How to disable hints while typing on vscode - flutter

While I'm typing, I constantly get these pop-up explanation windows which are extremely annoying. How can I disable it?

Simply press ctrl+space key to enable or disable this suggestion.
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VSCode - Disable selection on auto-complete suggestion

Whenever I use autocomplete, VSCode automatically puts whatever I type in a selection, it didn't happen before and it only started happening recently.
Here's what happens:
I type something like this and suggestion comes up:
Then I press enter to auto complete:
All of this is fine, but when I start typing in the quotes:
VSCode automatically puts my text in a selection. This causes multiple problems. Suggestions get disabled in selection and I have to press Esc everytime I want the selection disabled.
Is there any way to fix this?
The question was already answered by #Anton Solomin and #devanil. The issue is VS code auto-suggestion is not working when text is highlighted, because some of your code snippet is preventing quick suggestion by VS code.
So just tell VS code that don't disable quick suggestion if some snippets askes you to do it.
Go to VScode settings page, in settings search bar type editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions
Uncheck Controls whether an active snippet prevents quick suggestion

VSCode - How to cycle through the tems from the quick fix popup with custom keybindings?

I want to cycle through this menu with keyboard but not using Up/Down arrow keys. But I can't find any information on the internet.
After more research, an acceptable solution would be replace the native quick fix menu with keyboard-quickfix extension, and set keybindings for the extension.

How to disable distraction free mode in code anaywhere

Enabled distraction free mode in CodeAnywhere and have no idea how to turn it off again, since there's no menus or icons on the page. Anyone know the keyboard shortcut to get my menus back? :)
as you can see form the below screenshot, there are no buttons or anything else to click. Right clicking does nothing.. so kinda lost :)
I had the same problem.
You just need to hit Shift + F11 to exit distraction free mode
It was just ESC on Mac for anyone that needs to know.
You can now search for Distraction and select Exit Distraction Free Mode. Alternatively, you can use ⌘⇧A (macOS), or Ctrl+Shift+A (Windows/Linux), to bring up the Find Actions dialog which will filter the Search Everywhere dialog to just Actions.
Check this link

How to disable the hints from autocomplete in Eclim?

When I use the autocomplete of Eclim in vim, it shows a hint window at the top of my vim.
How can I disable it, or better, make it disappear automatically?
I think you mean the preview window showing details about the current completion item. Use
:set completeopt-=preview
to turn this off.

Run an action by name in Eclipse

As much as I like to remember as many keyboard shortcuts as possible, there's always something I don't know how to do via a keyboard shortcut. Is there an Eclipse equivalent to M-x from Emacs or Find action by name from Intellij IDEA?
How about Ctrl+Shift+L which is the shortcut for Show Key Assist.
I use Ctrl+3 a lot, which is the shortcut for quick access popup, where you can type the name of any view, perspective or open editor to open/switch to that, or the name of an action to run it. By the way, you can see if your choose have a shortcut assigned when selecting.
Note: this is on Ubuntu, may be slightly different on a Mac.
Also you can try Quick Assist by pressing Ctrl+3