS the right way (in PS 5.1) to create a single data structure that needs to be referenced by a lot of classes, and modified by some of them? Likely pertinent is the fact that I do NOT need this to be thread safe. By definition the queue will be processed in a very linear fashion.
FWIW, I got to the referenced link looking for information on singletons and inheritance, since my singleton is simply one of a number of classes with very similar behavior, where I start with the singleton which contains collections of the next class, which each contain collections of the next class, to create a hierarchical queue. I wanted to have a base class that handled all the common queue management then extend that for the differing functionality lof each class. Which works great other than having that first extended class be a singleton. That seems to be impossible, correct?
EDIT: Alternatively, is it possible with this nested classes in a generic list property approach to be able to identify the parent from within a child? This is how I handled this is the Function based version. A global [XML] variable formed the data structure, and I could step through that structure, using .SelectNode() to populate a variable to pass to the next function down, and using .Parent to get information from higher up, and especially from the root of the data structure.
EDIT: Since I seem not to be able to paste code here right now, I have some code on GitHub. The example here of where the Singleton comes in is at line 121, where I need to verify if there are any other examples of the same task that have not yet comnepelted, so I can skip all but the last instance. This is a proof of concept for deleting common components of various Autodesk software, which is managed in a very ad hoc manner. So I want to be able to install any mix of programs (packages) and uninstall on any schedule, and ensure that the last package that has a shared component uninstall is the one that uninstalls it. So as to no break other dependent programs before that last uninstall happens. Hopefully that makes sense. Autodesk installs are a fustercluck of misery. If you don't have to deal with them, consider yourself lucky. :)
To complement Mathias R. Jessen's helpful answer - which may well be the best solution to your problem - with an answer to your original question:
So, what IS the right way (in PS 5.1) to create a single data structure that needs to be referenced by a lot of classes, and modified by some of them [without concern for thread safety]?
The main reason that global variables are to be avoided is that they are session-global, meaning that code that executes after your own sees those variables too, which can have side effects.
You cannot implement a true singleton in PowerShell, because PowerShell classes do not support access modifiers; notably, you cannot make a constructor private (non-public), you can only "hide" it with the hidden keyword, which merely makes it less discoverable while still being accessible.
You can approximate a singleton with the following technique, which itself emulates a static class (which PowerShell also doesn't support, because the static keyword is only supported on class members, not the class as a whole).
A simple example:
# NOT thread-safe
class AlmostAStaticClass {
hidden AlmostAStaticClass() { Throw "Instantiation not supported; use only static members." }
static [string] $Message # static property
static [string] DoSomething() { return ([AlmostAStaticClass]::Message + '!') }
[AlmostAStaticClass]::<member> (e.g., [AlmostAStaticClass]::Message = 'hi') can now be used in the scope in which AlmostAStaticClass was defined and all descendant scopes (but it is not available globally, unless the defining scope happens to be the global one).
If you need access to the class across module boundaries, you can pass it as a parameter (as a type literal); note that you still need :: to access the (invariably static) members; e.g.,
& { param($staticClass) $staticClass::DoSomething() } ([AlmostAStaticClass])
Implementing a thread-safe quasi-singleton - perhaps for use
with ForEach-Object -Parallel (v7+) or Start-ThreadJob (v6+, but installable on v5.1) - requires more work:
Methods are then required to get and set what are conceptually properties, because PowerShell doesn't support code-backed property getters and setters as of 7.0 (adding this ability is the subject of this GitHub feature request).
You still need an underlying property however, because PowerShell doesn't support fields; again the best you can do is to hide this property, but it is technically still accessible.
The following example uses System.Threading.Monitor (which C#'s lock statement is based on) to manage thread-safe access to a value; for managing concurrent adding and removing items from collections, use the thread-safe collection types from the System.Collections.Concurrent namespace.
# Thread-safe
class AlmostAStaticClass {
static hidden [string] $_message = '' # conceptually, a *field*
static hidden [object] $_syncObj = [object]::new() # sync object for [Threading.Monitor]
hidden AlmostAStaticClass() { Throw "Instantiation not supported; use only static members." }
static SetMessage([string] $text) {
Write-Verbose -vb $text
# Guard against concurrent access by multiple threads.
[AlmostAStaticClass]::_message = $text
static [string] GetMessage() {
# Guard against concurrent access by multiple threads.
# NOTE: This only works with [string] values and instances of *value types*
# or returning an *element from a collection* that is
# only subject to concurrency in terms of *adding and removing*
# elements.
# For all other (reference) types - entire (non-concurrent)
# collections or individual objects whose properties are
# themselves subject to concurrent access, the *calling* code
# must perform the locking.
$msg = [AlmostAStaticClass]::_message
return $msg
static [string] DoSomething() { return ([AlmostAStaticClass]::GetMessage() + '!') }
Note that, similar to crossing module boundaries, using threads too requires passing the class as a type object to other threads, which, however is more conveniently done with the $using: scope specifier; a simple (contrived) example:
# !! BROKEN AS OF v7.0
$class = [AlmostAStaticClass]
1..10 | ForEach-Object -Parallel { ($using:class)::SetMessage($_) }
Note: This cross-thread use is actually broken as of v7.0, due to classes currently being tied to the defining runspace - see this GitHub issue. It is to be seen if a solution will be provided.
As you can see, the limitations of PowerShell classes make implementing such scenarios cumbersome; using Add-Type with ad hoc-compiled C# code is worth considering as an alternative.
This GitHub meta issue is a compilation of various issues relating to PowerShell classes; while they may eventually get resolved, it is unlikely that PowerShell's classes will ever reach feature parity with C#; after all, OOP is not the focus of PowerShell's scripting language (except with respect to using preexisting objects).
As mentioned in the comments, nothing in the code you linked to requires a singleton.
If you want to retain a parent-child relationship between your ProcessQueue and related Task instance, that can be solved structurally.
Simply require injection of a ProcessQueue instance in the Task constructor:
class ProcessQueue
hidden [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]$Queue = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::New()
class Task
Task([string]$id, [ProcessQueue]$parent)
$this.Parent = $parent
$this.Id = $id
When instantiating the object hierarchy:
$myQueue = [ProcessQueue]::new()
$myQueue.Add([Task]#{ Id = "id"; Parent = $myQueue})
... or refactor ProcessQueue.Add() to take care of constructing the task:
class ProcessQueue
[Task] Add([string]$Id){
$newTask = [Task]::new($Id,$this)
return $newTask
At which point you just use ProcessQueue.Add() as a proxy for the [Task] constructor:
$newTask = $myQueue.Add($id)
$newTask.DisplayName = "Display name goes here"
Next time you need to search related tasks from a single Task instance, you just do:
$relatedTasks = $task.Parent.Find($whatever)

UVM- run test() in top block and Macros

I'm reading the following guide:
In Code 3.2 line 24- run_test();
I realized that it supposed to execute the test, but how it know which test, and how, and why should I write it in the top block.
In Code 4.1 lines 11-14 (
`uvm_field_int(ina, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_int(inb, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_int(out, UVM_ALL_ON)
Why should I add the "uvm_field_int" , what would happend if i didn't add them, and what is "UVM_ALL_ON"?
run_test is a helper global function , it calls the run_test function of the uvm_root class to run the test case. There are two ways by which you can pass the test name to the function.The first is via the function argument and the second is via a command line argument. The command line argument takes precedence over the test name passed via the function argument.
run_test function in the uvm_root uses the factory mechanism to create the appropriate instance of the umm_test class and so the test case must register itself with the factory using the macro `uvm_component_utils for the factory mechanism (create_component_by_name) to function.
class YOUR_TEST_NAME extends umm_test ;
// register the class with the factory
// so that run_test can find this class when the
// string test_name is passed to it.
The run_test function then kicks of the uvm_phases (..,build_phase,connect_phase,...) starting the uvm portion of the simulation. There should be no time ticks consumed before the run_phase starts , so it is essential that run_test case is called in the initial block itself. Also we want the uvm and test bench to be ready to drive and receive data as soon as the RTL is ready for which it is essential that we start the run_test at the earliest. Any delay in doing so will generate an error.
`uvm_field_int/uvm_field_object/.. are called field automation macros. They are not mandatory in the class definition and are provided as a helper macros to ease the use of many common/routine functions of the uvm_object. Examples of thse functions in uvm_object are - copy,compare,pack,unpack,print, etc and these macros generate code to automatically use these functions.
If you are not using the uvm_object common functions leaving out these macros from the class definition will not produce any errors.
In case you implement you own version of the common operations you can also leave out these macros from the class.
UVM_ALL_ON - enables all functions like compare/copy/... to be implemented for the particular field.
link with examples -
For example the uvm_object has a compare function which compare two instances of the same class and return true if all the variables in the class are equal.
virtual function bit do_compare( uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer );
// return 1 if all the variables match
return ( super.do_compare( rhs, comparer ) &&
this.var_1 == rhs.var_1 &&
this.var_2 == rhs.var_2 &&
this.var_n == rhs.var_n );
endfunction: do_compare
// use in main code
if ( )
//instead of
if ( new_class.var1 == old_class.var1 && new_class.var2 == old_class.var2 && ... new_class.varn == old_class.varn )
The above compare has to be written for each class and updated and maintained for every new variable that is added to the class. This could become error prone as newer variables are added. A similar process has to be followed for all the standard functions uvm_object provides.
The field automation macro generates function to address all these functionality automatically. So doing a do_print for a class with the macros will print out all the fields without explicitly writing any code for it.
// compare/print/.. functions for class simpleadder_transaction are provided by using `uvm_field_int macro.
`uvm_field_int(ina, UVM_ALL_ON)
BUT a word of caution , the use of these macros are discouraged as they add a significant amount of code into the class.. Most of these functions may not be needed by the class yet they get generated by default.
run_test is defined in the documentation (link) as:
virtual task run_test (
string test_name = ""
So, in principle, you can state there the test name as a string. But what's usually done is to pass it in the command line of your simulator using the argument: +UVM_TESTNAME=TEST_NAME
The uvm_object macros are a bit more complicated. They generate several methods and more importantly they register the object in the UVM factory, which is what makes them necessary (at least if you are using, as you should, the factory to create them). Citing from the UVM Class Reference documentation (Section 20.2 Component and Object Macros):
Simple (non-parameterized) objects use the uvm_object_utils* versions,
which do the following:
Implements get_type_name, which returns TYPE as a string
Implements create, which allocates an object of type TYPE by calling its constructor with no arguments. TYPE’s constructor, if
defined, must have default values on all it arguments.
Registers the TYPE with the factory, using the string TYPE as the factory lookup string for the type.
Implements the static get_type() method which returns a factory proxy object for the type.
Implements the virtual get_object_type() method which works just like the static get_type() method, but operates on an already
allocated object.

How to capture errors when importing a module in Golang?

In golang, when I import a module, its init() gets executed (before main() I assume?), it is possible some error is generated in this function. How can I capture these errors and handle them in my own code?
Errors in Go are return values, as you may know. As init() does not return anything, the only alternative is to panic() in init if anything goes wrong.
A package that panics on init is arguably not very well designed, although there may be valid use cases for this.
Given the circumstances, recover() is not an option, because init is run before main. So if you can't edit the package in question, then you're out of luck.
This is one of the reasons why panic and recover should be used sparingly, only in situations where literally "panicking" makes sense.
#twotwotwo contributed the following quote from "effective Go" that describes this (for the init case):
if the library truly cannot set itself up, it might be reasonable to panic, so to speak
So: if your init function needs to report an error, then ask yourself if that code really belongs in init or would be better kept somewhere else. If it really has to be init, consider setting an error flag inside of the package and document that any client must check that error.
Yes, package init() functions run before the main() function, see Package initialization in the language specification.
And no, you can't handle errors occurred in package init() functions. Even if you could, that would mean a package your program depends on failed to initialize and you wouldn't know what to expect from it.
Package init() functions have no return values and they can't panic in a meaningful way that was meant to recover from. If an init() function panics, the program terminates.
Since init() functions are not called by you (e.g. from the main() function), you can't recover from there. It is the responsibility of the package itself to handle errors during its initialization, not the users of the package.
One option to signal error happening during an init() is to store the error state in a variable (e.g. exported, or unexported but queryable by an exported function). But this should be used only if it is reasonable to continue, and this is also the task/responsibility of the package itself (to store/report the error) and not the users of the package. You can't do this without the cooperation of the package (you can't "catch" unhandled/unreported errors and panics).
Not directly, but you could using something like this:
package mypkg
var InitErr error
var Foo MyFoo
func init() {
Foo, InitErr = makeInitialisation()
// ...
And then in your main:
package main
import "foo/bar/mypkg"
func main() {
if (mypkg.InitErr != nil) {
// ...

What is the purpose of passing "globals()" as fvars?

web.application accepts an undocumented fvars argument to which the tutorial passes globals() like so:
import web
class index:
def GET(self):
return "Hello, world!"
urls = (
'/', 'index'
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = web.application(urls, globals())
I've seen at least one application that passes locals(). What is this variable used for, and why would you want to pass it locals() or globals()?
It's used by application.handle() (which in turn calls application._delegate()) to convert the handler class from a string to the class object itself. Source code here.
For example, in your code snippet above, urls = ('/', 'index') is the URL-to-class-string mapping. So web.application needs your globals() dict to be able to look up the string 'index' and get the class itself.
I actually think this is a somewhat non-Pythonic design. Why not just pass in the class directly? I think supports that approach too. However, I believe the classes were done as strings so autoreload is simpler. The autoreload code uses fvars heavily.
Re locals(): at the module level, locals() doesn't really make sense, but it returns the same dictionary as globals(), which is why that would work.

Setting global variables in working memory in Drools planner

How do I add a global variable to working memory in drools planner's solver to be able to use in scores drool. This is similar to but couldn't find a solution though.
What you might be looking for is a #ProblemFactProperty.
Quoting from the documentation:
All objects returned by those [annotated] methods will be inserted into the
ConstraintStreams or Drools session, so the constraint steams or score
rules can access them.
In my own words: You can hold a reference to your global object in your #PlanningSolution class. If you annotate its getter with #ProblemFactProperty you can access it from your drools file.
First some preaching: Using a service (set as a global) to calculate part of the score will break delta based score calculation (read the manual section on that topic), resulting in much less score calculations per second (say 50 instead of 5000 per second on big data sets).
Then a HACK solution: In the StartingSolutionInitializer (soon known as CustomSolverPhaseCommand) do solverScope.getWorkingMemory().setGlobal("key", value).
Then a real, long-term solution: Could you motivate why you need to be able to do this? We can think about adding support for this with something like an optional WorkingMemoryPreperator.
After set the planningProblem:
You can get access the workingMemory via solutionDirector(HACK) :
DefaultSolutionDirector solutionDirector = ((DefaultSolver)solver).getSolverScope().getSolutionDirector();
solutionDirector.getWorkingMemory().setGlobal("list", new ArrayList<String>());
If you need to use some helper methods in the planner rules, try the following approach which I used in my project:
Create a utility class which includes the helper methods.
Import the utility class in the rule file like importing it in a java class.
Use the helper method in the rule. If you want to use a helper method in the condition, wrap using eval(). If you want to use a helper method in the then part, just use it as normal java method call.
For example, say you have a utility class named PlanningUtil like below:
public class PlanningUtil {
public boolean isGood() {return true;}
public void doSomething() {//...}
Then import the utility class in the rule file,
import PlanningUtil;
Use the utility method in the rule
rule "MyRule"
PlanningUtil.doSomething(); // note the ';' is a must.