Cloudformation - ECRImageURI failed to satisfy constraint - aws-cloudformation

I have a parameter for an ECRImage URI. When I try to test with a dry run with taskcat, I get the following error
[ERROR ] : ClientError An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateStack operation: Parameter ECRImageURI failed to satisfy constraint: Allow all characters
But my regular expression for the pattern is already very lenient. Thoughts?
AllowedPattern: ".*"
ConstraintDescription: "Allow all characters"
Default: ''
Description: ECR Docker image to use in ECS Task definition.
MaxLength: '64'
MinLength: '1'
Type: String
Based on the documentation here, Cloudformation uses Java regular expressions. So I can only conclude there is some issue with taskcat, or something else going on.

The regex pattern is satisfied, although ^.*$ would probably be a bit more expressive. But the actual problem seems to be with the MaxLength parameter. For instance, your default value already violates the length limitation.


Cloudformation conditional nested stack Unresolved resource dependencies

I have a Cloudformation stack that conditionally invokes a nested stack to create a RDS instance, only if an existing database URL is not passed in as a parameter.
If I pass a value to the DBExistingEndpoint parameter in the stack, the condition CreateDB is set to false, and it will not invoke the nested RDS stack at all.
The issue is that in the AutoScaling launch config resource, there is a conditional dependency. I need to reference either the URL output from the nested stack, or the URL passed in as a parameter to place in a file in the newly launched instance.
Type: String
Description: Set to a URL of a RDS instance to use an existing DB, otherwise create one
Default: ''
!Equals [!Ref DBExistingEndpoint, '']
# Database created only if existing URL not passed in
Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
Condition: CreateDB
TemplateURL: ...
Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
mode: "000640"
owner: root
group: root
- "\n"
- !Sub ["DB_HOST=${DBEndpointAddress}", DBEndpointAddress: !If [CreateDB, !GetAtt DB.Outputs.RDSEndPointAddress, !Ref DBExistingEndpoint]]
The issue is that if I pass in an existing endpoint URL, the DB resource is skipped (correctly), but the stack creation fails with Template format error: Unresolved resource dependencies [DB] in the Resources block of the template
Ideally the DB.output.RDSEndpointAddress reference in the ClusterInstanceLauchConfig resource should be ignored because the CreateDB condition in the !If is false
Does anybody know how to code around this limitation?
You should try to set the conditional statement on a different level than it is now.
What will work for sure, is having the conditional statement on the level of the LaunchConfiguration itself, which would also mean quite a lot of duplication of the code. But maybe you could try to see the conditional on the level of content or files etc, to see if there's a middle ground somewhere, to keep duplication low, but avoid the error you're getting right now.

Filebeat : drop fields kubernetes again again

I m trying to remove some fields, I use filebeat 7.14 on Kubernetes
I tried as described in the doc
- drop_fields:
fields: ["", "host.os.codename", ""]
ignore_missing: false
container failed "ERROR instance/beat.go:989
Exiting: Failed to start crawler:
starting input failed: Error while initializing input:
missing or invalid condition
failed to initialize condition"
ignore_missing still messing
- drop_fields:
fields: ["", "host.os.codename", ""]
fields are still present
you don't seem to have a condition set under the when. take a look at and make sure you've got something for it to match

AKS cluster creation fails with error 'Security rule has invalid Port range'

We are creating an AKS cluster, but it fails at the deployment stage with the below error,
'Security rule has invalid Port range. Value provided: 22,3389. Value should be an integer OR integer range with '-' delimiter. Valid range 0-65535.. Details: [] (Code: SecurityRuleInvalidPortRange)'
We tried using both UI and CLI, but it fails.
Please let me know if somebody is aware of this issue.
Problem you have mentioned is clear and says that you have defined wrong port number - 223389. While port range is 0-65535.
Probably you wanted to set up destination_port ranges- it should look like: destination_port_ranges = ["22", "3389"]
Similar problem: invalid-port-range-aks.

Is there any placeholder notation in mta.yaml that removes spaces from the CF org name parameter?

We are using mta to structure our application and deploying it using the SAP Cloud SDK Pipeline and Transport Management landscape.
In the mta.yaml, we are referencing the org (organization) parameter value using the placeholder notation ${org}.
The issue is that the org name contains spaces between the characters (viz. Sample Org Name) and that is causing error during the application deployment to Cloud Foundry.
We do not want to rename the org name.
Is there any other placeholder notation that removes the spaces between the characters?
We have observed that ${default-host} removes the spaces from the organization name but its scope is limited to only modules and not resources.
We need the substitution variable in the resources scope.
Appreciate if someone can help us here to resolve the issue.
Please find snippet of the mta.yaml and the error message.
- name: uaa_test_app
path: ./xs-security.json
service-plan: application
service: xsuaa
xsappname: 'test-app-${org}-${space}'
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
Error Message:
Service operation failed: Controller operation failed: 502 Updating service "uaa_test_app" failed: Bad Gateway: Service broker error: Service broker xsuaa failed with: Error updating application null (Error parsing xs-security.json data: Inconsistent xs-security.json: Invalid xsappname "Test-App-Sample Org Name-test": May only include characters 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '0'-'9', '_', '-', '', and '/'.)

StackCreate ValidationError: Condition token can only be used in Conditions block

I am trying to apply my cloudformation template and I am getting the following cryptic error:
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationError)
when calling the CreateStack operation: Template error: Condition
token can only be used in Conditions block
The stack trace is
File "/Users/user/.env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/botocore/", line 357, in _api_call
return self._make_api_call(operation_name, kwargs)
File "/Users/user/.env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/botocore/", line 661, in _make_api_call
raise error_class(parsed_response, operation_name)
The code looks like
cf_client = session.client('cloudformation')
The cloudformation template is massive and not appropriate to paste here. It stands up an application with service discovery, app mesh, fargate, etc.
What is this Condition they're referring to and what is wrong?
The error is rather cryptic and unhelpful but in my case, it was a typo in my ECS task definition.
My container has a depends on relationship and I had misconstructed the
- ContainerName: envoy
- Condition: HEALTHY
Depends on is a list of maps so there should not be a - in front of Condition.
This corrects my problem:
- ContainerName: envoy
Condition: HEALTHY