How to update from subquery with query builder? - postgresql

I'm using Symfony 5, Doctrine, and PostgreSQL.
In some Transaction Repository I'm trying to run the code below:
$queryBuilder = $this->em->createQueryBuilder('tr');
$queryBuilder2 = $this->em->createQueryBuilder('t');
$queryBuilder2->select('', 't.status')
$queryBuilder->expr()->lt('t.timeoutAt', ':timeoutAt'),
$queryBuilder->expr()->in('t.status', ':status')
'timeoutAt' => Carbon::now(TimezoneEnum::UTC),
'status' => ['pending', 'done'],
'CASE WHEN t.status = :statusPending THEN :statusDone ELSE :statusInProgress END'
->set('tr.updatedAt', ':updatedAt')
->from($queryBuilder2->getDQL(), 't')
->where(' =')
'updatedAt' => Carbon::now(TimezoneEnum::UTC),
'statusPending' => 'pending',
'statusDone' => 'done',
'statusInProgress' => 'progress',
After calling $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult(); I got an error:
Doctrine\ORM\Query\QueryException : [Syntax Error] line 0, col 37: Error: Expected Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_SET, got ','
If to remove ->from($queryBuilder2->getDQL(), 't') error will be fixed, but I need this FROM.
Also $queryBuilder2->getQuery()->getResult() working perfect;
How to correctly put sql of $querybuilder2 to FROM part?

this should be what you want
it will update the status and the updatedAt, for only 'pending' and 'done' transations
the getSingleScalarResult() will let you know how much transactions got updated,
change it as you need
return $this->getEntityManager()
->update(Transaction::class, 't')
->set('t.status', 'CASE WHEN t.status = :statusPending THEN :statusDone ELSE :statusInProgress END')
->set('t.updatedAt', ':updatedAt')
->where('t.status IN (:statuses)')
->andWhere('t.timeoutAt is NOT NULL')
->andWhere('t.timeoutAt < :timeoutAt')
->setParameter('statuses', ['pending', 'done'])
->setParameter('updatedAt', Carbon::now(TimezoneEnum::UTC))
->setParameter('statusDone', 'done')
->setParameter('statusInProgress', 'progress')
->setParameter('timeoutAt', Carbon::now(TimezoneEnum::UTC))


Array to string conversion error on sql insert in laravel 5.6

I'm trying to insert into order_items table on laravel 5.6 and getting following error
"Array to string conversion (SQL: insert into order_items (title, order_id, quantity, unit_price, unit_booking_fee) values (sector1, 129, 1, 1, 1))"
order_items table schema
Schema::create('order_items', function ($table) {
$table->string('title', 255);
$table->decimal('unit_price', 13, 2);
$table->decimal('unit_booking_fee', 13, 2)->nullable();
I've tried following both code and both give same error
$orderItem = new OrderItem();
$orderItem->title = $attendee_details['ticket']['title'];
$orderItem->quantity = $attendee_details['qty'];
$orderItem->order_id = $order_id;
$orderItem->unit_price = $attendee_details['ticket']['price']; //0.15
$orderItem->unit_booking_fee = $attendee_details['ticket']['booking_fee'] + $attendee_details['ticket']['organiser_booking_fee']; //0.01
'title' => 'sector1',//$attendee_details['ticket']['title'],
'order_id' => $order_id,
'quantity' => $attendee_details['qty'],
'unit_price' => 1,
'unit_booking_fee' => 1
What am i doing wrong?
Solved it.
Found that the $order_id was an array

Cakephp 3 inner join with count and group by not working

$options = array(
'fields' => array(
'COUNT(`item_requirements`.`quantity_required`) as count'
'joins' => array(
'INNER JOIN `items` AS item_requirements ON `item_requirements`.`item_id` = `items`.`id`'
'group' => '`item_requirements`.`item_id`',
'contain' => array(
'items' => array('fields' => array('name', 'specification'))
$query = $this->Indents->ItemRequirements->find('all', $options);
Error: SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """" LINE 1: ...item_requirements`.`quantity_required`) AS "counts"" AS "COU... ^
the above error occurs.. any solutions to solve this..
The issue is with
.* is not supported by cake ORM.
You can use ->autoFields(true) option. Refer this answer

Eloquent query not working Laravel 5.4

I have the following query and it is not working as expected.
$students = StudentStatus::with(['user.studentProgramme' => function ($query) {
$query->where('department_course_id', request('studyCourse'));
}], 'level', 'user.studentProgramme.course')
->where('level_id', request('level'))
->where('status', 0)
The inner WHERE, that is $query->where('department_course_id', request('studyCourse')) is ignored and I don't know why.
Is there something I am missing out?
This may be a scope issue try:
$studyCourse = ;
$students = StudentStatus::with(['user' => function($query) {
$query->with(['studentProgramme' => function ($query) {
$query->where('department_course_id', request('studyCourse'));
}]}], 'level', 'user.studentProgramme.course')
->where('level_id', request('level'))
->where('status', 0)

does CakePHPs Containable-behavior support custom expressions as conditions?

I'm currently facing an issue with the containable-behavior setting conditions based on the datasources expression-builder. I'm using CakePHP 2.6.2 with a PostgreSQL database.
What works so far:
I wrote a behavior that dynamically adds conditions to find-operations to restrict the results based on a privileges table. Im using subqueries with the buildstatement() and expression() functions provided by cake. I followed this article from the CakeBook:
Here is a simplyfied code-snippet, in fact its two OR-statements:
$conditionsSubQueryRecord = array(
'Privilege.objecttable' => $model->table,
'Privilege.objectid = '.$model->alias.'.'.$model->primaryKey,
'' => true,
'' => $this->recordPermissions
$dsPrivilege = $this->privilegeModel->getDataSource();
$subQueryRecordPrivs = $dsPrivilege->buildStatement(
'fields' => array('"'.$this->privilegeModel->alias.'"."id"'),
'table' => $dsPrivilege->fullTableName($this->privilegeModel),
'alias' => $this->privilegeModel->alias,
'limit' => null,
'offset' => null,
'joins' => array(),
'conditions' => $conditionsSubQueryRecord,
'order' => null,
'group' => null
$subQueryRecordPrivs = ' EXISTS (' . $subQueryRecordPrivs . ') ';
$subQueryRecordPrivsExpression = $dsPrivilege->expression($subQueryRecordPrivs);
I'm adding the statement to my condition array then in my behaviors beforeFind()-hook. This works all very well so far. The condition is added, the results are filtered.
The conditions are ignored for my contained models:
My problem is now to use this condition on contained models. I wrote an recursive algorithm that walks along all the contained modelsand if the model actsAs my behavior I am attaching the same conditions to its conditions-array. But when I execute my search, the condition is ignored on the contained models and only attached to the primary model.
This is the complete condition string I'm executing:
'conditions' => array(
'' => (int) 4,
(int) 0 => object(stdClass) {
type => 'expression'
value => ' EXISTS (SELECT "Privilege"."id" FROM "core"."privileges" AS "Privilege" WHERE "Privilege"."objecttable" = 'requestinstances' AND "Privilege"."objectid" = "Requestinstance"."id" AND "Privilege"."read" = 'TRUE' AND "Privilege"."id" = (8)) OR EXISTS (SELECT "Privilege"."id" FROM "core"."privileges" AS "Privilege" WHERE "Privilege"."objecttable" = 'requestinstances' AND "Privilege"."read" = 'TRUE' AND "Privilege"."id" IN (7, 13, 6, 9, 10, 12) AND "Privilege"."objectid" IS NULL) '
'fields' => null,
'joins' => array(),
'limit' => (int) 1,
'offset' => null,
'order' => array(
(int) 0 => null
'page' => (int) 1,
'group' => null,
'callbacks' => true,
'contain' => array(
'Requesttype' => array(
'Steptype' => array(
'order' => array(
(int) 0 => 'RequesttypesSteptype.phase ASC'
'conditions' => object(stdClass) {
type => 'expression'
value => ' EXISTS (SELECT "Privilege"."id" FROM "core"."privileges" AS "Privilege" WHERE "Privilege"."objecttable" = 'steptypes' AND "Privilege"."objectid" = "Steptype"."id" AND "Privilege"."read" = 'TRUE' AND "Privilege"."id" = (8)) OR EXISTS (SELECT "Privilege"."id" FROM "core"."privileges" AS "Privilege" WHERE "Privilege"."objecttable" = 'steptypes' AND "Privilege"."read" = 'TRUE' AND "Privilege"."id" IN (7, 13, 6, 9, 10, 12) AND "Privilege"."objectid" IS NULL) '
(int) 0 => 'RequesttypesSteptype',
'conditions' => object(stdClass) {
type => 'expression'
value => ' EXISTS (SELECT "Privilege"."id" FROM "core"."privileges" AS "Privilege" WHERE "Privilege"."objecttable" = 'requesttypes' AND "Privilege"."objectid" = "Requesttype"."id" AND "Privilege"."read" = 'TRUE' AND "Privilege"."id" = (8)) OR EXISTS (SELECT "Privilege"."id" FROM "core"."privileges" AS "Privilege" WHERE "Privilege"."objecttable" = 'requesttypes' AND "Privilege"."read" = 'TRUE' AND "Privilege"."id" IN (7, 13, 6, 9, 10, 12) AND "Privilege"."objectid" IS NULL) '
'Stepinstance' => array(
(int) 0 => 'Steptype',
(int) 1 => 'Stepdatainstance',
(int) 2 => 'Sectioninstance'
'Requestdatainstance' => array(),
'Taskinstance' => array()
'recursive' => (int) 2
As you can see, the condition was correctly added to some of the contained models. However, the executed SQL-query, i.e. for the "Steptype"-Model, is generated without the condition:
SELECT "Steptype"."id" AS "Steptype__id", "Steptype"."name" AS "Steptype__name", "Steptype"."description" AS "Steptype__description", "Steptype"."subscribe" AS "Steptype__subscribe", "RequesttypesSteptype"."id" AS "RequesttypesSteptype__id", "RequesttypesSteptype"."phase" AS "RequesttypesSteptype__phase", "RequesttypesSteptype"."endsphase" AS "RequesttypesSteptype__endsphase", "RequesttypesSteptype"."endsrequest" AS "RequesttypesSteptype__endsrequest", "RequesttypesSteptype"."usertype_id" AS "RequesttypesSteptype__usertype_id", "RequesttypesSteptype"."requesttype_id" AS "RequesttypesSteptype__requesttype_id", "RequesttypesSteptype"."steptype_id" AS "RequesttypesSteptype__steptype_id" FROM "core"."steptypes" AS "Steptype" JOIN "core"."requesttypes_steptypes" AS "RequesttypesSteptype" ON ("RequesttypesSteptype"."requesttype_id" = 6 AND "RequesttypesSteptype"."steptype_id" = "Steptype"."id") ORDER BY "RequesttypesSteptype"."phase" ASC
Direct use of the buildStatement does not work either
I also tried to use the statement itself directly, without building an expression from it. This actually creates exactly the SQL-query I want to have, but does not add the quotes of the table alias in the FROM-clause correctly and therefore causes postgreSQL to throw an error:
SELECT "Requestinstance"."id" AS "Requestinstance__id", "Requestinstance"."user_id" AS "Requestinstance__user_id", "Requestinstance"."created" AS "Requestinstance__created", "Requestinstance"."requesttype_id" AS "Requestinstance__requesttype_id", "Requestinstance"."currentphase" AS "Requestinstance__currentphase", "Requestinstance"."selfsolving" AS "Requestinstance__selfsolving", "User"."username" AS "User__username", "User"."id" AS "User__id", "User"."company_id" AS "User__company_id", "User"."usertype_id" AS "User__usertype_id", "Requesttype"."id" AS "Requesttype__id", "Requesttype"."name" AS "Requesttype__name", "Requesttype"."subtitle" AS "Requesttype__subtitle", "Requesttype"."description" AS "Requesttype__description", "Requesttype"."order" AS "Requesttype__order", "Requesttype"."selfsolving" AS "Requesttype__selfsolving" FROM "core"."requestinstances" AS "Requestinstance" LEFT JOIN "core"."users" AS "User" ON ("Requestinstance"."user_id" = "User"."id") LEFT JOIN "core"."requesttypes" AS "Requesttype" ON ("Requestinstance"."requesttype_id" = "Requesttype"."id") WHERE EXISTS (SELECT "Privilege"."id" FROM "core"."privileges" AS Privilege WHERE "Privilege"."objecttable" = 'requestinstances' AND "Privilege"."objectid" = "Requestinstance"."id" AND "Privilege"."read" = 'TRUE' AND "Privilege"."id" = (8)) OR EXISTS (SELECT "Privilege"."id" FROM "core"."privileges" AS Privilege WHERE "Privilege"."objecttable" = 'requestinstances' AND "Privilege"."read" = 'TRUE' AND "Privilege"."id" IN (7, 13, 6, 9, 10, 12) AND "Privilege"."objectid" IS NULL) LIMIT 1
Adding the quotes manually to the alias-string while building the statement does not help either, since the framework strips the quotes.
So finally my question(s):
Does anybody know, if the containable-behavior supports expressions at all? I already digged into the DboSource, PdoSource and Postgresql-datasource but could not find anything wrong here. The Containable behavior looks pretty straight forward as well. Am I doing something wrong here?
Or is there another way I could acchieve what I want?
I'm glad for any help in this matter!
Thanks in advance!
I finally figured it out!
To formally answer the question:
Yes, the containable behavior does support expression-syntax!
My problem was with the processing order: The framework processes the behaviors the configured order, I accidently loaded the containable before my custom behavior, thats why it never received my modified conditions...
Working with the correct order, the manipulated condition-string was processed fine by the containable behavior.
To be absolutely sure about the behaviors order, I moved the behavior-loading to the AppModels __construct() method:
// unload any configured Containable behavior
if($this->Behaviors->loaded('Containable')) {
// load the PrivilegeItem behavior
if($this->alias !== 'Privilege') {
// and finally (re-)attach the Containable behavior
Maybe it helps others avoiding two days of debugging headache...

zf1: chained joins

I'm getting an error with a query, my question is: can i chain joins?
My first join is to the primary table, but my second join is to the table joined to the primary table. This is the query:
$query = $this->getDbTable()->select()
->from(array('ca' => 'contracts_allotment'),
'contracts_rooms_id' => new Zend_Db_Expr("CONCAT(room_type_desc, '-', room_characteristics_desc)")
->join(array('cr' => 'contracts_rooms'),
'ca.contract_rooms_id =',
->join(array('rt' => 'room_types'),
'cr.room_id =',
->join(array('rc' => 'room_characteristics'),
'cr.char_id =',
->where('contract_id = ?', $contractId);
I'm getting:
Select query cannot join with another table"
The error comes from Zend/Db/Table/Select::assemble()
Here you have some inside assemble():
// Check each column to ensure it only references the primary table
if ($column) {
if (!isset($from[$table]) || $from[$table]['tableName'] != $primary) {
var_dump($from[$table]['tableName'], $primary);die;
require_once 'Zend/Db/Table/Select/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Db_Table_Select_Exception('Select query cannot join with another table');
The var_dump() prints:
string(10) "room_types" string(19) "contracts_allotment"
Any idea?
Don't forget to lock the tables when doing joins:
$query = $this->getDbTable()->select()
->from(array('ca' => 'contracts_allotment'),
'contracts_rooms_id' => new Zend_Db_Expr("CONCAT(room_type_desc, '-', room_characteristics_desc)")
->join(array('cr' => 'contracts_rooms'),
'ca.contract_rooms_id =',
->join(array('rt' => 'room_types'),
'cr.room_id =',
->join(array('rc' => 'room_characteristics'),
'cr.char_id =',
->where('contract_id = ?', $contractId);
->setIntegrityCheck(false) should at least get you a new error.