Pulseaudio is not starting automatically - yocto

I'm using yocto image with xfce desktop, here I need to audio on my usb headset for my task, I added pulseaudio but it is not getting ON automatically and without this, task is not getting fulfilled, please assist me to resolve this issue.


Remote Machine IP disappears when entering Play Mode (Unity/Hololens)

I'm working with an XR Unity project (2019.4.26f1) and I'm trying to deploy it on the HoloLens 2. I've managed to build the project and to run it in the HL from Visual Studio by cable but I need to be able to see the app in the HL when I enter on the Play Mode in Unity.
I've followed some tutorials like this one and I can do every step but when I get to the step of writing the IP in the Windows Mixed Reality window, a problem appears. When I hit play to go on Play mode, the IP disappears, and I receive an error because the Remote Machine Address is not set. Why is this happening?
I have something like this, with the IP of the HoloLens in the field, the HL are ON and with the HoloRemoting app running. I can access this IP by browser and see that the status is "Connected" and see Live footage of the Lens camera.
However, when I hit "Play", the IP disappears and I get this error.
Atempting to initiate remoting connection with no valid machine name
set. UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_PlayModeStateChanged
Due to potential compatibility issues, it is highly recommended to upgrade your Unity version to 2020.3.31f1 with the latest Mixed Reality OpenXR plugin. You may refer to the document on Choosing a Unity version and XR plugin - Mixed Reality | Microsoft Docs.

How to debugging and flashing Nucleo32 board from TrueStudio?

I'm trying to flash my code to NUCLEO-L432KC(STM32L432KC) by TrueStudio. It was failed.
It looks tool cannot detect ST-Link probe. I just connected it by USB cable from PC (Windows10). Code and project file are generated by STM32CubeMX.
What is the missing? What should I do?
I have confirmed following.
From STM32CubeProgrammer GUI, it cannot detect ST-Link connection.
From STM32CubeProgrammer CLI, it can detect S/N of ST-Link. But cannot connect.
From STLinkUpgrade 3.3.0, it can detect device and S/N. Also can update to V2J33M25.
From IAR Embedded Workbench, it can build and flash code and debug. No problem at all.
It looks same result using by STM32F4 Discovery kit for STM32F429 MCU.
Make sure you don't have another program such as ST-LINK utility running while you use the debugger. Some versions of the ST-LINK "hogs" the debug pod access and other programs then would have trouble connecting to it.
Install the drivers https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-link009.html
Choose the correct micro in the debug configuration window

Viewing a remote camera stream in Scratch

I'm doing a project for my son where we're going to have a remote Pi Zero with a camera and various sensors and actuators, connected via wired Ethernet to a Pi 3 as a controller with a Scratch GUI.
Seems like I can get a local camera to send video to the background of the Scratch project, or I can get a remote camera to stream back to e.g. VLC Player using RTSP.
Being as how I want to teach my son how to build a scratch GUI on the Pi3 to remote control the sensors and actuators on the Pi Zero, I'd really like the rtsp video stream to show up as the Scratch project background so I don't have to have a separate VLC window open.
So... how to pick up an RTSP video stream and send it to the Scratch backdrop?
Anyone got any ideas as to where I could start? I have intermediate raspbian, python and Scratch skills.
Thanks in advance,
Just a wild suggestion. Maybe it is possible to access your USB camera on the remote pi zero as a local camera using remote USB (I admit I have never tried it).
This functionality is provided by the package usbip
You can install this package using the following command on both raspberry pi devices:
sudo apt-get install usbip
For more information about the setup enter the command:
man usbip.

Unity3D is crashing when hitting play – and when Oculus is on

I am using Unity 5.2.2f1 with the Oculus Rift and Windows 7. Everything was working well till... one hour ago. I first ran a build that played smoothly. I then moved away from my computer; when I came back, it was shutting down. Upon turning the computer back on, Unity started to crash anytime I hit play and the Oculus is on. If the Oculus is turned off before I start Unity, everything works perfectly. This is the link to the Unity Editor log.
This is part of the log, where the crash happens:
Completed reload, in 0.636 seconds
Initializing Unity.PackageManager (PackageManager) v5.2.2 for Unity v5.2.2f1
Native extension for OSXStandalone target not found
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for LinuxStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Native extension for SamsungTV target not found
Native extension for Tizen target not found
Native extension for Android target not found
04/22/16 19:07:47: [CAPI] LibOVR module is located at C:\Windows\system32\LibOVRRT64_0_7.dll
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/VR/Oculus/VRDeviceOculus.cpp Line: 46)
SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Editor/Data/MonoEmbedRuntime;.;C:\Users\vcladmin\Documents\maze;C:\Program
#Programmer, I have used System Restore as you suggested.
The suggested restore point was at an install of "Dell update", right at the time of the crash. Proceeding with the restore, I realized that the NVIDIA driver was being restored from an old version (266), to the newer version (358) (that's the version I need to make the Oculus work). After the restore everything went back to normal. Then I tried to install Dropbox. After the install, the computer turned off again and, like before, once restarting, the Oculus was not working anymore. I checked the Oculus setup and it said it needed a new NVIDIA driver. So something is happening that makes the NVIDIA driver go from 358 to the old one. I don't understand why. What would you suggest?
A friend told me that probably the "Dell Command update" thinks that the new NVIDIA driver is the wrong one, so it restores it to the old one every time it updates. We have disabled automatic Dell Command updates.
Thanks for the help.

google tv emulator zip code field disabled

I'm trying to run the ChannelChanging example on the googletv dev site and it's returning and empty channel list. I went ahead and tried to configure the emulator video source in the emulator's video input settings but its now allowing me to type in a zip code. The field appears to be disabled. Has anyone experienced this problem? I'm running an x86 emulator on a ubuntu 64 bit installation configured with kvm.
The current release of emulator does have some bugs but they are fixed in the upcoming release. There will be a new emulator release soon which will fix this and other issues.