Derived attribute with AsTajson call in the custom service - mdriven

I use .net5 and .netStandard from nuget. The structure of the solution is simple - class library with ecomodel and webapi project.
I've registers custom service in the EcoSpace1.cs as it was advised by eco gurus long, long time ago.
public interface IMyService
int Class1Count();
public class MyServiceClass : IMyService
private IEcoServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; set; }
public MyServiceClass(IEcoServiceProvider serviceProvider)
ServiceProvider = serviceProvider;
public int Class1Count()
var v = ServiceProvider.GetEcoService<IOclService>().Evaluate("Class1.allInstances->size");
return (int)v.AsObject;
The rule for a webapi project's controller- inherit from the Controller class - due to the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore (swagger) usage. Swagger shows errors if I inherit a controller from the ModelDrivenControllerBase
But the code above is OK, the GET works perfect:
public class MySecondEcoServiceController : Controller
public int Get()
using (EcoSpace1 es=new EcoSpace1())
es.Active = true;
int r = es.MyService.Class1Count();
return r;
It works till I tried to add another method into the IMyService and to get json. I tried AsTajson by adding derived attribute to the Class1 with DerivationOcl.
Class1.allInstances->first.AsTaJson( 'SampleViewModel', false )
self.AsTaJson( 'SampleViewModel', false )
In the MyServiceClass the implementation of the Get is:
Class1 v = (Class1)ServiceProvider.GetEcoService<IOclService>().Evaluate("Class1.allInstances->first").AsObject;
json = v.Attribute2;
If I tried GET this value - exception:
Eco.FrameworkImpl.Ocl.EBoldOCLError: 'bughuntinfo internaleval:84 es seems fine.Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'
What is the proper way (or EcoService?) to get values returned by TaJson?

Not sure but please check that you have initiated use of ViewModels once for your EcoSpace type:


Entity Framework 6 Programmatically Connect to Postgres

I'm working on programmatically establishing a connection to PostgresSQL using Entity Framework 6. I have this class:
public class ClearspanDatabaseContext : DbContext
with this constructor:
public ClearspanDatabaseContext()
: base(buildConnectionString())
Here's the static method that makes the connection string programmatically:
private static string buildConnectionString()
RegisterDbProvider("Npgsql", ".Net Framework Data Provider for Postgresql", "Npgsql Data Provider", "Npgsql.NpgsqlFactory, Npgsql");
EntityConnectionStringBuilder entityConnectionStringBuilder = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder();
entityConnectionStringBuilder.Provider = "Npgsql";
entityConnectionStringBuilder.ProviderConnectionString = "host=;Port=5432;username=ClearspanDevLogin;password=*******;database=ClearspanWebServerDev";
return entityConnectionStringBuilder.ToString();
And here's the method that registers Npgsql as a database provider, taken from this source:
public static bool RegisterDbProvider(string invariant, string description, string name, string type)
DataSet ds = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("") as DataSet;
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
if (row["InvariantName"].ToString() == invariant)
return true;
ds.Tables[0].Rows.Add(name, description, invariant, type);
return true;
return false;
This generates a string like this:
"provider=Npgsql;provider connection string=\"host=;Port=5432;username=ClearspanDevLogin;password=********;database=ClearspanWebServerDev\""
But I get an ArgumentException:
Keyword not supported: 'provider'.
I think I am close to the programmatic connection, but am missing something small. What can I do to resolve this exception and properly setup this connection programmatically? No app.config answers, I'm working in a class library, which ignores app.config (see the comments of the accepted answer to this question). This program must remain this way because it is used as a plugin - it does not (nor should it) run on its own. Thanks in advance.
Ok, here is working example for you which I verified is working.
Using dummy code-first EF 6 model + custom DbConfiguration class:
public class Enrollment {
public int EnrollmentID { get; set; }
public int CourseID { get; set; }
public int StudentID { get; set; }
[DbConfigurationType(typeof (NpgsqlConfiguration))]
public class SchoolContext : DbContext {
public SchoolContext(string cs) : base(cs) {
public DbSet<Enrollment> Enrollments { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) {
class NpgsqlConfiguration : System.Data.Entity.DbConfiguration
public NpgsqlConfiguration()
SetProviderServices("Npgsql", Npgsql.NpgsqlServices.Instance);
SetProviderFactory("Npgsql", Npgsql.NpgsqlFactory.Instance);
SetDefaultConnectionFactory(new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnectionFactory());
Then, instead of your buildConnectionString(), just pass postgre connection string in constructor:
using (var ctx = new SchoolContext("host=;port=5432;...")) {
And that is all. Config file is completely empty during that, and it works.
Have you looked at Code-Based Configuration? Create a DbConfiguration class with a public parameterless constructor in the same assembly as your DbContext
class MyConfiguration : System.Data.Entity.DbConfiguration
public MyConfiguration()
SetProviderServices("Npgsql", Npgsql.NpgsqlServices.Instance);
SetProviderFactory("Npgsql", Npgsql.NpgsqlFactory.Instance);
Now I think the DbContext should use that provider factory by default, and you can construct the DbContext with just the connection string. But if it's in a different assembly, then you have a bit more work to do, but that can be found in the link above.
A potential problem with the above solution is that any configuration in the config file will take precedence, so maybe it would be safer to use the option described in here:
var conn = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("MY_CONN_PROVIDER").CreateConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "MY_CONN_STR";
new DbContext(conn, true);
where your provider is "Npgsql", which was registered in RegisterDbProvider above.
Also see

In Autofac, how do I propagate Keys through Adapters

I'm using the adapter support in Autofac to convert multiple types to a desired type. I also want to preserve the keys/names/metadata attached to the adapter input types, so that they exist with the same values on the adapter output types - this is needed for using IIndex<,> to resolve instances by name.
I can't figure out how to propagate the keys/names/metadata through the adapter function, since the adapter function runs during component construction, and the metadata needs to be propagated when the container is built.
Here's an example xunit test, which fails:
/// <summary>
/// Unit test to figure out how to propagate keys through adapters.
/// </summary>
public sealed class AutofacAdapterTest
public class A
public A(string key)
Key = key;
public string Key { get; private set; }
public class B
public B(string name)
Name = name;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public class C : B
public C(string name)
: base(name)
public class LookerUpper
private readonly IIndex<string, B> _bIndex;
public LookerUpper(IIndex<string, B> bIndex)
_bIndex = bIndex;
public B LookupByName(string name)
return _bIndex[name];
public void TestPropagateKeysThroughAdapters()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// Register named types
builder.RegisterType<A>().Named<A>("A").WithParameter("key", "A");
builder.RegisterType<B>().Named<B>("B").WithParameter("name", "B");
builder.RegisterType<C>().Named<C>("C").Named<B>("C").WithParameter("name", "C");
// Adapter to convert an A to a B, since it's not a subclass
builder.RegisterAdapter<A, B>((c, a) => new B(a.Key));
// Register LookerUpper, which is the only top-level type that needs to be autowired
var container = builder.Build();
var lookerUpper = container.Resolve<LookerUpper>();
// Test expected results
Assert.Equal("A", lookerUpper.LookupByName("A").Name);
Assert.IsType<B>(lookerUpper.LookupByName("A")); // A should have been adapted to a B
Assert.Equal("B", lookerUpper.LookupByName("B").Name);
Assert.Equal("C", lookerUpper.LookupByName("C").Name);
Assert.Throws<ComponentNotRegisteredException>(() => lookerUpper.LookupByName("D"));
The statement lookerUpper.LookupByName("A") fails with a ComponentNotRegisteredException, because the name value "A" is not propagated through the adapter function (which adapts A -> B ). If the first two lines of Asserts are commented out, the rest of the test works as expected.
I found a workable solution to this problem by using Autofac Metadata instead of Autofac keys or names. For the call to RegisterAdapter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom,TTo>), metadata is propagated from the IComponentRegistration for TFrom to the IComponentRegistration for TTo; however the keys/names are not propagated. The omission of keys may be a bug or by design, I'll file a bug with autofac to figure out which is the case and follow up.
The unfortunate part about using metadata is I can't use an IIndex<string, B> constructor parameter, so I had to use an IEnumerable<Meta<Lazy<B>>> parameter and create my own dictionary of string -> Lazy<B> to provide similiar functionality to IIndex. Here's the code that works:
/// <summary>
/// Unit test to figure out how to propagate keys through adapters.
/// </summary>
public sealed class AutofacAdapterTest
internal const string LookupKey = "lookup";
public class A
public A(string key)
Key = key;
public string Key { get; private set; }
public class B
public B(string name)
Name = name;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public class C : B
public C(string name)
: base(name)
public class LookerUpper
private readonly IDictionary<string, Lazy<B>> _bLookup;
public LookerUpper(IEnumerable<Meta<Lazy<B>>> bMetas)
_bLookup = bMetas.ToDictionary(meta => meta.Metadata[LookupKey].ToString(), meta => meta.Value);
public B LookupByName(string name)
return _bLookup[name].Value;
public void TestPropagateKeysThroughAdapters()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// Register types that will be looked up; attach metadata for the lookup key
builder.Register((c) => new A("A")).WithMetadata(LookupKey, "A");
builder.Register((c) => new B("B")).WithMetadata(LookupKey, "B");
builder.Register((c) => new C("C")).AsSelf().As<B>().WithMetadata(LookupKey, "C");
// Adapter to convert an A to a B, since it's not a subclass
builder.RegisterAdapter<A, B>((c, a) => new B(a.Key));
// Register LookerUpper, which is the only top-level type that needs to be autowired
var container = builder.Build();
var lookerUpper = container.Resolve<LookerUpper>();
// Test expected results
Assert.Equal("A", lookerUpper.LookupByName("A").Name);
Assert.IsType<B>(lookerUpper.LookupByName("A")); // A should have been adapted to a B
Assert.Equal("B", lookerUpper.LookupByName("B").Name);
Assert.Equal("C", lookerUpper.LookupByName("C").Name);
Assert.Throws<KeyNotFoundException>(() => lookerUpper.LookupByName("D"));
It should also be possible to create an IRegistrationSource and some extension methods that extend what is done in RegisterAdapter<TFrom, TTo>, such that the keys in TFrom are propagated to TTo - that would be an ideal solution, but potentially more work to maintain, so I'll probably stick with this.
It was fixed in Autofac version 3.5.1.
Link to the bug
Link to the fix

MEF imports with metadata not matching any exports

I have been trying to use MEF on a new project and am having some difficulty getting imports to work, which I cannot explain why. I am following the samples on MSDN and elsewhere, but they are not working for me. This is using MEF 4.0 in a .NET 4 project.
I have defined a simple contract:
public interface ICommand
int Execute(string[] args);
I implemented some parts and added some metadata:
[ExportMetadata("Name", "init")]
public class InitCommand : ICommand { ... }
[ExportMetadata("Category", "service")]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "start")]
public class StartServiceCommand : ICommand { ... }
I defined the following metadata interface:
public interface ICommandMetadata
string Category { get; }
string Name { get; }
In my main program, I am creating a catalog-based export provider and then trying to compose the main program object:
internal class Program
private IEnumerabe<Lazy<ICommand, ICommandMetadata>> commands;
private static int Main(string[] args)
var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var assemblyExportProvider = new CatalogExportProvider(new AssemblyCatalog(assembly));
var compositionContainer = new CompositionContainer(assemblyExportProvider);
assemblyExportProvider.SourceProvider = compositionContainer;
var batch = new CompositionBatch();
return 0;
When I run the above code, this works as expected and both parts are resolved. When I go a step further and create a custom export attribute, the code stops working. Here's my custom metadata attribute and updated parts:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
public sealed class CommandAttribute : ExportAttribute
public CommandAttribute() : base(typeof(ICommand))
public string Category { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
[Command(Name = "init")]
public class InitCommand : ICommand { ... }
[Command(Category = "service", Name = "start")]
public class StartServiceCommand : ICommand { ... }
By applying the custom export attribute, my commands collection in my program is an empty array. I played around with this some more, and I found that if I change the properties in the metadata interface to arrays of strings, the importing works again:
public interface ICommandMetadata
string[] Category { get; }
string[] Name { get; }
Can anyone tell me if I am doing something wrong? Why does this only work if I use arrays in the metadata interface? Is there a way to make this work without using arrays for the properties?
Thanks in advance for your help.

MVC2, Entity Framework, & repository pattern

I'm trying to get a repository pattern working with MVC2 and EF.
My problem is within the concrete repository. When I attempt to cast the EF query results as an IEnumerable collection of view-model entities:
Unable to cast object of type
to type
I sense that's a bone-headed thing to try to do -- and it's something with Linq, and how deferred execution works, but I don't really understand the voodoo.
So what is it that I'm mis-understanding there, and how do I address it?
The view-model:
public class MediaReleaseModel
public string Headline { get; set; }
public string FullText { get; set; }
The repository interface:
public interface IMediaReleasesRepository
IEnumerable<MediaReleaseModel> MediaReleases { get;}
The concrete repository:
public class MediaReleaseRepository : IMediaReleasesRepository
private NewsEntities DataContext = new NewsEntities();
private IEnumerable<MediaReleases> _MRs;
public MediaReleaseRepository()
_MRs = from art in DataContext.MediaReleases select art;
public IEnumerable<MediaReleaseModel> MediaReleases
get { return (IEnumerable<MediaReleaseModel>)_MRs; }
public class HomeController : Controller
private IMediaReleasesRepository _MRRepository;
public HomeController()
_MRRepository= new MediaReleaseRepository();
public ViewResult index()
return View(_MRRepository.MediaReleases.ToList());
You're trying to cast collection of MediaReleases to collection of MediaReleaseModels. If MediaReleaseModel is a separate class, this can't be done just by casting. Generally, cast will succeed only in one inheritance chain or when conversion operators are defined, which is not the case here.
What you need here is rewriting the MediaRelease fields to you model object (it can be automated using tools like AutoMapper), i.e. with help of LINQ:
public IEnumerable<MediaReleaseModel> MediaReleases
return _MRs.Select(x => new MediaReleaseModel()
Prop1 = x.Prop1
/* etc. */
One suggestion at the side: it's better not to have logic like that in constructor, creating objects should be cheap operation and it's a bit strange when the data are fetched before they are really needed.

asp mvc roles from httpcontext

i want to pass current area name to authorization attribute, like:
[SexyAuthorize(Roles = Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["area"])]
public class FormsController : Controller
but Url is member of controller. how can i pass it other way?
i know that i can use User.InRole in each method, but i want do it for class. thx.
You can't pass dynamic values to an attribute like this. All values passed to an attribute in .NET need to be known at compile time. One possible workaround is to fetch this value in your custom implementation of the attribute as you have access to the HTTP context.
Something like:
[SexyAuthorize(RolesRouteParamName = "area")]
public class FormsController : Controller
and then:
public SexyAuthorizeAttribute: AuthorizeAttribute
public string RolesRouteParamName { get; set; }
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
if (httpContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("httpContext");
var roles = httpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Value[RolesRouteParamName];
// TODO: continue with the implementation...