TYPO3 maximum file size for filelist? - typo3

In my TYPO3 installation only files up to (2GB?) are shown in the filelist.
But there are more files over 2GB in the folder (see screen ftp) - how can I view these?

Were all files uploaded via the TYPO3 Backend or maybe via FTP, SCP, etc.?
You could try to run the Scheduler Task "File Abstraction Layer: Update storage index" to update the index/cache data of your storage.


File transfer from hard disk to magnolia did not work

I am struggling to transfer a file from my hard disk to Magnolia server which is provided by my university. I have posted about the problem here. Someone suggest me to go through this link.
I add PuTTY in my path. Then I opened cmd and did the same thing as suggested on the above link. The file that I want to transfer to the magnolia cluster is a C file, named as mpi_hello.c. I have to transfer the the file inside csc510/mpi. csc510 folder is on the server and inside csc510 there is another folder mpi which is also in the magnolia server. I can show this two folder when I log in to the magnolia.
As the post suggested I typed pscp mpi_hello.c#magnolia.universityname.edu:csc510/mpi/mpi_hello.c
I got the result which shown below
Also nothing transferred to the csc510/mpi directory of magnolia cluster. How can I transfer the file from hard disk to magnolia server?
Thank you.

How to add a file to fal which was uploaded via ftp

in a scheduler action i need to add files to FAL (to sys_file) which are already in the storage, uploaded via ftp. The normal way
which copies the file from a temporary folder to the file storage and adds it to the sys_file table does not work, because the file is already in the fileadmin directory. If i try i get this error message:
[ERROR] Cannot add a file that is already part of this storage.
How is it possible to add a file to sys_file which is already in fileadmin?
AFAIK addFile() is to be used for files uploaded from a local disk. If the files are already available on the remote server, you should go for addUploadedFile() instead.

Google Compute Startup Script PHP Files From Bucket

I'd like to automatically load a folder full of php files from a bucket when an instance starts up. My php files are normally located at /var/www/html
How do I write a startup script for this?
I think this would be enormously useful for people such as myself who are trying to deploy autoscaling, but don't want to have to create a new image with their php files every time they want to deploy changes. It would also be useful as a way of keeping a live backup on cloud storage.

Tool which monitors file changes and uploads only changed files over ftp to webserver

Is there a tool(for Windows) which can monitor file changes and can upload only modified files over ftp to a webserver directory.
SmartFTP is one such tool which has synchronization feature... http://www.smartftp.com/features/

Configuration and content management with automated deployment tools for ZF based app

I am trying to automate deployments of a particular project and a bit lost as to who to handle config file as well as user assets.
(Application is based on Zend Framework based btw).
Main application folder is structured as follows:
./config.ini <----- config file
That config file is where all the configs are stored.
So 'app' folder contains whole bunch of code in PHP and 'public' contains whole bunch of code in JavaScript, HTML/CSS and stuff like that(web accessible basically).
If I follow Capistrano's model, where each package is expanded into it's own folder that is then symlinked to, how do I handle that config.ini file?
What about all the user content that is uploaded into ./public folder?
The Capistrano approach to this is to have a structure like this on your remote server:
current/ (symlink to current release)
in the shared directory you include your config file and any user generated content (e.g. shared/files). Then on each deployment, once you've checked out the code you automatically create symlinks from the checkout into your relevant shared directories. E.g.:
releases/20101001101232/public/files -> shared/files
releases/20101001101232/application/configs/config.ini -> shared/config.ini
that way, when a user uploads a file to public/files it is actually being stored in shared/files.