How to pass dynamic variable in object while parsing json - flutter

I have been trying to parse a object ,using Foreach ,
it works good when i use : // or discord any.. from the below list.
I want to make the code small using foreach loop but the dyanmic value 'social' is not getting added to the parse statement in if else loop.
My code below:
this.parsedUserInfo = UserInfo.fromJson(jsonDecode(,
['tw', 'discord', 'telegram', 'fb', 'tumblr'].forEach((social) {
if (('' + social != '')) { //if loop is not working properly.
.indexWhere((row) => row.socid == social)]
.connected = true;


Why does this query always return ALL records?

I'm using WCF RIA in a Lightswitch project to create some query results. This query brings back all results regardless. I cannot make it filter the records based on the parameter passed (string Town).
public IQueryable<Enquiries> TestQuery(string Town)
List<Enquiries> riaenqs = new List<Enquiries>();
var enqs = this.Context.ClientEnquiries
.OrderBy(enq => enq.Id);
if (Town != null)
enqs.Where(enq => enq.Client.Town.TownName == Town);
foreach (ClientEnquiry item in enqs.ToList())
Enquiries enq = new Enquiries();
enq.Id = item.Id;
enq.ClientName = item.Client.FirstName + " " + item.Client.Surname;
enq.Town = item.Client.Town != null ? item.Client.Town.TownName : null;
return riaenqs.AsQueryable();
During debugging I can see that the Town is correctly populated and I can see that the query is built accordingly if Town is not null. However, when I hit the foreach statement where the linq to ef query is executed I always get all the results. I just cannot figure out where I'm slipping up.
The LINQ methods like the Where do not modify the collection/expression but always returning a new one.
So you need to reassign the result of the Where to your original variable enqs:
if (Town != null)
enqs = enqs.Where(enq => enq.Client.Town.TownName == Town);

is there any way to use .indexOf to search a javascript array in mirth?

I am trying to find a string in a javascript array in the transformer of a mirth channel. Mirth throws an error when I try to use indexOf function. My understanding is that indexOf is something that browsers add in, rather than a native part of the javascript language itself. ( How do I check if an array includes an object in JavaScript? )
So is array.indexOf just not supported in Mirth? Is there any way to use .indexOf in Mirth? Maybe an alternate syntax? Or do I need to just loop thru the array to search?
This is how I search arrays in a Mirth js transformer:
var Yak = [];
if(Yak.indexOf('test') != -1)
// do something
Does this give you error?
Mirth uses the Rhino engine for Javascript, and on some earlier versions of the JVM, indexOf appeared to not be supported on arrays. Since upgrading our JVM to 1.6.23 (or higher), indexOf has started working. However, we still have legacy code that, when searching arrays of strings, I just use a loop each time:
var compareString = "blah";
var index = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; ++i)
if (myArray[i] == compareString)
index = i;
If you need to do this frequently, you should be able to use a code template to manually add the indexOf function to Array.
Set the code template to global access, and try out something like this (untested code):
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(var compareObject)
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; ++i)
// I don't think this is actually the right way to compare
if (myArray[i] == compareObject)
return i;
return -1;
var arr = ['john',1,'Peter'];
if(arr.indexOf('john') > -1)
//match. what to do?
console.log("not found");//not found .. do something
var i = ['a', 'b', 'c']
if(i.indexOf('a') > -1)
///do this, if it finds something in the array that matches what inside the indexOf()
//do something else if it theres no match in array

Is this a valid way to check if db_row exists?

I am working with Zend and I needed to check whether a row in the DB already exists (A simple solution to get rid of the duplicate key error I was getting). I tried several things but nothing seemed to work... (for example the Zend_Validate_Db_NoRecordExists method)
So I wrote the following the code and I was wondering if this is a valid way to do it, or if I should do things differently:
In the model:
$where = $condition = array(
'user_id = ' . $user_id,
'page_id = ' . $page_id
$check = $this->fetchRow($where);
if(count($check) > 0) {
return null;
// Here I create a new row, fill it with data, save and return it.
And then in my view:
if($this->result != null) { /* do stuff */ }else{ /* do other stuff */ }
It does work but it does seem to take more time (duh, because of the extra query) and I am a bit unsure whether I should stick with this..
Any recommendation is welcome :)
Assuming you have coded your function in your controller
$row = $this->fetchRow($where); //If no row is found then $row is null .
$row = $dbTb->createNew($insert); //$insert an associative array where it keys map cols of table
$this->view->row_not_found = true;
return $row;
In your view you can do this
}else {

Populate select in jqgrid filter toolbar

I've tried to populate a dropdownlist with values from my database. I've got the following code in my .js file:
function getDropdowndata() {
var sHTML;
var filter;
var url = "dropdown.json";
jQuery.getJSON(url, function (dddata) {
if (dddata.rows.length > 0) {
sHTML = "";
for (x = 0; x < dddata.rows.length; x++) {
sHTML += (dddata.rows[x].Type + ":" + dddata.rows[x].Type + ";");
filter = sHTML.substring(0, sHTML.length - 1);
return filter;
And in my Jqgrid list I've got the following:
editoptions: { value: ":All;" + getDropdowndata() }
The problem I've got with this code is that it seems that the function is being executed too early and because of that the dropdownlist contains nothing.
The reason for my assumption is that if I put an alert inside of the javascript function before the return, the dropdownlist is filled with the values and everything seems to work.
Any suggestions?
Instead of getting the data with a custom function using JSON, you might want to try using the built-in functionality for dynamic select fields (see documentation: select edittype ). All you do is specify a url where the code for the select element is generated.
Then you just need to make sure that /path/to/generated/html/select returns all the right HTML code for a select element.

The 'ArrayIndex' LINQ expression node type is not supported by LINQ to Entities - using interface & ReportViewer

a quick question really.
I'm struggling to implement Linq2Entities statement that could take more than one value for a particular "field". I'm passing a number of strings to the getClientsProjected() I can easily compare single value. But I've got on my page multiple dropdown and out of that I get string separated with coma I then later use to split it to string[] e.g. __ACCOUNT_SITE = "1234,5678" (see the code below) I've tried for/foreach/contains none of which worked...
public IQueryable<ClientViewModel> getClientsProjected(string __ACCOUNT_SITE, string __ACCOUNT)
var projectedClients = from c in getClosedSRs()
select new ClientViewModel
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(__ACCOUNT) != true && __ACCOUNT != "ALL")
//this works fine as an __ACCOUNT is of a single value
projectedClients = projectedClients.Where(c => c._ACCOUNT == __ACCOUNT);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(__ACCOUNT_SITE) != true && __ACCOUNT_SITE != "ALL")
String[] splitSites = __ACCOUNT_SITE.Split(',');
return projectedClients;
Now, to most of you this will make complete sense. I've read many articles but did not find a proper answer. I however can't use Linq2SQL as already built my entire site using L2E, interface and ReportViewer.
Any workaround?
If you are trying to filter projectedClients based on the values in splitSites, then use:
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(__ACCOUNT_SITE) != true && __ACCOUNT_SITE != "ALL")
String[] splitSites = __ACCOUNT_SITE.Split(',');
projectedClients = projectedClients.Where(x => splitSites.Contains(x._ACCOUNT);