How to ignore Python interactive window for linting in VSCode - ipython

I would like to disable linting for cells in the interactive window in Visual Studio Code.
I don't see how it is beneficial, since it is not possible to manipulate cells which have already been run (which is different from *.ipynb notebooks). I believe the linting inside the interactive window is a new feature, since it only started a while ago. Currently the only way to remove the linting warnings is removing the cells.
My workflow is usually as follows: I write *.py files and execute them using the "Jupyter: Run Current File in Interactive Window" command, so I can access the variables and experiment.
I already tried adding the following settings to my settings.json file:
"python.linting.ignorePatterns": [
This is what it looks like:

This behavior was treated as a bug and will be resolved in future releases. See here:


Disable the output window in Visual Studio Code

The output window in Visual Studio Code is extremely annoying when messages keep popping up, considering that the only tab I use is the Terminal tab. Is there an extension or built-in method that suppresses all messages to the output window or outright disables it? I've come across multiple questions and they all require disabling the bottom tabs entirely which is inconvenient for me, or requires tasks which I don't use. There's also multiple issues on the VSC github where it's extremely helpful and say something along the lines of: It's an extension problem, report it to the extension creator.

VSC Pylance disable linting for Python

I am using the Python and Pylance extensions in Visual Studio Code for the benefit of syntax highlighting, auto completion and code suggestions.
Whenever I save a file within the workspace, the linter automatically parses the file and makes corrections where necessary, in my case this also adds a large amount of unrequired new lines around my inline documentation.
Here is a demonstration of the above mentioned behaviour after a file is saved:
I have attempted to disable the Python Linter for VSC through numerous methods mentioned in other questions to no avail. Whenever I save a file within the workspace, the linter automatically parses the file and makes corrections where necessary, in my case this also adds a large amount of unrequired new lines around my inline documentation.
settings.json file:
"python.linting.enabled": false,
"python.languageServer": "None",
"python.linting.ignorePatterns": [
The Linter setting is disabled within my VSC workspace and user settings:
What I don't understand additionally is that I have disabled Lint On Save though this behaviour still persists:
I have confirmed this is definitely behaviour coming from the Pylance/Python extensions, when I disable them the issue goes away.
Turns out the setting editor.formatOnSave in VSC does this globally for all languages and seems to have resolved automatic formatting.

How to make terminal minimal Vs Code?

I am trying to make terminal interference minimal by removing element I don't need. I am beginner in programming.
I want to remove the highlighted part.:
I am using coderunner and C/C++ Compile Run. I lloked for this on google and but Code-runner: Clear previous output, it does not work for me. Also is there any way I can clear terminal automatically when running the code using ctrl+alt+N instead doing it manually?
If I can't do this in powershell is there any other shell which give this functionality?

Compile current C++ file when saving?

I'm trying to make more daily use of Visual Studio Code, but there's one feature I really miss from my existing GVim setup: I use syntastic to compile C++ source when I save the current file, and then I can jump directly to error lines in the editor.
Is there any way to set up VS Code to do something similar?
I know that I can create a tasks.json and have Ctrl+Shift+B compile the whole project, but the turnaround for that is excessive. I just want to compile the current file when saving it, and have the error list be navigable (presumably in the Problems tab).
Success criteria:
When I save a C++ file, it runs a configured g++ command, rather than build the entire project.
It should somehow parse the output from that, and make the warnings and errors easily navigable so that I can step through them with a simple keystroke. Navigation should place my cursor on the relevant line. In Visual Studio, this used to be bound to the F8 key.
VS Code is not an IDE, it is a text editor with extension support, and it cannot be treated as such. Natively, it does not have any features allowing it to parse error output from a build task and visualize it in the editor.
The linter has the ability to markup the editor when syntax errors are present, but that is all the stock linter is capable of doing. It is the only part of VS Code that has the ability to use the Problems panel and annotate the editor with syntax errors.
That said, you are able to accomplish the 1st point you require. You can set up a keybind that executes more than one command. In your case, a keybind that would save the file and then build it. Something like:
"key": "ctrl+shift+b",
"command": "",
"command": ""
in keybindings.json would save the file and then execute the default build task when you press Ctrl+Shift+B.

Is there a way to force Protractor test results to display in command prompt window instead of within VS Code?

Currently, I am working on a project which has somehow started showing the test results within VS Code (instead of the separate cmd prompt window). Any way to toggle this within VS Code as part of launch.json or tasks.json? I'm clutching at straws here...
I'm beginning to think this is not configurable...
Just discovered this was part of a recent VS Code update (10.1). According to the docs, "Since the Debug Console does not support programs that need to read input from the console, the external console is still available and you can enable it by setting the attribute externalConsole to true in your launch configuration."
Add this attribute to your launch.json