I have a GitHub blog page. Somewhere in the middle of the blog page, I have an image which is shown with the following Markdown content.

This works fine to display the image, but I also want to add a paragraph (wrapped to the right of the image) where I describe the image. How do I do this?
You can simply use <img> HTML tag with the align attribute in the Markdown content.
So instead of doing:

Write it as:
<img align="left" src="pathto/myimage.png" alt="My Image">
Align the image to the left, if you want the text to be on the right. If you want the text on the left, align the image to the right.
Markdown Text
Markdown Preview
I got a PR with some description and because it's really easy, I just drag & drop my image in that description but sometimes I forget to add the width.
Is it there a way to format that markdown file so that each attachment in it will have by default a width of 200 for example?
I want to write text on the right side of an image in GitHub .md file. I mean image should be displayed on the left side of the text (text including heading, list, para and links). I know I can do it using HTML or CSS using flex or so but is it possible to do it using GitHub markdown? And is it also possible for the text to be vertically aligned with respect to image size?
Markdown doesn't provide a set of rules or syntax for how the text is to be displayed, other than allowing HTML elements with CSS. That's because Markdown, like HTML, is a markup language, and presentation is supposed to be done outside of it at a separate level (usually CSS).
However, for a variety of reasons, including security, aesthetics, and accessibility, GitHub strips out all CSS when it's rendering HTML from a README or other text document, so there isn't a way to do what you want.
Unfortunately the accepted answer is wrong. It is possible.
<img align="left" width="200" src="https://www.rd.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/25_Hilarious-Photos-that-Will-Get-You-Through-the-Week_280228817_Doty911.jpg" />
# Headline
Some text
Rendered result on Github:
For the sake of completeness:
See also this answer: GitHub Pages: How can I wrap text around an image?
I am creating a webpage that lists the employees of a company. Every employee is supposed to get its own box with text on the left and a picture of them on the right. In order to do so I have used a 'Text & Images' content element for each employee.
However, the options for image alignment do not allow me to place the image to the right of the text using text wrap (all options are no-wrap options). What would be the best way to ensure the pictures do end up to the right of the text?
This is an example of a picture that is right aligned with wrap.
Additionally I would also like the style the border of each 'Text & Images' content element. How would I go about this?
When using the "Text and Images" content element, you have the following options about the position of the images and text:
Above, center
Above, left
Above, right
Below, center
Below, left
Below, right
In text, right
In text, left
Beside text, right
Beside text, left
both "In text, right" and "In text, left" wrap the image with text, as on the following example picture:
If you have less options, there is some TSConfig that is limiting the number of options; that could be something like
TCEFORM.tt_content.imageorient.removeItems = 17,18
About the CSS, you have several ways to include yours; for example you can add your own file using page.includeCSS as documented here or you can overwrite the TypoScript included by the Fluid Styled Content with your own (see plugin.tx_frontend._CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE ) on the Template Analyzer.
To include the default CSS, you have to include the Static TypoScript Fluid Content Elements CSS (optional) (fluid_styled_content) in your template, like on this picture:
Also, I would use an inspector to be sure that the CSS has not been accidentally overridden.
Is it possible to make a carousel with text?? like this http://amazingcarousel.com/
Yeah you got carousel with text but the image there is set as background, I need the images to be set in img
Yeah for sure.
You can place everything in slide. You can define content slide as follows,
<div><!-- Any HTML Content Here --></div>
Reference: Define Slides Html Code
I am using the default settings for the Leaflet (cloudmade) Simple project (https://github.com/perrygeo/leaflet-simple-csv/blob/master/README.md).
I have a 1300 record CSV which displays well, and on-click the attributes display text in popup window.
Two of the fields are URLs to small JPG images. I would like these to display in the popup window. I've tried but to no avail.
Link to project: http://erichsen-group.com/demoland/datademo/projects/
How can I show the images?
Have you tried using <img></img> tags instead of <a href></a>? they are links because they are written as links. Or you can do <img src="mySource"> dont forget to play with the styling of the img tag. The height and width.