App Action Test Tool Error "No Android Module with actions file reference found" with Flutter - flutter

I have written a Flutter app which implements several deep links with package uni_links. The deep links work correctly with adb commands. Then I created actions.xml in this path:
I also added the following lines in AndroidManifest.xml:
android:resource="#xml/actions" />
Android Studio highlighted "#xml/actions" in red and complains that it cannot resolve the symbol. I have other parts of AndroidManifest highlighted red. I guess these errors are because of Flutter.
I uploaded the app to Google Play and started internal testing. When I ran App Action Test Tool (AATT), I got the following error:
No Android Module with actions file reference found. You need one Android Module with an actions file reference.
My questions are:
Does App Actions work in a Flutter App?
Does AATT work on a Flutter App?
Why do I get the "cannot resolve symbol" error for "#xml/actions"? I think I put everything in the right place. Thanks for your help.

I got it fixed. Basically everything was done correctly in my Flutter app. The path of actions.xml was also correct. The issue is with AATT which does not know where to find actions.xml in a Flutter app. I just had to open the Android portion of the app in Android Studio. Then AATT knew where to find the file. Google did not put a lot of AI in its tool. More details in here:


Flutter Unity Android Export Failed due to build.gradle file not found

I was following the Unity - Flutter Integration Tutorial . I followed the steps given here. But when I click on the Export android option it shows the error below .
I am really confused what is happening here as I followed the steps in the tutorial and in the video the export is being stored in a android folder in the flutter project but here in my case its creating the android folder in a complete random location.
I do I solve this problem .

Using AppCode with Flutter plugin

How can I use AppCode for the ios-specific parts of my Flutter plugin?
I've created the plugin with flutter create --template=plugin --platforms=ios myplugin
The command doesn't generate an XCode project or workspace for the plugin itself but it includes an example app for which it does generate these. Running flutter build ios in example then creates symlinks to the plugin code in example/ios/.symlinks that I can use to edit the actual Swift code with auto completion, code navigation etc. When I open these files in AppCode however, I get the below error and no coding assistance is available at all:
I previously used AppCode quite a lot to maintain some Flutter plugins' iOS code (but switched jobs and didn't need AppCode or Xcode). However, I recently started making a free app, and also wanted to contribute to a Flutter plugin for iOS, I wanted AppCode again. I got AppCode working again, so I wanted to share.
In your flutter directory:
For editing/debugging/running Flutter apps' iOS code: run appcode ios
For Flutter plugins, run appcode example/ios (not appcode ios)
Some principles:
The files don't show up immediately, use Command + Shift + O to find your file. Then Opt + F1 to show it in the project navigator.
Built at least once using flutter run or Xcode (to make sure configuration is set up).
You cannot escape Xcode. Xcode and AppCode are complementary. Find the balance 😂🤓. Refactoring code, debugging the application, searching and reading code works really well in AppCode. Xcode does reading configuration better or debugging builds.
If you get random errors (e.g. everything fails but the error is build failed in AppCode, you should open in Xcode or build/run the flutter app for iOS: flutter run and read the error messages.
If you want to debug both Flutter and iOS simultaneously, start the iOS debugger, then "Flutter attach" in android studio (maybe this is possible in VSCode too, but I don't use that).
Here's an example screenshot of AppCode with debugger working. You might be curious if telemetry flag you set in Flutter was actually being set in the iOS side... maybe there's a bug. But I take privacy seriously and confirm the telemetry is disabled. I also watch network traffic sometimes. 😂. If you're interested, you can then follow that to it's dependencies (manually, using by reading package.swift), and find out it is set to true by default.
UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: [
#keyPath(UserDefaults.MGLMapboxMetricsEnabled): true

" is not yet supported by the maps plugin" - How to solve this

Im just trying to get google maps displayed on my emulator and i also used google_maps_flutter package but is not yet supported by the maps plugin is displayed instead of the map, Im not receiving any error in the console.
I have added the meta-data entry containing the API key to AndroidManifest.xml file in android/app/src/main
Click this to see the output
Please help me to solve this?
add in dependencies:
google_maps_flutter_web: ^0.3.2+2
Here maybe the issue will be with your Maps Api key, remove all the restrictions of your api key from Google Cloud Platform , just like this
Either you're trying to run your project on Windows platform (meaning you did not choose an Android Emulator or phone in the run device menu, see example below)
or, if your screenshot is from a Android device, there's something messed up with your project configuration. You can try running flutter create . in the terminal to recreate your project, or you can create a new one from the scratch (watch out for which platform you activate, see below) and then import the code.
Screenshots are from Android Studio.

How can you detect runtime errors on flutter applications and log them while testing the app on iOS platform?

We tried to use speech recognition package - in our flutter application along with other packages. The app was built successfully and installed, but we could see only a white screen on the iOS device. There was no error log that could tell us that this package created a problem. Once this module was removed we were able to see the application on the phone. This was done by manually checking for each package. I wanted to know if there is any runtime error handling methodology that could be used to log runtime errors and generate a logfile.
We are still researching on this issue, so we havent executed anything. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Getting a check log error on publish in SmartFace app studio

I am trying to publish the android app from SmartFace app studio and it is giving me an error to check logs. I am not sure where to find these logs. Publish to iOS works fine. Also I verified the android SDK is found in Project Details tab.
I have attached the screenshots here
This kind of publishing error can be caused by many factors. The ones that I know of are:
node.js that comes with Smartface is outdated, so you have to update it mannualy by going to its site and installing the latest version.
Sometimes Smartface says Java is found but it's not, so writing the correct directory could fix the issue.