Orion contextBroker allows set read preference to Mongodb replicaset? - fiware-orion

I'm reading the documentation of orion Context Broker and in the command line arguments I dont see any argument to set the read preference to my replicaset of mongoDB. In my application I need to set that the read preference have the option nearest to avoid bottle necks in high query traffic periods. Does anyone know if is possible?

Current Orion version (3.3.1) doesn't allow to set read preference. There is an open issue in the Orion repository about implement the -mongoUri CLI parameter to allow setting the MongoDB connection URI (so you could add for instance &readPreference=secondary to it).
Alternatively, you could hack the Orion source code to build an specific version for you with the readPreference value you want. Have a look to composeMongoUri() function. It seems it is a matter of just addding uri += optionPrefix + "readPreference=<whatever you want>"; at the end.
It is not a smart soluction (it is not flexible and you would need to rebuild Orion if you want to change the setting) but it could be a valid workaround while -mongoUri gets implemented.


How should I change the Time to Live property for a Hazelcast Cluster?

Hazelcast Configuration modifies the map configuration value for the "Time to Live" or "TTL" property at runtime either through the Hazelcast client or a RESTful API call.
I saw the Hazelcast Mancenter through which we can modify the Map TTL value at runtime without bringing the cluster down.
Is there a way to change the TTL value from the Hazelcast client program or RESTful API call?
Note: I do not want to add one more node to the cluster just to change the TTL value. I am also not interested in bringing the cluster down change the XML configuration and restart the Hazelcast cluster.
You can use an overridden IMap.put(K key, V value, long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit) call to specify the desired timeout value. With this, you can have ttl & ttlUnit field value changing dynamically based on your requirements.
If you want to apply a new TTL value for existing entries, you can iterate over the entries and reset TTL - refer this javadoc. This is not an optimal solution, but this is the best solution as of now. A Github ticket is already raised for this feature with Hazelcast team, you can track it here: Improve map re-config capabilities

Is meteor using the Mongo Oplog?

How can I check if meteor is using the oplog of my mongo?
I have a cluster of mongo and set two envs for my meteor.
How can I check if the opt log is actually in use. Meteor can fallback to query polling which is very inefficient but I would like to see if it's working properly with the oplog.
Any ideas?
Quoting the relevant bits from Meteor's OplogObserveDriver docs:
How to tell if your queries are using OplogObserveDriver
For now, we only have a crude way to tell how many observeChanges calls are using OplogObserveDriver, and not which calls they are.
This uses the facts package, an internal Meteor package that exposes real-time metrics for the current Meteor server. In your app, run meteor add facts, and add the {{> serverFacts}} template to your app. If you are using the autopublish package, Meteor will automatically publish all metrics to all users. If you are not using autopublish, you will have to tell Meteor which users can see your metrics by calling Facts.setUserIdFilter in server code; for example:
Facts.setUserIdFilter(function (userId) {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne(userId);
return user && user.admin;
(When running your app locally, Facts.setUserIdFilter(function () { return true; }); may be good enough!)
Now look at your app. The facts template will render a variety of metrics; the ones we're looking for are observe-drivers-oplog and observe-drivers-polling in the mongo-livedata section. If observe-drivers-polling is zero or not rendered at all, then all of your observeChanges calls are using OplogObserveDriver!
To set up oplog tailing, you need to set up a user on my_database, and an oplog_user on local. Then, specify the following URIs to connect to your replica set named test-shard (e.g. if there are 3 hosts named test-shard-[0-2]):
On MongoDB Atlas they require ssl=true, and also all users authenticate through the admin database. On another deployment you might just authenticate through my_database, in which case you'd remove the authsource=admin for MONGO_URL and write authsource=my_database for MONGO_OPLOG_URL. See this post for another example.
With MongoDB 3.6 and the Mongo node driver 3.0+, you may be able to use a succinct notation for DNS seedlist connections, e.g. on MongoDB Atlas, to specify the environment variables:
The link above explains how this notation fills in the ssl, replicaSet, and authSource arguments. This is a lot nicer than the long strings above, and also means you can scale your replica set up and down without needing to reconfigure anything.
As hwillson mentioned, use the facts-ui and facts-base packages (formerly facts) to see if there are any oplogObserveDrivers running in your app. If they are all pollingObserveDriver, than oplog is not set up correctly.
If you are using Kadira APM to monitor your app's performance, you can see if oplogs are working by navigating to the "Live Queries" section and having a look at the "Oplog notifications" chart.
You can see in my screenshot that oplogs are working, as values appear in the chart (bottom right). If oplogs weren't working then this chart would be empty.
This may be very late, but this is the only way that worked for me :
if this is set to null then the oplog is not enabled, otherwise you can use this handle to check for more details.

Titan - How to Use 'Lucene' Search Backend

I am attempting to use the lucene search backend with Titan. I am setting the index.search.backend property to lucene as so.
TitanFactory.Builder config = TitanFactory.build();
config.set("storage.backend", "hbase");
config.set("storage.hostname", "node1");
config.set("storage.hbase.table", "titan");
config.set("index.search.backend", "lucene");
config.set("index.search.directory", "/tmp/foo");
TitanGraph graph = config.open();
graph.getVertices().forEach(v -> System.out.println(v.toString()));
Of course, this does not work because this setting is of the GLOBAL_OFFLINE variety. The logs make me aware of this. Titan ignores my 'lucene' setting and then attempts to use Elasticsearch as the search backend.
WARN com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.configuration.GraphDatabaseConfiguration
- Local setting index.search.backend=lucene (Type: GLOBAL_OFFLINE)
is overridden by globally managed value (elasticsearch). Use
the ManagementSystem interface instead of the local configuration to control
this setting.
After some reading, I understand that I need to use the Management System to set the index.search.backend. I need some code that looks something like the following.
graph.getManagementSystem().set("index.search.backend", "lucene");
graph.getManagementSystem().set("index.search.directory", "/tmp/foo");
I am confused on how to integrate this in my original example code above. Since this is a GLOBAL_OFFLINE setting, I cannot set this on an open graph. At the same time, I do not know how to get a graph unless I open one first. How do I set the search backend correctly?
There is no inmemory search backend. The supported search backends are Lucene, Solr, and Elasticsearch.
Lucene is a good option for a small scale, single machine search backend. You need to set 2 properties to do this, index.search.backend and index.search.directory:
As you've noted, the search backend is a GLOBAL_OFFLINE, so you should configure this before initially creating your graph. Since you've already created a titan table in your HBase, either disable and drop the titan table, or set your graph configuration to point at a new storage.hbase.table.

LISTEN on all channels in PostgreSQL

I'd like to forward all notifications from PostgreSQL into task queues in RabbitMQ named the same as the channel given in NOTIFY channel. Does PostgreSQL have something that would act like LISTEN *?
Inspecting the source for Skeeter it seems that PQnotifies might be of interest. PostgreSQL's documentation on libpq also mentions PQconsumeInput as a way to consume input from the server. From the documentation:
PQconsumeInput normally returns 1 indicating "no error", but returns 0 if there was some kind of trouble (in which case PQerrorMessage can be consulted). Note that the result does not say whether any input data was actually collected. After calling PQconsumeInput, the application can check PQisBusy and/or PQnotifies to see if their state has changed.
Am I on the right path? Since I'm using .NET I'd prefer not writing any C, so any suggestions are welcome.
I've tried pgsql-listen-exchange but either I'm doing something wrong or the plugin doesn't work for RabbitMQ 3.6 (there's only a 3.5 release). I created an issue.
Specific to RabbitMQ: As an alternative to listening for everything from PostgreSQL, I guess I could create an exchange and have something poll that for queues and just create a listener for each queue. Will be looking into this as well.

Setting up MongoDB environment requirements for Parse Server

I have my instance running and am able to connect remotely however I'm stuck on where to set this parameter to false since it states that the default is set to true:
Setting the 'failIndexKeyTooLong' is a three-step process:
You need to go to the command console in the Tools menu item for the admin database of your database instance. This command will only work on the admin database, pictured here:
Once there, pick any command from the list and it will give you a short JSON text for that command.
Erase the command they provide (I chose 'ping') and enter the following JSON:
"setParameter" : 1,
"failIndexKeyTooLong" : false
Here is an example to help:
Note if you are using a free plan at MongoLab: This will NOT work if you have a free plan; it only works with paid plans. If you have the free plan, you will not even see the admin database. HOWEVER, I contacted MongoLab and here is what they suggest:
First of all, welcome to MongoLab. We'd be happy to help.
The failIndexKeyTooLong=false option is only necessary when your data
include indexed values that exceed the maximum key value length of
1024 bytes. This only occurs when Parse auto-indexes certain
collections, which can actually lead to incorrect query results. Parse
has updated their migration guide to include a bit more information
about this, here:
Chances are high that your migration will succeed without this
parameter being set. Can you please give that a try? If for any reason
it does fail, please let us know and we can help you on potential next
Our Dedicated and Shared Cluster plans
(https://mongolab.com/plans/pricing/) do provide the ability to toggle
this option, but because our free Sandbox plans are running on shared
server processes, with other Sandbox users, this parameter is not
When launching your mongodb server, you can set this parameter to false :
mongod --setParameter failIndexKeyTooLong=false
I have wrote an article that help you to Setting up Parse-Server and all its dependencies on your own server: