Is it possible for Keycloak user id across different realms to be duplicate? - keycloak

If we gather all users from all different realms of one Keycloak instance, is it possible for user id to be duplicate?
The screenshot of user ids I mentioned:

It is possible to have a duplicate but extremely unlikely!
Keycloak uses UUIDs. Check “Random UUID probability of duplicates” section from this Wikipedia article for details.


How can I set Keycloak user id as static?

I am using Keycloak for authentication.
I used the user id in the access token as a user identity and stored it in some tables when users did some actions. I have some counters relying on user-id.
But recently, I found that the Keycloak user id is dynamic and it is changed after some time(I am not sure how long a user-id is kept) that making my counters counted improperly.
So I wonder is there a way that we set the user id static? And how can I get the user email from the user-id that had been changed in the past?
I am really appreciated your help and suggestions. Thank you so much.
I am not 100 % sure about:
But recently, I found that the Keycloak user id is dynamic and it is
changed after some time( I am not sure how long a user-id is kept)
that making my counters counted improperly.
You can use the claim sub in combination with a public subject identifier types. Have a look a this answer for a more detailed explanation.
Answer: it was my mistake. I used two accounts with the same username and different email IDs. When I ran the query with username filter, it returned 2 user id. That's why I think the user id generated by Keycloak is dynamic.
Confirm again: the user-id is fixed.

Multitenancy with KeyCloak

We have a system that utilizes different tenants, where users can be part of one or multiple tenants. You can imagine it as one application, where users can switch between the tenants and see assets related to the selected tenantId.
Our exernal KeyCloak adviser proposes to use one realm und reflect different tenants as clients in KeyCloak.
I´ve read on different sources, that it is not adviced to use multi tenancy with one realm, though i am not 100% sure if it applies for our usecase.
Additionaly we will need to have different groups on the same user, depending on the tenantId.
For example a user could have Group A and B on tenant 1 but only Group B on tenant 2. This doesnt seem to be possible out of box with KeyCloak.
Which general approach would you suggest?

Keycloak. Storage SPI with external database

We already have DB with users.
We have to migrate all records to Keycloak DB or we can just implement Storage SPI ?
We don't want to migrate records, because we should also support old DB, it brings problems because we will need synchronize 2 DB.
Can you please write what could be the problems in this approach and write your advices for resolve theirs ?
Moving to a system such as Keycloak will require an architectural design on how to manage user fields. Some user fields will need migrating to an identity database managed by Keycloak. Applications can then receive updates to these fields within tokens.
Keycloak will expect to have its own user account storage, and this is where each user's subject claim will originate from. If a new user signs up, the user will be created here before being created in your business data.
Keycloak user data will include fields such as name and email if they are sent in forgot password workflows. You can keep most other user fields in your business data if you prefer.
So to summarize, a migration will be needed, but you don't have to migrate all user fields.
This may include other user fields that you want to keep where they are, but also include in access tokens and use for authorization in APIs. Examples are values like roles, permissions, tenant ID, partner ID, supscription level.
My recent blog post walks through some examples and suggests a way to think through your end-to-end flows. There are a couple of different user data scenarios mentioned there.
It is worth doing a day or two of sketching out how you want your system to work. In particular how your APIs will authorize requests, and how you will manage both existing and new users. This avoids the potential for finding expensive problems later.

With SSO (like for example Keycloak), how does one handle/synchronise users in own databases?

Consider the following scenario: you have a SSO service (let's say Keycloak), and X applications, that have their own databases, where somewhere in each database, you're referencing a user_id. How to handle this? How to satisfy the foreign constrain problem? Should one synchronise Keycloak, and the applications? How? What are some best practices? What are some experiences?
I've been using Keycloak for several years, and in my experience there are several scenarios regarding synchronizing user data between Keycloak
and your application's database :
Your application is the owner of the user data.
Keycloak is only used for authentication/authorization purposes. In this scenario, your application creates/updates a keycloak user using the admin rest API when needed.
Keycloak is the owner of the user data and you don't need more info than the userid in your database.
In this scenario everything regarding users could be managed by Keycloak (registration, user account parameters, even resource sharing using the authorization services).
Users would be referenced by userid in the database when needed.
NB: You can easily add custom data to the user in Keycloak using the user attributes but one interesting possibility is to extend the user model directly using this :
Keycloak is the owner of the user data and you need more than just the user id (email, firstname, etc)
If performance is not an issue, you could retrieve user info via the Admin Rest API when needed.
If performance is an issue you'll need a copy of Keycloak's user data in your app's database, and you would want that copy to be updated on every user changes.
To do that you could implement callbacks in keycloak (using SPIs:, that will notify your application when an user is created/updated.
NB : You could also use a Change Data Capture tools (like Debezium: to synchronize Keycloak's database with yours.
There's pros and cons to each scenario, you'll have to choose the one which better suits your needs :)

Extend user access token in Keycloak with external data

We use the Keycloak service as SSO solution and provide the resulting JWT to different microservices and that works very well.
But now we have the problem that the JWT must be extended with data from an external resource when the user tries to login.
More tangible, a user has access to different markets with an unique ID as identifier, but we didn't see the management which user have access to which market inside the Keycloak service.
What could be the best solution for this problem?
After reading the docs an custom User Storage SPI is an answer, but I think that is a little bit to much..
As information we use Keycloak 3.1.0 as a standalone service with an postgres DB
The way you add extra data/information to your keycloak JWT token payloads, comes by means of adding "client-scopes" configured with the proper protocol mappers within them, that allows you to add any amount of custom extra information to your Id-token and access-token.
One example of this, would be having extra variables in your users, and then in the protocol mappers within the (newly-created) "client-scope", you can add a protocol-mappers of type "User-Attribute", so that your specific user variable will appear in your token the way you configured on your "protocol-mapper". There are many types of "protocol mappers" that'll allow you to map diverse type information to your tokens (is not just for mapping user variables).
This was addressed on this question before:
Keycloak User Storage SPI Implementation
I'm copying here the part which is relevant to you:
Origianl question was:
[How to]"Retrieve some attributes from external datasource, map it to keycloak's id and access token. Need to retrieve users unique id and add it as subject id in the jwt. That's the id, rest of the services can use to retrieve the id, when this token is passed to other services."
For this, the best you can do is:
Add those user's unique data as users attributes (see them on the Admin console)
Create a "Client scope" on Keycloak, with a corresponding mapper of type "user property" to map each of those values you'd like to add (from your user data) to your Id-token and access-token. You also need to tie your client with your just created "client scope". This may sound a little bit confusing, but this video is great material and I bilieve it'll help you alot: (arround min 6:30 you'll see how to add extra user info to your tokens)