Ag-grid column definition and `__metadata__` property - metadata

I need to introduce object with my own properties in columnDefs object.
After, I did it, I see in dev console
So, here has been written, that I could mean __metadata__ property. Does this property suit to mine purpose?
I've not found any information in types and docs about this property

ColDef has no custom state property that you could use. Certainly do not touch __metadata__. The name sounds like some internal implementation detail.
You can store your metadata in a separate object, for example using colId as a key:
columnDefs: ColDef[] = [
colId: 'id',
field: 'id'
colId: 'name',
field: 'name'
columnMetadata: {
id: 'something custom',
name: 'custom data'
private getColumnMetadata(column: Column) {
return this.columnMetadata[column.getColId()];


Proper custom component with complex data in it

I have following interface:
export interface Product {
name: string;
provider: {
name: string;
logo: string;
pricePerUnit: {
quantity: number;
currency: string;
And my rowData looks like this:
rowData = [
name: 'Fish',
provider: {
name: 'Amazon',
logo: 'url to amazon logo',
pricePerUnit: {
quantity: 5,
currency: 'USD',
So, as you can see i have at least 2 complex object here, and by design I should display provider as img + name and price as quantity + currency symbol.
I`m using custom angular components for that with styling.
Actual problem
In order to provide these object to my custom components, I set field property in colDefs as follow (example for price):
headerName: 'Price',
field: 'pricePerUnit',
cellRenderer: PriceCellRendererComponent,
And here is the catch, because I specified in field property complex object, I no longer able to visualize data using integrated charts, because for them to work I should specify in my field propery path to number itself, like so:
field: 'pricePerUnit.quantity',
But now I`ve broke my custom component because params.value now holds just a number and not my complex object. Same goes to provider.
And it`s also broke grouping, sorting, filtering.
html template for one of my custom component (provider) looks like so:
<div class="wrapper provider">
<tui-avatar [avatarUrl]="params.value.logo" class="provider__logo"></tui-avatar>
<div class="provider__name">{{}}</div>
So the question is:
How to properly setup custom components, so they would work in grouping, sorting, filtering and also integrated charts would use just simple primitive like number to correctly display data?

Using complex object for grouping in Ag Grid

I am trying to use a complex object to group my ag grid rows. Object of my rowdata looks like this -
const rowData= {
id : '123',
name: 'dummy',
category: 'A',
group : {
name : 'dummyGroup',
id : '456',
category: 'A'
Now, I am using group object to group the rows. And according to this documentation I am using keyCreator as keyCreator: params => . My group object is uniquely identified by combination of id and catogory.
The problem that I am facing is, as I am using in the keyCreator, if I have two row data object whose group.names are same but id and category are different, ag grid is grouping those rows together. I understand that this is the behavior from ag grid. So can I get any workaround for it? I need to show name on group row. But to identify the groups differently I need to use id+catogory in keyCreator. How can I achieve this ?
You need to utilise the groupRowInnerRenderer property so you can group by a combination of the id and category fields, while displaying the name as the group.
const gridOptions = {
groupDisplayType: 'groupRows',
groupRowInnerRenderer: function (params) {
return params.node.childrenAfterFilter[0];
columnDefs: [
{ field: 'id' },
{ field: 'name' },
{ field: 'category' },
field: 'group',
valueFormatter: groupValueFormatter,
rowGroup: true,
keyCreator: function (params) {
return + params.value.category;

pg-promise ColumnSet with nested object prop?

What is the proper syntax for a object child as a column prop?
const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet([
name: 'uid',
prop: 'id'
}, {
name: 'created_at'
prop: 'member.created_at // <-- error
Cant seem to get this to work.
While the regular pg-promise query formatting (using Named Parameters) supports nested properties, specifically helpers do not, due to certain templates-related complexity.
However, it is not necessary, because ColumnSet syntax for columns is very flexible (see type Column), and supports dynamic property resolution.
Simply update the column to use init, to get the value dynamically:
name: 'created_at',
init: c => c.source.member.created_at
For the field, we go to the source object, as per documentation, and take what we need.
Alternative syntax:
name: 'created_at',
init(c) {
// with this syntax, this = c.source
return this.member.created_at;

sequelize find parent table from child

I would like to find the parent table information of an object.
I have User hasMany Book
where Book has writer and assigned to user id.
Book has type, which is like fantasy, romance, history, scientific fiction... etc
So I want to find out the Book with type Scientific Fiction but not only for that, I also want the writer, which is User.
How can I find the book with its writer where where condition is given for books only? It seems like 'include' in Book.findAll( include: User) is not working; this tells me that include is only working for finding child tables not parent.
Here are some code for user
const User = sequelize.define('User', {
id: { type: DataTypes.STRING(6), field: 'ID', primaryKey : true }
associate: function(models) {
User.hasMany(models.Book, { foreignKey: 'userId' });
and book
const Book = sequelize.define('Book', {
id: { type: DataTypes.STRING(6), field: 'ID', primaryKey: true }, // primary key
userId: { type: DataTypes.STRING(6), field: 'USER_ID', primaryKey: true }
type: { type: DataTypes.STRING(20), field: 'TYPE'
Book has some more child table and I try to find those additional information in includes, so I guess I really need to find from Book.findAll(...)
Instead of User.findAll(include: Book).
Can anyone help?
I think I was making a mistake.
As soon as I changed
userId: { type: DataTypes.STRING(6), field: 'USER_ID', primaryKey: true }
userId: { type: DataTypes.STRING(6), field: 'USER_ID' }
include is working for belongsTo; and it finds the parent from child.
It seems like Sequelize has some problem with relation if there is more than one primary key declared in model...
If anyone does think this solves your problem, please share in reply so I can be more sure about it.

How to avoid duplicated selection model specification in ExtJS grids?

We have recently switched from ExtJS 3.2 to 3.4 and found that grids with check box selection model stop working. It turns out that such configuration is not allowed any more:
var gridConfig = {
xtype: 'grid',
store: myStore,
new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel(),
id: 'Name',
header: 'Inland Carrier',
dataIndex: 'Name'
sm: new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({
checkOnly: true
Instead selection model object must be created once and then passed both to column collection and sm property.
The problem now is that we have a very long configuration object with multitude of grids. Previously selection model was specified locally as per the sample above. But now we have to allot a variable for each selection model object, invent unique name for it, and keep these variables far away from the place where they are used. It's extremely inconvenient.
Is it possible somehow to specify selection model in one place? Or maybe to create it in one property initializer and reference this object in the second place?
you can add sm to cm after initialization of grid.
var gridConfig = {
xtype: 'grid',
store: myStore,
id: 'Name',
header: 'Inland Carrier',
dataIndex: 'Name'
sm: new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({
checkOnly: true
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel( gridConfig );
grid.getColumnModel().config.unshift( grid.getSelectionModel() );