Scala patternmatching - scala

I have following code for pattern matching in Scala:
response.flatMap(employee =>
employee match {
case e if e.type == Manager => e.headoffice
case e if e.type == Clerk => e.branch
case _ => None
Is this optimum way of doing pattern matching? Can it be made more concise?

You can try matching on type:
response.flatMap(e => e.type match {
case Manager => e.headoffice
case Clerk => e.branch
case _ => None

I personally would do it like this: => e -> e.`type`).flatMap {
case (e, Manager) => e.headoffice
case (e, Clerk) => e.branch
case _ => None


Best functional way of handling conditional flows

I have an Option of String which may be empty too. I have written following code to handle different branches of flow:
input match {
case Some(val) => {
val match {
case "sayHi" => "Hi"
case "sayHello" => "Hello"
case _ => extractFromAnotherInput
None => extractFromAnotherInput
private def extractFromAnotherInput = {
anotherInput match {
case a => ....
case b => ....
Is this a good way of handling code branches in a functional language or it can be done in a better way?
You don't have to nest the matches:
input match {
case Some("sayHi") => "Hi"
case Some("sayHello") => "Hello"
case _ => extractFromAnotherInput
You can also combine this input with "another", and "strip" he option before doing the match:
input.getOrElse(anotherInput) match {
case "sayHi" => "Hi"
case "sayHello" => "Hello"
case a => ...
case b => ...
I would go with Dima's solution. Or if you want to use some method on Option:
case "sayHi" => "Hi"
case "sayHello" => "Hello"
Just because, I would like to propose an alternative to Levi's answer; just to remark this is more of a matter of opinion.
input.filter(_.nonEmpty).fold(ifEmpty = extractAnotherInput) {
case "sayHi" => "Hi"
case "sayHello" => "Hello"
This is a matter of style: I personally dislike pattern-matching on Option, but that's idiosyncratic (I also may be the only Scala programmer who generally dislikes the for notation, but that's neither here nor there).
I'd express that as
input.flatMap { v =>
v match {
case "sayHi" => Some("Hi")
case "sayHello" => Some("Hello")
case _ => None
If overfitting to this example (exploiting the fact that I can uniformly transform sayHi and sayHello)
input.filter(v => v == "sayHi" || v == "sayHello")

Scala method optimization

I'm having a def that is recursively called and I'm using a bunch of cases.
I'm wondering is there is any nice solution to get rid of that cases, without losing the readability of the definition.
def getElements(existent:List[List[String]], proposed: List[List[String]], result: List[(String,List[String])]): List[(String, List[String])]= {
proposed match {
case head :: tail => {
existent.find(element => identicalOfMatch(element, head)) match {
case Some(elem) => getElements(existent.filterNot(e => e == elem), tail, ("Same", elem) :: result)
case None => {
existent.find(element => noneOfMatch(element, head) && canDelete(proposed, element)) match {
case Some(elem) => getElements(existent.filterNot(e => e == elem), head::tail, ("Delete", elem) :: result)
case None => {
existent.find(element => firstOfMatch(element, head)) match {
case Some(elem) => getElements(existent.filterNot(e => e == elem), tail, ("Update", head) :: result)
case None => {
existent.find(element => anyOfMatch(element, head) && firstOfNotPresent(proposed, head.head) && firstOfNotPresent(existent, head.head)) match {
case Some(elem) => getElements(existent.filterNot(e => e == elem), tail, ("Update", head) :: result)
case None => getElements(Nil, Nil, => ("Deleted", element)) ::: => ("Created", element)) ::: result)
case Nil => result
Your method readability would benefit greatly if you could split it into several methods.
Unfortunately, you can't do that if you want your function to be tail-recursive.
But there is a solution which is called trampoline, which would allow you to create an arbitrarily deep chain of function recursive calls which are stack-safe.
Trampolines are implemented in Scala standard library in package scala.util.control.TailCalls. I reimplemented your method to take advantage of it.
First thing I did was removing an accumulator parameter from getElements, we won't need it anymore.
Then I split getElements into three functions. I called nested functions ifNoneMatched and ifNoneMatched2 but you could probably come up with more meaningful names.
Then I wrapped every call to a function which is in the chain into tailcall and every constant into done (in our case Nil). When I needed to append something to list returned from a recursive call I used flatMap from TailRec.
import scala.util.control.TailCalls._
def getElements(existent:List[List[String]], proposed: List[List[String]]): TailRec[List[(String, List[String])]]= {
proposed match {
case head :: tail => {
existent.find(element => identicalOfMatch(element, head)) match {
case Some(elem) => tailcall(getElements(existent.filterNot(e => e == elem), tail).map(("Same", elem) :: _))
case None => tailcall(ifNoneMatched(head, tail, existent, proposed))
case Nil => done(Nil)
def ifNoneMatched(head: List[String], tail: List[List[String]], existent:List[List[String]], proposed: List[List[String]]): TailRec[List[(String, List[String])]] = {
existent.find(element => noneOfMatch(element, head) && canDelete(proposed, element)) match {
case Some(elem) => tailcall(getElements(existent.filterNot(e => e == elem), proposed)).map(("Delete", elem) :: _)
case None => tailcall(ifNoneMatched2(head, tail, existent, proposed))
def ifNoneMatched2(head: List[String], tail: List[List[String]], existent:List[List[String]], proposed: List[List[String]]): TailRec[List[(String, List[String])]] = {
existent.find(element => firstOfMatch(element, head)) match {
case Some(elem) => getElements(existent.filterNot(e => e == elem), tail).map(("Update", head) :: _)
case None => {
existent.find(element => anyOfMatch(element, head) && firstOfNotPresent(proposed, head.head) && firstOfNotPresent(existent, head.head)) match {
case Some(elem) => tailcall(getElements(existent.filterNot(e => e == elem), tail)).map(("Update", head) :: _)
case None => getElements(Nil, Nil).map( => ("Deleted", element)) ::: => ("Created", element)) ::: _)
getElements returns now TailRec[List[(String, List[String])]], but you can unwrap it by just calling result.
Of course, you can nest methods even deeper. Until you wrap your method calls into tailcall your stack is safe.
I didn't reimplement your methods like identicalOfMatch etc. so I couldn't really test if my implementation works. If something breaks please let me know ;)

Scala: How to determine the exception type of a Failure

Look at this code snippet:
userService.insert(user) match {
case Success(f) => Logger.debug("User created successfully")
case Failure(e) => {
// how do I determine the type of `e`?
How do I determine the type of the exception contained by Failure? I need to take different actions depending on the exception type.
case Success(f) =>
case Failure(e: ExceptionType1) =>
case Failure(e: ExceptionType2) =>
case Failure(e) => // other
case Success(f) =>
case Failure(e) => e match {
case e1: ExceptionType1 =>
case e2: ExceptioNType2 =>
case _ =>

Pattern matching a BitSet in Scala

Is there an easy/best way to get a BitSet I can pattern match like a list?
val btst = BitSet(1,2,3,4)
btst match {
case head :: tail => tail
By definition a set is an unordered collection, and pattern matching over such one is error-prone. Convert it to list if you want to... Also, you should not rely on head and tail to always return the same thing.
A BitSet is ordered, but extractorless.
Edit: but not humorless.
object |<| {
def unapply(s: BitSet): Option[(Int, BitSet)] =
if (s.isEmpty) None
else Some((s.head, s.tail))
def flags(b: BitSet) = b match {
case f"5 || 10" => println("Five and dime") // alas, never a literal
case 5 |<| any => println(s"Low bit is 5iver, rest are $any")
case i |<| any => println(s"Low bit is $i, rest are $any")
case _ => println("None")
def dump(b: BitSet) = println(b.toBitMask.mkString(","))
val s = BitSet(5, 7, 11, 17, 19, 65)
// ordinary laborious tests
s match {
case x if x == BitSet(5) => println("Five")
case x if x == BitSet(5,7,11,17,19,65) => println("All")
case x if x(5) => println("Five or more")
case _ => println("None")
// manually matching on the mask is laborious
// and depends on the bit length
s.toBitMask match {
case Array(2L) => println("One")
case Array(657568L) => println("First word's worth")
case Array(657568L, _) => println("All")
case _ => println("None")
// or truncate for special case
s.toBitMask(0) match {
case 2L => println("One")
case 657568L => println("First word's worth")
case _ => println("None")

Combining two match patterns in one

How does one combine (in a nice way) two Scala match'es?
First I have to test if an Option is a valid value:
myOption match {
case Some(op) =>
case None =>
Then if op was valid, I want to test for another pattern:
Path(request.path) match {
case "work" => {
println("--Let's work--")
case "holiday" => {
println("--Let's relax--")
case _ => {
println("--Let's drink--")
I could combine them like this:
myOption match {
case Some(op) =>
Path(request.path) match {
case "work" => {
println("--Let's work--")
case "holiday" => {
println("--Let's relax--")
case _ => {
println("--Let's drink--")
case None =>
But, it feels sloppy. Is there a better way to combine them in some way or another.
Apologies, I should have explained better. I'm actually trying to find out if there is a known pattern for simplifying (or factoring out) these control structures. For example (imagine this was true):
x match {
case a => {
y match {
case c => {}
case d => {}
case b => {}
x -> y match {
case a -> c => {}
case a -> d => {}
case b => {}
I was just wandering if someone has already identified some refactoring patterns for control flow, much like algebra where 2(x + y) = 2x + 2y
You can do
myOption map { success } getOrElse handleTheError
or with scalaz,
myOption.cata(success, handleTheError)
where success is something like
def success(op: Whatever) = {
Path(request.path) match {
case "work" => println("--Let's work--")
case "holiday" => println("--Let's relax--")
case _ => println("--Let's drink--")
Your pseudocode
x -> y match {
case a -> c => {}
case a -> d => {}
case b => {}
can be literally translated to scala as
(x, y) match {
case (a, c) => {}
case (a, d) => {}
case (b, _) => {}
It looks nice (and that's probably what you wanted) if inner matcher have only few options (c and d in this case), but it leads to code duplication (repeating of pattern a). So, in general I'd prefer map {} getOrElse {}, or separation of pattern-matchers on smaller functions. But I repeat, in your case it looks reasonable.
If the scrutinees (the expressions on which you match) do not depend on each other, i.e. you can compute them independently, you could perform both matches at the same time by wrapping the scrutinees in a tuple.
So your example:
x match {
case a => {
y match {
case c => fooC(...)
case d => fooD(...)
case b => fooB(...)
could be rewritten as:
(x,y) match {
case (a, c) => fooC(...)
case (a, d) => fooD(...)
case (b, _) => fooB(...)
} long as y doesn't depend on x.