Flutter incoming video/audio call notification using Agora - flutter

I have been working on an application and I need to implement in app audio and video calling in my app which I have done using Agora.io but the issue is I have to display incoming call notification does not matter if app is in foreground or in background. I have tried many things but still I am unable to configure that out. I am using agora_rtc_engine package for making calls.
Any help would be appreciated.
The code I am working with currently:
Call Methods
class CallMethods {
final callRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('Calls');
Stream<DocumentSnapshot> callstream({#required String id}) =>
Future<bool> makeCall({#required Call call}) async {
try {
log('Making call');
call.hasdialed = true;
Map<String, dynamic> hasDialedMap = call.toMap(call);
call.hasdialed = false;
Map<String, dynamic> hasNotDialedMap = call.toMap(call);
await callRef.doc(call.senderid).set(hasDialedMap);
await callRef.doc(call.receiverid).set(hasNotDialedMap);
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
Future<bool> endCall({#required Call call}) async {
try {
log('ending call');
await callRef.doc(call.senderid).delete();
await callRef.doc(call.receiverid).delete();
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
Call Utils: Which is used to make calls
class CallUtils {
static final CallMethods callmethods = CallMethods();
static dial(
BuildContext context, {
#required User from,
#required var to,
}) async {
Call call = Call(
senderid: from.id,
// senderpic: from.avatar.url,
callername: from.name,
receiverid: to.id,
// receiverpic: to.avatar.url,
receivername: to.name,
channelid: Random().nextInt(999999).toString(),
bool callmade = await callmethods.makeCall(call: call);
call.hasdialed = true;
if (callmade) {
builder: (context) => VideoCallScreen(call: call),
After that I have a pickup layout which is used to wrap all the screens to display incoming call notification.
Pickup Call Layout:
(user.value.id != null)
? StreamBuilder<DocumentSnapshot>(
stream: callmethods.callstream(id: user.value.id),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData && snapshot.data.data() != null) {
Call call = Call.fromMap(snapshot.data.data());
if (!call.hasdialed) {
return PickupScreen(call: call);
} else {
return widget.scaffold;
} else {
return widget.scaffold;
: widget.scaffold,

It can be done via firebase push notifications & backend API service.
Sender side:
As soon as a call is made, you would post your backend api service with caller and receiver id, and your backend service is further responsible to send a push notification with a payload to the receiver.
Receiver side:
When receiver gets a push notification, you can configure it to open your app automatically and show a screen with all the payload information. Maybe you can show him a screen with accept and decline button and if he accepts, you can connect him to Agora.
Check this for payload configuration.


Flutter_Bloc 8 and Firebase Verify Email -- Clear Prior State?

I am trying to utilize FirebaseAuth's verify email functionality in my Flutter app. I'm using Flutter_BLoC 8. The code works, but when I verify the email address by clicking the link in the generated email, the prior state is apparently still buffered in my app and I need to click TWICE on the 'Continue' button to proceed to the Home Screen.
Here's my code:
onPressed: () async {
context.read<EmailVerificationBloc>().add(const IsEmailVerified());
final isVerified = context.read<EmailVerificationBloc>().state;
if (isVerified == const EmailVerificationState.verified()) {
context.router.replace(const HomeRoute());
} else {
showErrorFlash(context, 'Email Is Not Verified');
child: const Center(
child: Text('Continue'),
Here's the BLoC event:
Future<void> _onIsEmailVerified(IsEmailVerified event, Emitter emit) async {
final successOrFailure = await _authRepository.isUserEmailVerified();
(failure) {
(success) {
if (success) emit(const EmailVerificationState.verified());
And lastly, here's the repository method that's being called:
Future<Either<AuthFailure, bool>> isUserEmailVerified() async {
try {
await _currentUser!.reload(); // We will only call on authenticated users, so we don't expect null
return right(_currentUser!.emailVerified);
} on FirebaseAuthException catch (e) {
final error = e.code;
switch (error) {
case 'network-request-failed':
return left(const AuthFailure.noNetworkConnection());
return left(const AuthFailure.unexpectedError());
} on PlatformException {
return left(const AuthFailure.unexpectedError());
Any ideas on how I can, for lack of a better term, flush the prior state? I'm sort of new to Flutter and BLoC, so I'm hopeful it's a relatively easy thing I'm just overlooking.
Thanks in advance.

Use StreamSubscription as Future in Dart/Flutter

I want to connect my Flutter app to bluetooth device with flutter_blue library, and return a result (anything) when the connection is ON. But I don't understand how to do.
Here my code :
Future connect(BluetoothDevice device) async {
_btDevice = device;
StreamSubscription<BluetoothDeviceState> subscription;
subscription = device.state.listen((event) async {
if (event != BluetoothDeviceState.connected) {
await device.connect();
} else {
await device.discoverServices().then((value) => _initFeatures(value));
..onDone(() {
// Cascade
And when I call this function with
await newDevice.connect(bluetoothDevice).then((value) => print('OK'));
OK is written before the real connection. _initFeatures if well call when the device is connected.
I try to use asFuture from StreamSubscription with onDone, but that change nothing.
Could you help me please ?
UPDATE 12/10
I've worked on another project for few monthes, and when I come back, I can't solve the problem, so I add the full code.
The concept is a class widget calls the connect future in other class and need to receipt the end of work.
Future<void> _connectDevice() async {
try {
widget.device.connect(widget.btDevice!).then((value) => _initValue());
} catch (e) {
_initValue() is a method to create the rest of the screen
and the Future connect()
Future connect(BluetoothDevice device) async {
_btDevice = device;
StreamSubscription<BluetoothDeviceState> subscription;
subscription = device.state.listen((event) async {
if (event != BluetoothDeviceState.connected) {
await device.connect();
} else {
await device
.then((value) => _initFeatures(value))
.then((value) => print("OK"));
await subscription.asFuture();
await subscription.cancel();
What I'd like is the Future finishes when print("OK") is called, in order .then((value) => _initValue()); is called.
The problem is only this end. Maybe it's not the good way to implement this kind of solution.

When I am using the provider package in Flutter to load data from an API into a list it repeatedly calls the API, how do I fix it?

I am trying to lode data from an api call that retrieves a map, I am able to get the map from the api to display how I want it to, however it repeatedly calls the api meaning the list keeps on refreshing. Even though I have tried setting the listener to false, it works but I have to manually refresh the app for it to work?
Additional Info: Assigning and Retrieving Data
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
class Stores with ChangeNotifier {
var s_length;
Future<List<Store>> getStores(String storeCatName) async {
final queryParameters = {
"store_category_name": storeCatName,
try {
//TODO this is the issue - must fix.
final uri = Uri.http("url", 'url', queryParameters);
final response = await http.get(uri);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
final List<Store> stores = storeFromJson(response.body);
_stores = stores;
print("lenght: ${_stores.length}");
Store store;
for(store in _stores) {
store.products = Products().products(store.storeId);
//check if this is correct
//return stores;
} else {
return List<Store>();
} catch (e) {
return List<Store>();
List<Store> get favoriteItems {
//return _stores.where((storeItem) => storeItem.isFavorite).toList();
bool isNotFull(){
if (_stores.isEmpty){
return true;
} else {
return false;
int get numberOfStores{
return s_length;
List<Store> _stores = [];
List<Store> stores (String storeCatName){
//print("cpp; + $s_length");
return _stores;
final storesProvider = Provider.of<Stores>(
context, listen: false
final providerStoreList = storesProvider.stores(category.storeCategoryName);
Additional Info: Builder for List:
child: ListView.builder(
itemCount: providerStoreList.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) => ChangeNotifierProvider.value(
value: providerStoreList[index],
child: StoreItem(),
If any additional information is required just let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
listen: false;
var ourClient = Provider.of<CartBlock>(context, listen: false);
Setting the listener to false means that your widget won't build again when notifyListeners() is called.
So, that might not be the issue.
The only reason I can think of is calling the API again from the build method,
which might happen if you are using a ListView builder.
So, every time you might be scrolling the ListView your API would call again.

Flutter Session stores data but can't make decisions based off it

I'm using FlutterSession to store phone number/email (based on user's choice) as a method of logging into the app. The session works fine in case of email but when I store and retrieve phone number, it shows me the snapshot has no data.
This is the method where I'm setting the session value for the phone number:
void phoneSignIn() async {
if (phoneNumber == null || phoneNumber.length < 10) {
print('Please enter a valid phone number!');
else {
await fillers.session.set("phoneNum", phoneNumber);
print('Phone number is: '+ phoneNumber);
setState(() {
phoneSignedIn = true;
var sessionCheck = await fillers.session.get("phoneNum");
print("Session value: $sessionCheck");
Navigator.pushReplacement(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => OnboardOne()));
In the above code, I've made sure using print statements that the session is storing phone number value and also that the phoneSignedIn bool is set to true.
This is the method where I'm setting session value for email:
void signIn() async {
response = await Dio().post(url,
data: {
"email": emailVal,
"password": passwordVal
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
await fillers.session.set('email', emailVal);
await fillers.session.set('password', passwordVal);
print('Sign In successful!');
print('Email: $emailVal');
print('Password: $passwordVal');
Navigator.pushReplacement(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => OnboardOne()));
print('Exited with statuscode ${response.statusCode}');
print('Email: $emailVal');
print('Password: $passwordVal');
This is my firstpage where I decide on which page to go based on whether the user has logged in or not:
class _FirstPageState extends State<FirstPage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Material(
child: FutureBuilder(
future: phoneSignedIn ? session.get("phoneNum") : session.get('email'),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
return snapshot.hasData ? Dashboard() : SignUpIn();
As you can see, I've done nothing different in the email sign in (except using a backend api to auth the email). Ultimately, I'm using the same technique to store both the email and phone number. But when I've signed in using phone number and then reopen the app, the app goes to the SignUpIn() page, when it should actually go to the Dashboard() page.
Also, on the dashboard, there's a button "Sign Out", on pressing which, the session values are cleared.
What am I doing wrong?

How to synchronize a call from the asynchronous function in dart

I am working on my first app in Flutter, I have a bit of experience with Java and js, but I never worked with flutter before so sorry if my question will seem ridiculous to you.
The app is the voice assistant chatbot, and it is supposed to perform text to speech on each new message that customer receives, my problem is that since I am using firebase messaging all of the requests that I receive are in the asynchronous call, but I need to synchronize the access to the text to speech service otherwise I run into problem of having one text interrupt another.
This is what my code looks like at the moment:
Firebase messaging:
onMessage: (Map<String, dynamic> message) {
return this.handleBotMessage(appState, message);
Method that desides how to handle each particular message:
Future handleBotMessage(
Store<AppState> store,
Map<String, dynamic> dataJson,
) {
#logic that convert the message into json and extracts the message type
if (type == MessageType.CHAT_MESSAGE) {
return handleChatMessage(store, subtype, messageMap);
The method that handles text messages:
Future<dynamic> handleChatMessage(
Store<AppState> store,
MessageSubtype subtype,
Map<String, dynamic> message,
) {
#Text to speach is build as a singleton and this always returns the same instance
TextToSpeech tts = TextToSpeech();
if (subtype == MessageSubtype.TEXT) {
TextMessage textMessage = TextMessage.fromJson(message);
return tts
.then((result) => store.dispatch(NewBotMessageAction(textMessage)));
} else if (subtype == MessageSubtype.QUICK_REPLY) {
QuickReplyMessage qrMessage = QuickReplyMessage.fromJson(message);
return tts
.then((result) => store.dispatch(NewQrOptionsAction(qrMessage)));
} else {
throw new Exception('Unexpected message subtype!');
The method that actually performs the text to speech
Future<dynamic> speak(String text) async {
return flutterTts.speak(text).then((resp) {
ttsRunning = false;
return resp;
}, onError: (obj, st) {
ttsRunning = false;
Text to speech initialization
Future init() async {
await flutterTts.setLanguage("en-US");
var res = await flutterTts.isLanguageAvailable("en-US");
return res;
Ok, I have found the solution, the issue was as frank06 pointed out with the fact that flutter tts completes the future immediately rather than after the whole phrase was spoken.
So here is my solution, it is not perfect, but it works:
Completer completer;
Future<dynamic> speak(String text) {
print('Started speeking');
print(new DateTime.now().toIso8601String());
if (TextToSpeech.lastRequest == null) {
lastRequest = _executeSpeech(text);
} else {
lastRequest = lastRequest.then((resp) {
return _executeSpeech(text);
return lastRequest;
Future<dynamic> _executeSpeech(String text) {
completer = Completer();
flutterTts.speak(text).then((resp) {
ttsRunning = false;
return resp;
}, onError: (obj, st) {
ttsRunning = false;
return completer.future;
flutterTts.setCompletionHandler(() {
print('Finished speeking');
print(new DateTime.now().toIso8601String());
ttsState = TtsState.stopped;
flutterTts.setErrorHandler((msg) {
ttsState = TtsState.stopped;
If you don't want new messages interrupting those being spoken, you can queue them up. This way the new messages will wait for the current message to finish. Check out this approach:
Queue of Future in dart