How can I provide a custom header to a ZIO during tests - scala

I have service that returns a ZIO[Has[MyCustomHeader]], and I'm having trouble testing it.
Other services in our organisation are tested by converting ZIO to Twitterfuture using runtime.unsafeRunToFuture (where runtime is a Runtime[ZEnv] ) and then awaiting the future, thus running the tests in blocking mode.
However this service has a Has[] requirement and runtime.unsafeRunToFuture doesnt handle those. So far my approach has been to try to convert my ZIO[Has[MyCustomHeader]] to a ZIO[ZEnv], but I've yet to succeed at this.
from what I gather I need to provide a ZLayer via ZIO.provideSomeLayer() but I'm simply too stupid to understand how to construct a ZLayer properly?
Am I even on the right path here? and if so, How do I construct a ZLayer with a static value for MyCustomHeader to use in my tests?
This is how far along I am at trying to add a header for testing purposes: it doesn't work, but might illustrate what I'm trying to achieve..maybe... I'm pretty confused myself:
object effectAwait {
implicit class ZioEffect[A](private val value: ZIO[Has[EnvironmentHeader], RequestFailure, A]) extends AnyVal {
final def await(implicit runtime: Runtime[ZEnv] = Runtime.default): A = {
val zmanaged = ZManaged.fromEffect(value).provide(Has(EnvironmentHeader("test")))
val layered = value.provideSomeLayer(zmanaged.toLayer)
val sf = runtime.unsafeRunToFuture(layered)
Await.result(sf, 10.seconds)
this however gives me the error:
could not find implicit value for izumi.reflect.Tag[A]. Did you
forget to put on a Tag, TagK or TagKK context bound on one of the
parameters in A? e.g. def x[T: Tag, F[_]: TagK] = ...
deriving Tag for A, dealiased: A:
could not find implicit value for Tag[A]: A is a type parameter without an implicit Tag!
val layered = value.provideSomeLayer(zmanaged.toLayer)

I think you can just use ZIO.provideLayer (instead of provideSomeLayer) here :)
Also, there's a runtime.unsafeRun that will wait for the result as well, so you don't necessarily have to convert it to a Future. Also, also, instead of relying on an implicit runtime, there's always zio.Runtime.default that you can use anywhere (it's a Runtime[ZEnv] so it should work just as well, unless you've otherwise customized the runtime's behavior)


Scala Fork-Join-All With Multiple Generic Types and 1 Generic Unit of Work

I'm attempting to write a method which accepts multiple generic types and takes as an argument a unit of work to execute.
The idea is that the unit of work is a common function that itself is generic. For the sake of example, let's say it's something like the following:
def loadModelRdd[T: TypeTag](sc: SparkContext): RDD[T] = {
loadModelRdd() will construct an RDD of the given type after some internal processing like loading the Model information, etc.
A prototype method I've been hacking on looks something like the following (non-working):
def forkAll[A : Manifest, B : Manifest](work: => RDD[_]): (RDD[A], RDD[B]) = {
def aFuture = Future { work } // How can I notify that this work call returns type A?
def bFuture = Future { work } // How can I notify that this work call returns type B?
val res = for {
a <- aFuture
b <- bFuture
} yield (a.asInstanceOf[A], b.asInstanceOf[B])
Await.result(res, 10.seconds)
This is a shortened version of the code I'm working on as I'm actually looking at accepting as many as 10 different types.
As you can see, the overall goal of the forkAll method is to wrap the unit of work in a Future, fork-join the execution of the unit of work for each type, then return the results as a Tuple'd result. An example consumer statement would be:
val (a, b) = forkAll[ClassA, ClassB](loadModelRdd)
i.e I want to fork-join at this point and wait for the results, but I want the executions to be executed in parallel and then collected back to the Driver (Spark Driver to be specific).
The problem is I'm not sure how to coerce the type returned by the unit of work within forkAll when constructing the Future {} blocks. Without the forkAll, the implementation looked like the following:
val resA = loadModelRdd[ClassA](sc)
val resB = loadModelRdd[ClassB](sc)
I am looking at doing this for two reasons:
To abstract the details of fork-join for any unit of work which matches this model.
A version of this code, which explicitly states what the unit of work is, is working in Production and was responsible for cutting execution of a long-running block by close to half. I have a couple of execution steps where this pattern could be applied
Is this something that is possible in Scala's type system? Or should I look at this problem from a different perspective? I've tried a couple of implementations (including one described here) but I haven't quite found one that fits my current view of the problem
Please let me know if there is any additional information needed.
Short answer: Scala does not allow functions with type parameters, so what you want is not exactly possible.
You are attempting to pass a method with a type parameter. Although methods are allowed to have type parameters, functions are not. When you try to pass a method, it acts like an anonymous function, so you must specify a type.
However, since methods do allow type parameters, you can take advantage of this by creating an abstract class that will do your fork/join
abstract class ForkJoin {
protected def work[T]: RDD[T]
def apply[A, B]: (RDD[A], RDD[B]) = {
// Write implementation of fork/join here
(work[A], work[B])
then overriding the type generic work method so that it does what you want, such as calling some other pre-defined method.
val forkJoin = new ForkJoin {
override protected def work[T]: RDD[T] =
val (intRdd, stringRdd) = forkJoin[Int, String]
Check out this for a prototype implementation that compiles and runs without issues.

Bypassing Set's invariance in scala

As also seen in the scaladoc, sets are invariant :( So what do you do when you wish treat one as if it were covariant?
I have a constructor object:
object SimpleGraph {
def apply[ID](vertices: List[AbstractVertex[ID]], edges: Set[AbstractEdge[ID]]) = {
val simpleGraph = new SimpleGraph[ID, AbstractVertex[ID], AbstractEdge[ID]]
Given the invariance, sets of types that adhere to T <: AbstractEdge[ID] won't make it through into my apply function. The compilation error suggests using a wildcard type, which as much as I fathom means circumventing type safety altogether (?). My own solution is ugly because it uses cpu cycles and more memory to get over the invariance: changing the prototype's type from Set to List and converting back and forth between a list and a set to get the data through.
Have you got a better suggestion?
I am not terribly sure about it, because I am currently not able to test it properly, But wouldn't it work to tell your apply the exact type of the items in the set by type parameter?
object SimpleGraph {
def apply[ID, EDGE <: AbstractEdge[ID]](vertices: List[AbstractVertex[ID]], edges: Set[EDGE]) = {
val simpleGraph = new SimpleGraph[ID, AbstractVertex[ID], AbstractEdge[ID]]

When does it make sense to use implicit parameters in Scala, and what may be alternative scala idioms to consider?

Having used a Scala library that liberally exposes the reliance on implicits to the caller, I had experienced friction around this mechanism, as Scala makes it quite hard at times to debug implicit arguments, and because there's quite a bunch of places Scala would fill in values for implicit arguments from. (I could almost relate to it as "implicits hell" at one time).
At one time in my coding, Scala "complained" an implicit value could not be matched whereas in fact there was a "collision" of implicit values each coming from a different import.
Regardless of that perceived brittleness, it may at times feel borderline to an abuse of the context design pattern.
Why does it make sense to have implicit parameters in Scala?
In what scenarios would you use them and how would you avoid trouble?
As I'm not sure the experimentation-curve and potential for other team members getting totally confused are worth it, could you possibly suggest other scala idioms for sharing context between a multitude of Scala functions?
This questions is not for a specific implementation at hand, hopefully it's still a good fit for this site.
Generally, using a common type as an implicit parameter is a bad idea.
def badIdea(n: Int)(implicit s: String) = s * n
It doesn't take much to imagine why: you'll get conflicting implicits for the same thing if anyone else adopts this policy. Better to avoid it.
But who really wants to manually stuff in a scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext manually every time it's needed (which is practically everywhere)?
So the key is: when you have something with a specialized type, especially if it's bookkeeping that might need to be overridden manually but mostly should just do the right thing, then use implicit parameters. (This usually covers type classes as well.)
Then what do you do if you really need a string? Well, wrap it (at least formally--here it's a value class so in some contexts it will just pass the string around):
class MyWrappedString(val underlying: String) extends AnyVal {}
implicit val myString = new MyWrappedString("bird")
def decentIdea(n: Int)(implicit mws: MyWrappedString) = mws.underlying * n
scala> decentIdea(2) // In the bush?
res14: String = birdbird
Or if you think some additional logic is helpful, write a wrapper that takes an extra type parameter:
class ImplicitWithValue[K,V](val value: V) {
// Any extra generic logic goes here
object ImplicitWithValue {
class ValuePart[K] {
def apply[V](v: V) = new ImplicitWithValue[K,V](v)
private val genericValuePart = new ValuePart[Any]
private def typedValuePart[K] = genericValuePart.asInstanceOf[ValuePart[K]]
def apply[K] = typedValuePart[K]
Then you can
trait Marker1
implicit val implicit1 = ImplicitWithValue[Marker1]("fish")
def goodIdea(n: Int)(implicit ms: ImplicitWithValue[Marker1, String]) = ms.value * n
scala> goodIdea(3)
res17: String = fishfishfish

Scala: Why use implicit on function argument?

I have a following function:
def getIntValue(x: Int)(implicit y: Int ) : Int = {x + y}
I see above declaration everywhere. I understand what above function is doing. It is a currying function which takes two arguments. If you omit the second argument, it will invoke implicit definition which returns int instead. So I think it is something very similar to defining a default value for the argument.
implicit val temp = 3
scala> getIntValue(3)
res8: Int = 6
I was wondering what are the benefits of above declaration?
Here's my "pragmatic" answer: you typically use currying as more of a "convention" than anything else meaningful. It comes in really handy when your last parameter happens to be a "call by name" parameter (for example: : => Boolean):
def transaction(conn: Connection)(codeToExecuteInTransaction : => Boolean) = {
conn.startTransaction // start transaction
val booleanResult = codeToExecuteInTransaction //invoke the code block they passed in
//deal with errors and rollback if necessary, or commit
//return connection to connection pool
What this is saying is "I have a function called transaction, its first parameter is a Connection and its second parameter will be a code-block".
This allows us to use this method like so (using the "I can use curly brace instead of parenthesis rule"):
transaction(myConn) {
//code to execute in a transaction
//the code block's last executable statement must be a Boolean as per the second
//parameter of the transaction method
If you didn't curry that transaction method, it would look pretty unnatural doing this:
transaction(myConn, {
//code block
How about implicit? Yes it can seem like a very ambiguous construct, but you get used to it after a while, and the nice thing about implicit functions is they have scoping rules. So this means for production, you might define an implicit function for getting that database connection from the PROD database, but in your integration test you'll define an implicit function that will superscede the PROD version, and it will be used to get a connection from a DEV database instead for use in your test.
As an example, how about we add an implicit parameter to the transaction method?
def transaction(implicit conn: Connection)(codeToExecuteInTransaction : => Boolean) = {
Now, assuming I have an implicit function somewhere in my code base that returns a Connection, like so:
def implicit getConnectionFromPool() : Connection = { ...}
I can execute the transaction method like so:
transaction {
//code to execute in transaction
and Scala will translate that to:
transaction(getConnectionFromPool) {
//code to execute in transaction
In summary, Implicits are a pretty nice way to not have to make the developer provide a value for a required parameter when that parameter is 99% of the time going to be the same everywhere you use the function. In that 1% of the time you need a different Connection, you can provide your own connection by passing in a value instead of letting Scala figure out which implicit function provides the value.
In your specific example there are no practical benefits. In fact using implicits for this task will only obfuscate your code.
The standard use case of implicits is the Type Class Pattern. I'd say that it is the only use case that is practically useful. In all other cases it's better to have things explicit.
Here is an example of a typeclass:
// A typeclass
trait Show[a] {
def show(a: a): String
// Some data type
case class Artist(name: String)
// An instance of the `Show` typeclass for that data type
implicit val artistShowInstance =
new Show[Artist] {
def show(a: Artist) =
// A function that works for any type `a`, which has an instance of a class `Show`
def showAListOfShowables[a](list: List[a])(implicit showInstance: Show[a]): String =", ")
// The following code outputs `Beatles, Michael Jackson, Rolling Stones`
val list = List(Artist("Beatles"), Artist("Michael Jackson"), Artist("Rolling Stones"))
This pattern originates from a functional programming language named Haskell and turned out to be more practical than the standard OO practices for writing a modular and decoupled software. The main benefit of it is it allows you to extend the already existing types with new functionality without changing them.
There's plenty of details unmentioned, like syntactic sugar, def instances and etc. It is a huge subject and fortunately it has a great coverage throughout the web. Just google for "scala type class".
There are many benefits, outside of your example.
I'll give just one; at the same time, this is also a trick that you can use on certain occasions.
Imagine you create a trait that is a generic container for other values, like a list, a set, a tree or something like that.
trait MyContainer[A] {
def containedValue:A
Now, at some point, you find it useful to iterate over all elements of the contained value.
Of course, this only makes sense if the contained value is of an iterable type.
But because you want your class to be useful for all types, you don't want to restrict A to be of a Seq type, or Traversable, or anything like that.
Basically, you want a method that says: "I can only be called if A is of a Seq type."
And if someone calls it on, say, MyContainer[Int], that should result in a compile error.
That's possible.
What you need is some evidence that A is of a sequence type.
And you can do that with Scala and implicit arguments:
trait MyContainer[A] {
def containedValue:A
def aggregate[B](f:B=>B)(implicit ev:A=>Seq[B]):B =
ev(containedValue) reduce f
So, if you call this method on a MyContainer[Seq[Int]], the compiler will look for an implicit Seq[Int]=>Seq[B].
That's really simple to resolve for the compiler.
Because there is a global implicit function that's called identity, and it is always in scope.
Its type signature is something like: A=>A
It simply returns whatever argument is passed to it.
I don't know how this pattern is called. (Can anyone help out?)
But I think it's a neat trick that comes in handy sometimes.
You can see a good example of that in the Scala library if you look at the method signature of Seq.sum.
In the case of sum, another implicit parameter type is used; in that case, the implicit parameter is evidence that the contained type is numeric, and therefore, a sum can be built out of all contained values.
That's not the only use of implicits, and certainly not the most prominent, but I'd say it's an honorable mention. :-)

Trouble with ReactiveMongo's BSON macros and generics

The following code fails for me:
object Message {
def parse[T](bsonDoc: BSONDocument): Try[T] = {
implicit val bsonHandler = Macros.handler[T]
The error is:
No apply function found for T
implicit val bsonHandler = Macros.handler[T]
However, if I hardcode a type (one of my case classes), it's fine:
object Message {
def parse(bsonDoc: BSONDocument): Try[ClientHello] = {
implicit val bsonHandler = Macros.handler[ClientHello]
So I presume this is a problem using generics. Incidentally, I have to import messages.ClientHello. If I just use messages.ClientHello I get:
not found: value ClientHello
implicit val bsonHandler = Macros.handler[messages.ClientHello]
How can I achieve what I'm trying to do, which is to have a single method that will take a BSON document and return an instance of the appropriate case class?
1) Macro applications get expanded immediately when encountered (well, modulo some fine details of type inference that are irrelevant here). This means that when you write handler[T], handler will try to expand with T as a type parameter. This won't lead to anything good, hence the error. To make this work, you need to turn Message.parse into a macro itself.
2) This happens because ReactiveMongo macros are unhygienic. Specifically, isn't going to work correctly in situations like yours, because it uses simple name of the class, not a fully qualified name. I think the best way to make the macro work correctly would be using Ident(companion), not Ident( - that would ensure that this identifier binds to the companion, not to something in scope having the same name.