PWA manifest json is set to display: fullscreen - It works on Android device but doesn't work on Windows desktop - progressive-web-apps

I couldn't find any previous discussion about this particular situation.
Why won't the app start in fullscreen mode on Windows while it successfully does so on Android?
Testing was done with Chrome 95.
My manifest.json contains,
"display": "fullscreen"

Fullscreen mode is currently not supported for desktop due to security concern (origin display)
See :


Flutter 2.0 - Web - Force desktop mode (because they are displayed differently)

the app from chrome on desktop and mobile are different. the correct one is the one from desktop. the app on the mobile device (in this case iOS) has the images cut out from the screen or completely moved, plus there is a sort of zoom. If from Safari on mobile I select "Request Desktop Website" the site is displayed entirely and correctly. how can i force this default setting in flutter 2.0 web?
Probably will need to feed in the platform density property to your material app

Chrome Dev Tools Toggle Device Remote Url

I've found the fantastic Chrome Toggle Device for mobile testing in Chrome.
Is it possible to find out the url that Chrome uses for online testing within the Toggle Device Mobile emulator screen?
I wish to use the Mobile Emulator within a iframe for a specific url.
Chrome Mobile Example Image
The URL is the same one that is in your omnibar's address area. All Device Mode is doing is hitting that URL but modifying the headers sent to the server to look like the specified device type. And then making the local viewport look like the given device's size.

GearVR WebVR Samsung Browser - viewing JS console output

I'm trying to view the JavaScript console output of a WebVR scene, that's being loaded in the Samsung GearVR browser. If it was in the Chrome browser I could use some form of remote debugging, but with the Samsung browser that wouldn't work.
I looked around the web, but nothing mentioned the particular Samsung Browser WebVR debugging situation.
Does anyone have any ideas or links?
I appreciate your help :)
Actually, chrome remote debugging works on Samsung Internet for GearVR. Just connect adb through wifi (GearVR USB won't work, it's charging only), open chrome://inspect in the desktop chrome and when the headset is active, the page should be visible on the list. All active webkit instances are on that list, not only Chrome. For example you can also sniff gmail app html views.
For this to work, you have to have the headset's screen active - it's hard to have it on your head while debugging so I suggest you use some paper sticky tape to cover the sensor that is between the lenses.

Chrome Inspector shows Android Webview in AVD but not on actual device

I have an Android app with a WebView which shows a simple web page. If I run the app in Android Studio's AVD (virtual device), I can inspect the WebView in Chrome Inspector. However, if I run the app on my device, I can't see the WebView. I can see Facebook (com.facebook.katana) and I can see all my Chrome tabs, but the WebView is missing.
In the past, I have been able to see the WebView on my device as well but this stopped working a few weeks ago. (Developer tools are active and USB debugging is active)
Can anyone help me figure out why the WebView is not inspectable in Chrome Inspector?
Make sure you are calling WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(true); in your application (see for full info). AVD runs a "debug" Android image, where debugging of WebViews is enabled by default. On regular (so called "user") images you need to have it enabled by your app.
Another point to consider is that you need to create at least one WebView instance in order to see your app listed in chrome://inspect.
For me...the DeVTools window is blank...ive tried this for both our app and viewing Chrome through the devive

How to disable cache on IOS safari?

Is there a way to disable caching on ipad/iphone? I want to run some automated tests for non-cache experience.
I just stumbled across a way to disable cache in Safari on iOS:
Open Settings
Navigate to Safari > Advanced
Enable Web Inspector
Switch back to Safari and load a web page
Open Safari
Navigate to Safari > Preferences > Advanced tab
Enable the Develop menu
In the Develop menu, select Your iOS Device Name > The Page You Want to Debug
Press Command-Shift-R to reload while disabling cache
Bonus: This is a full Web Inspector on your computer inspecting a page on your iOS device
If you want something more permanent, you'll either have to go the proxy route or make a UIWebView/WKWebView wrapper app that disables caching.
I could be wrong, but on iOS does putting Safari in Private Browsing mode disable cache?
There is a way to effectively disable caching on iphone/ipad/IOS.
Install Fiddler on a windows desktop, and allow remote computers to connect:
In IOS, setup a proxy under your wifi connection settings, pointing to to the IP address of the computer you are running fiddler on, and on port 8888 (assuming you haven't changed it from default in fiddler):
By now, fiddler should be intercepting all web requests your device is making.
You can now disable caching from the Rules -> Performance menu in fiddler.
Doesn't seems like possible. On desktop safari, there is a option to disable cache in developer tools, however there isn't one on mobile safari. I didn't find the option in other browsers like opera neither.
If you wanna try, you can overwrite a desktop firefox's user agent string and make it a fake ipad mobile browser, and then disable cache. But that will depends on what you want to test and it could not work at all.
Hope this helps.
In the newest MACOS doesn't work anything to "full reload" content to me. Debug isn't really something pleasure.
After connect desktop Apple Safari with iPhone or iPad - it should work ALT+CMD+R - but not for me.
The newest trick is
and CLICK not touch, to icon "Reaload page"
Maybe help someone.
Thx for inspiration
Using iOS Simulator 9.0 I have been finding that both the Developer - Disable Caches menu item and Cmd-Shift-R reload have both failed to completely bypass the cache for whatever reason. The only thing that worked was to hold shift and press this reload button in the Safari Developer tools: