How can i crop a specific area of image using python - python-imaging-library

I wanted to crop a specific area of images, the images uploaded are of different dimensions but all have these areas so i want a python script that can crop actually that part and make a new image.
I am uploading the original pics too and the pics after cropping too, the output I want to achieve actually.
First original image
First cropped image
Sceond Original Image
Second cropped Image


Create Mosaic on image

In image app i have to blur the selected areas of image. Something like create mosaic at selected area of image. i have to get each pixel color of selected area and then increase the size of each pixel. here is the reference link that i am using . But not able to implement this practically for selected area. Can any one have some sample for the same.
There are two solutions for this
1. Get the screen shot of the area where you want the mosaic effect and apply effect to the same portion. Then add the image(with mosaic effect) to the original image.
2.Get the pixel of the area you want to be effected and then gave effect to those pixels.*

Resize and Crop an image using a single convert() action

I'm currently looking to try and create a simple image uploader application which allows a user to load a picture from their desktop, select a crop area (using jcrop) in a specific aspect ratio, and then have crop to the defined dimensions and resize down appropriately.
The users will be uploading a picture of unknown dimensions, selecting an area that is in 10:13 ratio (width x height) and then filepicker needs to crop their image before resizing it to 100x130px.
Currently I have to perform 2 separate convert actions to crop and resize the image, which takes additional time and seems less efficient than it could be. Is there any way to combine crop and resize into a single action?
To get an idea of what I'm after, I would like this command to return an image 100x130 cropped to my ideal size:
You can see a note on their documentation about the topic:
Crop and Resize: we strongly recommend against combining a resize (specifying width or height) with the crop functionality, as it has indeterminant effects depending on whether the crop is applied before or after the image is resized.
It is possible and easy to do with Uploadcare
Here is an example:
Original image:
Cropped and resized image, in one operation:,70/-/resize/200x150/Resized_CDN.png

Image getting stretched when creating MBTiles using TileMills to use as an Image on Whirly Globe Framework

I am struck with issue .
I want to use My personal Image as an image on whirly globe.I used a Jpeg file and changed into .tiff file and added to Tile Mills as a Layer (Following the rules specified in the crash course of tile mills).Now i am facing an issue while exporting the image as MbTiles .
I looked into this Link for taking reference on what should be 'Dimensions' of the image to be used on whirly globe.
Right now i have an image whose dimensions are 10184X7638. But this image is not able to wrap the complete Whirly Globe.
Please guide me on
what the dimensions should be there of the image to be used for whirly globe.
can i use this values while creating a frame for the image as the image gets strected when is added to the globe .Image1
This is the Image i am talking about it has a dimensions of 10184 X 7638 pixels and when i select these bounds as specified Image1 (-180,-85.11,180,85).then i get this Image2
. Here you can see the image is not able to cover the complete bounds and hence the globe also is not fully wrapped with this image.
The image is less about dimensions and more about mapping it to geographic coordinates so that it can completely cover the globe. You need to make sure the image takes up your whole TileMill map if you want it to completely cover the globe in WhirlyGlobe.

upload and preview as repeated background image

I am searching for a tool on web but didnt got any success their at all. I want to have something like upload and preview the image as background as repeated one or any other alternative...
I have this sample:
How can I preview and cut the image as a perfect background image as repeated one. Is it possible in Photoshop or in some similiar products?
The trick i have recovered is crop a part of the image in a big canvas of Photoshop and then making the deuplicate copies of the layers...
If the image seems like irregular it means the cropped image is wrong so you have to change with a other or larger part of the image...
If it is regular and doesn't cut at the side onto the edge, it means image is perfect making background repeated...

iphone reduce large image loading time

Anybody know how to load the large image to become a blur image first and then only slowly load the full size of image. This will at least let the user to preview the image first other than waiting for a few second to load the full size image.
You have to prepare two images, one is for blur image, and one is for the full size of image. As for the JPEG image with EXIF, it contains a thumbnail image inside. So the digital camera will show the thumbnail images when browsing.
Somehow I remember in Image processing class, professor told us that when browsing the web, the server would send your browser a blur image A, and another image B, after you getting both, your computer will be doing image computation on A&B to produce an intermediate image C and do computation on A&C produce another image...this procedure goes on for a couple times to get the original image. That's why you are seeing blurred image at the first place. This procedure theoretically reduce image size linearly.