Exporting PowerShell Results In To CSV for Each User In The Domain That Last Changed Their Password - powershell

I have a Powershell script that queries for the pwdLastSet attribute for every user in
the Active Directory domain. Essentially, the script determines when each user in the domain last changed their password. However, when I try and output the result using scriptname.ps1 | Export-Csv "filename.csv" it creates the file, however, I'm not getting the results I see in the console. I'm getting the following:
When I run the script without Export-Csv the results I desire display correctly.
This is the Powershell script:
Trap {"Error: $_"; Break;}
$D = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
$Domain = [ADSI]"LDAP://$D"
$Searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$Searcher.PageSize = 200
$Searcher.SearchScope = "subtree"
$Searcher.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))"
$Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("distinguishedName") > $Null
$Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("pwdLastSet") > $Null
$Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("userAccountControl") > $Null
$Searcher.SearchRoot = "LDAP://" + $Domain.distinguishedName
$Results = $Searcher.FindAll()
ForEach ($Result In $Results)
$DN = $Result.Properties.Item("distinguishedName")
$PLS = $Result.Properties.Item("pwdLastSet")
$UAC = $Result.Properties.Item("userAccountControl")
# Retrieve user password settings to check if password can expire.
$blnPwdExpires = -not (($UAC.Item(0) -band 64) -or ($UAC.Item(0) -band 65536))
If ($PLS.Count -eq 0)
$Date = [DateTime]0
# Interpret 64-bit integer as a date.
$Date = [DateTime]$PLS.Item(0)
If ($Date -eq 0)
# 0 really means never.
$PwdLastSet = "<Never>"
# Convert from .NET ticks to Active Directory Integer8 ticks.
# Also, convert from UTC to local time.
$PwdLastSet = $Date.AddYears(1600).ToLocalTime()

There are two possible issues on your code, the first one, Export-Csv is expecting an object or object[] as input and will convert it to CSV format, you're already passing a formatted semi-colon delimited string[].
In this case you should use | Out-File path\to\csv.csv instead of Export-Csv.
Do not format objects before sending them to the Export-CSV cmdlet. If Export-CSV receives formatted objects the CSV file contains the format properties rather than the object properties.
An example of what you're passing to the cmdlet and what it actually expects:
PS \> 0..5 | ForEach-Object{ 'asd;asd;asd' } | ConvertTo-Csv
#TYPE System.String
PS \> 0..5 | ForEach-Object{ [pscustomobject]#{col1='asd';col2='asd';col3='asd'} } | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ';'
#TYPE System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
The alternative to this, and cleaner approach in my opinion, would be to cast a [pscustomobject]on each iteration of your loop and then pass the resulting array to Export-Csv (code below).
The other possible issue, assuming you're choosing the path of using [pscustomobject], could be that $Result.Properties.Item(...) will yield an object of the type System.DirectoryServices.ResultPropertyValueCollection and you would need to convert it to [string] before passing the results to Export-Csv (also code below).
# Save the resulting pscustomobject array to the $output variable
$output = ForEach ($Result In $Results)
# All code should be as is up until:
# "$DN;$blnPwdExpires;$PwdLastSet" => Remove this line
DistinguishedName = [string]$DN
blnPwdExpires = [string]$blnPwdExpires
pwdLastSet = [string]$PwdLastSet
# Then pipe the result to Export-Csv
$output | Export-Csv path\to\csv.csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';'


Trying to extract specific text and merge output with existing output

I want to extract text from a .txt file. The way the file is layed out is in this format (below first block). Optimally, I would like for the powershell script to take the content of username and votecount and output them side by side. With an integer of 25>= add the letter D beside it. With the output adding itself to a pre-existing output file. Say this week is week 1. And testuser voted 25 times. They should have the output "testuser" 25D. But say in week 2 they voted 24 times. Then it should be "testuser" 49D. However say they had 25 again. Output should then be "testuser" 50DD or 50D2?.. I have what I think should work as an initial baseline for the script which in itself doesn't work.. But combining an output with a pre existing output is beyond my capability. This needs to parse an entire txt file of some 100+ people. So imagine there's like an extra 100 users..
"username": "testuser",
"votecount": "42",
"votesclaimed": "0",
"lastvotetime": "2022-11-04 09:08:29",
"steamid": "00000000000000000000"
Below is what I am working with.
Get-Content -Raw C:\Users\--------\Desktop\votes.txt |
ConvertFrom-txt |
ForEach-Object {
[pscustomobject] #{
UserName = $_.username
VoteCount = '{0}{1}' -f $_.votecount, ('', 'D')[[int] $_.votecount -gt 25]
} |
Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding utf8 C:\Users\---------\Desktop\outvotes.csv
Try following :
$match = Select-String -Path "c:\temp\test.txt" -Pattern '^\s*"(?<key>[^"]+)"\s*:\s*"(?<value>[^"]+)'
$table = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach( $row in $match.Matches )
$key = $row.Groups["key"].Value
$value = $row.Groups["value"].Value
if($key -eq "username") {
$newRow = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$table.Add($newRow) | Out-Null
$newRow | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $key -NotePropertyValue $value
$table | Format-Table
$groups = $table | Group-Object {$_.username}

import-csv, add values, export-csv results in file (results in length?)

The goal is for me to be able to take the values from csv1 and update them to csv2 where there is a match found based on a column value of id. I can see with the output the values are updating, but when I try to export it to a csv file I get the following...
Here is the code.
$inputCsv = Import-CSV './get_values.csv' -delimiter ","
$updateCsv = Import-CSV './set_values.csv' -delimiter ","
$output = $updateCsv | ForEach-Object {
# Matching value
$id = $_.id
# Row of values found in 2nd file matching value from first file
$rowFound = $inputCsv|Where-object "ID" -EQ $id #
# Columns to update values
if($rowFound -ne $Null -and $rowFound -ne ''){
$_.email = $rowFound.Email
Write-Output $_.email
$_.firstname = $rowFound.FirstName
Write-Output $_.firstname
$_.lastname = $rowFound.LastName
Write-Output $_.lastname
Write-Output "------------------------------------------------------------"
$output | Export-Csv 'C:\scripts\powershell\output.csv' -NoTypeInformation
I've tried the solutions from here: Export-CSV exports length but not name
But I wasn't able to get any of them to work.
This is because you export raw string values, rather than structured objects - Export-Csv tries to discover the properties of the input objects, and strings only have one property - the length.
Change the loop body to modify $_, and then output $_ at the very end - don't try to output anything else in between:
$output = $updateCsv | ForEach-Object {
# Matching value
$id = $_.id
# Row of values found in 2nd file matching value from first file
$rowFound = $inputCsv | Where-object "ID" -EQ $id #
# Columns to update values
$_.email = $rowFound.Email
$_.firstname = $rowFound.FirstName
$_.lastname = $rowFound.LastName
# output the (perhaps modified) object, nothing else

Export custom object to CSV

I'm quite new to powershell and struggling with outputting data to a CSV file.
I have a larger code piece but created the below small working example that contains the issue:
$results = #()
$tmp_avs = #('tmp', 'tmp2')
$hostname = 'hostname'
$results += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property (#{Hostname=$hostname; avs=$tmp_avs})
$res = $results | ? {$_.avs.Count -gt 0} | Format-Table
$res | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "test.csv"
When printing the $res object above in PowerShell I get the output:
avs Hostname
--- --------
{tmp, tmp2} hostname
That is also the output I would like to receive in the CSV file, but currently I get something like this:
Is there a possibility to export the $res object in a proper CSV format?
I removed the Format-Table now, which results in the following in the CSV format:
There is System.Object[] written instead of the values?
The values are an array. If you run $tmp_avs.ToString(), you will also get System.Object[]
To resolve, replace avs=$tmp_avs with avs=$($tmp_avs -join " ") where is the joining character between elements of your array. It converts the array to a string.
$results = #()
$tmp_avs = #('tmp', 'tmp2')
$hostname = 'hostname'
$results = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property (#{Hostname=$hostname; avs=$($tmp_avs -join " ")})
$res = $results | ? {$_.avs.Count -gt 0}
$res | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "test.csv"
tmp tmp2, hostname
If you do not want to see System.object[], but a comma separated list, you could convert your array to a string, so this can be outputted correctly in CSV.
Try adding $tmp_avs = $tmp_avs -join ";" to your script below the line $tmp_avs = #('tmp', 'tmp2').

How to convert text file containing double quotes to csv format using powershell

I have a text file(with header Actual_Output and saved it as actual.txt) containing data such as
I want to convert it into csv file using powershell. I doing in this way
$DB = import-csv E:\actual.txt
$outarray = #()
foreach ($Data in $DB)
$First = $Data.Actual_Output
$outarray += New-Object PsObject -property #{
'Actual_Output' = $First
write-host "Actual_Output: " $First
write-Host ""
$outarray | export-csv 'E:\result.csv' -NoTypeInformation -Encoding utf8
I am getting the output like this as shown in screenshot
I want each data to be listed in seperate cell. Actually double quote " is creating problem here. Please help in resolving this. Sorry if i am unclear in describing the issue
Tested this, and it seems to work better:
Get-Content actual.txt | select -Skip 1 |
foreach {
New-Object PSObject -Property #{Actual_Output = $_}
} | export-csv result.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
The file isn't well-formed as CSV initially, so Import-CSV isn't able to parse it correctly.

Remove New Line Character from CSV file's string column

I have a CSV File with a string column were that column spans to multiple lines. I want to aggregate those multiple lines into one line.
For example
1, "asdsdsdsds", "John"
2, "dfdhifdkinf
dkfdkjfnjdnf", "Roy"
3, "dfjfdkgjfgn", "Rahul"
I want my output to be
1, "asdsdsdsds", "John"
2, "dfdhifdkinf dfjdfgkdnjgknkdjgndkng dkfdkjfnjdnf", "Roy"
3, "dfjfdkgjfgn", "Rahul"
I want to achieve this output using PowerShell
Building on Ansgar's answer, here's how to do it when:
You don't know the column names
Your CSV file may contain CR or LF independently
(Import-Csv $csvInput) | % {
$line = $_
foreach ($prop in $line.PSObject.Properties) {
$line.($prop.Name) = ($prop.Value -replace '[\r\n]',' ')
} | Export-Csv $csvOutput -NoTypeInformation
Try this:
$csv = 'C:\path\to\your.csv'
(Import-Csv $csv -Header 'ID','Value','Name') | % {
$_.Value = $_.Value -replace "`r`n",' '
} | Export-Csv $csv -NoTypeInformation
If your CSV contains headers, remove -Header 'ID','Value','Name' from the import and replace Value with the actual column name.
If you don't want double quotes around the fields, you can remove them by replacing Export-Csv with something like this:
... | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | % { $_ -replace '"' } | Out-File $csv
To remove the header from the output you add another filter before Out-File to skip the first line:
... | select -Skip 1 | Out-File $csv
You can import the csv, do a specialized select, and write the result into a new CSV.
import-csv Before.csv -Header "ID","Change" | Select ID,#{Name="NoNewLines", Expression={$_.Change -replace "`n"," "}} | export-csv After.csv
The key part is in the select statement, which allows you to pass a specialized hash table (Name is the name of the property, Expression is a scriptblock that computes it).
You may need to fiddle with headers a bit to get the exact output you want.
The problems with Export-CSV are twofold:
Early versions (powershell1 & 2) do not allow you to append data to the CSV
If the data being piped to it contains newline characters, the data is useless in Excel
The solution to both of the above is to use Convertto-CSV instead. Here is a sample:
{bunch of stuff} | ConvertTo-CSV | %{$_ -replace "`n","<NL>"} | %{$_ -replace "`r","<CR>"} >>$AppendFile
Note that this allows you to do whatever editing on the data (in this case, replacing newline data), and using redirecrors to append.
FYI: I've created a CSV Cleaner: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32016543/361842
This can be used to replace any unwanted characters / should be straight-forward to adapt to your needs.
Code copied below; though I recommend referring to the above thread to see any feedback from others.
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.IO") | out-null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.VisualBasic") | out-null
function Clean-CsvStream {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[char]$Delimiter = ','
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
begin {
[bool]$IsSimple = [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($InvalidCharRegex)
if(-not $IsSimple) {
[System.IO.MemoryStream]$memStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
[System.IO.StreamWriter]$writeStream = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($memStream)
[Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser]$Parser = new-object Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser($memStream)
$Parser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = $true
[long]$seekStart = 0
process {
if ($IsSimple) {
} else { #if we're not replacing anything, keep it simple
$seekStart = $memStream.Seek($seekStart, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Current)
$seekStart = $memStream.Seek($seekStart, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin)
write-output (($Parser.ReadFields() | %{$_ -replace $InvalidCharRegex,$ReplacementString }) -join $Delimiter)
end {
if(-not $IsSimple) {
try {$Parser.Close(); $Parser.Dispose()} catch{}
try {$writeStream.Close(); $writeStream.Dispose()} catch{}
try {$memStream.Close(); $memStream.Dispose()} catch{}
$csv = #(
(new-object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{A="this is regular text";B="nothing to see here";C="all should be good"})
,(new-object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{A="this is regular text2";B="what the`nLine break!";C="all should be good2"})
,(new-object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{A="this is regular text3";B="ooh`r`nwindows line break!";C="all should be good3"})
,(new-object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{A="this is regular text4";B="I've got;a semi";C="all should be good4"})
,(new-object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{A="this is regular text5";B="""You're Joking!"" said the Developer`r`n""No honestly; it's all about the secret VB library"" responded the Google search result";C="all should be good5"})
) | convertto-csv -Delimiter ';' -NoTypeInformation
$csv | Clean-CsvStream -Delimiter ';' -InvalidCharRegex "[`r`n;]" -ReplacementString ':'